(2008/07) July 2008

ah thanks youpi! yup that's what we do too. just wondered if there was anything special-er to do hehe.

ahhhh. poppy has decided, this week, that she is done with pm naps. ahhh!!!

oh girls
is anyone keen to form up a group for rock climbing? a friend's friend's HOUSE has a 2 storey rock climbing wall. he'll charge us a nominal fee if we can form up a group. i'm asking for more info. BUT i think there is a height requirement. cos if the kids are too small, they'll fall right thru the harness.

i'm getting more info but is anyone remotely keen? for june hol?

Cellow: it's at Toh guan road. But I don't have exact address. Should be able to get from the website.

Pb: yes, kids sleep at 730 since week 5. Sleep cues and consistency from the start are important for me. bath time, last feed, swaddle, music, bonding time then sleep. I just do this till it became a routine for them. Usually by 7 they already quite sleepy. Their times will change as they grow though. Fyi, Swaddle lasts only for 4 months for me, after that I switched to sleep bag till they outgrow.
Moms who moved.. How did you girls do it? Perspiring bucketsfull.. I fill one huge box with merely one rack of a shelf of books and I've got 3 more to go.. And that's just our tiny shelf.. What about the rest of the house!
I strongly suggest... just dumping the stuff into the boxes. Don't bother to organise nor catalogue cos you will probably change it all in the new house. Don't do double work ok? And anything that's not used in a year - throw or give away!
That should help
Haha.. Already doing that...from shelf straight into box whole trying to throw out stuff I can live without! Thanks for the tip!

To be continued...
Haha dd actually .. i did it the other way. I looked through everything and decide between whether i want or dont want. Those that i dont want i throw. Or sometimes u already know whether u want or not.. so just do the act. Throw!
Because i did this thats why i was able to unpack everything in the new house within 2.5days. All boxed unloaded. Coz it was then easy job. To just put them into the respective places...
That also means that i took a very long time to pack.. like 1 month -_- .. every night from 10pm to 11+. Weekends all burnt + house reno.. And ended up with abt 60 boxes or so..

Good luck for all that are packing!!! Jia you!
I just simply name the boxes according to the place I store the stuff at. So it was like: book case, kitchen stuff etc. I just dump everything in. However, I did move the clothes myself bit by bit, the rest of the items, big ones are moved by the moving company.
If got time, do as bbp suggests. If no time, follow jace/SDchick!

Girls did u know that the pregnancy bible "what to expect when you're expecting" is now a movie? And better news: I have 10 pairs of tickets to give away! Details on my blog
DD - from one who moved 5 times in 8 years, I say do like SD did..label boxes based on location of items..tt way, even if you dont unpack immediately, if you need something, you know where to find it vs opening every single box. also, for me, anything we did not touch in 2 years goes to salvation ..usually lots of clothes, books and kitchen stuff. I actually find moving quite good cos it really helps to declutter. jia you!
Happy Weekend!

DD, I am also packing!! Good tips! I will also start packing like that, cos I am packing according to the location I want to place the things in the new house.

Those that have no home, and those that I never touch in 2 yrs are being thrown away. I have a baby weighing scale that is also going to salvation army.

Big task of unpacking is also daunting!!!
I just realised that I am a june holiday virgin! How on earth am I going to manage with a 7 week old and an energetic almost 4 year old for the next 4 weeks? Ahhhh!!!!

Lucky my MIL is coming in mid june hehe

Meanwhile, playdate, anyone?
DD, yah...now rectifying defects. I have not bot all my bathroom accessories yet too.. No time to go... super busy with the 2 kids and office work.

PB, think not much playdates for me in June. too busy......
ha the last round i moved 40 boxes!!!

since u not in hurry, maybe u can move slowly? then won't be too stressed

we just went ikea and spent 1.7K!! buying kids table, some shelf and bathroom accessories.....

very tiring.

we feel very stressed and busy.

this time round, my hb told me to cut whatever we are moving by half!! he is limiting us to 20 boxes in total!

so i m sorting out the stuff by whether it is essential or not. and will really just bring essentials. the rest i will deal with it later...

u not signing Poppy for any hol program so that u can get a breather?

playdates may be tough too.need to spend time on house!!
anyone knows: the shop that is now called bedazzled, where we pierce earrings, used to be known as something else. can anyone remember?

oh yes SY holiday stuff. looking at what the CCs have to offer.

earlier today i asked my neighbour if she wanted to hang out with her 2 girls. but she misinterpreted and left them at my house so i had to jaga FOUR girls for 4 hours! haha
Are u looking for me? Im badazzlee leg

Ok ok...
If u are talking abt b*dazzlee. (www.bdazzle.sg)
I tell u... They are super pro. Barbie got her eat pierce at their wisma outlet. And she did not cry at all! And ~$120 gone in just a few second. They are pro and fast and great at distracting the kid. So fast Barbie's dad didn't even have time to video the process. We were like "huh, done?"
Anyway piercing is free but u pay for the earring and the solution. Diamond stud are way out of budget so we took shiny diamond look a like ones that's half the price. It's still of good quality and till date (aft 1 yr +) we haven't remove the stud or need to clean the ear hole. Stud is still In good shape.
Moving house
I praying hard I can enjoy this process soon.
This month BTO is not out yet. Argh. I'm waiting impatiently to ballot. Finger crossed.

The only moving experience moving office! So can't share much.

Flea market
And ladies, I'm got into the tanglin mall flea market this sat. So come down to support. I'm selling away most Of Barbie stuffs. Telling myself if these go maybe i have a better chance in having a second one. Items mostly from gap, old navy, Zara, tcp, Ralph Lauren and the list goes on. Flea is starting at 3pm all the way till 11pm and prices range from $1 to $20
thanks qing. i'm told it's called ISABELLA! ya i heard the same good points about the place. like 2 people pierce at the same time so the kid won't kena one ear pierce then change mind and end up with only one earring haha. how do you keep barbie from touching it?

oh so fun, flea market! ok will be there to support support!

good luck for BTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
She scare pain won't touch them. Even refused us to wash with the solution. Then soon after she don't even bother about them.
And yes two pierce at one go. Like lightning. But one will dot the spot first then u ok they start le
Im on.. anyday except the below..
cos Kayden goin to JG hols program frm 11-15 jun

I wish i can move...
I don mind the moving as long as i get to renovate a new place..

Sat i have to work lei..
At expo JL sale..
I went to National museum and SAM over the weekend. National museum's island adventures was fun. But do go on the weekends to get the Roving acts. details on my blog.

SAM in my opinion was kinda pathetic. though we enjoyed the short films. we sat through the whole 1.5 hr and watched everything!
wah jacelyn so on!!!!!

doggiebb: we're going for the island adventures too! kids village to me lacked vibrancy and 'life' somehow. except tangle
Jacelyn - my gal has a tinkerbell costume (bought from hk Disneyland) but we r travelling to kl and back on 4 June.. N she needs it for her sch party ard 8-10 July.. If timing fits, feel free to borrow it
Hi crystal thanks for offering... the problem is i think i need around the same time haha .. will contact u again? i didnt know hk disneyland has the costume!

I was at kids art village too last night. yup! only tangle was nice and the beastie zoo was amusing for the kids!

i will be heading to the army museum on sat and looking at dinos on sun. busy untilllllllllllll!
beastie zoo ... the one outside esplanade? that was so funny! poppy spent so much time feeding the 3 furry fellas!!!

of cos on la!
ha i m opp i think my kids enjoyed art garden more! more activities for the kids. island adventure not much and it was so much smaller scale compared to last year... so a bit disappointing.

was army museum good? last year i went liao. so dun think will go this year.

wanted to go art village but no time!

and still need to do reno..arrggh. so little time for so many things!
ermm SY you went on a weekday to national right?

there is nothing on a weekday.

army museum was fabulous! they dressed up, played bumper-tank, did the mini obstacles course, played nerf gun, watched MIB 3 (3D). fun multiplied when the kiddos went in a whole big group!
Amry museum sounds fun!

How was your sale? Sorry couldn't make it down.

Wah biang. Today went out for supposed quick trip with Calla. Everything was ok till on way back, she wailed each time I put her in the sling. Which was strange cos she usually loves it. I had to stop at each mrt station along the way to BF her. So can sit mah. In the end I gave up and simply BF her while standing on train. Pengsan!
yup i went on a weekday..so the activities all on weekend...wasted!

hmmm sounds like i shd head down to army museum!

can't make it. today have lunch appt. if not i love to eat kolo mee!!!
My boobies clever already. No more wasting milk into pads liao! Hehe

I'm so excited about monday!!! What shall we do when the kids are cooking?! Seriously let's sit somewhere for a kopi

wow..so quiet the thread...

I am almost done with packing...so tiring, especially with 2 kids runnin around... can faint man.

Saw your pictures on the pizza making! looks fun! Count me in the next time! Wuffy loves to cook!
