(2008/10) Oct 2008

Rachel's mum:
That's one great looking cake! How much per kg may I ask? My girl's birthday is over lah, but can KIV for next year. She is a Barney 'siao' though, they do Barney?

My MIL opposite. When she heard we may not want to order buffet for our girl's birthday this year, she heart pain and sponsored the buffet. Probably differnt cos she's her 1st grandchild. But ya, my mum think we may be wasting $$. Hee hee.

Tweety, Bunnyhop:
First, congrats Tweety. My MIL also told me to keep secret abt pregnancy. Can tell immediate family of course, but not friends and collegues. But I guess it depends on ur situaion lah. If tummy big big, or keep puking, people will surely know wat.

I think it's good for people around u to know though, cos they can take better care of you. Last pregnancy when I was working, my collegeues more excited than me. Kept piling me with soy bean drinks. One time, photocopy machine down so I went to another level. They thought I fainted somewhere and went searching for me. Hahahahahah.. Very funny but touching also lah.

Hi Tweety,
I am taking EPAX, although some from other threads have spoke against it. My gynae confirmed it is safe and I trust him. It is hard keeping the pill down. I drink it with ribena to camouflage the taste.

Unfortunately I also find milk 'smelly' and will feel like puking. Considering to try Amum which has flavours. Think better to avoid cold drinks, for chilled juices and milk, I let it condense and 'warm up' before i drink.
littleger... icic... don be sad k...remember to rest more... Don carry heavy stuffs and try not to move too much... Understand that A&E can cost a bomb... haiz.. I think keeping a baby is not cheap... and it really make u so tired and headache... For the sake of baby, we just have to bear with it.. I think after 1st trimester then will be more stable...
Rachel's mummy: I thot the same too. I like to see her happy and enjoy herself.. so i don't mind going thru the hassle to celebrate for her. Wahhh.. cos my girl is the first grandkid and also the first grand-grand kid in my family, I rem the full mth celebration I spent also over 1k+ on the celebration... cater for 100paxs and in the end still not enough! Malu ley!! Den her 1st yr BD i scared liao... so didn't invite too many frds... only invited a few closer frds n relatives.
tweety, yah loh, pantang lah. and i am the most pantang person my hubby ever known, next to his mom of course hahaha!

littleger, yes i agree with rachel's mom, its not a waste. for me, my push factor for doing a big party for my boy 1st yr (though some ppl argue so young they dun know anything) is coz i want a memorable 1st birthday for him to remember by. i can always help him rem coz i blog about it, and i have photos and videos to go through with him when he grows up.
and also its the ONLY yr i have a SAY in it right? once they reach 2 yrs old, they will have a say in the CAKE, in the friends they wanna invite, in their venue, in their favours in the colours of the balloons hahahaa. and of course as he grows older he will usually invite only his closest friends. so 1st yr i splurge. siao right? some ppl find it funny. all in all, food, venue, cupcakes, cake, rental toys, balloons, deco, special desserts everything comes up to close to $2k. faint.

fish oil. aiyoh, initially i not taking, though i have some neurogain in the fridge from my breastfeeding days. but once u girls say must take, i so KS went to take one hahahaa.

littleger, hang in there....it will stabilise in 2nd tri. i also spotting on and off, on and off. worrying and sian and tiring. the hormone pills are making me moody.
<font color="ff0000">tweety</font>,
nah.. me not sweet.
i juz feel tat... when i was young, parents cant afford to hold a bday party for us. now if i can afford, i will try my best to give it to my kid. try lah..
thanks reichan...
yaya... if we keep taking mc, ppl will guess that too lor... haiz... hard to keep lah... then some friends will ask me for drinks, so surely need to tell them..else kena pester.. hahahaha...

yr colleague so cute... but good that they keep u in their eyes...hehehe...

I saw anmum one also with chocolate favour... i forbia too.. scare will puke... but my mum gonna bring me 1 tin to try as my aunt just miscarriage,so she gave me...
Rei-chan: Hahaha... ur MIL good ley!! Maybe she thinks cater buffet more convenient and also more "good looking".

Tweety: Sometimes my girl will wan mi to carry her... when she stretched out her hands, I can't help it but to carry her awhile or sometimes just hug her! Oh ya! Just few days back, i still run (didn't exactly run, it's more like walking very fast n into a slow run) after a bus!*pengz*
Rei Chan, ur colls are so SWEET!
how i wish i have such colls hehee.
mine not as sweet, but they are still nice lah. they very willingly keep tao baoing for me when i too tired to go out. and will drop by cubi to visit and chit chat and ask how i am and give well meaning advice. its nice to have good colls. now in 2nd pregnancy, i am in diff department. the colls here a bit diff. but ok lah...
littleger, share something my gynae said that is new to me. she told me if spotting, refrain from intercourse, exercise and overseas trips. but she said its okie to carry 11kg boy! she added that if spotting is brought about by carrying 11kg boy, then the pregnancy is abnormal in the first place. my GP also told me, miscarriage occurs if feotus is not developing well in the first plc, its nature's way of ensuring the ones given birth to are fine. so if pregnancy is normal, carry kids (she specifically say 11kg is ok) is fine. not sure how true though. but i guess bringing in clothes on poles is still a NO NO lah. and also moving heavy furniture....aiyah, to be safe lah... yah loh, my boy also sometimes want me to carry and dun want anyone else. he will wave awya and swipe away at my hubby if he tries. so i have to carry. but he temperamental one lah. sometimes he swipe away me and wants my hubby hahaa. upset but relieved lah.
<font color="119911">bunnyhop i implemented it the moment i got ur mesg! hee... but paiseh this week is quite busy at work, wun be able to post very much. haha i know thats quite rare, usually i post is during office time! ;PP and also same for the week after Good Friday coz i be at Hong Kong! =D but but check out the link leh, i added your (any my own) cravings and symptoms etc liao. btw, dun feel shy u bring ur baby photo and clothes to work! my sis did that too! she say that's how she motivate herself to get by the day at work to faster go home to her baby!

jetudes, lili and icylemon>> hey ladies, i oso get cramps leh.. i thot is supposed to be only at start of pregnancy not into 10+ weeks leh. so a bit worried. every time i cramp i will go toilet and check for spotting. so far no spotting. anyway i already brought forward my gynae appointment to next monday. will ask about this. and yes, i intend to go antenatal class, but now mabeb a bit early right? haha i scared by the time must use i forgot liao ;P nowadays i very peabrain

bunnyhop>> hey my sis oso recommend Avent manual pump. heard is not bad. but hard to pump not? i lazy leh. any good electronic one ;P

jollyhoppy, lili>> aiyo so cute baby wave and dance at u!!! hee.. can't wait for my scan on monday!!

maternity clothes>> i'm in my week 10 and i got some pregnancy tickers. they say now our uterus is about size of grapefruit leh! that's quite big right? maybe thats why some of us need to wear maternity clothes liao lor? anyway is a matter of time. wear earlier u can utilise the clothes better mah ;P if wear later then like not so worth it buy the clothes for a few months only wor. i find the way they use buttons to adjust the elastic band in some maternity bottoms very innovative hee. i must say i'm very lucky coz mine are inherited from my sis. but but she quite a bit bigger size so i can't wear them yet. also wearing my bigger size clothes for now.

Diane>> do take care, hope u're better!

rei-chan>> hey i'm one of those tempted to quit to be sahm!! but i oso very worried of all the issues u highlighted! so still thinking. nvm got another 9 months to think =P

supplements>> hey me oso on folic acid only like bunnyhop leh. if got MS, gyane will prescribe some vit b oso. but i ran out of it liao ;P monday restock from gynae

Jasminetea>> if u got gmail account i can add u =) let me know ur gmail? sorry so mafan but i dunno how to make the document public so anyone can edit leh. but once i add u, u can also add other ppl. so hopefully very soon we all can edit =)

littleger>> so cute ur girl loves Mickey! now u gonan have a baby mickey/minnie play wif her liao! ;) about the cake, dun angry dun angry, maybe coz Mickey is licensed by Disney so they cannot "copy"?

all new mums>> congrats! find the rest of us at http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pKVGMcTKrhbLRfVUmNmxidw

Pine Garden>> can i know where is this shop exactly? do they make big cakes for baby 1st month? what flavours u recommend aside from lychee martini and blackforest? =) thanks!

wah paiseh for super long post
<font color="ff0000">rei-chan</font>,
i ordered the 3kg one. 2 tier. abt $140. i think they have alot of designs wor....

cant recalled much but remember seeing alot of files. hehehe...

<font color="aa00aa">littleger</font>,
oh my gosh! 100 pax!! i invited abt 80 pax already a headache le. ya food not rnough really malu. but some ppl not paiseh one... eat &amp; eat non stop we cant stop them oso.

<font color="0000ff">bunnyhop</font>,
oh u had rental toys. tat is not cheap le. $2K is alot. but is still worth it hor.
bunnyhop: wah!! 2k is alot!!! kekeeke... but i'm sure if u can afford it and also make urself n ur baby happy, why not?
I agreed it's oni the first yr we can decide on everything! My girl now 2yrs old and though she still won't insist wat cake she wants but since we know she loves Mickey den of cos we will hunt down the cake for her... i think hor, 做妈妈真的很难!" Everything also mummy plan n org!
Agree with Bunnyhop that good colleagues are important. At this stage we will need all the support from everyone around. Didn't feel that from my team and decided that I had to prioritize what is most important for me. Decided to quit to be SAHM MTB, as I don't want anything to go wrong. After my previous miscarriage which happened at work. I can't afford to let history repeat itself...

Now resting at home to 'yang tai', even tho I agree with Little almond that it does get boring, we must focus and peservere!
Ya lor, alcohol is no-no. But sometimes, even if you dun say, people can guess and automatically watch out for you lah. Most people heard of the cannot-tell-until-3-mths rule.

You catered for 100 pax and still not enough?? No wonder ur mum scared this time.

Rachel's mum, Bunnyhop:
I agree abt the b'day celebration loh. Even though the child is so young, it'll be so nice to be able to look back at the photos/videos and know that so everyone was happy to come and celebrate his/her birthday.
ai yo.. littleger.. don chase bus lah... wait lah.. dangerous leh...

seems like most of u are 2nd pregnancy ya... i'm first pregnancy,so blur blur one... hee...

Jus me... I update mine liao... but gynae not confirm yet... still deciding...
Juz Me, thanks for being so prompt though u so busy.
yes i LOVE avent manual. actually pumps are VERY subjective. what works for me may not work for u. u have to try to see. another good pump is Ameda Lactaline (electric). works same as Pump in Style by Medela but half the price. but i hate assembling 2 electronic pump 4 times a day! so Avent for me, and i dun find it tedious to pump. when u get the hang of it, its a breeze! i can pump as much as the ameda (avent for me let down better) in 20mins in my peak. that was around 260ml total from both boobs. fast right? so can one....

pine garden is in AMK. jia lat, i ALWAYS dun rem the block number lah. anyone can rem? i LOVE lychee martini! but i heard triple chocolate not bad, though i not chocolate fan.

Rachel's mom, no leh, the toy rental is the CHEAPEST of the items! its only $80 for 4 hours! and it comes with balls play, mini slide, little tikes ride, and many small toys. very worth it.

littleger, initially we plan to spend only $1K. but due to the cheap and nice venue, we tot can spend more on other things. then it start ballooning. once i see other things, i want it and cannot get it out of my mind, like the sweet cupcakes. i had them all customised with my little guests names. so end up a bomb loh. :p yah loh, everything also mommy do right?? sometimes we quite wonderwoman hor? my coll ask me how come i got time to plan such a big party for my kid when i so busy at work and home??

busybee, oh dear, ur prev miscarriage happens at work?? was it coz of of stress? yes i agree with u totally, prioritise. i support u in this case to be SAHM, coz baby most important. when baby grow up, u can always decide if u wanna go back to workforce.

jialat, supposed to do work from home, but now keep replying ur girls hahaha!
bunnyhop: now u mentioned... i also rem I've actually asked my gynae b4 if it's ok to carry my girl when i went to see him when i got spotting and he also told mi it's ok to carry but refrain from intercourse. I was surprised also when he said can carry my girl.. but at tat time i was more worried abt my spotting so never asked him much why tis n tat. Wow... wat u told me here is really sth new! Ya.. maybe like wat u said.. carrying kid is ok.. but i think the part on bringing in clothes on poles and moving heavy furnitures are definitely no-no. My mom kept reminding me not to change bedsheet must ask hubby to do! Think this one is one of the pangdangs... but i agreed also la.. the mattress heavy also!

JuzMe: Pine Garden - Think they have other flavours also.. like normal vanilla or chocolate.. but they are famous for their blackforest n lychee martini! Ecreative - if it's becos of the copyright issue den they shld tell mi and also let mi know they can customise other designs but they just replied, "Sorry not able to do so". My email i mentioned abt customising other designs which i don't see from their website den i stated the mickey example.
I rem my frd's SIL ever ordered a customise Elmo design from them ley... Maybe now biz too good so become hao lian liao! hahahaa..
I experiencing cold feet too. Feeling extremely cold when wake up to toilet, cant really stand. Had leg cramp this early morn, but a short one.
Rachel mum, tweety
I was introduced to try NeuroGain too by gynae today. How is the taste? I havent try, was told to take next wk cos only 6 capsule sample. 2 wks later do test, then buy if ok. So, any comment on taste?

On maternity clothings, i also got it from my sister but still buy. How about shoes? U gals still wearing high heels or ?
Hi Mummies!

This thread is moving real fast... cannot catch up.. .pant pant!~

Milk Powder

During my pregnancy with my No.1, I took Anmum, 2 cups a day. So this rd, in order to save the pathetic $4, my backside really itchy, went to buy EnfaMama... now regretted. HUbby making noise, say I wasteful blah blah. The taste for Enfamama, VERY SWEET. I had a tin of Frisomum from my gynae, have not tried yet.


Storeberry, CONGRATES!! At least now u know ur bb gender can start planning already.


Mummies, if you were to hire a maid, when do you expect the maid to arrive in Singapore? After much consideration, hubby and I still stick to Filipino maid... they are much better in taking care bbs. Indo maid, we got phobia.

Rachel Mummy, I also ordered my boy's birthday cake from Pine Garden. Many of my guests say their 3 layers choco ( dunno correct name or not ) is nice.
Bunnyhop, i was working really long hours and was in a stressful role. Sometimes I do feel guilty all the burden on my DH now. I do plan to return to workforce once baby is in preschool. Thanks for the encouragement.

I think its great to splurge on your precious one, I would to when the time comes for me.

I'm 2nd tri already cos me is from sep thread. I just come here n chat also cos here got ppl some mummies same gynae as me

Oh pls celebrate ur little one's b'daes!
Rei-chan: aiyo.. tat time the full month hor.. she invited all the relatives ley.. so not my fault tat the food is not enough. hahahha...

Tweety: hehehe... i cannot just let the bus vroomed past me (quite near) ley.. if not pregnant i run liao lor.. haha..

bunnyhop: how much u paid for the cherylshuen's cake? How the taste? Tat time i also got consider cheryl but nobody i knows try b4 so never order in the end.
ur gynae dr adrian? mine too. just went to see him in the noon. how come u only have folic acid?
i tot he will give folic n multi vit thru out the whole preg. thats what he gave me for my 1st preg. now its the same thing. i only take fis oil from him when i go into 2nd trim cos thats ard the time bb starts to get nutrients from us.

Juz Me
I bought Avent manual pump for my last preg. when i discharge, dun really have te "skill" to pump well...thus only 30 ml after pumping n end up with block ducts. no choice...hubby have to go buy avent uno for me. its good but only last me for 4 months. n it goes haywired....stop suddenly when pumping or else cant start at all. so i switch back to manual n who knows, i began to pump abit more since for manual, we can control the pumping ourselves. my fren use medela then switch to avent cos of their padded cushion (not sure abt the exact name) n can get more milk out.
rachel mommy
tats a nice cake. my boy going 1 yr in abt 2 months time. also planning for his bday celebration. so far have booked aranda country club for the venue. but still thinking abt the cake n also deco n not forgetting buffet n stuffs. how soon we need to reserve a cake? a month? how much do u order for the cake......
lili_fc, suggest you wear bedroom slippers for your cold feet. My TCM Sinseh adviced against walking bare footed on cold floors.
little ger
my gynae also say carrying my boy is ok when i have spotting. as my boy cant walk yet n he dun even really know how to crawl, can only crawl backwards, we have to carry him most of the time. n he always wans me to carry him whenever he sees me esp after work. he heavy..10kg plus is no joke. i just hope he learn how to walk soon. hehe
juz me.. I think i key in wrongly... how to edit huh??? sorry...

lili.. I'm taking another brand leh.. not sure abt neurogain...
I'm still wearing high heels leh.. my MIL ask me to wear flat shoes but me don hv leh.. hahahaha... I think i got to spend bomb on maternity wear... nobody offer me so far... sad..

litteger.. dangerous leh... somemore u got spotting now, better be careful wor...

oh ya... May I know if you have signed the package with gynae alr??? Still thinking which gynae to go leh...
<font color="ff0000">bunnyhop</font>, can i have the contact for the toy rental??

<font color="aa00aa">purebliss</font>,
think is triple chocolate.

<font color="0000ff">cheezel</font>,
i think i ordered 3 weeks in advance. $140 for the cake with designs.

<font color="119911">littleger</font>,
i find it nice leh. is thick lor. but is really very nice.
cheezel: yalors.. my girl also weighs ardz 10-11kg. no joke! very easily tired.. hahaha.. how old is ur boy now?

Tweety: yea, i know. can't let my gynae knows.. if not he will sure say me again! I'm with Dr Douglas Ong now. How many weeks are u now?
Rachel's mummy: I love chocolate also but too bad in my family ONLY me likes chocolate! I must start training my girl liao.. next time she loves chocolate then we can gang up against the rest! hahahaha...
purebliss: from the day u cfm your maid till her arrival its abt 2 weeks. sometimes its even more. so have a budget of 1 mth - 1.5 mths. this lead time will also give you ample time to give the maid instruction and also time to wash ur new born clothes etc before the arrival.
little ger
my boy 10 months plus. yours? he super active now. i get tired looking after him for the whole day if i'm not working.
cheezel: wow... 10 mths plus aldy 10kg!! My girl is turning 2 next mth! hehehee.. She is also hyperactive! Even my dad n mom also surrender looking after her! EVen my bro also surrender!! Sometimes she's so pathetic cos none of us wan to entertain her! hahaha...
Rachel's mummy: U don't know ah.. whenever family got someone's bd coming den i would suggest chocolate cake and ALL of them raised hands to object ley! Kekeke... but of cos if i'm the one who is paying for the cake den even if they object i still have say for the cake lor. But i'm nice la... they dun like den i dun order lor..
With 100 pax, where did u hold the party? My girl's party only catered for 30 pax at home. With 2nd baby on the way, most probably won't do too elaborate parties unless for really special occasions. My cousin had a clown came in to blow some balloons for his son's birthday and that's another few hundred bucks. My hubby says he'll rather put the money away for her education. Hee hee..

Busy bee,
You are right abt the slippers at home. My mum kept nagging me to get them but every time I go out, I forgot. Good luck with your pregnancy. If you get bored, can always come here and chit chat with us!

Shucks, I'm supposed to be doing my homework for my jap class tonight. But end up chatting. Yikes... Bye for now!

Rachel's mummy: U so li hai! I can't find their email address from their website ley! Wanted to ask them if they have any Mickey designs... Maybe will drop them an email tmr!
