(2008/10) Oct 2008

did u get my PM? didn't see ur reply wor... anyway, can you transfer the amt to me first for the order of the lilypadz?? thanks thanks!!

R&R mom,
i'm keen!!! Kieran's getting his 2nd jab on 2 Feb, but I suppose, i can do lunch before his jab? or is there any chance of a change in dates?? :p :p

ur boy looks so cute!! big eyes!!

any more mummies wanna get Medela parts?

essanna, the PIS membranes as long as not broken then no need to change. Mine broke twice! Lucky had spare otherwise will die! cos it will affect the strength of the suction
Forest, what spare parts u buying for Medela? Not sure if i buy liao will become white elephant leh..cos learnt frm bad lesson that now i got 4 spare shields not in use!!
im getting an additional set of the spare parts on standby.. esp. the softfit shields.. cos my current one looks abit out of shape le.. since am getting, i tot might as well get the other parts on standby too...

i have the super shields which i dont use anymore, cos' i think the size doesnt suits me.. it doesnt pump out as much milk as the softfit shields..
xinying, only sz 2 available for the NYC HOTS

everafter, what speed are u using on the PIS? I am only using 1 and MIN. My membranes can last quite long. Last time I used it up to 9 months until I stopped bf. As a result quite a few spare membranes.

forest, hmm then I better buy some SOFTFIT as spare. Still waiting for my Supershields to arrive!
essanna - how come your membranes last so long? Mine needs to be changed every 5 wks or so. They become warped. I dun put my pumy in the steriliser, but soak them in liquid w the sterilising tablet. Maybe they become 'prune-like'??

yep my PD did mention its ok to vomit abit of thickened saliva with milk curds. Is Bryan vomitting alot? If he is, you may wanna bring him to the PD just to be safe... send my hugs to Bryan
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies
Good morning mummies!!

CNY Lunch
I'm fine with it. Is it going to be at someone's house?

Sucking phase
My girl is now in this phase. Sigh, and she's cranky cranky cranky. I let her suck my fingers, she didn't like it. She will only suck her hands (rarely), but she loves best my arm! Now my arm is red from her sucking. She will suck while I rock her to sleep.
Good morning mummies,

First day back at work sianz..

woh, so many of you took seafood liaoz. me have not coz my wound still hurts at time, hee..maybe can try during CNY.. miss prawns so much
morning all

my girl is sick - cough &amp; throat infection
sigh... regret giving up bfeeding..

she's 6.35kg and will turn 4mth next Fri. 2nd dose jab might have to postpone after CNY.

mummies, don't give up... must have determine ya!
chris, whitepaper
aiyo... fed up with IFC.
when pick my girl yesterday, realised they havn't feed her cos' they bath her &amp; let her sleep &amp; timing not yet up to feed so i understand.

next thing, when the teacher fed her, asking if want to bring out the balance milk. i realised that the milk bottle contains alot of bubbles &amp; i question the teacher. she say she didn't shake &amp; my girl is playing &amp; blowing bubbles in. and say different environment &amp; different face, so bb don't want drink but playing .. How can that be??!!!

already talk to principal, hope he will get back to me today...
<font color="aa00aa">lili
Last time the IFC gave my son COLD milk when we told the teacher to help us prepare his milk for us to feed him in the car since they have not fed him. We also kicked a big fuss! You can give the IFC a daily schedule like fixed feeding time, bathing time and nap time. They will have to follow the instruction given by parents. </font>
u take care too. hope ur bb will be better as well

its so sad that they do not really take up the responsibility of looking after the well being of the baby as priority.
there's a supervisor incharge of bathing all bbs.. so my girl came in 730am, they bath her 8am
mostly, i see the timing is around 8 - 8.15am and then let her sleep.
Hi ladies,
I'm down with a flu. Can I still breastfeed?

Have trf the funds to you and replied your pm. Thanks.
My boy also look like daddy. It's coz when we are carrying baby, we see hubby. so baby look like hubby. Haha... So next one, i'm gonna be staring at the mirror so baby will look like me.
Haha... ogh, and now that Marcus is out, he has been seeing more of me, i think he beginning to start to look abit like me. Wahahha... i'm crazy. Me and my theories.

HOTS, Sad... hmm... so cfm have 5 orders?

Change CNY to weekend lah. Easier for working mums.

Add me on FB [email protected]
haha.. my bb oso look like daddy...

xinying: has same theory as u.. was telling my hb.. becos i hv been looking at u.. tat's y bb look like u.. next one i will look at myself thru the mirror.. so bb will look like me.. hahahaha
<font color="aa00aa">Both my kids look like daddy wor! Even my kids' PD also said that my hubby's genes is very strong! </font>
ruffles, i also wonder why my membranes last so long. Not sure if I am washing them wrongly? I put my shields, funnels and all into the steriliser. I leave the membranes with the valves to sterilise. And I sterilise all almost after every pump. I pump abt 2 times a day (max 4 times).

Monyetnakal, both my gals look like my hubby lah. carbon copy. pple even says their eyes look like grandma. i can count the number of pple who say my gals look like me on 1 hand. ;p

re: facebook
add me too [email protected]. added all!

xinying, dun have leh. only you PM me. I think ML's choices are too little for us actually!
essanna / Karen - I heard cannot eat oranges during pregnancy coz bb will develop phlegm easily. Guess rhe same theory applies after birth if breastfeeding. I am also not eating oranges now.

everafter - come to think of it, think we bought the medela parts from the same spree! I remember one mum bought a few pairs of the shields. It's ok to hv a few pairs on standby, coz expensive to buy in SG. The softfit goes out of shape easily from sterilising. Hmm... been using the same membrane since I delivered 12 weeks ago. Hv not changed the pair yet, still in ok condition.

forest - What size of the Supershield you bought? I find it comfy but it's quite big lor... the whole aerola get sucked in right? I find the softfit shield painful and not durable, so I tried Supershield. Are you able to lean back when pumping? I still lean forward using it :p

essanna - Ermm.... PIS got speed 1 meh? I looked at mine, only got a lot of dots and then the max speed. I also wanna ask you girls what speed you all been pumping? in case I turned on too strong, hence sore nipples now.....

Re: bb looks like who - my gal looks like hubby
. A lot of pple mistook her for a boy... *faint*... esp when our stroller is blue in colour!

re: CNY lunch - Will join.. any day is ok, coz still on Ml during that period
essanna - Oh, same here. Ladies, must out the membranes with the valves when sterilising... that's what the promoter tsught me... If not, the membranes will warp............No wonder mine last for 12 weeks!
u taking orders for hotslings now? shd i pm u?

re:pis membranes
i hv been using my membranes fof 12w n i smtimes sterilise them as well. i pump at speed 3 or 4
if boy look like daddy ok..
but my gal looks exactly like daddy n worst to top off she not much hair so even dress top to toe in pink everyone still ask if she is boy or gal *sobx*
check with u huh
anyone of u start ur ML from 1st Oct'08? how u calculate ?
i submit my ML from 2nd Oct as 1st Oct is PH mah, nw my HR wanna do reimbursement She said CPF board staff said if like tat must count on 1st Oct onward as my last day is 30th Sep..
like tat i waste 2days of ML (1st Oct &amp; 1st Jan)
i applied ML from 2nd Oct to 31st Dec de ler
honestly, if ur last day of work is 30 sep, it should start from 1 oct and not 2 oct even though u applied for it.

also, all public holidays counted as ML. i think there is no exception for all the companies leh

my bb look like me... but she still looks like a boy though her eyes are v feminine... sigh... just like me when i was young... tomboy
