(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi Chris, nope not decided. The earlier discussions on this page have more history on that...

<font color="119911">everafter>> hee, i think no nid compare until like that. coz the est date is based on LMP mah. all know not very zun one. baby start growing from conception. some conceive at 2week some conceive earlier or later. no nid so calculate ya? ;P all depend on luteal period when ovulate and when conceive, no?

dimpletot>> i got same concerns MAH or TMC leh. havent decided which yet but guess got another 7 more month to decide haha... anyone going for their hospital tours?</font>
HopeTBF, how nice to have such nice hubby like you. mine was like smsing me abt his cars &amp; tyres then asking me hw i feel lor.

You hoping that your wife can total Breastfeed your little baby? you have to give her lots of encouragement. Thats exactly what my hubby did when i delivered my #1. He is very supportive &amp; my in laws too but not my mum.
<font color="119911">dimpletot>> hey any idea what to look out for during the tour? i thinking of going mabbe in early 3rd trimester..</font>
I dunno what to look out for... guess the feel of the rooms and what the 1 bedders offer? equipment in labour suite?

Chris - when to go for? Tour? I think can go anytime you feel like you want to decide on a hospital to deliver in.
<font color="119911">hey do u ladies think is ok to travel? we have made plans to fly to HK in March (still 1st trimester) leh...</font>
<font color="119911">no leh never feel anything (even last time). where u felt? think higher floor higher chance to feel?</font>
Juzme, check with your gynae abt your travelling. I was only give GREEN light to travel after 1st trim with my #1.
Juz Me,

I had actually booked a package to Perth with my hb and gal on 8 March but my gynae advised me against travelling during 1st trim. She said it is not advisable to do so as pregnancy is not stable as yet and it may be too tiring for us. Her advise is to travel during 2nd trim which is early April for me.

So I cancelled my Perth trip. Planning to have the trip in May instead.
i too planning to go Aust in Jun/jul. then comes this sweet surprise. Hb says wait till after deliver, i said like tt can forget about gng totally. gng to Aust isnt gng to be cheap, and having a infant &amp; toddler will be EX
Hi all,

during my first pregnancy, and during my sec trimester...i ask my gynae, can i go tour?? he don want to say yes or no...he said:see when tsunami come, no one predict also....all these are accident.......

so he is hinting me better don go, cos accident will happen, so end up, i didnt go travel at all, go only after my girl reached 1 year old and i stopped breastfeeding....
<font color="119911">oct08mum> then u still going or not? thing is my work (teaching) very not flexible, only sometimes can take leave (school hols). and hubby oso quite busy so very hard to find time that we both can make it. and like u all say now dun go baby come out can forget about going le
juzme, chances of gng rather high. i wont give hb a chance to escape. hahahahaa. if drag longer, i dont think i can go and handle 2 kids at one go. I went HKG in Jan, and already tonnes of things to bring along for my #1. #1 alone has 1.5 luggage, cant imagine with #2 along. i will either go crazy or exhausted.
my #1 travel at 27mths. a good age
My gynae also advised me to travel to enjoy first before #2 comes. My gal is now 23 mths, also a very good age to travel. So possibly I will go in Apr/May. Also take it as a chance to bond with my gal before #2 comes along.
Am back from gynae. Gynae said I'm 8 wks preg and EDD is 7 Oct.

I've been having cramp and red spotting since Saturday. She gave me the painful jab on the butt and MC for the whole week. Also gave me hormones pills (duphaston). She did a v scan as she can't from the normal scan. I could see &amp; hear the bb's hearbeat. However, Dr said heartbeat is rather slow. Normal heartbeat should be around 100 plus and my bb is only around 80 to 90 plus. BB is also small for 8 wks (only 0.4 cm). Goin back to see her next Monday to see if bb grows. She said bb need to grow double (0.8 cm). If bb don't grow then will not survive.
Hi Linda, take heart, it should be fine!

Yah, Porky, DR Adrian is really kind, he keep repeating that I must not work, rest at home &amp; watch TV! Kekeke... The other time I went A&amp;E on sun morning (7plus) he also didn't charge me for consultation which would have costs $250!

I am still having spotting, today bleeded brown blood, think I walked too far to buy food liao. Only work today &amp; bleeding came back so Dr ordered bed rest. And he said I just have to explain to boss again, no choice. I still have blood clots, so fustrating!! Really hope that it will DISAPPEAR soon!! I am in my 12 weeks liao. Asked Dr Woody whether can see gender already he said still early..
Linda.. hang in there.. baby will be alright..

storeberry.. yes yes.. dr woody is realli v nice.. he din charge me for ultrasound on my first visit too.. maybe cos still cant see the sac.. but he's really nice..
Linda: Don't worry! Rest more and keep positive mind!

Storeberry: wow! Dr Adrian didn't charge u for the A&amp;E trip? Tat's very good!! I rem i paid ardz 300+ for my gynae consultation for my A&amp;E case ley!*sweat* REally heartpain!
Talk about travelling.. i'm so upset! PLan to travel b4 i try for my #2 then hubby keep dragging until now cannot go liao! sianz!
<font color="ff6000">Hi lili,
There are TMC hospital tours scheduled at 11am and 2pm daily. Can call the hotel main line. Think no need to book place, can just turn up.
Hi Ladies

Good morning. Jia lat liao. Looks like my spotting is getting worse leh. This morning red spotting like having menses and i'm using the normal sanitary pad! And also still having cramp. Very worried and scared.
Good morning ladies,

Linda, don't worry. Your baby will be fine. Do take good care of yourself and try to bedrest as much as you can during this 1 week MC.

Storeberry, take care too! Usually the gender can be seen around 16 weeks.

I post my previous message before I read your new posts.

Pls call your gynae immediately so that she/her can advise you what to do.
<font color="119911">littleger>>om me too!! haha i oso 'scold' hubby dec never go travel. now wanna travel so headache

Linda>> pls take care and i oso recommend you consult your gynae
Juz Me
It's safer to travel during your 2nd trimester when everything is more stable.
During my 1st pregnancy, i also flew to Perth at my 24 weeks. Doc had certified that I'm safe to travel before that. Somemore, my doc was very supportive. He kept telling me and hubby if want to go tour, have to go before bb come out. Once bb is out, how to go?
Me also on duphaston. Told my doc I have some spotting (although not regular). He said it is better to take duphaston to strengthen the bb. Just follow doc's instructions and have plenty of rest. You will be ok. Dont worry too much. But if you are feeling uncomfortable, you should consult your doc immediately.
hahaha...you so kan cheong to know your bb gender huh? On your next visit to doc, tell your bb to be co-operative and guai guai, maybe doc should be able to detect the gender by then.
storeberry.. ya.. usually will only know baby's gender after 16 weeks.. but if u're having a boy, u may know sooner.. i knew my #1 was a boy at week 11's NT scan..
<font color="ff6000">last time I always the romantic idea that it was more interesting not to know baby gender.

But now it really seems practical. plus got so many scans, even if i don't ask gynae to tell me i might see it from the photo.

I was also thinking of travelling in second trimester but perhaps somewhere near. Like within 3 hours flight. Where are you guys intending to travel to?</font>
<font color="119911">initially we planned HK and guangzhou but now that got kid i thinking japan leh hahah else like no chance to go le until goodness knows when. somemore march-april is ideal for japan!!

mousebb>>heard oso depends on baby facing etc...
wah japan! now that bb coming, we were thinking must save more... don't think hb will agree to go japan.

also thinking of stopping work for 3 more months after maternity leave ends... our household income will halve - think will not be able to get used to it esp with increased expenditure for bb. sigh! maybe end up i go bintan.
I'll be travelling to hongkong in march.. will still be in my 1st tri. My gynae is quite supportive leh.. just told me to go for a check before and after the trip.

Dun worry gals, even after the baby is born, can still travel one.... i travelled to perth with my girl when she was 8mths and we truly enjoyed the holiday experience as a family
<font color="119911">dimpletot>> haha say only... i want lah, but most likely we will end up juz go HK, coz 1st trimester oso dun wanna travel so many place hectic. we're stayign with friends so cost is less an issue. ya i oso think of converting to part time work when baby born leh. but worry about the $$

Preggie>> ya actually my gyane oso say is ok to travel, just that becoz of our nausea, dizziness and bloatedness, we may not enjoy the trip. o i oso hope kid is not the end of my life enjoyment... hai haha...so many places i never been b4
regret no go nice honeymoon lol we went bali only last time
hi mummies,

I also agreed with Jasminetea about travelling with 1st one before 2nd one comes..hahaa..

Me also planning a trip in Apr/May to Japan! I thihk we will go Tokyo for disneyland. Guess it will be another long break before nxt holiday. Been saving up for 2 years to spend on this trip..hahaha

Hi Jasminetea,
Would you be travelling on tour package? Is your girl currently adaptable to outside food already? I thought of going to AU, but all the western foood, i scare she will not eat
mousebb.. ya.. like what juzme said.. depends on baby's position.. juz nice my boy had his legs wide open.. haha.. he not shy.. hehe
Littleger: Yah lo, we were so gald &amp; surprise when the nurse told us its wavied! We were quite worried cos $250 is alot of money! Kekeke...

Emma: Wow your bb very cooperative leh..I think mine is a naughty one, I always see bb sitting &amp; crouching &amp; sleeping, no legs wide open before.. Think shy... Hee

Jasmine Tea &amp; mousebb: Yah, I am eagar to know bb's gender.. Exciting mah... But gotta to wait for another 4 weeks.. Long wait... And I have never see my bb open legs before leh.. Kekeke..

I also want to go on a trip!! But DH is always so busy with his work. I haven't even gone for my honeymoon!!
Hi Mummies-to-be,

I have the some lightly used items for sale for confinement use:

1) Warming Body Wash for Confinement - more than 3/4 left! - $10


2) Warming Shampoo for Confinement - more than 3/4 left! - $10


3) Dry Confinement Powder - used once only! - $12


4) Nipple Salve - used once only! - $12


5) Healing Bottom Spray - 3/4 left! - $10


6) 5 x Chinese herbal bath (2 sachets per pack) - brand new! - $1.50 each

pls pm me or sms me @ 90400090

Good afternoon ladies

Janey, so good to go Japan! It was my first choice actually but calculating the expenses etc, it is a bit out of budget for me, so we choose Perth in the end. Are you going on F&amp;E to Tokyo? My gal loves Mickey and Minnie, actually I felt she will enjoy going to Japan more than Perth.

The agency do not allow me to postpone my trip, so they had actually cancelled my booking. So I can actually choose all over again where I want to go

Anyway, on food part. My gal is quite adaptable to outside food as we do bring her out to eat sometimes and I let her eat outside food. The agency told me that Perth is quite suitable for our kids as there are a lot of hawker centres which sells Chinese food as well. That is why I go ahead with it. I'm not too sure about other part of Australia though.

Storeberry, understand your excitement! Esp if this is your 1st kid
I was very eager to know for my #1 too but this round, seems less eager about it haaa...

Linda, how are you already??
