(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="119911">morning

dimpletot, your bao joke wakes me up LOL Tat's a gd 1! but what's ling yong bao? lian rong bao?

buffy, what's wrong with duo sa bao?</font>

Phtanus, my son also refused to sit on potty. Think it is a matter of time too.

He's rebellious &amp; refuses to say or do what we want him to.

He also spits out his food sometimes. I usually don't stress him &amp; just let him be.
The Dou Sa Bao is to be a cont'd from the char sao bao.

It's Char Sau and Dou Sa went to watch sad movie. Char Sau cry. Dou sa laugh.

reason : Different filling (feeling).
<font color="119911">Phtanus,
Nat also juz 10.5kg nia leh but i m not overly worried. She is also a rather picky fussy eater with siao siao mood (-____-)''

Nat too! She loves to learn from hubby, pick whatever he says, does immediately. I always joke to have him b a SAHD with Nat...kekeke</font>
I saw Nat this morning at my house the bus stop. Spoken to her briefly.
Marcus was excited to see her. Think Nat can't recognise or remember him. Keep pointing and saying baby baby. Haha...
<font color="119911">phtanus, pooh bear,
y not juz try letting your boys go straight to the toilet bowl? They might like it there. I let Nat flush after her biz
She was taking the bus with Nat to blk 198.
Ur nanny speaks very good mandarin!
She even asked me if i was the one who had the roof party. Haha...

Not sure if Marcus recognise Nat. But he was waving to her.
Nvm, wait for next batch, if any. Thanks ya!

At least E willing to try new foods, Isaac basically no interest in foods at all, that is the problem, is so hard to coax him to take new food. He has his fav food, of course, but I wanna intro more variety to him lay, else so hard to bring him out to have meal with us, everytime i have to prepare his "baby food" along rather than eating together with us, not a healthy sign also right? If u still remember, last time I complained he took >1hr to finish his lunch/dinner, but at least now better, can finish ~1/2hr, so i treat it as a good progress, now hoping he can be more adventurous to try new food.

Re: Speech,
He just dun want to open his golden mouth, will never repeat after us. Just like everafter, i also hope that one day I can wake up with I turns into a chatter box, hee...He is a bit slow in terms of development compared to his peers here, he only start walking at 16mths. So many ppl console me that it will longer for him to speak too, but he is absorbing now, he may surprise me with sentences instead of words when he finally willing to talk. I really hope so!

Anyway, i wont force him, will keep trying. I wont be happy to see a stressful boy too. Thanks dear.
u r welcome phtanus...

haha.. i am still bringing his bb food with us ...in Mel i cooked lunch and dinner for him. for me it is cos outside food v salty leh... i dun like.. now he wants ur food and not his food..so i have to trick him.. put some of our food on his food so he will makan.

issac v good take half an hr.. E still 1hr over.. sometimes my patience runs thin, i feed him, then break and feed him again 1 hr later.

E walked at 15mths too..i think it is personality. E is v cautious .. i say kia si...haha.. instd of talking issac shld have a skill/talent - sociability is one of it

ya keep trying u r doing great!
<font color="119911">XY,
tat's 1 of the reasons i choose her as the nanny for Nat

how abt mixing the new food into Issac's fav food, a little at a time? Sometime i also try to trick Nat like tat =P</font>
Pooh Bear,
Thanks, ya I dun wanna force him too, hope he will surprise me soon.

Hm...maybe i shud try the toilet bowl, but need to get the toilet seat first. Thanks dear!
Vanilla : yes, she is gg for e amino test.. She cried so hard.. Feeling betta today.

Potty training: I haven start yet !!!

Phantus: I feel it's a phrase.. A went thru this phrase n it was nt easy.. I was like adding his fav biscuit on each spoon of porridge n all that..he is much better now , polishing off whatever.. B patient, vary e menu..
or maybe can let him self feed..n u try to feed him w another spoon..
N yes, u r more than welcome to 'gate crash' e party

xy: looks like C may well b your future DiL ;)
Phtanus, my son also hesitant about new food, but I just let him try. If he refuses or spits out, then I just let him be. I don't prepare baby food when we bring him out to eat. I just cut my food (those that I think he can eat) into small pieces &amp; feed him. Sometimes he insists that I put the food in his baby bowl and then he uses his baby spoon/fork or his hands to eat.

He also only started walking at 15/16mths. Boys are sometimes slower in early development.

JJmom, I tried letting him sit on the toilet bowl (with &amp; without training seat), but he also refuses. He likes to flush the toilet though. :p
<font color="119911">pooh bear,
so when your boy flush, is there any poo in the toilet bowl?

Or try to throw his poo (from the diaper) into the toilet bowl &amp; get him to see then ask him to says bye to the poo then flush. After tat, let him sees tat the poo is gone.

Hopefully this will makes him curious enough to poo into the toilet bowl so that there's something to flush away...hahaha</font>

yah ling yong is lian rong.


my friend's sis' detailed scan also revealed chance of DS cos of polyps in brain or something like that. so she's agonising now on whether to do amnio. she's a bit freaked out by a case where amnio showed that bb was normal, but the amnio caused miscarriage.


are you coming for our gathering? I miss the swiss rolls hahahaha...
i can trf e toothpaste to you... no issues

your remaining oragel and earth's best, wanna sell to me anot? as long BN and unopen, i'll take it
jjmom, usually there is something in the toilet bowl when he flushes the toilet (toilet paper, etc). When he was younger, I managed to make him sit on the toilet bowl if I could catch him before the poo came out. But he would usually cling onto me &amp; cry. Then after that I would show him his poo in the toilet bowl &amp; flush.

Nowadays he's more stubborn &amp; refuses to sit on the toilet bowl at all, so I'm letting him be for the time being. Maybe try again when he's older.
today rebekah was calling my dad to bring her to the toilet to poop but alas, my dad was too late... she couldnt wait and pooped in her diapers... she was successful the last few days
jolly, jjmom &amp; pooh bear,
Haha...I did that too, biscuit+porridge quite sometime ago, when he took ages to finish the porridge. And yes, diff spoon can play the trick too depends on his mood. BUT now, new food
+fav food no longer works for him, he is getting "smarter", he will usually spit out the food the momment he spotted the "foreign food" in his mouth, sigh...Thanks for the tips, i shall let him self-feed and use his baby bowl when we have our meal outside. Will try this sat, hope i can share the good news with u next week!

Thanks a lot, u can have the toothpaste if y need them urgently, i can wait still. But i am fine to if u wanna let go to me.
Wow, seems like rebby will be toitlet-trained soon, congrats! How's ur Bf-ing now?
XY, buffy,
Hahaha...gold has very good price now right, time to sit down and have a good talk on dowry lay! Else can consider diamond instead. Hee...
i will take saxo's oragel and the other earth's best toothpaste... u can take the two tubes she ordered. me also just stocking up for fun!

rebekah has a long way to go for toilet training but i think she is making an effort so i hope by the time she's off to kindy or cc, she will be off diapers soon

my bfg... still got supply prob but i will give sydney what i have... dun wanna fight it already
hi dimpletot - usually the possibility of mc is 5% chance or 2% i forgot...

i think ur fren must really rest... i took 10 days mc to rest and have to check if leaking amino fluid.. my doc initally say 3 days mc but i told her i wanted 10 and she gave.

i suggest ur fren shld do - at least to prepare herself. i told my gynae that i am prepared to keep my bb even though DS but i need to mentally prepare myself. It is a lifetime commitment...
<font color="119911">Marcus, Cate,
Oh boy...good luck to u 2...wahahaha
*remembering the scene of buffy &amp; XY screaming at eachother at Marcus's 2nd bday party* </font>
Of course not me who's making the mantous from scratch! My cooking skills cannot make it. I 'outsourced' the job to a dim sum factory.
Previously I mentioned that jo's teeth are browning and well she has 7 teeth that are decayed! Dentist blamed I on constant contact with sugar and since I don't feed Jo sugar every day, he blamed it on bm. Will be reviewed one month later.

My other 2 toothpastes have been used once or twice. I am looking to give away not sell.
Sounds bad. Alamak... BM is that sweet meh? I'm not very consistent with my brushing for Marcus. He still hates brushing. Think i need to up my brushing routine.
jo has 7 teeth decayed.. wow very serious leh.. think i must be like xy liao.. more brushing for shawn.. and my notti boy still using the finger brush, he refused to use the normal toothbrush.. sighz
is shawn e type who does what maonkey say, monkey do? i introduced brushing of teeth to rebby by making her brush w me. she thinks its fun. and i love cartoon character toothbrushes... makes introducing brushing so much easier
Yah lor. Maybe cos Jo nurses all the time, that's why. Also I read on the net that when BM is mixed with sugars, the damage is more than sugars alone.
<font color="aa00aa">re: amnio
The possibililty of mc is 5%. However, as long as mummy has enough bed rest plus an experienced doc, it shouldnt be a problem. Had done a amnio test while expecting wenmin as the DS ratio was 1:16. I was very worried and hesitated but my gynae assured me that I'm going to be alright bcos the one who is going to do the amnio test for me is an expert in this area. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">dimple
Haha! Let me check with hubby is if he has any plans on that day. If can, I will bring the swiss rolls for you!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">cheer bear
Shawn looks so happy in his photo! The cake is very nice with thomas and james on it!!! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer bear
Since Shawn likes thomas &amp; friends, you can buy a toothbrush with his favourite characters. That was what I did to wenxuan. When he starts his playgroup at 25mths, he still refused to use a proper toothbrush but insisted on a finger brush. In the end I decided to get him a thomas toothbrush which is his favourite character, and everyday I just let him meddle with the toothbrush and at the same time encouraged him to stand in front of the mirror and put the toothbrush inside his mouth. Finally after a while I saw him brushing his teeth with the toothbrush liao. </font>
i try liao.. make him brush with me or he brush my teeth.. all doesnt work

ya.. he enjoy himself.. thats the mood i hope he will hv on bday and not like last yr.

lucky hb take photo fast fast coz shawn push the 2 trains and it got stuck in the cake after that :p
<font color="aa00aa">cheer bear
I bought from a BP when the organiser happened to have a ready stock for thomas toothbrush set. I saw KP selling it also but it was at marina square. Not sure the KP at compasspoint has it anot.</font>
Can tell that u are a thomas "fan". Coz u know the names of the other trains as well.

I'm dreading that day. Once my colleague showed me a Thomas brochure. I saw 1 page and commented, ok lah... only 5 types... She looked at me shocked and told me, there are alot alot. See next few pages. And her son know ALL of them by name. Faint!
yes XY - my boy has a book depicting all the engines (according to my hubsand they are engines not trains) and all their names..(ok 1 is a helicopter)...
<font color="aa00aa">XY
Thanks to my son who is a Big fan of thomas. I got him a book with number 1-10 and each number represents a tank engine and that's why after a while, I got used to the names of the tank engine liao.

They are tank engines.</font>

You too 'kan de qi' me already! Haha!

I not very regular with brushing Dylan's teeth too...I only do it when I've got the time for it...

Think you got the wrong person...I got zero Taoshu dvds...

Shawn looks super duper happy! Very nice pic!
