(2008/10) Oct 2008

Doc Adelina talk about labour stage & another Doc (didn't get his name) talk about how to handle one's emotion, R/S, mental (etc)

Correct me if wrong Phtanus & forest...
<font color="0000ff">Ohayo Mummies!!

Tis morning on the MRT encountered a very inconsiderate Bi**h!! Angry man!

i only take canned sardine and tuna these days. the max. of fish smell i can take.

eat it 2 or 3 times a week
educational stuffs
i like leapfrog stuffs. so far have't bought anything yet. been eyeing them for a while.
will probably get some later.

my gal loves barney and animals.so bought many vcds on that. no cartoons yet, she doesn't like it.
Morning Mummies!~

Wah, ur breakfast really tempting! Yum YUM!! I just have plain bread with magarine and milo... hiaz...

Forest, wah! you plan to buy educational things so soon? For start maybe u can buy flash cards first. I bought the Glenn Doman flashcards. They will teach u progressively how to make use of it. Even include parent workshop for couple to maximize the use of the cards. Now my boy watching Hi 5 and Sesame street
to start, you may wish to purchase stuffs, with only black, white, red (the only color, babies can see when they are born till 3-4 months depending)
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Morning dun eat too spicy, not good for the stomach!!
Not shiok, later during lunch go cheong something else :p

Morning Mummies,

my hubby had the same bfast as u lah.. his craving again!! *bleh*

what happened??

yes.. the 2nd doc is a psychiatrist... didnt recall his name either..:p

Enya, Purebliss,
thanks for info!!! i havent buy anything educational yet lah.. hahaahha.. becos actually that didnt cross my mind until my hubby's coll told us we can start to read story books to our baby now!! hhahahahah... :p
<font color="ff0000">Mummies, something to share.

get prepare a bottle of INFACOL (hope i spell correctly) from Guardian Pharmacy.

standby a bottle of it. juz in case ur new born has colic (wind). can be very terrible to handle.

oh yes! Purebliss juz reminded me GRIPE WATER oso can help in colic. WOODWARDS brand.

rachel..you use infaco?

i use 2 other types..and colic wind plus the other, what's the name..lol..cant recall
yup..juz like sardine..that's why we cant take too much.

but it contains a lot of omega 3...better than taking any fish oil supplement
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel Mum
I got ru yi yu liao! It's good to help get rid of wind. The smell is nice!</font>
yes.. i arrived at about 650pm.. one of the earlier ones bah... hehehe...

Rachel's Mummy,
so must buy this INFACOL by Sept just in case? its something for baby to drink??? sorry for my ignorance.. :p
Enya, I also heard cannot eat too much tuna lei, 2~3 times a week is too much liao wor. Coz I also love tuna but control myself not to take too much.

Sardine shd be ok but it still canned food, better to take fresh fish even if u need to fry it. Don't have to take steam fish if u really can't take the smell.
i think ruyi oil is enough to start...
colic usually starts at 3 months..so got time to purchase later

sometimes, your baby will juz cry for hours without reason, they call it colic.
may be due to intestine expansion, wind, etc
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Got tis dumb B**** sitting beside me, the train was crowded, she saw a preggie come in dun even bother to give up the seat! Then pretend to play with her HP, pretend to zz all the while! KNS man!!

So mad that when we alight at the same stop, I told my DH "Inconsiderate B****, dun even know basic courtesy, when it's her turn she will know"!!


Thanks for the tips!

<font color="aa00aa">Enya</font> ya i used infacol. before tat i used rid wind. does not help at all. best is infacol.

<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font> ya lor. smell good on baby.

<font color="0077aa">forest</font>, u can buy now. try not to squeeze everything on sept to buy. u will either be too busy or totally no energy to walk &amp; shop.
i actually read somewhere, it's okay.as long as you take moderate...

i really cant take fish at all...not even sardine.
that's right, rachel mummy...
it's grip water...ehehh..can only recognise the bottle,

they say when women are pregnant, their brain shrink. become more forgetful.
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> no worries babe. juz helping each other only. will try to input more info whenever i can remember.
<font color="0000ff">Infacol is one of the recommended one by PDs, think most of the PD used it, quite effective!
It can be taken from NB onwards.


Can gripe water be given to NBs? It's my fav wor, I remember when I was young drink alot muhahaha ;p

gripe water is supposed to mix water for bb to drink. the old ppl called it "fai zai shui"

infacol is a medication. it comes with a feeding tube to feed the bb. give accordingly by the instructions.

ru yi oil is to apply on bb's tummy. wat i do is noramlly after bathing the bb, dry clean the whole body &amp; pat abit on my 2 palms to heat up the oil. (rub ur palms) then apply on bb's tummy.

remember to cover the baby's belly button always even after bath. the belly button is very sensitive.
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> can lah. some will feed the NB will gripe water for prevention of colic before hand lor. some will only feed after the bb got colic. it really depends on urself.
ok. drop by kiddy palace. i m sure they got sell this tummy belt. meant for baby to cover their belly button area. like a slimming belt. u gals can get tat too.

i didnt buy for my 1st one. 2nd one i will go &amp; get it.
not sure if you mummies..got my recommendation of babycare book

i do like that book by Miriam stoppard. it has alot of pictures and illustration on how to take care of babies, from cleaning the ears, eyes, face, haircare..to changing of diapers, bathing...etc up to 1 year or 3 years old.

i find it a very very useful book
i see...

Rachel's Mummy,
ok ok.. hehehe... will go to guardian pharmacy and check it out.. btw, u mentioned to cover the baby's belly button.. with a cloth or those baby binders?? I saw the dept stores selling the binders, and am not sure if its needed??

wahhh.. that Bi**h so terrible!!! but the rest around her also never gave up their seats to u???

Hi Mummies

just to share not being KS..my SIL baby suffers from Colic after the baby full month. As such I reckon it will be good to get the gripe water early..

