(2008/07) July 2008

Youpi - hope you get well fast fast so can enjoy the w/end!

SY - will PM orders tonight!

Monday lunch - 12.15pm @ ichiban boshi, basement - same level as Cold Storage ok?

Youpi: thanks! And get well soon.

Sy, Cin: can I join you guys at lunch?
but I need to know how long so I can plan my logistics. Thanks.
Lunch: ok for cin's suggested venue.

Sure you can join! Our lunchs are er... How to say... Er... Usually never quiet and usually never short :D most will come from work so don't worry if you have to bring your kids, we can help to jaga

Happy weekend everyone! And happy mothers' day!!! Good job mummies!
Sy: thanks. Will have to bring the boy. My girl will be in school and my hb will pick her so I don't have to bring both!
see ya!
Mother's Day @ Peranakan Museum
The Peranakan Museum has an exciting Mother’s Day workshop and tour for children. The workshop is complimentary with the purchase of an admission ticket for the museum.

Children and mums will be able to dress up in Peranakan costumes and the kids will make a photo album with Peranakan motifs. Afterwhich, a special 15-minute gallery tour will be conducted for children aged 6-8.

This programme is on Sunday 8 May, from 1-5pm, at the Perakanan Museum. See www.peranakanmuseum.sg for details and admission charges.
hello mummies

so sad i miss Don's Pie..

Mon lunch
i can.. so near somemore... i always eat at the ichiban there too!
i will bring kasper

i normally go bukit merah central ntuc.. very big..2 levels.. the tiong bahru one is so small and cramped.. always so packed.

Happy Mothers Day to All in advance!
Happy mother's day gorgeous mummies.

lunch tomorrow , see everyone at 1230pm ya. I dont think they take reservations so whoever reaches first, get a table pls. i think so far, we hv Jo, SY, PB, Smiggle and myself..who else is free, do join
Hi mummies.. How was your mother's day? Mine was spent in bed with a dr tan examining me with his stethoscope saying: mummy u r ok, I can hear your heart knocking at the door! Haha

Any idea where to get cheap umbrella strollers for holidays? Cos there's no way I'll be able to carry him throughout the upcoming Beijing trip..esp when climbing the great wall gulp
Morning mums! Lol at Dr Tan's medical examination! DD I don't think you can/shd bring stroller up great wall. A LOT of steps and most are narrow.

I had a wonderful mothers day! BB and poppy let me sleep in, and while I did, they went out to buy breakfast and flowers for me. I had an event in the pm and while I was there, they made a card for me. Awwww. *love love love love love*
PInkB - BB is soo sweet and u r so loved
we spent the evening with hundreds of ppl at BG listening to the SSO and having a picnic. SSO gave out balloons to the kids and we shared our mat with another parent and kids and they share their yakult with sophie

see u later..am bringing lots of cereal boxes for u.
i want to go for lunch!!!!! but fires are burning on the work front. trying to keep out of their way now.

LOL to Dr Tan giving mummy medical examination.

Cin, awww so sweet.
same for PB.....

so cute la, what JX said (re FB post).
I pm you my iherb orders ok! later!
Mine was spent sick and being a domestic slave, vacuuming mattresses, floors, and cleaning toilets

Do any of you engage PT help? Any recommendations? I used Amahs On Wheels last time and loved the helper they sent, but they had to change to another one and she was awful.

LOL on Dr Tan & mummy's medical examination.
Umbrella strollers: cheap ones at Toys R Us. Kiddy Palace has one for less than $100.

Cin & PB
So sweet
Wish my hb could be as thoughtful as yours.

PM-ed you my iherb orders already, got?
Dr Tan is so cute hehe

Hope u all mummies had a great mothers day.

I didn't have a great weekend cos the weather is so HOT!!!...and so is my temper.
Sigh but I really really should have expected it, but I tot better of them. What happened was sat have to go vote right? N my mil volunteered n asked if we wanna put the kids there while we go do our duty. So fine good a chance for the kids to learn to be away from us.

Who knows sat we went over to find...........tadah!!! They were playing mahjong!! N the cousins(all in their 20s) were all over playing with their com. E really dislikes this kind of situations esp with my inlaws who always make no effort to get close to the kids but expect the kids to just fall at their feet or run to them when they ask for a hug kind. I mean I was truly pissed. I expected better!! At least make your self available to take care of E if you want us to leave the kids there!!!
E tried, she really, really tried to follow instruction to stay there which made me nearly tear. She knows she has to wait there with D n she told me D will protect her n went to D n told him to protect her. But this D, when there is fun he goes.( D is mr PR) n E jus burst out crying.
N ofcos hubby as usual jus say " Bring her along lor" Yah guys always take the easy way out that I had to tell him off with a "yah, when she cries in sch u also go bring her home k? Not your prob right? Cos u dun ever have to bring the kids to sch."
So I pushed E to a cousin who was playing iPad n let E play with her, once she starts talking n was playing then we said our good byes. N ofcos I nearly ran there n back if not for the hubby.

N then yest night, okie this is supposed to be a good thing. Cos hubby bought a surprise bracelet for me n ask the kids to give it to me. Well the tot is nice, very nice n I know he's trying to be nice. But oh well I only very very recently finally finally saved enough money to buy that oh so expensive bracelet I have loved for 3 yrs n know I would regret it if I dun buy it becos I would have to only see it from afar if the price increased yet again.
N yah I have been waiting mths for the hubby to say he'll buy it for me instead and I can spend the money I saved for it......but.....but......now he buys me a bracelet........know how speechless I was when the kids gave it to me........
nice to meet everyone again! and boy oh boy, i think we were the noisiest table again. as usual

good to meet you jo! bbG is such a sweetie, smiling away! and kasper is soooo cute la smiggle! so angelic, sleeping away

shophouse in joochiat, were you refering to this one? http://www.lotus-sanctuary.com.sg/html/he_jooch_property.html i would LOVE to but $9k a month leh. i don't have that kind of money la!

so sweet, mr dordor bought you that bracelet that you've been longing for!

fellow garang guni mums cin and sy
thank you for the stuff!!!! i can see that you have true garang guni blood in you :p

get well soon! you meet lots of helpers when you wait for S and L's sch bus right? can ask if any of them would be ok to do part time? or ask friends' helpers? they wouldn't mind the extra cash and some employers wouldn't mind their helpers earning more on their off days. i ask my parents' helpers over sometimes. like once every couple of months haha
Okie maybe in my haste I didn't phrase it correctly. I already bought the bracelet I longed for myself last mth. My hubby bought me another bracelet a totally different 1 (n not from the shop I love :p). So now I have 2 bracelet and dunno when I'm gonna try to find a time n place to wear that bracelet he bought me.........
Dor Dor
We brought the boys when we went to vote, then took turns. It was very fast, no waiting at all, so no problem.
Agree on hot hot hot - wah liao eh! It is sweat as you towel off after a shower kind of weather!

Ah good idea, thanks! I am soooooooooooooo tired lah!
oh sorry! i think i also mis-read hehe. alamak. never mind, then you ask him to bring you out more often so got occasion to wear :p

sheesh, the weather these days huh?!
Thanks for umbrella stroller locations.. will go check it out..hope we will be better before the trip..bbg's so heaty that even his eyes have discharge
already stopped all fish n chicken, fruits, fried and oily stuff, he's just taking LOTS of water, barley water, milk n yoghurt

Is green bean soup more cooling than barley?

The weather's horrendous huh!
Let bbg drink crysanthemum. Its good for eye discharge. N the hot hot hot weather is really so HOT aah!!! hotter then the elections but nobody's talking abt it LOL
asking helpers if they want to earn extra $ during their day off by cleaning your hse is a great idea! go for it!

yes green bean is more cooling than barley. can try w G. sigh re the discharge... hope he gets well soon.

Mr C also did smthing nice for me for mothers'day but turned out to b really tiring plus he irritated me. he brought me (and the kids plus the maid) out to dinner on Sat. then i was so tired fm all the work + following the GE that i hinted to him, can dun go, i got food at home. but noooo, hints dun work on men.
so we went and as usual, C1 was being a bit noisy as our nearly 3yos tend to be. kinda scolded again loudly by Mr C. Mr C was already annoyed with me bcz i ordered separate one dish meals at the zi char stall, said might as well eat at home. but hey, he left me there to order by myself. my fault ah... then proceeded to insult my family too by saying maybe your family celebrate occasion will order separate one-dish meals for everyone, but his family wont. wahlau. TOK his head. my celebration still scold me for no rhyme or reason.

so i already super sianz and hurt by his remarks, but i din say anything. then C1 added to the mix of my swirling emotions, and kena scolded. so i lagi more sian.

MEN! aargh.

C1 is sick again. seems to not have fully recovered fm the fever/cough last week. vomitted on sat night in my arms, luckily was in the living room, not on the bed. seemed better after vomitting... since last night... my eat-everything big little boy has survived on milk, water, 5 biscuits and nothing much else.

Mr C took him to PD this morning. stomach flu and need to puff him.

i shd be asleep. but. i m still seething fm Mr C (C1 wanted milk, then din want, then wanted it again, and spilled milk purposely over me as i tried to get him to drink it up. so the man decides to shout and smack him. but this time C1 smart, he apologised to papa first... so papa tucked him into bed... leave me still seething). no wonder my skin is breaking out in pimples - the humidity doesnt help.

i detest my current mood.
i must, i must improve my mood!
Cellow...u know the cartoon character kai lan? She teaches bbG to sway side to side, side to side, to calm down..very cute n stuck in my head n I remind bbG whenever he flares up. Hope u slept it off..men r like that ah, they think they r doing us a big favor/treat not realizing all the other parts r so wrong..like dor's bracelet..

Youpi still not well? Must be the wretched weather! Now I even have a strained neckache adding to the headache!

Lots of fluids n rest for all n hope we all get well soon..I see beautiful fat black clouds on the way to work now..God answering our prayers!
Good morning gorgeous mummies!

The beautiful fat cloud did such an amazing thing- it stopped dripping just before we had to leave the house for playschool

Mon 16 may, anyone available for play dates? Poppy's school is closed so I'm thinking of doing an excursion! Any mummies wanna join us?
hehe. i dunno if swaying will help me or c1 for thst matter. this is so true - "think they r doing us a big favor/treat not realizing all the other parts r so wrong" wat/who is the swaying kai lan?

neckache can try physio or chiro... quick quick b4 it gets worse.

the beautiful black clouds dumped a lot of rain within 15mins in my area, then dissipated. now back to hot n humid again.

iherb... pls get one box each of biscuis amd alphabet pasta or me.... thanks v much!


2) http://www.iherb.com/DeBoles-Kids-Only-Organic-Alphabet-Whole-Wheat-Durum-Pasta-9-25-oz-262-g/32554?at=0

will pm you also.

how was lunch? noisy chattering and lots of laughter as usual?
pity i din get to meet jo/gabriel n lil kasper
Don pie opened a small takeout outlet at vivo city! But no crab bee hoon

When you had the chicken shepard's pie, was it spicy? I've never had spicy one before :S and I agree with you, not quite worth the hype!
lunch was great! and the break from kids too...

oh dear dun be upset. sometimes when i feel tat my mood is not in the best mode, i will keep reminding myself that i will regret i feel that way later.....

this morn i was rushing for a 9am meeting and it poured! and hb couldn't send them cos he was sick and on MC...(duh again right). and jh was asking me a lot of silly questions in the car and i was trying to nagivate heavy rain plus heavy traffic. but i reminded myself not to get angry and tried every effort not to get angry. he kept asking me about where lightening will strike. i got quite pissed with the endless questions until i told him he's asking silly questions. as we were nearing school, he made a remark which reminded me to be thankful. i dunno why he suddenly had such an idea but he said that we are lucky we are not outside walking in the rain but in the car. my 5 year old just reminded me to count my blessings that i m at least in the safe comfort of my car instead of outside battling the rain! so mood changed for the better......

your hb so sweet! but funny that he got you a bracelet as well! well now u have 2 to choose from to match outfits.
wAH. I just realised that I haven't posted in such a long long time.. that I can't even find my name in the recent page.

Why is the chewables better?
SY are you buying thru the flat $4 international shipping? or the normal route and does that result in cheaper shipping?

the abc pasta that cellow posted looks bigger than the abc ones we get here? keen to try one pack as it's so multigrain healthy sounding.. can get me one pack please? thanks!
i find this better cos it contains minerals as well whereas the other one is only vitamins. so i guess is more balanced.

not sure yet. depends on overall orders then i will work out which is better.
Pink bunny: nice meeting you too! What time do you have in mind for playmates on may 16?

Cellow, SY: *hugs*... For the tough days, jia you!
*waves* hi jo!

hello all mummies! happy belated mother's day!

long time no post too. too many to-do-lists and too little time!

omg pls don't move before i do, pls pls pls hahahaha, but great that you found a place for all 3 generations and that you're pleased with. are you going to keep your current place or sell? or do the new property cooling measures affect you (high stamp duty if sell within 5 years?)

moving out
er, still haven't moved out yet. still waiting for the silly fridge. and courts salesperson kept telling me they'd check and call back and never call me back. so, still don't know when i'm moving yet. and y'know, i bought the place in june LAST YEAR. can't believe i'm taking one year to move out.

pomfret starting school
*whispers* she's stopped crying already. she really kinda loves school, but doesn't want to show it when it's time to go. thanks for your advice steph, about how e also says he doesn't want to go but actually does go very happily. the moment i gave up worrying about whether she means it or not, that was the moment she decided too she would just go and not cry.

and it's so liberating!
3 hours a day without a toddler glued to you, i realized i can get so much things done! slowly catching up on lots of overdue errands and stuff. and also, lots of spring cleaning and packing underway.

okay i miss you all, but prob not much chance to join any lunch outings coz pomfret's nap time is 12-2 (rather, i try to make her nap by 12 but it usu drags till 1pm) and then she's got school from 2.30-5.30.

no wonder that day i found myself talking to her soft toy. i really do need some adult interaction don't i?

very duh about your hb. i have a hb just like that! for my bday i said i want this book, this cd. he goes and gets me totally different titles. but what to do? just gotta act really happy with it so that will encourage him to keep buying things for me haha. but i know, also a bit pek chek right, the money spent, and the time (you finding chance to wear different bracelets, me finding time to read books i'm not interested in)
haha thanks jo! vent here then forget abt it already. anyway, we went out for lunch ystday (i worked from home ystday and he came to fetch me) and i pretended nothing happened.
the night before when i was still seething, i went to bed later than Mr C did and said all the things that i wanted to say to him in a whisper. i dunno whether he heard anot... bcz his breathing suddenly changed in his sleep... but dun care la... as long as i m happy. i m the emotional barometer of the home, if i m happy, everyone else is happy; if i m not happy, then the boys take cue fm me, and there will surely b sm heated words between Mr C and i later that evening. that is the pattern.

*whispers* yay for promfret going to school w/o crying
Haha I always say I am the alpha in the family becos even the dog takes the cue from me LOL
Same here, even though I know he doesn't really hear all that I say or maybe he is already sleeping. It's like I just need an outlet to vent n say it all out. Then will feel better. I always say after I'm done, yah lor I am always talking to the wall ma but never mind say Liao I'm happy already, wait next mth say again lor. Hahaha cos it's like a monthly occurrence.

So true lor but I try to think that he's at least making the effort to get me something right. But the shock of receiving another bracelet is really........shocking.
Not that he was not aware of hw much beating I was giving myself by buying that bracelet or how much justifying over the few mths I did. Cos I'm not a quiet person so even though he's no help n doesn't ans I still told him all abt it.
So imagine my speechless shock. But lucky he was in the room n the kids' repeated shouts of Happy Mothers Day saved me from having to say or do anything haha.

Congrats on Mel okie with sch. E's been asking for different ppl(me or hubby) to accompany her to her classes so yay I dun have to be only 1 and I finally get some me time( yah still with D but better then nothing right). N my hubby cannot get away from it when E ask that he accompany her to class hehe.

I'm not the kind who match accessories with clothes lor. All my accessories I just wear them 24/7 cos I'm so lazy haha
So asking me to change bracelet is so leh chey n some more it's not simple kind of design so I will have to worry abt scratching the kids.

See how I feel so neg abt the bracelet.....not that I hate it......it's actually okie quite nice n a good choice to give to me. But cos I had just spend the past few mths agonising n making sure I would love my current bracelet forever and would not be getting another bracelet(to justify the cost).
Sigh....okie I should jus go soak in cold water n not think abt it anymore. Jus wear that to a wedding dinner next week.
Something I realized and totally have no control over.

When the kids talk, I realize they have been told stuff by my hubby. Things that he jus suddenly said and then have no recollection at all. (yes tht always happen with my hubby since before and till now) forgot is a very good word to use.
So easier for me to go bang my head on the wall then go confront him. Since it will ultimately piss me off even more n he will still be clueless and insist he did not tell the kids that.

D told E vampires eat ppl n that they stay in castles. So curious where that came from, I asked him a very simple qns. What is a vampire?? D said he doesn't know. N when quizzed if he saw them on tv (guilty to think he saw while I was watching my shows) or how he knew they eat ppl. D says his dad told him abt it. And......get this.
D totally doesn't know what is a vampire. N it's also not becos he happened to see it on tv n the dad explained to him.
He jus know that they eat ppl and live in castle!!! Cos that's simply what his dad told him!!! Out of the blue!!!
Ofcos my hubby as usual has totally no recollection and again I have to tell him to never ever impart any information at all of any kind to the kids. If he feels like telling them something...........just shut the helll up!!!
i want to order too! wait i go see now and then i'll pm you okay?

crying in preschool
so pomfret's class had a new girl who started from last week. this week she's still crying, and crying really badly (like clutching on to mummy's necklace and clothes while howling) and then the mother cried too. and she's also carrying a baby, who's also crying at the same time. so poor thing. then the teacher told her 'you see pomfret, when she started last month she cried until the other kids in the class cried too, but now she's happy' and then they also mentioned how i would just leave pomfret and walk away really fast (some days i positively ran out while she's crying. sigh.)

next year when pomfret starts at another school, i think i'll make the husband do it. EVERY MORNING. must be fair, he's one half of the parent team after all.

more of my mil moments
mother's day, mil wrote me a card that says "as a mother, you SHOULD be patient and loving and caring and kind" whoa! she's nagging me on mother's day! in a happy mother's day card!

and today being wednesday, the other dil came back with her kids. sil and mil had a erm, subtle argument two weeks ago, and then sil protested silently by not coming back for two weeks. today she's back, and while i was away cleaning the new house (while pomfret was in school) something happened and riled up mil. and instead of telling sil off, she snapped at me the moment i came home with pomfret. wah i know i'm adorable, but no need to target me all the time right?

whoa! another moment of dustee-do (like ninja do and tae kwon do y'know?) where i have to use my mental defenses and block block block and siam siam siam the attacks. just imagine chubby little me doing a matrix thingie ala keanu reeves. (hmm, keanu reeves is still so hot. but i digress)

but yes, i've finally learnt the things you other mummies have been telling me about, about ignoring my mil. since the 'water flowing over' way doesn't work with me, i've adopted my mental martial arts. and i feel great! (i did learn tae kwon do for about 2 years anyway) it really helps to imagine, when mil makes a barbed comment, to imagine her throwing some darts at me, and then i imagine myself ducking.

okay just a random thought i had to type out. hehe.
You are such a joker, dustee! But definitely the master of zen! Well done! Good that pomfret's enjoying school too. How come she's changing school next year? I'm wondering if I should switch bbG to a better one too.. But It might mean another switch again should I stand a chance of getting a place at sjck too

Packing for the trip n bringing a luggage full of food n med for bbG cos I'm a bit wary of feeding him food from there haha. Planning to buy bottled water too!
hi SY

Here's my order:


EARTH'S BEST ORGANIC LETTER OF THE DAY COOKIES (very vanilla flavour) x 2 boxes @ USD$2.73 ea

YUMMY EARTH ORGANIC FRUIT LOLLIPOPS (15 in bag) x 1 bag @ USD $2.32 ea


PS as I was browsing thru the iherb page, i had a strange flashback - it reminded me of the time i played NEOPETS and was buying things for my 'pets' online haha

what is sjck?

hooray for pomfret enjoying school! nooray for naughty MIL who 'say' you on mothers' day!

me too, i also took taekwondo in my youth! hai....YAH!
