(2008/07) July 2008

watched a little of the royal wedding. poppy kept saying 'i don't want this show, i don't want this show!'. hehe. i love the dress. and the maid-of-honour's dress. so simple yet so classy and elegant.

enjoy your trip, DD!

oh and i also use my vacuum cleaner to suck up spills.

The problem with boys...
is that you absolutely cannot shop! Today was shoe-shopping day 'cos both need footwear. One had wrecked his, the other's toes were sticking out of his sandals. So we had to buy new shoes 'cos well, they don't have any others to wear to school. It being my first trip to Ngee Ann City in like, I don't know, half a year, I was the gawking mountain tortoise oohing and aahing at everything. Attempted to walk into Accessorize to check out the merchandise, only to be yanked back out by two small hands and a litany of "no"s. I've never been a girly-girl, but at that moment, I felt a little deprived.
hug hug

mine wants to look at fans all the time when we are out. if it were up to him, i would spend ALL my time reading fan brochures to him instead of proper books and readers, things like 'euromart air cooler, 70 revolutions per minute' or watever mktg spiel they write on fan brochures. best, he faithfully repeats every word after me. thanks to his love of fans, i now know BTU = British Thermal Unit.


so i teach him colours and numbers using fans. sigh. my strange and wonderful fan-obsessed little boy...

then there was this evening when Mr C asked him where he wanted to go. he thought for a moment, then said 'coffeeshop!' when asked why, 'erhmmmm. got fan! i yike!'

*rolls eyes* he is a kopitiam ah pek before his time.
Lol on C1's fan obsession!! And cellow's newly acquired PhD in Fanology!

When poppy wants to go somewhere but we can't, I tell her that she can "go there" in her sleep (I.e dream). Maybe you can "go shopping" in your sleep. Hehe. . Seriously, poor you. But take heart. Shopping with girls (mine at least) is no diff. I say "look poppy, isn't this nice?" And she says "look mama, mannequin no panties! Why mannequin no panties mama? Why? Why?" Running on lines on the floor or trying to lick shop windows, always more exciting than real shopping. I've given up
LOL on that maids article... so hilarious!
It's been making its rounds on Facebook too!

What a coincidence... I was just thinking about adult leggings too!

Yes to patience training. But at the same time, it seems like I don't have any left at the end of the day and Mr bbp seems to kena the brunt of it

Just read those fan brochures then... at least he's interested and not running away from the books right? I say make use of it and exploit that weakness! Heh heh.

Congrats on your new house! I offer my beancurd skin chicken as entry fee to the housewarming. Haha!

Piano - you can try 2nd ones or rather 3rd hand ones. We managed to get a 3rd hand one from someone advertising on Craigslist singapore. One note is a little bit spoilt but at $200, we can't complain.
Walker - managed to get yours yet? We never let Dec use the walker so none to give away. I would be more than happy to give away such space-wasting items like that :p

Don Pie - can't

Too humongously busy at work.

Royal Wedding - I didn't even know it was on until my bil asked me if I watched it.

I can't shop too. Cos Dec's too itchy-handed! Maybe in shopping centres that rent out those strollers and I can strap him in!
bbp ah u got second hand piano at just 200 bucks??! Thats quite a good deal. But hmmm but the space is quite a problem man. Let me think abt it!

Walker, no leh! no one responded so i presume its because no one has any to give. =)

Cellow, LOL on C1's obsession ... its quite a weird one and its for the longest time already!

Youpi, sayang. well having girls also has its problems. i cant bring xun gal to such shops because i risk her saying 'mummy i want this i want that' .... .... she is into hair bands, watches and bracelets! actually its any accessories that her cousins have or classmates have -_-

SD, hmm which vacuum cleaner 'head' (what is the proper term for it??) can use to suck water up? Hmmm
Don pie mummies
If you have spare ang pow packets, left over from CNY, can donate to me please? The redder the better! Ang ang buey hai lang!

Gam xia gam xia in advance!
Hooray for bbp who's busier at work now! In the beginning you were bored stiff right? Busy is good, time passes faster, then can go home faster to dec

Random thought early in the morning: there's a show coming called "water for elephants". Is it just me or is robert pattinson too young to play reese witherspoon's love interest?
smiggle haha get use to it ba :p. Me got used to it errrm abt 8 months ago (mini xun is 8 mo le!!) and is still wearing upsized clothes! -_-

Ok ok i am starting some exercise now so hopefully it works!
smiggle haha get use to it ba :p. Me got used to it errrm abt 8 months ago (mini xun is 8 mo le!!) and is still wearing upsized clothes! -_-

Ok ok i am starting some exercise now so hopefully it works!
PB, you were got upsized figure? Nice and slim. I stare at my kangeroo belly everyday and scratch my head on how to get rid of it. hiaz...

Tomorrow got lunch huh..where and what time? I see if i can go... i got forest fires in office every now and then, if I can make it, i will join you girls!
don pie wed 4 May 12noon
1. doggie
2. pinkbunny
3. Jace
4. smiggle
5. cellow and batgirl (provided no fires are burning at work)

....... and i need to tapau to eat at don pie!
need help re feeding

haiz. i now belong to the hordes of mummies who fret abt children not eating. C1 after his recent bout of stomach flu has refused to eat savoury food (until forced) for one whole week. only wants to eat biscuits, cakes (of course!!) and desserts in general. rice, mee sua, pasta, noodles all refused and pushed away.

well, he has quite sizable reserves - check out the size of his stomach - so i m not toooo worried. worried enough to ask....
pls share with me your tips and tricks for feeding a fussy eater!

one thing is for sure in parenting. they WILL change and post us new challenges. even C1's rubbish-bin-like eating habits. SIGH.

but oh, part of the fun too.
DOn pie..count me in..

Pb: I dun have Ang Ang paper, but do u want Pastel pink anz ones fm last yeR and more of he dull red UOB ones this year?

Don't have fussy eater tips co's I've kinda given up n just go with bbg's flow of whatever he feels like eating..

He's been rather naughty though..n I've been losing my voice a lot shouting at him lately..n he gets mad very easily whenever we say no sigh...he doesn't take nO for an answer and doesn't know what WAIT means n must still be carried a lot! How man? One exhausted and worn lookIng mummy here
Hi Mummies,
May I join this forum? Am a SAHM, 2 kids- 1 girl(jul 08), 1 boy(nov 10). I have never participated in this forum before. I would like to make new friends with kids of similar or close to age group.
morning mommies,
finally, i have a bit of free time b4 i start preparing for lunch & dinner... frankly, i'm getting a bit sick of cooking already... the novelty is wearing off...

Welcome Jo,
did you just become SAHM recently or have been since the birth of your girl? me quit job only in March so still adjusting to trading files and stationery for pots and pans.

ok, at least now i know my boy is normal... he's been saying NO to most of his food too, he's even leaving the raisins untouched!! maybe that's why i'm getting sick of cooking meals for him...sigh... he's not having much appetite recently too though he's feeling ok... i don't have any "mild" methods. when he refused or choosy abt his food, i'll chase him off the dining table, it's either he eats everything or nothing. i try to make the food slightly more tasty aka salty so that he'll eat... my hb will complain say cannot eat too salty, not healthy blah blah blah.....

Enrichment class: son's cc offer these in the afternoon only - speech & drama, maths, swimming (next year onwards). i guess he'll be having all these when he starts staying in cc for full day... which is sooner than i intended coz he's getting out of hand too... aarrgghhh!

Shopping: no more window shopping for me now too... i'll usually put him in stroller, zoom straight to what i needed to buy while bribing restless boy with promise of going to playground after i'm done. if i really need the retail therapy, i'll bring along his favourite treats (gosh, i sound like i'm bringing my dog out hahaha) and keep him occupied with the titbits.

Youpi, i guess you have a tougher time coz you have 2 boys to keep occupied while you're shopping...
during one of my parent-teacher conversation on son recently, teacher mentioned son has been saying he has a di-di in school. teacher asked coz she remembered i told her he's the only child. i've never never imagined him to remember what i told him abt di-di went to heaven... i thought he'd be too young to remember such stuff...
super swamped with work!!

any mummies free for lunch next mon? my office is closed on mon so i can join in for lunch! can arrange one?

it's ok. they go through phases. one moment jx loves mushrooms and the next she refuse to touch a single one! if u r worried abt the nutrition aspect, maybe u can give some supplements? i just gave them the karhome goat milk sweets to boost up calcium supply

or maybe u can get him some nice cartoon character plates? or new fork and spoon?
When Emma was sick and about 1 week after that she also refuses to eat. But she does want soup, so we cooked many different soup for her to eat with the soft rice. I will sneak in bits of shredded chicken meat, but sometimes she will spit it out. My mom also made that steam Beef essence ( I dun know what to call it ) - basically 100 gr mince beef, pour hot water and squeeze out the red beef water and steam it.

Normally after a few days they will eat again.

i think its the aftermath of the sickness, even mine went through that for a while but before long, it shld go back to normal. and like mine, yours got a bit of reserve. heh!

so what time later? 12.05pm hor?
hi mummies

busy busy busy!!!

lousy appetites
it'll come back. poppy loves soup and tofu so if her appetite is lousy i will boil soup with lots of ingredients and let her drink it with tofu. but when no appetite and really don't want to eat, even the no-fail pastas are out.

but breakfast traditionally has been challenging so that's how the breakfast with activities started. sometimes it's tv, sometimes it's reading, or sticker book, or hanging laundry, or craft, or puzzles. sometimes easier to feed when distracted. when got no choice la.

welcome jo

see you all at don pie later!!!! slurp. i've been reading poppy books on crabs for the past week and been drooling at the thought of finally eating some :D
lousy appetites
C1 is down again. Cough. Cough w Fever. Cough until he wakes himself up and cries piteously. Cry until my Heart Aches.
Then after patting him to sleep, I cannot get to sleep. so i m a panda today. no amt of concealer (not that i use any) would help.

However he woke up this morning in a super good mood. Maybe he knows pontang school?
Cellow, pinkbunny, steph: Hi hi.. Thank you for the warm welcome.
ya, I also ask myself, what took me so long...

Steph: I've been a SAHM since preg with girl. Why did you quit your job? I live in the west, what about you?

Cellow: sorry to hear about your kid. Diluted lukewarm ribena is an appetite booster. The ABC soup is also good- onions, corn, carrot, raddish, tomatoes with pork ribs. Is your kid in childcare?
don pie - i wan..boohoo hoo..crazy at work

pinkB - lets meet up one eve for playdate at JB..and i will pass u the cereal boxes, ang pow packs and pasta bottles..i feel like karang guni wanna-be..heehee

jo - HI!! welcome..nt sure if you are the same JO i met at the nov bb gathering at Grandma's united sq?

feeding fussy toddlers..agree with SY, one day can love cherry tomatoes and make me stock up ..and the next "i dun wan"..sigh..end up, i eat all :p
Cin bunny: yes! That's me!
I wanted to check this forum out since you last told me but obviously didn't to it till now!
Hi! Hope you are coping well with 2 and work?
Hi Jo
i live in the west too! which part are you at?

hee i have also been accumulating stuff but no chance to pass to PB!!

lunch next mon 9th May?? onz??
the shepherd pie at don pie cannot hold a candle to Mr C's version. i eat until i so buay gum, but still finished it bcz i dun waste food.

wow, you survived nearly 3 years of SAHM-dom... i nearly went crazy during my maternity leave. yes C1 is in half day childcare. brings back all sorts of germs to C2 born Apr 2010.

hahaha to cin eating up cherry tomatoes! mine is the oat krunch biscuits. one day, tells me 'love the biscuits mama!', next day, can tell me 'mama you eat....' :S
haha think no one can beat jx. from dec 2010 during our hk trip to this year about feb, she was in love with mushrooms and every mouth of rice must go with mushrooms. then one day she just refused to eat a single piece of mushroom! dunno why but since then she has not touch mushrooms...weird right........
Sy: Hi! I live in west coast, are you anywhere near? Ha ha... Can go for playdates or coffee!

Cellow: Ya! I survived an am still sane!
love looking at the growth of my "Goods"- Gwyneth and Gabriel. Ha ha... I also call them G1, G2(sometimes bb G).

G1's health record has been clean till she entered childcare this year. Starting from CNY, almost once a month she will be down with flu, the last time had cough. My gf told me I should have pumped her up with multivits and cod liver oil before she started school, which I didn't. I only feed her as and when cos I thought she ate well and has enough outdoor exposure... So now, I put her on daily- cod liver oil and vit c. I intend to do it for 3 months then drop vit c, and let it be a as and when required. I really see improvements, maybe you can also try. I use childLife products, really good stuffs, me think!
Speaking of childlife, SY, when is next iherb ordering gonna be? *flutter eyelashes*

I should be ok for lunch on mon!

Makan funnies
For Poppy it's grapes. "I LOVE GRAPES!!!" ... So I rush out to wipe NTUC's shelves clean, then "NO more grapes, thank you!"

Hey mummies, any recommendation for stick-on insect repellent? Very strong sticker kind. Poppy's playsch uniform is polo t-shirt material and most stickers cannot stay on for duration of playground time!

I've seen those that are small and rectangular shaped, flurouscent coloured, no print, and thought they look really cute. But dunno where to buy from :S
i stay at toh tuck. not too far away.
yes we can do playdates!

my gal was also like that. she seldom fall sick until starting cc last year. every month fever or cold or cough. but this year has been better. i did give her multivit and fish oil daily as well.

onz....anyone else keen for lunch??

haha u can read my mind is it? the USD so low recently tempting me to stock up again!! i also feel that childlife is quite good. but jx dun wan to take. only jh taking....

for repellent, i use the badger company anti bug balm. pretty effective. now they have combine with sunblock one. even better for outdoors! can order from iherb.
Wow it is YOU who are reading MY mind! I was just wondering, should apply sunblock or mozzie repellent first! Ok cool, I will go check out iherb and send you my orders ok?

The talk about ABC pasta yesterday inspired me to make it for poppy's dinner haha. Thanks!
SY -count me in for iherb too can?

monday lunch - where where? I try to join!!

PinkB - i looked all over ntuc but cannot find abc pasta..if u go this weekend, help me buy a packet oki? gam sia!
haha the tiny ntuc at tiong bahru doesn't have many things, but ABC pasta - got! ok i will buy for you. batgirl, if you join us for lunch on mon, i can buy for you too.
Hi mummies.. The crab bee Hoon must be super POtent as I'm down n out! And bbg's got a phlegmy cough now..so like u girls advised over lunch..nO fish n chicken, no citrus fruits or cold water..in fact, milk increases phlegm too..guess who's having the recently recommended abc soup (thanks Jo and welcome!) n room temp yoghurt

Lunch on mon where? Must see the condition of my thrOat n pile uP at work first.

I noticed all the cutesy kiddy pasta has disappeared from the shelves of supermarkets since past few months..why ah?
Sy: sure, sure... Should meet. Btw, mon is a public holiday? No school and work right?

Cin: marks and Spencer has pastas of all patterns! Gastromania has those of Disney characters, Mickey, pooh and princess!

DoubleD: thanks and get well soon!
i see your crab bee hoon word, i also feel like eating now!
JO - u make me want to run out to gastromania now .lol

monday lunch - how about great world city? there's ichiban boshi, cedele, crystal jade, thai..
What a time to be sick! I have the flu and have lost my voice!

Paragon also has Gastromania. Yum yum!

Hello and welcome!

Count me in for iherb too please. Will PM you my orders, k?

re monday lunch
i m ok with GWC. time and place??

re iherb
sure those who are interested PM me!

haha....all mothers think alike!!!

mon is not a declared public hol. it's my company who declare it..most companies will give off in lieu which is better....
