(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> good!!

<font color="aa00aa">forest</font> binder oso can. baby cloth diaper oso can. up to u. i used cloth diaper. i feel tat is not secure. so for #2, i will go &amp; get the binder.
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I got a seat, the one sitting beside me is an elderly man, so I'm in btwn the B*tch and him! Moreover the preggie was standing just in front of her lor!!

My fren told me get a binder is gd, but some told me not necessary anyway I juz get lar, not very ex nia hahaha..but then I think KP sells more ex at $3.90 for one with velcro, I bought from Kidsmall only $2.70 nia...I heard got $1++ ones but can't find it hahahaha ;p

<font color="ff0000">lili</font> give only when bb got colic. for some they will feed the bb with tat 1st before they got colic. end of the day it really depends on u.

sorry cant help u on this. coz i dun want to cause anything to any baby.

PD or GP will ask u to feed only when they have colic.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies,

It's oni barely the start of the day, but yet I'm feeling so sleepy alrd -_-ZzzzzZzzzz...

Tht's really bad!

I see!!! sigh, some ppl r really inconsiderate.. the time i tried to take the MRT, it was a PRC lady who offered me a seat lor.. locals cant even be bothered with me!!

Rachel's Mummy,
noted.. will go and buy the bb binder.. thanks!

same for me!!! i slept at almost 1am last night, cos was working on something when i got home... :p now so regret it.. and really just wanna nap...
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Ugly side of Sporeans! As usual nothing new! Juz want to rant something off!! hahahahaha ;p

I zz after CSI last nite, woke up at 4 am then toss and turn to zz till 750 am...now feel so dreadfully tired...I think I can drop on the desk!

<font color="0000ff">Jjmom,

They said NBs more susceptible to wind, so the binder serves as an additional measure to prevent colic, think used it to wrap bb up after applying the Ru Yi Oil

JJmom and littlebluey,

The tummy binder is to protect the belly button. The umbilical cord takes a few weeks to dry up and detach, so we use a binder to secure it. I vaguely remember that was what we did for my gal.
Last nite, DH suddenly said that he is reconsidering abt gng into the delivery suite with me.

He said he dunno if he can see me suffer the pain like tat &amp; he juz keep gng on abt how he can imagine how painful it is gng to be lah, blah blah blah...tell me how painful it was when he need to stitched his head after an soccer game accident.

Then the funniest part is he said : 'aiyoh, dunno y u wanna go thru this pain?'

So I ask him if he is suggesting that I don't go for natural birth? He said 'dunno'...
<font color="0000ff">Rain,

Thanks for the explanation


Your DH is having 2nd thots?? Think he very "bu she de" to see his wife suffers leh!

so hope to just take half day off.. but wanna keep the leave till after maternity leh... sigh...

btw, today v quiet hor?? im getting sooo bored!!
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Me too leh!! Tdy mid-mth so many things to do, super bz sianz..

Tdy very quiet leh, where's everyone?? Bz??
i am busy too.. last nite OT and by the time i reach home and bath is ard 10+ liao.. now super tired.. my eyes realli feel like closing

ur hb veri cute hor.. think he dun wan u to suffer the pain
Littlebluey, cheerbear,
aiyoh...now I worry he don't go in with me lei, he is making me scare too...sigh
sianz... mum called. said my girl got fever.

blame me again. coz i m sick pass all germs to my gal.

haiz... as if i want.
going for lunch now. mite go home in the afternoon &amp; see my gal. mean time she is on panadol. monitor &amp; see how 1st.
<font color="0000ff">Cheerbear,

U oso worked late last nite? hmmm...


No problem


Do u hv a high threshold for pain? Maybe he will change his mind when the time comes


Oh dear, hope Rachel will get well soon, not your fault, dun blame yrself lar...

ya lor... im brainstorming on my meeting, but so sleepy.. very hard to come up with ideas!!

Cheer Bear,
wah.. u worked till so late... hope u can knock off earlier today ah!

ur hubby really v cute leh... maybe u have a chat with him lor.. say if u r going for natural birth, u're gonna need his support there...
dun worry.. think he will go in with u by then when the time comes

rachel mummy,
go home la.. then bring ur gal see doc

bo bian leh.. too many things to do liao

today sure go on the dot.. dun care.. cant finish tmr then do.. i am super tired.. din wear contact lens this morning as my eyes cant even open fully :p
forest, littlebluey

i am also very tired...zzzzzz...i slept at 11pm but still tired...i think the fatigue is starting to come back again.


u also bought some clothes from that Fern hor? She said she expecting the goods early next week wor.
Thanks for the article. ;)

I received a reply from Ginny. Her next taster session is on 26 Jul. I will fwd the details to you gals later. jetudes, you dun accept pm. Can you pm me your email addy? Thanks.

Yesterday's talk: I was at the talk too. Not very useful leh. Some of the things covered during Dr Adelina's talk was mentioned in Mrs Wong's lesson. The Dr Ng's talk also not very helpful. Like most of the things said is just common sense kind. I was wearing a pink dress yesterday.

one of my friend's HB also refused to go in with her because he scared of blood...in the end ,he still went ..haahaaa...i think when the crunch comes, they will still go in one lor. Hmmm i think the guys will also have their worried/scared moments.
thanks.. will rest more.. waiting for sat to come

ya i know but i guess by the time she sort out the items and send to us will be end of the mth liao.. she is so inefficient... sighzz shldnt hv order from her
<font color="0000ff">Diane,

Think we are getting back into that "fatigue phrase" again, I feel tired/breathless even after walking a few steps these days! aiyoyo

Cheer Bear,

Me oso counting down to the wkend, but then I got other work committment over the wkend so I reckon not much rest ...hmmm..

<font color="aa00aa">Rachel Mum
Why not take a half day leave to go home see how is Rachel? Hope she get well soon. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Same here. Am feeling tired and breathless. 2 more days to 3rd trimester
wow u still hv energy to work during wkend ah.. pei fu leh.

i get tired easily but breathless still ok coz i walk reali slow :p
<font color="aa00aa">Cheerbear
I guess it is bcos we are reaching 3rd trimester soon and recently my tummy also grow quite a bit liao. Find myself going to the toilet very often too.</font>
Hi Jennifer:
Thanks, so far I apply the oil in vertical upwards direction, but still will get the contraction feeling. In fact last nite around 6am, the whole tummy got so hard that I was awakened.
Regarding nuts, what I read is to avoid peanuts as it is one of the highly allergic foods, so just in case.

Fish Oil:
I din take any, not in capsule form also. Heard if my diet includes sufficient fish is also ok?

Gripewater/infacol/ru yi oil:
Thanks, Rachel's mummy, more to add to my shopping list. Hope your gal recovers soon!

Buffy &amp; Mint:
I emailed you my email add already. Thanks! =)
going to toilet in the day time is still ok.. but i hate at nite.. i hv to wake up to go toilet.. i used to sleep throughout the nite one leh..

chua wan chuen,
fish oil - helps in bb brain development but alot of mummies will not take chance and still eat the pill form although it taste sucks esp sometime when u burp still can smell.

ru yi oil - rem to pour on ur hands rub liao (so got heat) then put on ur bb tummy and NOT pour on bb tummy and rub.. coz will be too "hot" for the bb tummy

mummies, how many of u sign up for cordlife? me still thinking to sign mah.. is gd but ex leh.
Cheer Bear, Littlebluey, mouseeb,
im also getting tired and feeling breathless v easily.. even after i just talk for a while.. i feel breathless...

u've received!! thats great!!
you were there too? i was also. Wearing a white top &amp; 3-qtr pants, sitting right size of screen (3nd row)

Finally, had my durian crepe but not "siong" enough... will go buy durian this evening...
mummies, EYS having sale. I'm not sure if it applies to all branches, but i bought some bird nest frm causeway pt atrium. Same price when i bought the bird nests during motherhood fair at Expo.
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Very fast leh! Counting down le

Cheer Bear,

Muz earn more $ while I can muhahahaha ;p DH was asking me why dun turn down the engagement but I said since alrd promised pple cannot reject....

How's lunch Ladies??

I had Tom Yam Hor Fun Soup and shared a papaya salad &amp; coconut drink with DH hahahaha....then went Spring and bought another 2 tops at 50% off!


<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Think only those atrium fair then will have sales else rest of the branches dun enjoy such gd discount!


wah, all of u have such good lunch!
i only had ban mian, with ice milo... n im still feeling sleepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *duh*
