(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Karen,
I change my bb diapers every3-4 hrs unless really full.

U worried too much.. kekeke...

Varner also don like cereal liao leh.. Don know how.. But today I let him try other brand of rice cereal, c if he like it..</font>

<font color="0000ff">mousebb,
can try some other taste liao boh? mayb can add something else in the rice cereals?</font>
Good morning mommies!

was super busy yesterday!
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
Which brand(s) of cereals are you giving him? I think my gal is going to be a fussy eater like her korkor too! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
re: disposable diapers
I change the diapers for my kids every 3-3.5 hours cos I scared their "golden butt" would get sored. That's why cannot afford to use branded diapers during day time.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">whitepaper
I only add water. Maybe I can try adding some bm to it and see if she like it. Thanks for the tips! </font>
Trace - hugs. You try to rest in office whilst yr MIL cares for Arielle ya? Give her sometime to recover. If not too good still tmr, go see PD again. She will be ok soon. Don't start solids this week ya?

dimpletot - mid May is great

everafter - I don't mind getting the blue egg milk bags from you. You going to the gathering? Can pass me there.

jjmom- you going to the gathering? Can pass u the diapers n voucher too.

Karen - don't feel bad about sending your maid away. No point having her around if she stresses you more than helps u.
Just look for another now, and hopefully she is better.
<font color="0000ff">Whitepaper,
I like long time nv c u post liao leh.. heee...

I giving him Heinz last time.. today gonna try Bellamy's which I bought from busybee. How abt u??</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ruffles,
Nope, not gng to the gathering. Hubby gng Japan on tat day, I don't think i can manage without him driving us there with all the stuff. Sigh...i still lousy at gng out alone with Nat =P</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Ok. Will go get some for the xiaojie if I go to suntec this weekend.

I'm giving frisocrem to my gal. Last time for my son I gave him nestle but I think nestle very sweet so I never give to my gal.</font>
U try put some FM or BM in.. My boy I put both liao still don wan to eat..

I thought Friso is sweeter than nestle??hmmmmm

I guess so.. keke.. wow. this week try cereal liao arh.. excited hor??? me gg to try apple tomor.. me also super excited..

they are really smart lor.. Me need to go buy brown rice to let him try too..
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
ya. guess is coz women tends to let emotion/feeling control us. we mixed up our feelin with emotions n logic. but most of the time emotions/feeling control the logic. but for guys. they tink logic. n they will nvr mixed the emotion/feeling with logic.

ya. my hubby dun like empty promises. but my sister love that ALOT! so nw i really learn my lesson. no $$ no goods! but for me, i admit i own kylie $$ coz of the GAIA good. but now i pay her back liao. coz i promise to do so onc ei got the $$. but my sister diff leh. got $$ still dun wan to pay leh. dun tok abt the $400+ la.. she own my aunt $36 ONLY! she also dun wan to pay back. kaoz!

coz suddenly he dun wan to reply me ma.. sometimes whn we quarrel or he angry with me, he dun reply my sms de. only ans my call. but i find it kind of.. hm... stupid rite? quarrel can dun reply SMS but ans calls. for me, i dun. coz i dun like ppl to call n scold n quarrel with me. hehe...</font>
<font color="#C24641"> my Erin 'qi si wo le!!!'
she go n pull down my laptop! luckily the lapto din fall onto her!!! urgh! if anytin happen to her. i sure get the blamin de. nvr looka ft her properly n spoilt my hubby laptop. n for sure he will NAG NAG NAG!!!</font>

be careful... my nephew pulled out and shattered the keyboard of my SIL's laptop!!! all the alphabets splattered on the floor...
<font color="0000ff">whitepaper,
I realised i still have an open loose pack of milk bag (non ziplock kind) in my office. U still want? althou i know it's troublesome to clip it up =P</font>

hahahahaha thanks for offering! But I haven't tried the ones you gave me leh, dunno if I will be used to using them. Let me try first, if I dun like, then you better dun waste them by passing to me!

Think for these non-zip kinds, better to place them standing? Based your experience, will they leak?
halo...haven't comeon for long time..been busy and now sick..flu at home, think i kena from a patient yesterday in clinic that i saw..sian..had to leave bb with my inlaws then i miss her but can't go near her..sux big time

been reading a bit abt maid abuse, couldn't find the video but poor kids lar..that's why i super anti maids...almost had to get one but in the end i didn't. got a part time that comes once in 2wks to clean the house.
im still waiting for my HT stock...sigh..wonder when the bp will be done..my girl already finish one box of bellamy and finishing the heinz..think i might hav eto go buy from ntuc first
read the article about the maid. even if it was true that she was abused by her employers, it is still sooo wrong for her to take it out on the kids. but honestly, i think she inflicted it on herself then blame her employers. sigh. that's why i told my hubby that i'd rather sacrifice my career and stay at home to take care of bb. if hire a maid there should be somebody at home to monitor the maid.

hope arielle gets well soon...
Aiyah... Everafter,
Just saw ur sale of milkbags. Too late, gotten from Enya le.

I rec the milkbags and calendular. Thanks!

Hugs... Dun sad. Next time, take money first then book chalet.

u poor thing. Hang in there.. hug hug.
Aiyah, XY wasted leh..bought mine frm Enya previously. But now ss so low, no need milkbags liao. Wondering how long can sustain the ss as i pump twice a day and gets abt 280-300ml

are you BFing? If you are, and your baby is drinking your BM, there's a low chance you will pass your flu to her, coz she gets the antibodies your body is producing now.

I remember reading about this somewhere... think in What to Expect in the First Year.
I had flu twice while on maternity leave, but I can't hide from CH coz I was the sole caretaker then. So I continued to play, carry, take care of him as usual. He didn't get my flu.
springles, this is what I found on kellymom:

The best thing you can do for your baby when you're sick is to continue to breastfeed. When you have a contagious illness such as a cold, flu, or other mild virus, your baby was exposed to the illness before you even knew you were sick. Your milk will not transmit your illness to baby, but it does have antibodies in it that are specific to your illness (plus anything else you or baby have been exposed to) - they'll help prevent baby from getting sick, or if he does get sick, he'll probably not be as sick as you.

Withholding your breastmilk during an illness increases
the possibility that baby will get sick, and deprives baby
of the comfort and superior nutrition of nursing.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, thanks for the tips. Will try out the various methods and hope xiaojie is satisfied
this is from familyresource.com:

When you are sick, you and your baby will almost always benefit from continuing to breastfeed. There are very few illnesses that require a mother to stop nursing. Continuing to breastfeed will help protect your baby from the infection, because your body produces antibodies to the specific bug that is causing the infection, and you pass them on to the baby in your milk. Often, a breastfed baby will be the only member of the family who doesn't get sick. If he does get sick, he will usually have a much milder case than the older members of the family.
Me also nv reply sms when I angry.. but hb will keep calling till u ans lor.. then when I ans sure give att...

maybe we are first time mummy so v excited.. hee.. CH sure grow well with yr powerful BM.. don worry..

do take care ya..

in fact, I hope his weight gain slows down! He's really too heavyweight le. I think his weight gain not much this month, coz he drinks much lesser now
thanks for the tips mums..but then i usually don't latch on in the day anymore, i gave up latching on since i went back to work coz she always doesn't take full feeds when she latches on and only wants to feed few minutes and if i try to force her to drink some more, shewill scream. so i usually just pump and someone will give her bottle, i find that doing that at night for the last night feed gives her a full feed to last and sleep through the nite so now i only latch on in the morning when she wakes up or rather, still half asleep coz once she wakes up and she's not VERY hungry (usually morning not very hungry ) she will stop drinking and want to go play. so hopefully the expressed bm will also be good for her?

this morning i ran out of big bottles, so i used the medela ones, doidn't expect to pump so much out, until started leaking and i just stop without fnishing the last bit of the pump ..hiaz
pumpin when u're not feeling well really terrible

Hey my HB also dun like to do last min things. Once on a weekend morning, I asked him shall we bring baby to BK for breakfast. He gave me that "damn shocked " face and asked "why so last min? why never plan in advance"...but to me, some things are impromptu one mah...plus go and eat breakfast very difficult meh?...Then I asked him back "having breakfast is very routine. Just like shitting...do u plan ur timing in advance to go and shit? So when is ur next shitting time?!!" wah lau so angry with him...think it was jus an excuse for him to wake up later.

expressed BM is also the same as when you latch on. The antibodies are intact, as long as you dun freeze them
so dun worry so much, your baby is protected.
problem is when we go out, she can go without milk if she doenh't want to latch on..if very hungry then she will latch on and drink until sh'es half full then she doesn't want anymore. but with bottle, she will drink more. sigh..going out is a big problem, esp now with taking more solids, hard to bring out food n milk so i usually don't bother bringing milk, if she doesn't want to drink from breast then just have to wait till go home and drink bottle coz i reckon if really hungry, she will latch on..but then i get very engorged also coz she only takes half feed/one breast.
huh..so if i freeze then how? i actually freezed this morning's milk coz i got no more bottles to keep them in...and so much leftover milk from last few days i thought i better finish them first.
hi mummies...

am home for these 2 days cos bb got fever and doc said it's viral infection =( fever has since subsided..just monitoring him and hope no recurrance..he's been soo cranky these days..

Trace : hugs..hope arielle recovers soon =)i can understand how you feel..cos i couldn't take leave on wed..and DH and MIL had to take care..i couldn't concentrate at work..my heart is at home !!

blender : read that mummies getting the blender, can post the BP link ?

if cannot finish within 48hrs, then freeze lor, no choice. Me too.

But freezing destroys the antibodies in the milk.

That's why I dun give CH my FBM... unless got emergency in future...
REALLY??? so i should give fresh rather than frozen..really kill antibodies ar..then wats the point of freezing leh/?
i got SO MUCH Frozen milk..faint man...my whole freezer really no space liao...wat to do with them..sniff...

thanks whitepaper. he's fine now..just tat he keep 'sa-jiaoing' and is zapping away all my energy..heee..was soo glad i finally managed to take a quick bath just now..

realli salute the SAHM manz..c",)
