(2008/07) July 2008

Cell: have fun in HKg!

Dd: must visit forests. Agree with BBP, nothing much to see in Frankfurt except eating some good firewood pizzas and buying chocolates!

Pb: at Gwyn's school, the time to celebrate is always lunch time. If you tell them you are bringing food, they still give school lunch. Maybe smaller portion.

good for u.. enjoy the bonding time..

you are talking abt cabana units?
think tiong bahru don have..but river valley might have.. but pricey..
i also like Kayden school but we are looking to move back to the east side..
great that u and hb are going off on a trip! do enjoy the trip and hope C1 gets well soon.

sometimes hearing such remarks sounds so sad. but as they grow up they will understand.

yah go check out GB. i still like them and i still like the strict teacher that Debra is!!

u going for the class? sounds interesting!

i m not sure about tiong bahru but i tot such condos are qutie common? i see a lot of gardens in ppl's first floor condos when i visit sometimes...

but it is quite pricey cos of the extra space
Common ah? I didn't know

Canana? That's what it's called?

So you will sell your place? I also want to move to east! Hope to do so when poppy starts pri 1. East got so many nice condos!

A bit random.
Anyone wants to have any tadpoles? I think they take about 6 weeks to mature into frogs. Great for those who wanna teach about life cycle. I have 20 and would like to keep maybe 2-3. Cannot imagine 20 froggies in my house!

Sms or pm me if you are keen ok
Hello ladies!!!

First of all, Happy Birthday to all July babies!

Emma's school is like that, only 1 common play area (small) and playground. I guess because the school is in an old house.

The comment and question C1 gave you! LOLS.

Condo around town is expensive. Now everywhere is getting more expensive as well. My comp launched a property in Seletar, it does have cabana units and a treehouse at the children play area. I think overall good investment since there will be future aerospace park around there, but far away from town.

SY said is correct, the ground floor units are more expensive if they have that kind of extra space.
yup, looking for unit before selling..
not worried abt buyers..
worried abt finding the extra space though..
Was looking at EC but they are overprice of a govt project...
One of them have that cabana units.. u can take a look..
hmm i not sure how common or maybe i got it wrong... but i usually see the first floor units having patio or gardens....

u also planning to move? to east? i m sure your place can find buyers easily!

nowdays property prices are so high...our kids will have a real hard time. maybe need to plan for migration...
seletar? pengsan.

no car, don't want to get car!

i think most have patios. gardens more uncommon. aiyah, migrate also brings about its own set of problems!
Yar but not very far lah (not near seletar airport keke). It's near Yio chu kang road and next to it is greenwich village (food and supermarket) and across got jalan kayu, about 6 bus stop away from YCK MRT. Can buy direct from developer save agent cost hehehe..

Rock climbing sounds fun. But my Emma is very very timid when it comes to sports (a total opposite of the older sister). Even a simple slide at another playground - she would want to observe before deciding whether she wants to ride or not. We got tickets for the slide at changi terminal 3, and I brought her to the shorter slide. she was so brave (I thought) when she queue but when its her turn and she saw the opening of the slide (it's like a tube), she decided she didn't want to ride. In the end the older sister rode like 9 times hahahaha.
greenWHAT? that sounds like it's in london!

it really sounds like it's another country for me hehe.

poppy too, been bugging us to bring her to the changi slide and kept saying "i want to be 5 years old so that i can go on the slide!" since before she was 3. and when i finally brought her since she met the height requirements.... "i don't think i want to do it, mama". hehe
yep i get the feeling too.
but i quickly get over it since the younger one is only 2. haha.
cure for missing-baby-smells = have another baby! *grin*

i must say that C2 smells like a sweaty head little boy now though. why do boys always smell so sweaty? i sniffed my friends' girls and they smell way way better.
i completely agree that gals smell better!!!
even when jh and jx use the same stuff to bathe, they still dun smell the same.....
L still has baby smell too! Recommend washing his clothes with Kodomo baby laundry detergent! He uses Dermaveen body wash.
What are the chances that our small boys still have the baby smell? Maybe it has to do with the size and the not-so-thick hair.
bbp, youpi,
beware.... i will go sniff L and Dec when i next see them. wahhahha.

C1 is 4 today! wow 4 years of being a mom.
happy birthday to L tmr

reckon that wraps up the bb bdays of the regulars in this thread.

residual angst
over parenthood, work and marriage. sometimes i dun even know how to start. SIGH.
continue like this and i am on my way to depression and murder (of the man) :p
Mr C and I went to the Johor Premium outlets today. I had forgetten how fun actual offline touching-stuff shopping was!

hahaha on dd smelling G's head and finding no bb smell there. well C1 and C2 started to smell like sweat pretty early.... so i m with you sista. i still love their smell.

was poking around on the internet and found this

mostly i just let C1 and C2 be, if they wont share. now.... i bet there were moments of awkwardness, but i cannot rem any of them

selective amnesia haha.

happy weekend everyone!
my gosh, the ILs are here AGAIN in August, then Nov, then Dec...
Dec supposedly to HELP me w the boys when maid is on home leave.

Mr C and I def have more arguments when they are around. bth them. growl
Kodomo laundry detergent and softener!!! I'm a supporter too! ;) during John little sale, one packet of refill is $2.50 and $4.xx respectively! ;)

And yes! I like to smell kids' heads too!
tis funny youpi....
Mr C was just telling me abt the NHB promotion this morning. when normally i m the one looking out for these stuff.

ah today seems to be a relatively ok day at work, so shall post more abt what has been happening.

change #1: all 4 of us (Mr C, cellow, C1 and C2) are now sleeping in the same room. yes, it means our sleep is disturbed by the chatting between C1 and C2 as they drift off into lalaland. yes that means occasional bouts of trying to shush one up in the middle of the night while making sure that the other does not wake. but oh... the effort is worth it when the boys wake each other up with a big grin. C2's first sentence on waking up is 'where is kor kor?' or 'kor kor wake up' if C1 is still awake. C1 looks for didi to play when he opens his eyes.
.... okok, the grand plan is ... *drum roll* to move them both into one room when they so decide to. (whenever THAT might be)

change #2: C1's school. after looking at 2 childcare centres and 3 montessori schools, Mr C and I have decided to send C1 AND C2 to Great Beginnings. The 2 childcare centres are run similarly to LSH Mountbatten, C1's current school. The other 2 montessori schools that we looked at... MMI (Katong) is supposedly a Montessori school but they have a timetable for the children. Run more like a childcare to me.... The other montessori school is on the second floor of a Peranakan styled shophouse - lovely place with high ceilings! - and has all the montessori materials and methodology.... I was undecided between this school and Great Beginnings until ... well, I went at 115pm after the children in the morning session had already left... took a look around the place (many books! YAY - check; spacious premises YAY - check; small class size only 16 children to 3 teachers YAY - check) and realise hey there are other children hanging around. who are they? turns out they are the teachers' own children and there were 6 of them. ah oh. 6 teachers' children and 16 other children. not good. Teachers are human, they will definitely tend to their own children first.
Hence Great Beginnings it is for C1 and C2

My wallet is mewing piteously and we prob have to sell some of our more liquid investments to finance their preschool education, but hey, I was planning to liquidate investments for their uni education anyway.

pending change #3: I m undecided if I should hentak kaki at work or strive for a promotion (with heavier job resptys, at least a 6 month learning curve). Anyway hentak kaki in my curr coy means i either stay in the same role or move laterally to another position... where the learning curve will still be 6 months (do homework at the end of the day on top of my normal work tasks). I havent decided yet. I m frankly sick and tired of my current role in the coy, and I have v little energy / motivation to get to work each day.

Part of the push is my new boss who came into the seat 1 Aug. Just within these few days, I realise that she is rather jumpy... (if there is such a word) not calm and zen like my old boss...
chill pb, i knew what you meant, so i bet Jo did too!

yep yep SY is in the west now. too far for JX to travel to be classmates with C1!
Hi mummies! Had a fantastic weekend? Was at hard rock hotel Penang with my family and it was great fun..

But PB... If u ever go, must check out their peranakan museum *two thumbs up*

wanna thank you for telling me about the kids science fest over at the annex at SC yesterday! it was super fun and all the crafts were all science related so its uper cool too! muarks!
Youpi: hey, no problem! I guessed it was typo!

Cell: good that you took Mmi out of your choice. Sad to say they are not as "Montessori" as compared to the others, so no love lost.
monday blues. lack of sleep today bcz i was up having me time after putting the boys to sleep. C2 had a bad night last night.

what is SC? is the kids science fest over?
You're welcome!
You did not stay very long at Mini Maker? The boys ended up launching their own water rockets outside and getting wet haha! I think we will end up buying the SC (Note to Cellow: Science Centre) membership.

Yes, the kids science fest is over, but there are other events and new stuff coming up all the time. Just see SC website. Your boys will love!
HRC Penang is fun for kiddos? Expensive or not? I want to chill out somewhere during the Sept sch hols but can only afford a very non-ex place. Thinking about Kidzania in KL, or Malacca...

we didn't. the kids made their own natural play dough, then used clay to make stuff, did the 3-D cardboard puzzle and we went over to the annex already. Talia tried the laser maze again which she enjoyed tremendously and the science fest were packed with so much activities. We had 6 kids with us so played the gigantic snakes and ladders and squeezed into the last session of the cardboard automata workshop. really good thing i met you! muarks again!

KL would be cheaper i guess cos you can drive vs you need a plane to get to penang? i recently just put up a post on kidzania in KL, can go take a lookie if you are still considering.
youpi, doggiebb
i have the SC membership. if anyone wants to use let me know. think we super underutilize. plus can watch omni theatre somemore!

glad u finally settled on the sch! it is very tiring to look for sch. so far i have not found a comparable sch to them. so i have lowered my expectations a lot liao. hee though debra can be quite strict she is a good teacher and her words work wonders on the kids! so if u need any external help on discipline issues, she is a good one u can turn to!

you know now the parking is not free? we used to go really often and park there the whole day. that day i went, parking was $7.50! I told them Friends of the Zoo also got complimentary carpark, why they don't have for members? Pissed me off so i didn't sign up! muahahaha!

Yah....Parking at SC is now no longer free. Bo bian, they have to cope with the influx of cars that spill over from Jcube. As parking was free at SC, they park at SC and walked over to Jcube. So they have to institute costs. But I agree, those who hold memberships should be granted free parking. But then again, parking is very limited at SC. If everybody pull the same stunt, then xiao liao, really not enough parking....
before jcube, they were doing ok so just for members, i think is adequate! what the counter staff told me is they need more pple to feedback before anything can be done. so SY, as member, you must go voice out! heh!
thanks for museum tip youpi

anyone at istana yesterday? the museums brought down all their craft stuff. so fun! but so crowded!
