(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Trace,

let us know if buying from wholesaler has better deal... but i guess can't beat buying direct from states if a friend is going there, or american friend coming to visit.

see this website? medela PIS advanced with backpack only 260 USD or 360 Sgd!


thanks guys for reordering / updating the chart - now i know beary and jjmom also got same EDD as me! but somehow i got a feeling will deliver early... gao3 bu4 hao3 in sept! </font>

trace, thanks. It's very near to my place. Heehee!
bbgoh, yah stay +ve, m sure everything will b ok for u &amp; bb

mint, I only c 1 kind of Pigeon BPA Free milk bottle so should be the same bah, I think Pigeon PES = BPA Free
There is a card on the shelf (Isetan) tat state those bottles r BPA Free.
mint, no worries...its near my ofc too..hehe..

pls look for Chloe or Celine when u r there..not sure abt the working hrs..you may call 6562 3008
dimpletot, maybe good idea to buy online also since USD rates low now. But not sure if they ship internationally or if the product will be in good working condition.
Littlebluey, Everafter,

So all the 19th July classes will be reschedule to 26th Jul? Mine's the 2pm class wor? I din get any notice yet, mayb bcoz I haven pay =P
haha, maybe lo...I still waiting anxiously for his first kick!
Btw, wanna to check with you, did Dr. YC give you any print out for detailed scan? Mine will be on 9 Jun. Thanks!
hi JJmom,
ya, Mrs Wong is nt in town and all classes postponed to 26 July (me oni knew last sat when i went to make payment) and also the class is not held @ TMC but @ AMK hub..
<font color="aa00aa">i think after factoring in shipping, all the exr advantages and cheaper price will be gone!

haha, i regularly buy scrapbook materials from the states, and the shipping is always crazy considering the items are so light!</font>
Hi mint and jjmom

Yeah, sorry for causing the confusion.. PES refers to the type of material, and it's bpa-free.. so Pigeon PES bottle = Pigeon bpa-free bottle.
Chau Wan Chuen,
Taka got carry Graco strollers...or you may like to make a trip down to Aprisin who's the main distributor...do a search for Aprisin n u'll be able to find more details...

My cramp is concentrated on my abdomen area ard my belly button...only started last wk n last for amin or lesser...hope it'll totally go off soon...

I bought Maclaren Quest Sport last Sun...

Can I use NUK teats with Avent bottles?
Wow, i emailed mumsfairy on the breast pump (for medela n avent pump)..this lady called mi n shared so much with me..

said esp for the 1st time, u muz build a gd foundation for breast milk..n said the ameda is good..n mumsfairy is having exhibition at motherhood...n she said we can go n see demo of hw the milk pump is used but hv to go her partner's hse to see..

she said her partner pump 1.8litres of milk everydae! nw her bb is more than 3 mths liao
Thanks again! I planning to go Taka this fri, after my appt at Mt E haha. U take care and don't worry too much abt your cramps ok? I rem my gynae saying as long as no bleeding it should be fine.
Trace, Mousebb, JJmom

i hope so

i also only feel a bit (quickening) today, i thk some ppl ll feel lata bah, dun worry too much, i keep talk to my bb &amp; evrnight ll read a short story to her. dunno it help or not lah..
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

The parking fee of $3 is a flat charge for those who deliver there for the whole day and the rest of the stay??</font>
I'm not sure how true it is but i heard from a friend that someone's ameda pump motor spoilt quite soon after she bought it. prob just one defective model. after all, many people seem to use ameda without problems. but i guess ultimately it's yi4 fen1 qian2 yi4 fen1 huo4.
For normal delivery u will stay 2days. So they will give $3 for 2 carpark coupons. If C-section, i think need to stay 3days so i guess will need another $3 leh..sian~
Thanks for your info. Den I better go get a nipple cream. Any brands in particular to recommend?

I am doing what I can to ensure that my BF process will be a less bumpy one. Very kiasu.

I am delivering in TMC. So where can I get the glass bttls from? The nurses from the clinic or parentcraft? How come they have so many to give away ah?

And the glass bttls can only fit NUK latex teats?

Wat?? 1.8L per day??? Wow!!!!
TMC only costs $3 a day for parking? that's very cheap leh... or maybe it's only a subsidy of $3 and the rest we have to pay?

mrs chua,

i heard muestela brand is not bad. a friend passed me the stretchmark cream from that brand. i like the smell.
yalor..i was like WOW...!!! i told her if next time i failed in breastfeeding can i order from your partner? hahahaha
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Last year when i gave birth to my boy via c-sect, was given only 2 complimentary parking coupons even though I stayed there for 3 nights.

$3 parking fees is with complimentary parking coupons only. If you dont have the complimentary parking coupon, then you will be charged accordingly and the fees will be super duper exp!!! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">dimpletot
I dont know if TMC has changed their policies cos the last time, I opted for a 4 bedded room (free upgraded to 2-bedded) and was still given 2 complimentary parking coupons leh. However, now I heard some of the mummies here said that complimentary parking coupons are only given for 1-bedders.

Upon admission, paid a $600 deposit. However, my boy was hospitalised for a week in the hospital due to G6PD deficiency and jaundice, hence my bill and his bill were charged separately and in the end, we still got a $7.00++ cheque refunded to us by TMC. Medisave deduction for both of us was about $5000++.</font>
littlebluey, everafter, jjmom

may I knoe when must we pay for the annetal class? I had registered for the 26 Jul class for 2pm. However, when i went down the other day, the staff are busy, so they ask me to pay another day... so now i am confused when shld i pay. Can I pay at the start of the 1st lesson?

btw, they oso nber inform me change to AMK hub...*puzzled*
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies
Do you still have any craving at this stage of pregnancy? Last night at around 9.30pm, suddenly I was craving for fried beehoon and luncheon meat and told hubby about it. He was so naughty!!! Told me to go fried the beehoon myself!!! *faint*</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Can both couple Medisave be used for the deduction of the hospitalisation fees and etc or only one can be utilised?


All the while it's at AMK Hub leh, was never at TMC or maybe it was previously? *not too sure* When I made pymt, they alrd gimme the address and the map and everything, tink have to pay before class to confirm your registration
littlebluey, thks for the clarification

seems like i got to make another trip down to TMC to make payment
any idea can i make payment at amkhub?
beary, the lady at parentcraft told me have to pay 3weeks b4 the class start, otherwise they will auto terminate your registration. err...im not sure if can pay at amk hub leh..

The AMK hub one is newly opened. Previously my fren attended the class at TMC
mousebb, wah can claim so much frm medisave ah?? ydae the lady who brought us for hosp tour jus briefly show us the list. I only knw for ward charges 1bedder can claim $1250
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
I'm not too sure leh cos I used my hubby's medisave last time. But I think should be able.

When I attended the antenatal class last June, it was conducted at TMC. Guess now they want to shift the class to AMK hub where it is more centralised bah.</font>
Beary, we will attending the same class then

I m glad tat it is now at AMK hub too, more convenient 4 me.

I also heard we need to pay 3weeks b4 the class starts. Can pay by sending cheque to them too.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I'm actually quite confused at the way TMC calculated the bills. My hubby's friend whose wife also recently gave birth at TMC (also opted 4-bedded room) by natural with epidural, still told to top-up cash of about $400++ after deducted the $600 deposit.
If I remember correctly, for my case, the medisave was deducted $3200 and my son's $2200.</font>
Mrs Chua, I heard the hospital got those glass bottles from suppliers FOC too so they r either return back to suppliers after use or given to patients who wants it.
paid soonest possible as to secure a place. i reserved a seat over the phone &amp; upon paying, the staff said my name as not on a reserve list. Thanks goodness, still have seat.

Infant ctr
Heard of Cheries Heart ? any comment? apologies if i did ask.... memory fails these days hahaha
Lili, really huh? How can the staff at TMC antenatal class so irresponsible 1...I always find the staff quite impatient &amp; rude when I called.

Think I better go down to pay asap but the location is so inconvenient...argh
you mean your havn't pay yet???

yes, i even gave the staff my address &amp; i/c... when quoting my name to pay, the staff say my name is not in the june list. i was like "huh" ... but still have seat for june.

Because if havn't pay, worry they might give your seat to others giving reasons that you havent pay... so better to pay even if location is inconvenient lor... hurrryyyyyyy

Yah loh, haven pay =P
Ok, if u c a big tummy woman rush down to TMC parentcraft, tat's me...hahaha or mayb beary
