(2008/07) July 2008


i'm cool to meet for morning activity, or afternoon also can
any suggestions of places to go? will you bring your #1 to play?

Hello mummies! Happy mother's day!

These few days were very warm! Can't stand the weather. Feel like showering all the time.

Just when I thought Emma is well for a week, she started to have runny nose haizzzzz

At least he bought you something. Mr SD only said Happy Birthday followed by dinner with family, and I have to arrange for everything, cake and restaurant reservation! Hmmph

Must continuously remind our HBs that a happy wife = happy family.

Can tompang iherb too?
1. http://www.iherb.com/Nature-s-Way-Sambucus-for-Kids-Berry-Flavored-8-fl-oz-240-ml/9342?at=0
Qty: 2


Qty: 1

4. http://www.iherb.com/Schiff-Cranberry-Extract-Extra-Strength-90-Softgels/6762?at=0
Qty: 2

5. http://www.iherb.com/Schiff-Move-Free-Advanced-Plus-1500-mg-MSM-120-Coated-Tablets/9477?at=0

re iherb orders
the following orders are in
- youpi
- cinbunny
- PB
- cellow
- DD
- dustee

anyone i missed out?

the national museum thing looks interesting! when are u planning to go? if org outing, let me know earlier. i try to take leave. i have been working really hard this month so a few days off next month shdn't be a problem...
Dustee: hi!
why does promfret need to switch school?
Mil woes are never ending, usually can be recounted in memoirs! So what you are doing is great-leave her alone! And I like your sense of humor towards it!
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder, jia you!

PB: Gwyn has school so pm is better for us for a playdate. I'm fine with anywhere too!
And yes, Been bringing her to plays since 18m, she loves it. There are a few going on now but tickets may not be available already. We will be watching James and the giant peach on 21 may. Act3 is staging the hungry caterpillar in July, interested?
Double D: FYI, just heard from my gf that sjck will be moving back to their new permise at leedon. Are you aware?
What I heard was that they were keeping both locations, but I'm indifferent to both anyway..just want the morning session
and need to move!
DD yah I was talking to the teachers ... they are also not aware of the exact plans yet but probably keeping both locations because the original compound at leedon rd is too small for the population now.

i am still deciding whether to register mei mei for sjck or not ... hmmm maybe by the time i decide there will be no more space so no need to consider after all hahaha

the school fees for next year increased lo ... originally it is supposed to be 700+ per term for N2 but now increase to 900+ !@#$ ... ... so expensive!
And yes i got to grumble too.

1) hubby - i think men are probably the most insensitive, bo chup, cheeky (as in zi siao) people around. I got 0 mother's present. And still got to persuade hubby to celebrate my mum's mother day with her Damn pissed. To the point i told him, u dun want to go, u stay at home with the kids. I go myself to spend some time with my own mother! Then he guai guai say of coz he coming along ... ... -_-

And of coz, he like to do random stuff to xun gal. like boxing her on her stomach for no reason etc he thinks it is fun but i think: thats why xun gal does that to her cousins!!!!!! Told him like a 100000000 times not to do that but he never listens. Now xun gal will come complaining to me abt what he dad does. Quite funny though. She knows who has powers at home *muhahahahaha*

2) HOT WEATHER!! I am so dying from the hot weather. Our air con seems to give way last night! on 20 degrees = no effect. We still have to on the fan to sleep. And i didnt even cover blanket at all. Dieeeeee.... ... but earliest also have to wait till weekend then can get it fixed. Arghhhh
sjck still quite cheap compared to some other kindy...nanyang is more than 1500 per term!

think u better service your aircon! maybe not enough gas that's why not cold. mine is on at 25 only.....

hee hb are like that. they like to do the bo liao stuff but i just leave it cos that' the way they spend time with their kids. somehow all fathers are like that. my mil likes to scold her son in law over this but we always tell her not to scold him cos it's his way of playing with his son.

i wanted to bring them for plays too! but my kids esp my gal tends to be scared.

i got a weird problem. my son is too timid! he dun dare to go for anything without me ard...already 5 but still so timid. and if i canot go in, i must stand outside and wait. wondering is it cos i never send him for any enrichmnet class so he not used to me leaving him alone.......
Your aircon is still not fixed? Hehe from the don pie day you mentioned

BB also does nonsense to poppy. The kind that super make me roll my eyes. But I can't think of anything right now. To the extent that I've said to him "you study so much, can you please put your brain cells to better use instead of teaching her nonsense?!"

Afternoon is good for us too. Was going to suggest jacob ballas but it's closed on mondays. Let me have a thought

Sy, 16 may, mon. Join? Take half day and come in pm la. Anymore mummies keen? Youpi? Cin?

Wait, my brain cells not functioning right now. Let me think think think for a while more hehe.

Hungry caterpillar- I thought about it but think I should put a stop to all these plays. Too many liao! I just booked the panda one at esplanade hehe. And... If it's the same Act 3 as from our youth then I'm not so keen! Was gingerbread man act 3 btw?
morning all.

hungry caterpillar is a really good production!!must bring, must bring! it is brought in by Act 3 not performed by them! Gingerbread man was by itheatre
PB, hmmmm die i think I lost my memory. haha didnt recall my air con spoil sia. Well true that it was not working perfectly well but we tot its just the filter being dirty. So we took it out to clean yesterday. But after fixing it back, we realised .... its really gg to dieeeee so yah ...
SY, we just serviced it 2 months ago! sianz.. and we added gas also lo!! what a bad timing
scarly tonight go home realise its fine liao ... just yesterday too hot. hahaha *pray pray pray*

OMG i never realise Nanyang is so expensive. Ok so I shouldnt complain too much... but seriously pocket is burning a big hole for this. -_- And no wonder I keep feeling very poor nowadays... ...

SY u see, the problem here is whatever hub is doing to xun, xun is doing to her cousins n causing everyone to complain abt her ... so the best is: stop hub from doing all these nonsense la! I know he is trying to play but seriously got better things to play mah ... ...
I am bringing them there the next week, 'cos they have sch hols then

LOL you are zen.

You are moving house too?
Finally it rain..
The weather is horrible, thank goodness my confinement over..

Jacob balls, count me in.. But kayden has to nap till 5pm and when it's not so hot.. Think it's too late for u guys..

So fast school hols?.. I tot it's 27 may..
My iherb order!
Quantity: 3

I personally find this really good. Eat it when my throat feels funny (aka I think I'm going to fall sick)... and the flu never comes. I've been sick-free since Jan!
Next test will come after my trip cos I always tend to fall sick after holiday trips.

Went KL last Sunday and Monday with Mr bbp without Dec... so I celebrated Mother's Day without Dec this year. I actually don't consider it Mother's Day celebration but I know hubby will consider it as such. So better consider it as such so that I won't have any expectations. Haha.

Ok back to work.
next week is bad. i will be out of office for event for 2 days so mon prob can't. plus next week is short week.

june shd be better though..

yes Nanyang is ex. and all montessori kindy too! last time jh sch cost me 1500 per term.

maybe get him to do things like reading instead? safer...haha

anyone looking for a marcom/corp comm job? my co hiring.....need some experience though. prob 4-5 years would be good. but if lesser can still try lah.
SY: try, can sit her on your lap. Not all are nice, choose the lively ones. The plays are usually very entertaining and colorful so they will like it. Some are interactive and the kids get to touch or play with the props. Your girl should like it. Next time we go together!

PB: gingerbread man is nice, it was by Itheatre. Hungry caterpillar by act 3.
ya, Jacob ballas closes on Mondays. How about gym? Polliwogs? Royce? Thought of kite flying but I think the pm sun will kill!
farm animal feeding?
Shall we organise one morning outing during June hols? Then we can avoid all the different nap times

Oh I would love farm animal feeding! But we don't drive so it's tough for us. Our royce membership has expired and poppy is too big for most things now. How about beach?
Cheeky monsters
I am sure yours are too. L wanted yoghut. I said I had already made soup, wouldn't he like that instead? He said that the weather is very hot. ;p
Re our big boys
I used to close 1 eye too as in what happens outside the room(that I didn't see) I try not to be bothered. Till D had the accident and I really really do not understand in the 1st place why this kind of accident can happen. Because I am very sure he knows he cannot do that. Till E told me few days later to eat a stamp.
When I refused and told her cannot, I will die if I eat the stamp. She told me simply that I won't die becos papa always eat the stamp and he just spit it out. Won't die 1.
I tell u I was utterly shocked. How could he teach the kids that. True he might be trying to show them magic BUT he should have explained that he was bluffing n they will die if they try. He is the parent too, he has to be responsible for his own actions.
So I asked D again why he poked the chopsticks into his mouth. Was he trying to do magic? N he said yes!!
So u see jus because of my hubby's fun caused us to spend a night at the hospital n so much stress.
N then will be be E's turn with the stamp next trip to the hospital??

These r the things my hubby will "play" with the kids in his work room just before he leaves for work in the evenings so I dunno what they do there since I dun follow in. But now u see it seems like I really really must stick with them 24/7.
N now D has something called vampire that stuck in his mind but he really doesn't know what it is but it eats ppl.
See hw fustrating it is. Just the kind of things I hate, installing fear in the kids for nothing. I even forbid my hubby from scaring the kids with darkness becos is the dark really anything to be scare of?? N if D is still afraid in NS then I will volunteer my dear hubby to go n sleep with his own son. See who is more malu, his son or him!!!

Jacelyn, please quote my example and make sure your hubby knows the dangers of his actions. N btw I tell my hubby that if the kind of behaviors he teaches causes trouble, he will be the 1 to go to sch to explain to the teachers or parents. He can go tell them he was the 1 who taugh them to do that.
Dor i am pretty lucky still ... that my hubby so far has not taught them such dangerous stuff ... hmmm but well, i think if he does that, xun gal will probably come running to me and complain abt it. She seems to know how to differentiate whether her dad is doing the right or wrong thing. Hopefully so!
And she goes like this to hubby when i say him for doing something wrong: orrh papa zai si, *action: 2nd finger pointing at him as she say this*
i agree that play also must have common sense. lucky my hb dun do that. if not i sure make my mil give him hell.....my hb likes to do the same thing also. scare them with things like monsters etc. jh is scared but jx is not.
daddy says nonsense
i m thankful that Mr C doesnt do (too much) nonsense stuff to C1 or C2 that i would be ashamed for them to imitate in school or amongst other children.

cheeky monsters
pretty sure that C1 has his moments of monstery cheekiness too. but smhow brain dead, cannot rem wat. i reckon tis a waste of brain space to rem... next time he does it, i will jot down and post onto his FB profile... just so that when he grows up, there is a record for him to look back fondly on

okok, i got one. C2 is like C1 in eating but more jialat bcz C2 will unfailingly cry after eating porridge, no matter how big the porridge feed i. ystday C2 was eating porridge.... C1 was watching him and whilst C2 was 3/4 way through his meal, C1 turned to me, Mr C and maid, and solemnly told us "later didi will cry...." which cracked all of us up.

PT help for you... posted in Apr 2011 thread.

<font color="0000ff">Posted on Thursday, May 12, 2011 - 4:51 pm:


I have a indo fren looking for part time 3-4hr cleaning job.

If keen pl eamil me at [email protected].

WTS haenim playyard
but VERY used condition liao hor. the design is from 4-5 years ago. $10 for 6 panels, cheap cheap. self collect in the east. pls dun ask me for photos. the panels can stand la... but mirror and phone scratched, dents and dirt marks at the side... etc etc.
if no one responds within 24h, then i post on WTS already.
Thanks! Will email and see how. Been contacting agencies and asking around too. Looking forward to a less stressed life!
Asking helpers to clean ur house has to becareful.. If agreed by both employer and maid then still ok.. If not either party comPlain u will be fine by MOM..
And u must keep ur money and stuff properly as I have heard many part timers stealing money..
long time no see! eh, i thought E2 likes going to school with his kor kor? how's life with 3 boys? is carrying your E3 giving you massive backaches?

morning outing is a great idea...if not too early lah hehe. i am still at odds with dawn. we are not best friends with each other. i have a better relationship with my bed in the mornings, if pomfret will let me.

my toddler is signed up for nursery 2 at a kindergarten for next year. then i thought mb i should start her on something less formal this year so she can get used to the aspect of school first. (right now this childcare playgroup class, can come and go anytime, and if she cries, someone will bring her out for a walk. and it's like 1 teacher to 4 kids. but it's burning a big hole in my pocket)

dustee-do and zen
my best move is when she says something nasty, then i'll think to myself "never! i'll never step foot in this house again once i move out!"

feels very good to think that. even though at the end i'll feel so sorry for the two old folks that i'm still gonna bring pomfret back to see them frequently.

Anyone wants to join us for a Japanese evening at Central this weekend?

Available on Sat and Sun:
3pm @ The Gallery: create Sakura cards with min $15 spent
5pm onwards @ River Promenade: Jap street market (avail on Fri too)
7pm @ The Gallery: Jap cultural performances
8pm till late @ River Promenade: Jazz by the river
pomfret's in school but i have a sinking feeling she's going to break down halfway and start crying for me. took a much earlier late morning nap instead of the usual after-lunch nap. just hope she doesn't start to throw tantrums because she's tired. yikes.

GV movies for mums and kids
anyone tried this with their tots?
i'm interested to try! but wonder if i would just end up carrying pomfret up and down the aisles.
i want! i've been wanting to try for a long long long time! 24 may toy story?

the central thing? it's weekend leh. poor thing, you work on weekends too?
yoohoo, me checking in from taiwan! had to come bk to the hotel to pump ..taiwan is really a snack-ie haven

dustee - i love your positive outlook on life..and yr posts never fails to crack me up .

cellow - wah, yr haenim very laku! i also looking..let me know if any of you/your mummy friends selling.

hv a gd weekend all

Swim shirts/rashies
Where to get these? Anyone knows? I am looking for long sleeved ones for L but those in the shops are too big.
