(2008/10) Oct 2008

dun worry. a little bm is better than nothing. when i went back to work after my ML during my #1, my supply drop to only 20ml. very depressing. try ways to increase supply....but the most i can pump at tat time when at work is only 60ml which is not even half of what my elder one is taking at tat time. so have to mix with FM. n tats when my colleague told me tat even 10ml is better than nothing. n one fo my collegaue has been expressing out only a total of 60ml per day for up to a yr. i really salute her. i stop expressing when my boy is 9mth old as i need to go into lab to do some bench work which means dealing with chemical and tats when i decided to stop as i do not want boy to take in "contaminated" bm.

Jaren is doing fine now. he is drink 70ml now...an increase from a mere 30ml when he just discharge. but he still take alon time to finish up his milk....fast is 15mins and longest is max 1hr...after which i will discard the bm liao cos cant keep too long.

eat all u can now!...i'm super sick of confinement food and i still have 2 more weeks to go...arghzzz.....

Re: sterilising pump
not too sure abt other brand..i'm using avent pump now...n i sterilise all parts le...hmm....the valves, shield, funnel, bottles etc.

when at work, i just wash all parts and dump them in a container and soak with hot water.

little almond
if u intend to latch bb on now then go back work pump, then u must at least prepare ur bb for a switch from breast to bottle feeding. prob a month b4 u go back work?else if u change all of sudden, ur care giver going to have a prob feeding her in case she cant differentiate bottle and breast.

the more frequent u express/latch, ur body will start to get the message tat there is more demand and will start making more milk. the less frequent u do, ur body is going to think tat the supply is just sufficient for ur bb.

me also have slight sore nipple now. going to apply the cream later.

this is Gio's hubby Tim.

Baby Skylar was born at 6:04pm weighing 3.31kg and 50cm long.

Gio lost quite a bit of blood so still in observation for a while in the delivery suite. Baby Skylar is doing great.

Gio or i will upload pics when Skylar is cleaned up :)
Thanks cheezel. I heard that PIS advance is a powerful one so I 'hen hen' buy one. Hoping to be able to bf at least for 6 mths. Must follow ur instruction.

Congratulations Gio! Have a good rest.
<font color="aa00aa">Gio
Rest well! </font>
<font color="0077aa">Baby Skylar has a very good weight, so far she is no 1 among baby girls
wish my girl at least got 3kg during birth </font>
CONGRATULATIONS, Gio!!! Hope you are well now and recovered from the lost of blood. Do take care!

Yah I will also try to BF for at least 6 months. If I'm able to, I'll extend beyond that, since baby will not need that much BM after 6 months (coz got solid food) so I can exclusively pump at work and bring back for him... see how lar
haha.. whitepaper, I calculated... even 6 mths of bf might not make my PIS advance worth it leh :p

I gotta try harder...

Btw, u going for natural birth? Ur edd is next week right?
Rest well and hope u and bb can discharge soon. Take care

I have started using manual pump. BM slight increased, now approx 32 - 35ml. Dont intend to latch bb lei cos i think pump is faster than latch lei.
My bb every night ask for 'nipple', so we gave her pacifier. CL said when latch, bb sure wants to find 'nipple' to suck.

It's ok lar, BM is good for baby so the price of the pump is worth it, if it makes your BFing journey easier!!!

Yes I'm going for natural, and yes, my EDD is next week, but got a feeling that my baby will be late
As you can see, me and Juz Me are one of the earliest EDDs, but we are pushed further and further down the chart as more and more mommies overtake us!!! hahaha!
this is Gio's hubby again.

Gio is feeling better now and moved up to the room. She is eating dinner now :)

PS - thanks for all the well wishes, i have told her and she is very happy :)
<font color="aa00aa">Ribena
There's no guidelines on how much milk a bb should drink cos every bb is different. As long as your bb is drinking and putting on weight, that's the most important! We cannot compare the amount of milk each bb drinks. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Gio
Glad to hear that you are feeling better now!
Do have plenty of rest and recover soon.
Hope to see your bb's photo soon!</font>
whitepaper, any different as ur edd draws nearer?

I'm pretty worried although my edd is end of Oct. My feet is swollen and find it difficult to walk, maybe it is the weight that is pressing on my feet
I'm from May08 thread and am trying to sell off the breastfeeding pillow now tat i longer need it. In fact, i've stopped using it after the 1st 2 weeks. I find it v useful during the initial stage of bf. So if any of you mummies r keen, pls contact me at 97428258. U may check out the pillow at http://www.mybrestfriend.com/fea
<font color="ff6000">Congrats Gio &amp; Tim!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Gio, take care &amp; rest well :D</font>
<font color="ff6000">Forest,</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hey, thanks for being so helpfful &amp; ask lili to recommend her CL to me :D

Actually I have already check with her liao but her CL has another booking so can't take mine

<font color="ff6000">Thanks lili &amp; Forest anyway
congrats Gioanna, Tim and welcome to the world, baby skylar!

almond, i can't figure out which part goes into what right now for my pumps, i'm going to leave the sterilising to wednesday hehe..

whitepaper, nvmd i think the best way through trial and error. we attach the pumps to the bosom and if it drops, that means we have to hold it someway or another.

heheh.. i've seen my friends pump milk and it made me feel a little pervy but it's funny.. the nipple kind of choots in and choots out of the tube part of the funnel and i think i'ld probably feel like one of the dairy farm cows..

mommies, the bottom of my belly is so stretched it hurts. feels really heavy as well. i don't feel like drinking anymore water. did you catch the F1 race, it had such a marvelous twist and probably the only one i really sat through. My husband was telling that the bettings odds of alonso was 50:1, ehheheh..
Gioanna and Tim!!
CONGRATS on the birth of Baby Skylar... and glad to hear that Gioanna has recovered..
we're waiting to see pics of Skylar soon..

so have u found a new CL?

i've also just taken out my PIS from the box.. and read in the booklet to boil all the parts except the motor and bag... so, im presuming all parts can be sterilised.. including the membranes.. :p i think someone here advised me before on what we can sterilise for the PIS, but i've forgotten le!!! *faint* my lousy memory!!!
Congrats Purebliss on the arrival of the twin girls!! ;) They are soo cute!! =)

Congrats Gio and Tim on the arrival of bb Skylar!! ;) Meanwhile rest and eat well!!

Ribenali- Errrmm wat it's all about the opening of cabinets b4 u leave home for delivery?? ;p

everafter- Wat is StrepB test?? ;p Or can anyone enlighten me? ;p

LittleAlmond- I realised we have the same gynae and same EDD!!! Haa..... Wonder who will pop 1st?? ;p U be delivering at Mt A rite?? For me, at TMC... =)
<font color="aa00aa">Jellypurin
Good morning
! How I wish I could sleep a bit longer but need to wake my hubby up to work so have to wake up early!
Have you started your ML?</font>
<font color="ff0000">Finally feel half human again......My hubby and I were always joking that she might choose F1 day to make her appearance and she bloody did.

Started having mild contractions on sat night at 20mins interval but think nothing of it cos it's not painful. Woke up the next morning with more contractions at every 10mins apart, contractions were still not painful but cos it's very on time so call gynae and was told to get to Mount A. Was getting my butt out of the bed and my water bag broke, glad that i wasn't in the office cos water just gushed out everywhere, soaked up my whole bath towel. Anyway, got to the hospital and was already 3cm dilated but i don't feel any pain at all, just feel slight tightening on my tummy during the contractions.

They checked me at 1.30pm again and i was only 4cm dilated so they decided to put me on the drip to hurry things up. Within half an hour, i really felt the real pain. Oh my god, it was so bloody painful. They gave me such high dosage that the contractions was coming every other minute, i have no time to rest or calm down before the next wave of pain hit me again. Towards the end I was literally half groaning into the gas mask. By then i was already 8cm apart, i think the worst part of the labour is from 8cm to 10cm part, where the pain is so intense and u want to pull but cannot yet. Once i get to 10cm, I just need to push really hard for 4 to 5 times and she is out. Am very glad that i didn't go for epidural, only have the Entonox gas.

Btw how do i post pictures of Skylar here? </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Everafter
Oh yes! I was so worried for the last few days esp when Dr Adrian has actually asked me if I want to bring my bb out earlier. Hopefully she will wait for 2 more days cos I want her to be a Oct bb.</font>
Congrats Gio! U can post Skylar's pic using the "upload attachment" option below.

Mousebb, i also want my boy to be oct bb, kept telling him wait for next week. But then again, im scared he might b too big also.
Congrats to our very own F1 bb!!! congrats Gio!!!

everafter.. we are just 2 days away to Oct. :p I think mine chances a OCT bb, cos still dun wan to turn head down... talk scold.. all silly methods done.. still i can feel his feet at my left lower tummy.. the only thing i can say is. SIANZ big time
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">morning mummies</font>

Gio.. u r another brave mum, no epidural
looking forward to see Skylar's photo

2more days only, how is ur preparation?</font>
Breast milk Supply

Breast is a very unique thing... if u mummies wanna have more milk, u hv to stimulate it.. hw to stimulate.. is to create a false image of Demand = Supply. The more u pump/latch = more supply. if u can sit there eery 2 hrs just to pump, the faster the supply will kick in. Always try to have a warm glass of Milo/red dates tea before and after pump.

Each time after latching, always make it a pt to pump the extra frm the breast.. this helps lot to create that "stimulate"

I have BF for 2.5 yrs at least and this really helps if u hv intention to BF very long.

Slowly increase 2hrs interval to 3 then to 4 hrs for working mothers... cos at work, its soo hard to pump, so this increase in interval will help u to pump during Lunch hours.

hope some tips will helpz.

Some CL very anti BF-ing.. so u girls hv to be careful. If they insisting no.. just tell them nicely, that its your wish and hoping they will understand. But if you dun hv enough, dun insist the child to go hungry :p

Breast Milk (BM) will build up with the days go by. Dun hurry and and pressure urself why milk so little etc. When i had my girl, i can only Fully BF her after her full mth. Having a crying newborn already very stress.. dun let it affect ur breastmilk.. cos stress will affect the supply too. :p
<font color="119911">morning all! today i'm due for my next gynea checkup. this wed is my EDD liao. i woke up with some cramping just now. maybe can meet Gioanna in Mt A! haha so see what gynea says. X-fingers baby doing well, no nid to induce

lili>> no problem, juz PM me if nid ya? think once baby used to bottle, may be hard to latch, coz i read the sucking is different. no harm trying anything but do what's more comfortable for you ya? jia you!

whitepaper>> i'm guessing is ok to on then place in position ba? unless every time ask someone to help us tuen on

littlealmond>> i think is best to sterilise just before use ba? sterilise too early may need to sterilise again next day? i still hoping to latch direct haha so optimistic hor? so havent sterlise my bottles nor pump leh. din even buy formula. if really cannot latch, think i (or rather my hubby) will panic! haha

Gio>> congrats!! i still tot mabbe can meet u in Mt A if i late! end up u so fast!
get well soon ya! u can upload pics by clicking the "upload attachment" button next to preview/post message

jjmom>> so your CL how?

pildough>> i think every part that has contact with BM must be sterilised. ya ya haha i oso feel that being on pump is like those industrial cows hahaha coz i used to help my sis with it

nicky>> is test for some bacteria that some adults may carry. not harmful to us, but if baby kena, could be serious. so some gyneas test all their mummies. but this depends on gynea coz many don't test also.
no difference for me as my EDD draws nearer leh??? No swollen feet, no nothing. So dunno when he wants to come out
my hubby say he lazy boy, wanna stay inside and sleep

for the PIS, what I understand is we only need to sterilise the parts coming into contact with BM and our breasts, and hence, yes, it includes the membranes

2 more days!!! woohoo!!!!!!~~~

mspiggy's is tomorrow!!! double woohoo!!!!!~~~
<font color="0077aa">Carole
thanks for ur BF information

so during 1st mth u mix feed ur girl with FM ? will baby confuse on latching &amp; bottle feeding?</font>
Congrats Gio!

Morning mummies,
I had my brazilian wax done on Sat and till now I'm still feeling sore. Never gave a 2nd thought to the soreness and redness till last night, I noticed there's pus on quite a number of my hair follicles! Went with 1 of my girlfriend and she doesn't have that problem...luckily the 'infected' area is at the centre top part and not near the super sensitive labia area...hope by applying aloe vera and tea tree oil will calm the area down...

Juz Us
Yah I also monitoring you lor, wonder which of us will pop first... wahahahahaha... from very exciting until not so exciting already... waiting game kekeke

Hope your soreness subside soon! Heard at doctor's talk during my class with TMC that there is a possibility of infection after brazilian wax, especially if you have sensitive skin, so take care!
