(2008/07) July 2008

Does your tot have an ez link card? Last weekend we took a bus to Siglap and I let eboy tap mine but din pay his so end up the driver stare at me until his eyes was really almost popping out! Then hubby realized eh, maybe eboy need to pay already. So on return trip I asked the driver and he promptly replied 55 cents pls!

Any customized ez link card? Like those can put dinosaur pics on it??

my kids got sch but me no work so i m taking them out! goign to sentosa port of lost wonder. anyone keen to join?

i can start another iherb spree. my colleagues wan to buy...

nice work there! it must be very fulfilling to work with the kids!

the trip was ok though we had some arguments here and there. dunno whether it really helped us!

haha..want to hear your stories...hope the 2 Cs get well soon!
Nope, Dec is such a small thing that he prob looks like he hasn't hit the 90cm mark yet. Or blur me hasn't noticed any stares.

Customised ez link card - got to look around for those stickers kind. Around interchanges got those random stores that do sell stickers to paste over, but I can't remember where I saw them.
Or just customise yourself la. If you have dino stickers, just paste them on!
anyone has may issue of young parents? i need to ask something!!

would love to but i think a bit too siong for me now

it's by height so poppy confirm must pay. but i ignore. i think it should be by age! like pr 1!
Great! Will email you over the weekend, thanks!

Same as Bbp and Dec. L still a small thing too, so no stares.
Enjoy Melbers! Is Eboy going with you?
Ez link
I think their rationale was as long as you exceed a certain height, you will need to occupy a seat, you will have to pay.., last time I always carry him so he can tap the card, bus driver can't really tell his true height. But lately we don't Carry him anymore so he does act like a big boy thus the killer stare. Will get him a child card, I know he'll love to have his own card..

After 2 weeks in new school, can tell eboy is more vocal and daring to go forward to try things.. Dunno if the works of the school culture or just that he has finally grown up lah...

Have any been to dolphin lagoon? Is it nice?
It's interesting that we just happened to talk about this issue, cos this morning, Mr bbp just mentioned this too. According to him, the 50th percentile for height at 18 months is 90cm. Which means that the average child has to start paying transport fares at 18 months... which to me is rather ridiculous.
Jo, li gong si mi? *blur*

how was your weekend?!? went to dolphin lagoon over the weekend and while we both adults thought its super lame (the show, not the mammal), eboy enjoyed it sooooo much, he was smiling non stop!

eboy has become very hyper and it was so tiring with his constant running around, not sitting still and whining! i dunno how to survive 7D of Melbourne without additional help!!!!!!

saw the velcro in daiso! but in the end did not need already...
Mich: which part?
first part, Pb asked about young parents mag for may. 2nd part is to inform jace about the nice Korean restaurant in her area!
ezlink, our kiddos, before they turn one, can register for their own card at any of those smrt ticketing counters. need to bring birth cert i think. pomfret has been using her own card since last year. it expires once they turn 6. per trip deduction is 35cts i think. it's a yellow card with a caricature of kiddos on a bus. cute.
hello everyone! *waves*

petit park at changi city point isn't too exciting. mb more for younger tots. pomfret was only interested in the ball pit. i felt it was a bit like a souped down version of the vivo branch of singkids. but they have a little toy section that kept her interested for a while longer.

i'm quite bored today. though the chores and to-do list is ever growing. come quick tell some stories.
Issit? Okay, won't go then. Phew, saved myself a long trip! Thank you!

Just emailed you my iHerb order, thanks!

It's probably a bit of both
i m dying (literally can feel brain cells ... and possibly other cells too.... dying) in cyberjaya, malaysia. i m on biz trip and my fever was 38.3 degrees C ystday when i walked out of the clinic so i m really not in a good state.
save the stories for another day....

C1's fever was yo-yoing up and down since last Thu. FIL brought him to PD this morning, and he is now on antibiotics.

am i worried sick? yes
can i do anything abt it from where i m in malaysia? no
so i just chill. yaaaaa right, easier said than done.
Argh. The big one has a mild case of HFMD. He has no blisters, just a couple of dots on his hands and feet, two or three. And he has a week-long MC. Looks like the small one will be hit soon too since they eat/sleep/play together, which means he will not be in school either
I am kissing my yoga membership goodbye since I can't go anywhere while they are not in school! Argh. Am very depressed. Exercise is my outlet for mummy rage. Without it I dive into chocolate. Argh. When you look at me, you can see which side is winning - the chocolate. Argh.
oh poor youpi! poor S! thank goodness its just couple of dots, hope he is still eating and sleeping well! a week only... hang in there!!!

oh poor cellow! poor C1, fever go away! hope you get well soon too! ya, i know how it feels while your child is sick and you are miles away.. my only work trip to BKK and eboy got stomach flu.. I cannot focus and flew back early!! take care...
Aww man, this season is not good for us all. Declan's down with chicken pox. Yes, he's gotten the jab but as we all know, vaccines are never 100%. So he's the "lucky" one who got it. Initially, we thought it was HFMD, but when we brought him to the polyclinic, doc said it was chicken pox.

I'm curious. How did the doctor diagnose HFMD? Just from the couple of dots? I mean, to me, it could have been a rash or something.
Hang in there Cellow and bring on the liang Cha and vit c!

Hang in there too, Youpi but better get the boys to hide the sinful brown substance away. Go blast the radio and try to dance (imagine jane Fonda) away when u get the urge to binge! Haha!

Bed and table hunting for G! Drooled at moll from crosscom then slapped myself back to reality

Wanna get him a bike for his birthday too but he doesn't seem keen!
DD, eboy has a car racer bed he loves!! With side protection too! Can use till primary 6!! Haha

Thinking hard what to get eboy for his birthday too...

Should we be planning for a birthday party already for our July Tot already?
They are not tots liao loh!! And I alrd planned poppy's bday partee hehe. Well, at least location, and got a couple of sketchy ideas la.

Boys with spots
Shoo spots shoo!!!

Come I join you in your chocolate adventure.

We have the ikea kura tent bed and pop loves it!
*big hugs* to Youpi, Cellow, BBP! Ya, shoo viruses shoo! Take care mummies, Jia you!

Youpi: you have to take care too. Be warned that an adult can get hfmd if immunity is low.

Dd: am deciding between a bike or an easy-roller, she wants both! -.-
Oh how is dec doing? Did he take the jab previously? Many spots or just a few?

What's an easy roller? Skate scooter? Can see G prefers it too though I think a bike is better
Oh dear... How did dec get chix pox after injection!!! Oh dear, must be soooo uncomfy for him! No chicken, no black sauce... No scratching! Adults can get too so must be careful especially elderly!

All silly virus pls go away!!!
flying back early is not an option.
i m sent here to do a job, and the job will only be done by end of business day tmr. that would prob mean working till after midnight tmr into Thu morning, so I m pacing myself now.
Gosh so many of our kiddos are sick! Hope all recover well!

Emma's school has 12 cases of HFMD. So I am keeping her at home this week.

Apparently our kids can get a booster of Chicken Pox vaccine when they're 4.

For my kids I bought a bunk bed from maxtrix (space constrain). A bit pricey, but they're using solid wood so it's good. You can have additions here and there so basically the bed grows up with the kid. When I had ashley I bought a toddler bed at Ikea. but then we had to throw it away when Ashley gets older cuz it wouldn't fit her anymore. Moreover now she wants everything plain. So luckily I didn't buy those with girly themes.
dd, Mich,
Yah, also dunno how he managed to get it after the jab. Just "lucky" I guess. Numerous spots but I think it could have been worse. And not all spots got into the full-blown filled with liquid type. Most dried up before they even developed into the liquid type. So I guess the jab did help.

Mr bbp also has the same thinking as you. He thought of keeping Declan at home even after he recovers from his chicken pox because he doesn't want him to get HFMD when his immunity is still pretty low after the chicken pox. Plus we will be going Perth right after school ends. So... I'm inclined to agree with him.

So sian. We can't go out. I've also fallen sick with a fever and bodyache of 1.5 days and since then have this unknown rash. I wonder if I have gotten HFMD. ARGH.
Yup yup I am very worried about getting it. Heard that it's worse for adults than for kids.

Yup, he is eating and sleeping well, phew! Like he's not sick at all, actually.

He had all the other symptoms. Started with fever last week, and some spots on the upper palate. Those disappeared, then the spots on the limbs appeared. Still one/two only. They don't look like a rash, more like early pimples.

How long must Dec be kept in quarantine for? Are you getting chicken pox as well? The jab is not foolproof, but it helps make the case less severe if you do get it. It must be so hard to stay at home with all the noise and dust from next door. We're in similar circumstances: there are two flats undergoing renovations right now, drilling, hacking, and all. Our place has a reno a month. It's mad. Some afternoons I bring us all out just to escape the noise. The noise! noise! noise! noise! noise! It makes me feel like the Grinch. Otherwise we turn on the air-conditioning in the playroom and camp there for the afternoon.

Are you home from Shanghai? I need the jacket back by June as we are going away. Thanks!

Hope you're feeling better!

I am back. But school was closed for 10 days so I did not think about passing it back to you. But what is the best way to pass back to you? Ask T1 to pass to L? Can they be trusted? muahaha!
Pop those Vit C every day! I've been doing that since Dec's had chicken pox. I've had it before so I'm really afraid of getting shingles. But that strange rash is not shingles cos they start on the body at nerve endings and not on palms. So after 2 days, my palms aren't itchy anymore but I have 3 dots on my sole. Hence the reason why I suspect I have HFMD but then I don't have dots in my mouth. But whatever the case, it's either viral (nothing can be done except to let it run its course), dermalogical (again, nothing can be done) or bacterial (doubtful since I no longer have a fever). So I'll just see how la.
Quarantine - I guess 2 weeks? That's how long his MC is. Yes, I'm so Grinch now too! Between the cabin fever, his chicken pox, the next door hacking, and my mysterious symptoms, I'm so lacking in patience that I'm just scolding him the whole day!
AND we can't hide in our air-con room cos the room is on the side of the neighbour's house so it's so much louder.

LOL I don't think L can! Just sms me when you go to the park. I can meet you at McDonads, or at the playground.

*Lending you a shoulder* Eh this is why you should have another child. They can entertain each other during times like these.
Poor youpi and bbp!!
If it is any consolation, I have a reno a month too, plus big construction site opp my house, and I think the workers go up in the crane every night just to get a free show of me BFing on the sofa

Shoo spots from kids (and mums), shoo!!!

Really lol on the unreliable T1-L despatch service.

okie dokie! will try to get it back to you asap. ermm how about next monday evening? will contact you again to confirm. i will be at clover until 7-7.15pm.
Poor Youpi and BBP... * big hugs*... to the 2 of you. Want some art and craft things to do? Can mail them to you! ;)

Dd: easy roller is a square booster with wheels below and a bicycle handle in front. The kid will sit on the seat, hold the handles and maneuver left and right. The whole thing will move according to where the kid directs.
even after the vaccine, u still have a chance of getting chicken pox. something like reduce chance by 85% with first jab. so shd get a booster and it will reduce the chance by 90 over %!!

and that reminds me to let them get their booster. i wanted to do it but kept slipping my mind.

poor u....i can really imagine how tempers are rising when stuck at home iwth all these negative factors!!!

get well D!

poor u too! rest well and take care of yourself well. when both jH and jx got HFMD, i was quite lucky cos i shared food with both of them before their diagnosis. so try to pop more vitamins and sambucus!!
Anyone going to BG this sun? SSO playing!

I got a felt teapot complete with a real tea bag that says I love you mummy, have a cuppa tea on me :D
Happy Mother's day!

On Mother's day, eboy had his first taste of the cane, from me. He learnt to push people and pushed me twice when I told him to finish his food but he refused. So for the first time in his life and mine, I caned him. what a mother's day... but the rest of the day was great cos i finally had a chance to sneak out to watch Avengers! hahaha...

packing for Melbourne and down with flu and cough and sore throat, and with a tender closing a day after my return, I have to work doubly hard these few days before I go for my holiday! help me!!

I may only catch up with you all after my return next week! tata!!!!
take care and enjoy!

yes those words are so sweet!!

so cute! he made that in sch?

my kids made something in church and also bought a little gift. i told my hb to teach them to appreciate me. if not he dun even remember to teach them to say happy mother's day!
helllllo quiet mums!

i think i am entering zombie mode really soon. poppy has chosen to give up pm naps o_O but has not complained about going to bed early :D

question for jo and youpi
your kids sleep at 730 agak agak? how early do you start training them for that? i remember for poppy, i started when she was a couple of months old, putting her to bed at about 8 plus. but forgot how liao!
Oh the stories I have! But no time to type on iPhone....

SOS! What is the address n contact no of the place that services Medela breast pumps? Asking for sil.

Quiet mums LOL... am far from that when with the boys ;p

The holidays are coming again so soon!!!

As babies they naturally went to sleep at that time, so I just continued. Make sure the last daytime nap is not too late, else there is no way they will be able to sleep early.

The important thing is to start a dinner-bath-bed routine that they enjoy, and stick to it. That becomes a signal to them that it is time to wind down for the day. The great thing about this is that it works even when you travel.
