(2008/10) Oct 2008

Jen, Rebecca,
Thanks for the info and advise! My boy's eczema are red and dry patches...hubby and I do not have eczema don't know why he has it...hope it's not something I consume during pregnancy or breastfeeding that causes it...
<font color="#C24641"> eLcH
ic. do u all hve the family history of sensitive skin? coz for me, both sides hve sensitive skin. so.. no choice. n i heard frm old folks that eating too much of seafoods n peanuts can cause bb to hve sensitive skin or worse.
My mum does have sensitive skin...it may be the genes afterall...

I have pureed and freezed some sweet potato and pumpkin yesterday, how long can they be kept in the freezer?
<font color="#C24641"> eLcH
ic. normally skin problem are genes problem.

i seldom make puree for her de leh.. normally i make vry little so she can finish it off in one shot. coz i lazy. hehe...
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
WE bought xiaojie a normal swim wear which cover her body so she can be kept warm while in the pool. Wanted to get her those sexy types, but dont have her size and those are also super exp. Din want to get a too exp one cos scared she would outgrow it very fast. The one we bought is $42.90. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, where can I get swim diapers? Tried KP and metro but these places dont carry swim diaper leh. I remember we saw it at the zoo the last time we went. If still cannot find, maybe will get one the next time we visit zoo again.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">XY, Rebecca
Thanks! Will check out these places.

The kids enjoyed themselves very much in the pool. Inititally wenxuan was a bit scared when he touched the water but after a while, he become quite steady le. </font>
Arielle used huggies swim diaper yest. Its a sample frm huggies. Quite gd,i will get it ..saw it at ntuc before. Kids swimming costume is ex,my sil brought a set for arielle..its UV protection..cost her 69.90..lucky not i pay. Haha..
i bot the serious thermal swimwear for Kieran at the last mother n baby exhibition at expo... its called konfidence - www.konfidence.com.sg actually, a fren got it for her bub first which got me interested - it looks good too!! hahaha... it was a better deal at the exhibition, cos i paid 50+ for it... the normal retail price is 60+
<font color="aa00aa">kiwifruit
Thanks for the link! Both my kids need it

Agreed with you. Kids swimming costume is exp. We are lucky that we only need to buy for xiaojie cos my son's one is a gift from hubby's sil.
Thanks! Will go ntuc to check it out.</font>
Forest, I was eyeing the Konfidence one. Think its normally on discount during Isetan Sale. But I dunno when then I can take minibee swimming. Her papa frowned when I suggested it. Sigh....

Mousebb, saw your pics, looked like you and your kids had a fun day at the pool! I like WX's pooh arm floats. next time I'll get that for Minibee. What is the brand of their Swim wear and where to get? Does it have UV protection?

Trace, wow $70 quite ex wor....
Kiwifruit, the mothercare swimdiaper is sooo cute!! Must get my hands on a pair. just wondering, can the swim nappy hold the wee wee too? Or still need to wear the huggies swim diaper? I am clueless on this....
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
Bought the arm floats from KP. If I remember correctly, my kid's swim wear has the UV protection. Not sure about the brand. Will check it out and let you know. Also from KP. I think my sil also bought the one for my son from KP too. </font>
reading reading, the konfidence one looks good, wonder if gss got sale at isetan or metro hor?

i like the pooh arm floats too! me like it~ hahha... are armfloats for babies special one or the usual ones?

saw busybee's posted starfish float on ebay last night, i think the arm floats will allow bb to be more immersed in water.

sent you an email on the money savvy pig on cost and range of colours. i'm going to get one for my hb. hahahahaha

abby is down with the flu
she's all watery eyed and running nose. sigh. and until the whole h1n1 viral thing clears up in sg, i don't think i'ld be heading to anywhere crowded with or without bb. oh, esp not with bb.

mommies, pls try and stay away from hospitals at this point.
<font color="aa00aa">Pildough
Oh dear! Hope Abby will get well soon.
I know nothing about the arm floats. Will check with hubby cos he is the who bought it. Initially wanted to get for wenmin but ended up wenxuan was the one using it.</font>
Pildough, Saw your email. I will revert shortly!! I need to check colours as it came in assortment. Oh I hope little Abby gets well soon. Minibee and I had the sniffles today too but i think its just our rhinitis(dunno spelling) hahaha. Cos I have been bumming and behind on my chores, thus we feeling the effects of a dusty home!

Floaties I think arm floats more for toddlers who can hold head above water and can float? That's my guess....

Mousebb, Replied your email :)
elch, don blame urself for baby's ecezma..
jus note some of the followings:
- avoid seafood
- if bb is sweaty must keep him dry
- try to let bb wear cotton only clothes (some fabrics may irritate)
- always use soap free products
- avoid long baths
- avoid water tat r too hot
- avoid dusty place
- chanage n wash bb's bed sheet often n wash in hot water
- moisturing is IMPT
lastly this applies to me but i not so sure..
don let bb use nay dettol products cos they r too strong for sensitive skin.
some may think its gd for killing germs but its actually a killer for sensitive skin.

i can totally understand the agony of ecezma cos i'm a bad case..
arms get red n patchy when weather is hot n if dusty also will trigger..
seafood is another killer which cos the sides of mt lips to become itchy n dry n most of the time it cracks n bleed.
hope u can manage n control bb's condition n don end up like me gotta use steriod creams or sometime take jab to ease the itch n swell..
Hope abby is feeling ok. Did she see a doc?

Flu vac,
Is it necessary to hv it? I mean for adults. Tdy my sil's whole family went for the jab. Am wondering if it helps. But hb said dats only prevention against normal flu.

Yes,dat swimsuit is ex..but the prints is quite cute. It has UV protection. I am suppose to get bk to u on the brands of it..keep forgetting it. Btw,i tot of getting 1 more sj bag for my niece,her bdae on 15 may,able to get it by then?
Gd morn mommies!

The Mothercare swimwear looks cute! Gonna check them out tmr at PS!

mousebb - You look so happy with yr bbs in the pool!
BTW, that doramon float wx is in, is it a wave rider fr a BP here? She seems to fit in snuggly.

Arm floats - think it is for toddlers and not babies right? Thot babies need more support.
Ruffles, let me know how much is the mothercare one!! I have the discount card, sms me if u need k!

Trace, hahaha no hurries on swimsuit brand...as mentioned dun know when then minibee can have greenlight into pool by pd and hubs!! pd told us she preemie so delay taking her to pool in case she catches any bugs. And yes can make it in time for your niece's b'day. But let me know asap!
Hi monyetnakal,

Nice float!

think jonathan's head like quite big leh.. U measure and then decide base on the measurement chart..
hope Abby recovers soon!!! i think can find the konfidence at some gss sales or wait for any bb exhibitions again..

i dunno abt the prevention of the flu vaccine, but when i was travelling during the SARS period, the co. docs do recommend that we have the flu vaccine done... well, guess nothing can prevent anything.. its more for reassurance..

ooohhh.. i like the doreamon wave rider too!!! WX and WM both look so happy swimming!!!!

Baby Jo seems to be having fun too!! kekeke
Just went to TYR Swim Warehouse Sale at Jln Kilang. Good deals for baby swim wear - trunks for boys, and swim dress for girls ($10), ladies tankinis / bikins ($8), men trunks / swim pants ($10), Noodle floater ($7), googles ($10), beach shorts for men &amp; women ($10-$15). Baby &amp; kid swim suits (UV protected but not thermal $25). Till tonite 7pm. No baby floats though.
Hi ladies,
I'm finally back after MIA-ing for so long. Been so busy. Regina doesn't want to nap in the afternoons and when she finally sleeps, I have to catch up on my housework and even my meals.

Hubby flew off this morning so it's me and Regina home alone for a week. Boohoo! Miss my hubby already.
<font color="#C24641"> mint
totally understand how u feel lor. i miss my hubby badly lor.. been weeping for 1hr liao.
Rebecca, mint,

Understand how both of you feel. I missed my hubby when he was away too, but at the same time I enjoy the benefit of having the car to bring my gal out for shopping...

by the way, not sure can go on wed or not. Will let u know again..
If boss not in, might sneak out keke
<font color="#C24641"> kylie
u got car leh.. i only got "car"(leg in hokkien) so much diff leh...

some more he always acc me whenever i go out. den like out of a suddne he not with me. kind of nt use to it lor..
mummies w/o hb ard..
actually i think i'm the worst among mummies cos every wk i only get to c hb for 2-4days out of 7days *if lucky* n with zero communication..
come Oct i'll be alone for 6mths *don even dare think if i can survive*

Yah jen, recall u said he's not home every weekend. So sad. Lonely weekends... Now that he has kid, has he considered changing jobs or departments?

<font color="#C24641"> Morning Mummies!!!

*head on ur shoulder. sob sob*

he coming back on 17 May.
i still got 2 more lonely weeks to go.
i miss him badly during weekend la.. coz he is always by my side. he's always with me whenever we go out. den now is kind of nt use to it lor. aft all he din go overseas training for 3yrs liao.
worse still he might need to go for another overseas training in mid oct lor. sianz.. my b'day leh...
