(2008/10) Oct 2008

cheezel, she wont be bothered if she is jie jie or nt. she cries her way, sometimes i ignore, she will cry till vomit. then i will be buzy manz.

hazeline: mine too next Thursday, i might call my gynae later to see if i can bring forward to wednesday, as hubby says he got a morning meeting on thursday. My girl damn smart, she test water with her papa. sometimes papa got no choice to give in too.

jasminetea, when i got this Philippines maid, the difference is only SGD10. indo cost me 320 w 1day off and filipino 330 w 1 day off. But i top up 20 for no off days. I scare later maid go out compare this compare that. suffer only us. As long as when you goes for marketing or some shopping, bring her along and there wont be much complain.

Heard from gynae, many ppl giving birth in Oct this yr. she said, how come you all wanna choose oct/nov to give birth... making us so free beginning of the year.

juzme, i brought my girl (then a baby) to whereever i go. Since i am SAHM, i need to sling her everywhere.. even to weddings etc. My hubby will never let me leave her at home... ok, thankful now that she is a big girl and i am staying with ILs, my maid will look after her and my ILs will use their EYEs to supervise her only. I can leave her at home at run my errands and even for some lunches or dinners and drinking sessions with my girlfriends. not forgetting i am still bf-ing all these while. Hubby must be very understanding and allowing you to socialise abit here and there.
chris, consider you lucky. my #1 i kena scolding by the damn consultant... but there is nothing i can do, cos my Retro verted uterus was very way back. Right after i left the room, and went into my gynae room, i was telling her hw mad i was with the damn attitude of the consultant. hope my triple test will be smooth for this noti one...
<font color="0000ff">rachels mommy</font>, its so funny that u shld mention feeling movement. i also tot i felt something. in my 1st pregnancy, i felt wierd wierd swimming movement inside at 12 weeks. now at 7.5 weeks. is that what u felt? i read that second time mums feel movement earlier than 1st time moms... i used to start feeling kicks at 20-22 weeks. heard 2nd time mums can feel it as early as 18weeks. looking fwd!!!

<font color="ff0000">weight gain</font>. actually i was underweight before pregnancy in 1st pregnancy. around 48kg. but i only put on 12 kg during pregnancy ah. i also heard underwt mums will put on more weight, but dun seem so for me hehehee.

<font color="0000ff">Rental toys</font> sorry who was the one asking me on rental toys contacts? Was it Rei Chan?? sorry, the website is http://www.rent-that-toy.com/
you click on "toy bucket" which is their way of referring to party rentals, leave ur particulars and they will call you back!!
happy renting!

<font color="ff0000">lili</font>, better book ur CL soon. i booked mine 1-2 weeks ago hehehe.

<font color="aa00aa">Juz me</font>. don't worry about getting back your life. i attended a wedding dinner not long after confinement ends (din bring baby coz too young). i TBF, so i just pump a bit more to accumulate one feed, bring it to my caregivers house, wear nice nice, put makeup, and go attend the dinner! of course must leave a bit bit early to bring baby back lah, may miss dessert, but its okie. but i still bring baby back to nurse him to sleep that time, he was only 2-3 mths old mah. if you really really want, you can even pump enough for his bedtime feed before u go out. but if u TBF esp when baby young, always remember that ur boobs will fill up within 3 hours or so. so pump b4 u go out, and either bring pump out to pump at 3 hr time, or come home in 3 hours lah. hehehee. but you can always bring your baby out with you. when TBF, invest in a sling or a nursing bib. i find a nursing bib a lifesaver, such that i can wear nice nice clothes and yet breastfeed in private under the bib. so baby goes almost everywhere we go.

<font color="ff0000">storeberry</font>, yes your friend is perfectly right that if theres demand, there is supply. there is no such thing as not enough milk. many times, mommy end up having not enough coz they supplement with FM coz they think their baby not having enough. so if they do that, the baby gets full by FM, dun asked for suckling BM, so mommy's body dunno baby needs milk so end up making less. so next time baby suckles, body not getting as much milk, so baby feels hungry, so supplement again. vicious cycle yar?
my and my good friend refers to this breastfeeding book before we deliver, and we learn that there are a few golden rules to rem to gauge if baby having enough. firstly, 8-10 wet diapers a day. secondly, baby putting on 180-250grams per week. 3rdly - baby looks satisfied after feeding or ur boobs feel lighter after feeding, or you feel let-down during latch on. if all these things comply, be assured baby getting enough. yes, i agree that the pumping and washing and sterilising is sure a chore man. i was not sad to stop doing that when i stop TBF. i hate the pumping and washing. but when i think how much good the milk is bringing for my kid, i persevere loh.

<font color="0000ff">breastfeeding when preggie</font>, i heard that though u can do that, your growing feotus will take most of the nutrients from you, leaving not much for the toddler to drink from. but then again, if toddler is taking solids well, then not much worries on that right? i also heard milk taste will change....

<font color="ff0000">carole</font>, ur girl so cute! even bargain with daddy for 1min! so funny! hehehehhehe!!!
Morning Mummies!

Dimpletots, that time doc wong told me also 20 weeks then can feel fetal movement but I felt it ard 16weeks. Hehe!! Tomorrow seeing doc wong... dunno how my 2 little one doing. Hubby also anxious.

Carole, we already warned her so many times liao.. but she still secretly and stubbornly using the HP. We even told her we keep the phone until night time then return her... she refuse wor and promise not to use. At the end? My MIL chin chye chin chye.. close one eye. My PIL also warned hubby dun follow wife eat and eat and get "preggie".

Cheezel, dun worry so much... when the boat reach the jetty, everything will be alright. Maybe let ur MIL try... at least ur MIL bothers to volunter le... Then when the younger one is older, let them try sleeping together.

Rei-chan, by right, babies should sleep thru when they are abt 8 to 12 mths... but my boy is still a rascal, coming 17 mths liao still wake up at night for milk milk. zzzz Hard le, I give him water, he dun sleep never mind, start playing and talking... I even tried to make him sleep in the middle of the night at 3am... my boy even point at the door, wanna me go kitchen make milk milk for him.

Karen, I also feel nausea and burpy only... no vomitting. By the way, my MS is in the middle of the night ard 2.30am to 5am... this period I cannot sleep well.

Jasminetea, Indo maid salary is 280 and Filipino maid is 330. HUbby dun want Indo maid cos very problematic and even my mother and others say, if taking care bb, better hire Filipino. But the levy is $170.

Juz_me, yah, Monday exam... taking my post grad dip... Told hubby this rd sure die... Brain empty siah. He asked me to defer the balance module until next mid yr. Tiring... For me, when my No.1 is 6 mths old then i start going nite supper, movie, wedding dinner etc. Of course, u need helper to help u look after la. I express out my milk, store in fridge and my MIL will bottlefeed if I need to go out at night.
hi everafter,

the lady just to measurment of my baby.

they dun use wat and just told me i am ubder the low risk.

heard from some of my friend they took blood test .

so i also not sure.

anyone under dr adrain at seng kang also go through this test .

any advice???
<font color="ff6000">Purebliss,

my next appt with Doc Wong is only 28 Mar! still loooooooooong way.

Juz Me,

talking about who to care for bb... now I'm a little worried that I won't get along with my mum when she cares for the bb... think for the first 3 months (or after CL leaves till i start work) I'll be taking care of bb cos my mum will not stay overnight - she lives walking distance away though. hiyah, guess some girls are just very close to their mums and some girls just don't get along that fantastically with their mums. somehow easier to get along with outsiders and won't be so impatient or frustrated with them!

Books -

Anyone reading books on the birth process? Perhaps more the first time mums since the second time mums are experienced liao... my friend was recommending a sheila kissinger, but I haven't gotten my hands on any such books yet. Anything to recommend?</font>
NT scan will take measure of the baby neck thickness..or something like att. cant remember. Oscar will take measurement Plus blood test.

Triple blood test only blood test but think all test the same thing
pure, then tell ur ILs, anythign happens while maid is on phone, who is gng to be responsible. TOUCH WOOD.. what is really something bad happens? there is nothing call chin chye when it comes to Kids and baby. I am very particular.. others i can close my eyes.

I always see maids on the HP when i send my girl to playgroup. The maids will bring the expat kids to playgroup same time.. and leave them in class and the yak all the way on the hp. sickening! so mad till sometimes i just hate to bring my maid there, worried she will ask for the hp again. I warned my maid, she want HP, either out she go or i take back all incentives and perks. SHe LL, as she knows there are terrible employers ard who ill-treat maids. Her cousin was here and sent back to my agent. She witnessed it and her cousin beg her to give her some food. She came back very sad, and told me what happened. Her cousin employer made her wash 2 houses and left no food for her for days. I told her to heat all and make some fresh food for her and gave her few dollars to pass to her cousin. This makes my maid understands how lucky she is at times. My hubby even sometimes asked my maid along to go MAcdonalds &amp; prata or even supper.

When my maid's auntie seen her 2 weeks ago, her auntie actually commented, "you are feeding very well" My maid grow fatter now then when she first here... got time.. i go scan her employment pic and her current pic to show ur. Kaoz... from S size to now abt L soon.
Karen: I also just feel nausea and burp alot, no vomitting. But i still feel very lousy, very uncomfy. Someone mentioned hunger pangs the other day, I felt it last night leh. Woke up from a dream and felt hungry. But I rather continue sleeping than to wake up for food.
Anyone feeling tired at night, but problem sleeping huh?

lili: I will be looking after the bb myself. But I am worried, not sure if I can cope. So I am considering if I need to get a helper. Else I think I will need to sling the bb with me wherever i go...

pregnant hubbies: My hubby also looks preggie leh.I teased him that he will 'deliver' few months before me since I am not even showing yet. haha...

Anyone has not told IL about the pregnancy? So far, I had told me family and some close friends. My hubby has not told his family yet. He said wait till more stable.
pinki, my in laws first to know other than my hubby. cos she questioned how come i am gng to pick my hubby. whahahhhaa.. so tell her go see doc... she asked, dun look sick hw come go see. so i told her.. maybe/might be... BFP. she then says good good.. good timing. whahahaha
carole, same here. PIL first to know after hubs. they were really overjoyed!

Now all my bosses know liao... slowly timing the spreading of info... most frens still dunno.
hi all mummies,

i am newbie here.. did read some of the past posting but ur post too fast liao.. cant catch up

can any mummies tell me when the stomache will start to show.. me 2 mths liao but still cant see anything.

thanks in advance
cheer bear - i heard that if its yr 1st pregnancy, usually it will show a lil later. Dun worry as long as yr baby is growing.

carole - wah. You are v experienced w handling maids. Must learn fr you. Can I ask - what do u think of transfer maids? Safe to take them?
hi jus me,
thanks for the link.. try to add myself to the list but cant seem to work leh..

anyway, will be my first bb and with dr adrian
i heard from alot of pple with past experience said that too.. but jus feel that is not showing at all.. anyway hope that it will show soon so that take mrt can have seat.. provided pple give up seat to me lor :p

take something light later coz u sure feel hungry.. maybe u can try a way which my mum teach me and is effective on me.. right after meal eat a sour plum coz ur mouth will hv a funni taste after food and make u feel like vomiting.. but with the sour plum will make u feel better.. try it if u want
Hi Cheer bear, don't woory! I am into my 15 weeks liao but the bump is still not obvious yet.. Nobody come up to me &amp; ask me if I am preggy... Kekeke...

BF: I think I will perserve on BF-ing.. MY MIL was telling if don't have its ok &amp; must put in some Formula cos she say next time bb won't want FM.. I am afraid that she would try to mix formula with my BM
me too.. mine not showing so whole office onli my direct boss know abt it as i need to take leave or time off to see doc.. but lucky he never spread for me.

u oso dr adrian ah.. me too at sk clinic
<font color="119911">wah i think half my office know liao hee...u ladies very good at keeping it secret leh ;P i cannot keep to myself leh...

cheezel>>take care. btw i pm u my blog after i pass 1st trim ok =) pandang ;P
jus me,
so fast u set a blog for ur bb liao ah?

i hv a blog for myself but long time never update liao.. too lazy to do anything now :p
Oooh thanks all. I feel hungry easily, wanting to eat a lot but the moment I start eating, I begin to feel nauseous.

Seems like there are many 2nd time mothers here. When I joined the Aug 2008 thread, there were so many 1st time mums there.
ruffles, i am not very experience in choosing maids or even good with them. i treat my maid just like a human being who should even enough respect too. as long as one dun ill treat them, they are more than willing to work for you for long and of cos giving more than you should deserve.

As long as transfer maid is not here for many years, and check on why the maid is being transferred. I gotten mine from agent and from philippines. she is is not EX-SIN, but with little experience in Philippines as maid. EX-Sin usually smarter and tends to give more craps than usual. they will by then have their HPs etc and friends who are here. Since mine is new, there isnt much for her to mix ard with except her auntie. If you like, i can ask her auntie to help. Her auntie is a very strict lady with high expectation since she is here fo 18 yrs. Even on her off days, she chooses to stay in cos she loves to keep money to send home. My maid hears her words and now only keen in keeping money and hoping to buy land like her auntie.

Maid and us is all about human relationship. Of the the level of trust must build from Zero. if you cant trust maid, by all means rope in the elders to help. slowly learn to let go. When the maid does well, reward her accordingly. She will appreciate. But if you see her giving you problems, always ask what happen etc.

my 1st maid is a transfer maid, she is ok till she received a letter from home 2 weeks before she ran away. Silly gilr made a very wrong move. If she had told me that she is gng home to get married, we are more than happy to let her go.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,



Like you, I have been feeling extremely nauseous and burp alot (with no vomitting). I feel worse especially in the morning and really hate getting up for work becos the feeling super duper suxs! I do have hunger pangs sometimes at night but I just ignore it and try to go back to zz hahahaha...of coz at times I've difficulties sleeping becos really feel very uncomfy

Last night, despite me taking one tiny glass of water after a packet of biscuits. I woke up at a 2 hrs interval to pee (5 times in total)!! fainted..tdy i look super panda le!! diaoz...</font>
i didn't have good sleep last night. slept around 9pm+, woke up 1am+ had instant mee, can't sleep liao... till 4am+... vy tired... waiting for 5.30pm ... yeah! FRIDAY Liao!!!
any1 of u finding a confinement lady? me still thinking to find or ask my mum but she like not veri willing coz she is working
<font color="119911">cheer bear>>hahah ya very KS ho.i juz thot to keep track of our efforts to concieve and then subsequent journey lor =) me still considering CL or not oso

bluey/pinki>> aiyo i opposite leh. i feel nauseated no appetite. but once start eating i will finish everything then after that suffer feeling too bloated or full

lili>> me too!! no good sleep for me many days since preggie
mummies, how's lunch? I finally had my maggi mee today. To make it a bit more 'nutritious', I added baby carrots, mushrooms and egg. lol...

cheer bear, I also have a blog for myself, but not updated for ages. Maybe we all can exchange our blogs after our first trimester!

littlebluey, I feel worse at night, before sleeping. Sometime I wonder if I would actually feel better if I could vomit out something.
<font color="0000ff">


Dun think I'll be getting a CL after all, will ask my mum to help me out
Hope she's ok with it...

Juz Me,

I nd to eat in order to reduce the nauseous feeling but after that it will resume again after a while, at my wits' end le *have been having small meals all the while* that's y my gynae is surprised that I actually lose weight!</font>
carole - tks. How do I get in touch w your maid's auntie?

Juz me - I auto output everything I eat - within 1/2 hr. Quite sian.
Am also brown spotting every now and then. Am on bedrest for 1 wk already but no help it seems ...
<font color="0000ff">


I will feel very uncomfy normally only at night at a certain hour normally before bed, sometimes I oso wish maybe if throw up something will feel better but nothing comes out leh..so hv been sucking on sour plums hmmm...

but morning is always the worst!!</font>
I used Medala PIS for my 1st kid and this pump has helped me saved a lot of time. I bought mine at $669 from "The First Few Years" at KKH and yesterday while bringing my son to the children emergency dept to seek help for his fever, I saw the price for this pump has further reduced to $629 now. I'm not sure whether if this place has the lowest price but you may like to check out other places like robinson and JL too.
<font color="0000ff">Ruffles, are u currently on any hormones medication, dun worry too much and have ample rest, I've a fren who oso have spotting on/off her 1st trimester, now she's alrd in her 2nd trimester and everything is ok
Just be careful and dun take too cooling stuff ok...</font>
I feel nausea throughout the day even though I have not really vomitted out before. But this feeling is equally bad as vomitting too.
<font color="ff0000">cheezel</font>,
how are you feeling now??

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>,
yeah! is friday again!! after work mite pop bu CK Tang.

<font color="aa00aa">wat did u mummies had for lunch??

i had sweet &amp; soup la mian.</font>}
Littlebuey - yes am on hormone tablets and 2x wkly jabs. I've been 'sentenced' to bedrest till mth end. V disruptive to my work, and find it hard to even tell my boss now.

Carole - I pmed you. Tx
<font color="0000ff">Wah Rachel's Mummy, so happening, all I want to do is go home and concuss. No mood to go anywhere at all!!

I had lotus root soup with half bowl of rice, not much appetite sianz -__-


Just hv to bear with it lar, am sure it will be over pretty soon and your boss will understand lar, dun think so much for the time being! btw, how many wks are u now?</font>
<font color="119911">mousebb>> thanks...err i think hahah actualyl i oso dun prefer so early show leh!! i scared gain too much hard to lose
ya i oso dun like the nausea,yet cannot puke feeling</font>
Pinkimum: I just went to NTUC &amp; bought two packets of maggi mee!! have been having craving for chicken soup maggi mee.. Kekeke...

Cheer bear: I will be getting a CL but I am not getting from agency. I am asking my SIL's SIL to help but so far she haven't confirm with me yet....

mousebb: Thanks for the info! Most likely I will get my fren to buy from US cos I think its alot cheaper there..
been on bedrest, and becos spotting comes on and off, doc decided to be ks and put me on bedrest for whole mth. Prob becos I had history of 1 late mc before.

am 7wks today

<font color="ff6000">cheezel,

sorry to hear about your puking. maybe try to eat smaller meals and eat slowly. i find eating very SLOWLY helps me feel less bloated and uncomfortable.

sleeping -

I have been quite ok sleeping so far... Yesterday night was good - only woke up once to pee, then slept from 10pm to 7am. oink oink. nowadays i can really sleep.

lunch -

i ate korean beef set with rice. only ate half the rice cos din want to feel bloated though. the wheat drink i realise is one of the few drinks we can still drink... can't take green tea, red tea, coffee.... </font>
