(2008/10) Oct 2008

i experience sharp pain for both preg. is it constant? mine is only once off..come once then goes off....on n off.....but its always better to consult ur gynae. any pain is not really norm.

busy bee
my BP is only monitored during the last trim for every visit for my #1 preg so i assume this preg will be the same ba. i leave it to my gynae to manage. i think he knows what needs to be done at which stage ba. just take monitoring of the wt for example, i check with him a few times how come my wt is not monitor n he just comment that hes not interested in my wt but baby's wt. some pple gain 20-30kg but bb didnt gain enuff wt, some didnt gain much but bb put on a mere 3-4kg etc....

Morning Mummies!

Rachel Mummy, thanks for correcting me. It is triple chocolate. That time I ordered a 3 tier for my boy, the bottom tier is triple choco and first 2 tier are those apricots blossom... taste not so good.

Carole, thanks for the information. Was thinking maybe get the maid in one mth earlier so can properly train her "house rules". My Mil's current one, MEI DA MEI XIAO.

hp babe, I think should be normal bah... Cos our uterus is stretching now. Maybe if u wanna play safe, check with ur gynae next rd when u visit him/her.

Weight Gain

Last rd, I had gain 23kg for my no.1, took 8 mths to shed off... this rd I told hubby I dun want to gain too much but kanna scolded up and down. He says having twins must gain as much as possible arbor later the babies low weight.
<font color="119911">purebliss>>think better to get the maid in early ya? dun wanna stress about training the maid when u doign your confinement. one of my colleagues had that experience. complain maid new, mother and maid buay ngam, she must manage baby, not enuf sleep + mother and maid issues. very headache. so think play safe get maid in earlier better ya
who was it who post the bb ticker earlier? can teach me how? i tried posting on my blog but it doesnt appear leh...tried here also does not show
Cheezel, PureBliss,
dont know why, this pregnancy,i do feel abit more pain then before. probably i'll give a call to the gynae later &amp; see what he says....

my gal also refused to latch on..she got abit of colic so to prevent her from crying so hard, i softhearted lor, give in &amp; stopped latching totally on my 2nd month...luckily still have BM till 6months
purebliss: set the rules on day 1, make sure she writes it all down. ask her to refer if she doesnt know. Always give instructions that are clear, and ask if she understands thereafter. always brief on the use of electricial appliances and never assume they know, cos they are from a plc which might not use such appliances.
always be patient to pass instructions or teach, tell her, u will always try to tell and ask her to ask if there is any doubts. I always practice by telling her, and i told my maid, that i will tell 3 times. if a silly mistake is done at 4th time, i will question and i told her i might even scold. but till date, still no chance being scolded.

maid got NO initiative, so dun bang on them that they will do things on their own. Set time table if you need to and tell her clearly on the time table what she needs to do. I will attached a table for your reference later.
Carole - Do you have a filipino or Indon or Myanmar maid? I am planning to get a maid but not sure which is better. I cant speak Bahasa Indon.
just a simple... hope this helps

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Day</TD><TD>Monday</TD><TD>Tuesday</TD><TD>Wednesday</TD><TD>Thursday</TD><TD>Friday </TD><TD>Saturday</TD><TD>Sunday</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7am</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD>Make Breakfast</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7.30am</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD>Sweep / Mop Floor</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8.30am</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD>Sterilise bottles</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10.30am</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD>Shower Baby</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11.45am</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD>Cook Lunch</TD><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0000">isabelle</font>,
nourish lor... kekek...

<font color="0000ff">hp babe</font>,
ya $25 is normal rate. but if u r getting simple design Y are they charging u. does not make sense leh.

i oso experience such pain recently esp after sneezing.

<font color="aa00aa">purebliss</font>,
apricot blossom? i didn know of this. not nice ah. i was strongly recommended lychee martini &amp; triple chocolate by friends who tried b4. so i juz ordered w/o thinking too much too.
my 1st was Indo, but she damn stupid... ran away just to get married back at home. my current is #2, she is from Philippines. She has 3 kids.

many will encourage to get single or not married. I feel married ones are better, as they know their objectives of being here and they can handle kids better as they have kids. this is my opinion. but one thing is that married with kids, always misses their young kids. so you have weigh wat is more impt.
Hi mummies, so many posts, trying to catch up.

All the talks about salmon sashimi makes me craving for it now...
I am also craving for maggi mee for lunch but hubby said cannot. But I thought just once a while should be okie right?

Think so far I have not been putting on much weight yet. But I am more on the underweight side, so supposedly I will put on more weight? Think I am more concerned with losing the tummy than the weight after pregnancy...

pine garden>>> I considered that during my wedding so managed to try quite a few of their cakes there. The lychee martini is really good. I like their cheesecake too!
I feel like eating tuna bread/sandwich... but heard that tuna is high in mercury, i refrained myself from touching it. Really feel like eating ley..
Rachel mummy,
Just called them, she told me mine is a customised cake will require $25/- charge...anyway heard quite good comments from you ladies &amp; friends...will go ahead to order
pinki: kekekeke.. i just had lunch. i felt so bad that i din join my in laws for meals and my hubby for dinner at the table lately.
i cant seem to be able to wait for them... just too hungry
me too experienced that &amp; just went to see gynae yesterday and am okay. if worried, just go see. likely the nurse will ask you to monitor if any stain/ bleeding. still,i would advise you to go make an appt to go see gynae.
it's okay. i had dinner alone too. last evening, i was so hungry that i went all way to eat Yoshinoya beef rice. hungry till i nearly faint &amp; vomit. i cant stand it.
lili, i always felt a waste to spend money on better food, cos i never know when i will hug the bowl. so i try to keep those cost down for nw and till i am more ok and less hugging bowl, then i will go and whack the food
perhaps you might want to try to take small meals at a time but with nutrition. how about porridge? you can go crystal jade to have plain porride. vy nice even it goes without any side dish
carole: Sometimes I also eat dinner alone, cant seem to wait for my hubby. So what I do is to eat a little bit first, then when he is home, I will eat a bit more if still hungry. In this way, small meals.
I also find it a waste of money when I eat out. For me it is because most of the time I cant finish the food. Feel very hungry but when the food come, always cant finish.

cheezel, I also love subway and seem to eat more of that these days. More appetizing. Then I will order one cookie and eat that when hungry.
<font color="ff0000">cheezel</font>,

my #1 is coming 15 mths.

<font color="aa00aa">hp_babe</font>,
great!! hope you like the cake!
i realise i love pasta, bread, pizza when preg. think even with this #2, its still the same.

another nutrition meal can be a small bowl of brocolli, spread some cheese on top n put into microwave to heat a while. yumyum....but try tat when u have better appetite. i love tat when i'm in 2nd trim when i'm having #1
dec06 or jan07 thread? i used to go jan07 thread previous. but had a miscarriage then. so didnt go there anymore.

wat do u have for lunch juz now??

i had laksa with no hum. rainy day, so i want to eat something spicy. kekeke...
<font color="ff0000">cheezel</font>.
jan 07.

forget abt the past. i hold ur hand, we look forward ok. come!! kekeke...

saw yr name here!! CONGRATS!!! Have a smooth pregnancy!! so no.2 will have 3 year gap with Clarisse?
<font color="119911">icylemon>>hee had tom yum handmade noodle with dumpling..haha oso crave sth spicy and sour ;P

everfter>> what problem u have with the ticker? i just cut and paste the code given into my blog can liao. where u host your blog? mine's on blogger (blogspot). for here, u need to save the image on your pc, then attach the picture in the post. HTH
rachel mom
after one big rd, meet u here again. hehe.....

i'm still waiting for my lunch. mil bring my baby to buy for me. i order chicken rice. dunno what to eat. one moment feel like eating this n tat then next moment no appetite.
<font color="ff0000">cheezel</font>,
u were from jan 07 too? didnt see ur name b4 leh. earlier batch de?? kekeke...
<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies,
so much talks on weight gain and sashimi...... yumms...... i love sashimi too but trying very hard to avoid these raw food at least for the 1st trims.

re: weight gain
i gained abt 12kg for #1, luckily baby took quite a fair bit hence lose the exceed quite fast. Hope this round will be the same too
rachel mom,
i was using another nick then until the miscarriage. then i change my nick here.
i remember chatting with u b4 le.
Hi Mummies,

Juz Me > Currently my hubby already had many problems with my MIL's maid. Sometimes, I also pitied her, always kanna from my hubby everyday. Well, she din clean the bottles properly( milk residue left behind) and thus we got no chance but still sterilizing the bottles up till now. She is always on her HP even taking care of my #1 and we told her many times, when taking care bb, dun use the HP, but she dun care. Hubby cannot make much noise anymore because my PIL they all never even make noise. So Hubby getting one more maid in to do retrain and set the house rules. I even jokingly proposed to him that y not u make a duty roster and let the new maid refer... haha! He says GOOD IDEA! We plan to get the maid in first to train her arbo if later suay suay I kanna C-section, where got mood and time to train.

Hp Babe, same here. This is my 2nd preggie and me having a hard time. Acute abdominal cramps and backaches... nite time MS... heartburn.zzzz

Carole, thanks for the chart, I think useful for me to refer when I am creating one for my new maid.

Rachel Mummy, sorry, it is orange apricot blossom.. Not very nice, regret ordering it. Hubby kia si, says my boy that time cannot eat choco this and that... Now my boy simi also eat liao.

Food Craving

Today crave for CHONG CHING MALA YUAN YANG SZECHUAN HOTPOT... My hubby will not bring me there.. .he says he very jialat, I pregnant, he also die with me... eat and eat.

Chicken Essence

Mummies, do you all know if we can take chicken essence now? I preparing my exam on Monday but feeling very sleepy. Cannot concentrate
think chicken essence should be fine. i drank a few times. very tired, still need to wake up at night for my boy feeding...so sometime will drink a bottle at work. else cant "dong" till knock off.

i wish my boy can sleep thru soon. he will still wake up for milk ard midnight n then all the way till 6am. but in between at 4 n 5 he will make noise, think hungry but always give him pacifier. only offer him at 6.

actually abit worried when the 2nd one come, dunno if can cope anot....
Re:food craving
I made my hubby finished up whatever i cannot finish. In the end, some of our frens are teasing him that his tummy is like 5-6 months pregnant....hahhaha
<font color="ff0000">purebliss</font>,
so tat orange apricot not nice ah?

i had chicken essence pretty often lately.

<font color="aa00aa">choo</font>,

<font color="119911">cheezel</font>,
me too. i dun intend to get a maid leh. very mah fan leh. haiz... how har??
hihi, just called the clinic, as what lili_fc mentioned, the nurse said monitor first...my choice if wanto see doctor or not.. still comtemplating to go down today or not?

Rachel Mummy, cheezel,
me facing same problem. my mum can't cope with 2 kids when no 2 comes along &amp; we r not really "comfortable" with helper in the house...may have to consider to stop work for time being...abit luan now.

Cheezel, same here, my boy dun sleep thru. He can have a bottle of milk at 7.45pm and then 9pm one more bottle... if good days he will sleep thru until 5.30am wake up and "ali" for milk. Bad days... every 5 hrs wake up and ask for milk. Now I even got to change for him diaper in the middle of the night at 3 plus am. I think I can imagine for the worst to come. Me got to nurse 2 babies this rd...

Mousebb, last rd, my hubby put on about 10kg... and then he diet and exercise and got back his weight again. This rd he is very cautious.. tell me this cannot because cannot bring my boy along bah bah bah. And I told him " Do you know it is a very terrible thing to do when u try to stop a pregnant woman craving and the poor preggie woman cannot get to eat what she wants.." He diamz diamz.

Rachel's Mummy, yah, that one not nice, somemore I got 2 tier of that. At the end of the day, distribute to the guests to pack home.. all of them wanted the triple layer choco instead.

Chicken Essence

Thanks ladies for your feedback.. I think I had to take chicken essence liao. Arbo like what cheezel says, Cannot "DONG"
