(2008/10) Oct 2008

This thread is getting faster! I can't keep up!! hehehe.... somebody kind enough to do a list on all the mtb here? hahaha...

juzme: The op was a laposcropy to remove cyst and endometerosis and i got pregnant immediately after that op.
I praying that nothing is wrong now
very scary
<font color="ff6000">lovebug - the title is 'what to expect when you're expecting' and it's part of the 'what to expect' series of books. bought from MPH.

do take care! rest more from the op yah?</font>
My mum told me that if you take too much oranges, the baby will have phlem in their throat. Not sure how true it is.

My friend's gynae told her that stretchcream are just like moisturiser thus, using a normal moisturiser is sufficient. Maybe we can check with our gynae to confirm.
Everafter: personally i dun like soft drink so i'm ok w/o it! hahaha... u try cut down cos soft drink contains high sugar... we must watch out on our glucose level!
ok i try to cut down lor..but loves eating fastfood leh :p then got nothing to drink leh...my hubby on alternate night shift, so alternate week i gotta settle my own dinner..very sian..sometimes jus go bk n cook maggi mee
HUH! then i've been eating alot of unhealthy food lor!! been eating 4times since cny!! in the middle of the night hungry leh! and dun feel like eating cny stuffs nor bread.
<font color="green">

lovebug>> do take care ya? i think u on TCM juz let ur gynae know. and let the TCM doc know u preggie should be ok

ok all here's what i roughly gather from scanning past threads. anyone know how to post a table?? geez had really hard time formatting this. pls forgive any errors, and feel free to correct them


Nick LMP (or EDD) Doctor Child # Zodiac?
Autum EDD: Sep 2008? 2nd
littleger 24/12/2007 Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E) 2nd snake
Juz Me 27/12/2007 Dr Dolly Wee (Mt E) 1st horse
makebaby 29/12/07
Linda 31/12/2007 Dr Heng (ESH) 2nd
Precious 31/12/2007 Dr Adrian
hazeline 1/1/08 Dr Adrian (CCK) 2nd goat
Diane 1/1/08 Dr Adrian
Jlow 1/1/08 Dr Kek LP (Mt E)
CH Lee 2/1/08 Dr HK Ho (MAH) 1st goat
Traz Dr Adrian (Sengkang) 3rd
everafter Dr Adrian 1st?
RibenaLi Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E) 1st rooster
Buffy Dr Douglas Ong (Mt E) 1st snake
yvonneho 2nd
I don't know how to post a table too! Anyone else knows?

Everafter: ya, u shld cut down on fastfood too. Once in awhile is ok.. dun take it too frequent. U can always opt for juice instead of soft drinks.
HUH!! fastfood oso cannot eat much? jialat leh~ i taken mos burger, KFC, mac(twice) for the past 1week :p Oh, me 1st time mtb, visiting Dr Adrian in Sk, LMP 2/1/08 and i'm goat
wa, the thread really moving v fast!

lovebug1822, yup, this is my first pregnancy. i had an earlier one last year which ended up in miscarriage so i'm a lot more careful now. i'm also taking tcm just to be even more careful.

rebenali, i think like littleger too. your gynae probably means you're 6–7wks pregnant from date of last menstrual period (meaning bb is "made" abt 2wks or so later and hence about 4–5wks ba).

hi precious, i know it's hard not to worry, but must try and stay positive ok. eat well, sleep well and laugh a lot.

juz me, thanks for making that cute little list! how did you manage to make the font so small?

everafter, juice is also cold drink but i think it's okay to have a bit every now and then. my tcm also told me not to have any juice but sometimes i really can't tahan so i will steal one or two sips from the fridge. :p
<font color="ff6000">thanks Juz Me. i've never done it before, but think the "help" section below gives instructions...

I heard from my doctor friend not to take too much TCM. Apparently some of it affects baby devt. I guess best is not to mix TCM and western stuff.

yah, not supposed to eat too much fast food and maggi mee which is high in processed fats. although sometimes i just really *love* nissin cup noodles for a snack.

just now i went to get drink, then decided on water chestnut. then the guy gave me with ice inside and said they only have those with prepackaged ice inside! cheh. so i just drunk very little. then came back to office, pour the ice out and put hot water to make it not 'cold' anymore hahahaha.

so many of us goaties here.... meh meh!</font>
Hi, I also just tested +ve yesterday, am looking ard for a gynae, my first gynae was Dr HK Ho (hmm admit tat he is good, but his prices on steep side)...but that was ard year 05, anyone seeing him, can give me his new charges? heard that he increases his prices....

thanks very much
<font color="ff6000">AvrilMummy,

I'm only going for first appt. seems charges are $100 for consult, $60 for scan. Dunno abt other charges.

You found that he was very good is it? Can share in what ways? I still dunno whether I'll be comfy with a male gynae, but quite keen on Mt A. </font>

My first gal gynae was him, he is very experience and confident gynae....he is good, his stitches is super, no pain after that...and when the nurses ask me whether i need pain killer, i said no need, then they said, your gynae is Dr Ho rite??...everyone in Mt A knows abt his stitches is good....but now i am considering is due to his prices are too expensive liao.....

$100 for consultation consider expensive?? anyone can advise, cos i forget about my charges 2 years back....
<font color="aa00aa">hi ladies, am back. just came out from a 4 hour session back-to-back meetings...

Juz Me, Littleger, Everafter: oh oh oh! we are all about the same height!

lovebug1822: oh, maybe i should try taking a light snack before i turn in also...

precious: welcome welcome!

Juz me: my LMP is 6 Jan...
Dunno why I've been feeling very sleepy after lunch these days. I can doze off anytime. Is this a symptom in the 1st trimester?
i am feeling cold, then when i wear my jacket, i feel that it's quite warm and stuffy. i think either my office aircon got problem or i got problem.
hi Traz, i am also seeing Dr Adrian at SengKang clinic. my appt is this friday. 7 weeks now. this is my 3rd visit. can see water sac already. hehe.
RE liang drinks,
chin cao, water chestnut, sugarcane, coconut juice, pineapple juice... i think many ppl will drink this few... so if can, drink little...

RE stretchmarks,
i apply alot when i have my first preg... now don have any stretchmarks... i m the proven one... lol...

back from gynea, my edd is 25 sept... baby is 1.48cm, heartbeat normal... overall 90% healthy...
<font color="ff6000">everafter - this jacket oredi very thin leh... i think it's the office cos they are doing minor reno so it's a bit dusty too.

avrilmummy- thanks for the info. quite confidence inspiring!</font>
Hi Juz Me,

wah thanks for coming up with the list. A lot of people seeing Dr Adrian hor? Mine is at Sengkang...my zodiac is rooster....heeheee
wow .. this thread is so fast ..

just wondering if any mummies know if we can still use whitening products when we are preggy? One of my gf says better not to use them .. is there such a thingy?
Hi All

I am tested +ve ,about 6 weeks preggy but gynae cannot scan the foetus and sac, somemore mens was spotted .

Anyone encounter before..
hi cally, u are 6 weeks counted from LMP ? did ur gynae did the vaginal scan for u ? when i was 5th week, gynae did the vaginal scan and can see water sac very clearly. u having brown spotting ? me also just started to have brown spotting this week. gynae put me on hormones pills now...
the thread is going so fast until i blur liao man
Welcome buffy :p I realised with that heavy snack b4 i sleep I don't get much hungry issues
but i get diarrhea, not sure if it is the TCM or the milk?
<font color="aa00aa">littleger: oh crap. i just found out i am spotting and called the clinic. the nurses helped me call dr. ong and i am to head down for an injection...
