(2008/07) July 2008

No not the shoes take up space but they packed that order in a box so the volumetric we gotta pay is higher means pay for the empty space too lor. The other 2 orders came in bags so was cheaper.

I just finished Secret Garden. Any nice ones that I can watch through YouTube? Hehe
Cos I watch them on the iPad so can only go by YouTube since I am too lazy to download.

Sick girl
Arghhhhhh........E is sick.
Same kind of sickness she got abt 2-3 wks ago. Fever n tummy pains. N seems worse this round cos fever keep going up n down n she almost constanly complains of tummy ache n I have to keep rubbing n rubbing her tummy. Cannot do anything cos she will jus follow me around n say her tummy pain, want me to rub..........sigh
N dun want to eat or jus bite a few mouth of bread n she dun wanna eat anymore.
The going toilet to jus sit 5sec even at 5am is driving me crazy...........
N I think I am succumbing to her virus as well.

Jus hopping that D dun catch it else I am bound to go crazy with the 2 of them whiny.
Pb ah - where got promotion..infact, i dropped a whole rank to take up this new role so in actual fact, it's a demotion..sobbies! but wanted to learn something new and also hoping new role will give me a more balanced work life

btw, the pix of you after fishing out pop's hat is HILARIOUS!!!

ugly duckling - who's watching this sat at 11?
see u there!
oh dear Dor,

sucks when kids fall sick. I gave up on the resident flu bug (ie i give up giving medication to fight it, let the body naturally fight it off as long not serious) in my house, the bug is now resting with my helper..hiaz..

Secret Garden is nice!! another one to watch is Dream High. http://www.dramacrazy.net/korean-drama/dream-high/ can stream from here to watch too...

Cin Bunny,

learning more is always good.
and balanced work life is even better!! hope u find your replacement soon!


yah lor for work...damn tired man.... lucky i am on leave tomorrow.. need to sleep
All the best to Cin in new role..thumbs up to a better work life balance!

Batgirl on leave on fri too? Me too..bbg's first school excursion!

Nex library or Royce in the late afternoon anyone?

Will check mail, dor n should be ok for lunch next week..hope bottle arrive by then
is it stomach flu? cos soemtimes the virus can move down to stomach causing tummy pain. last time the doc told me that for kids, normal virus can manifest as stomach ache whereas for adults it is jsut cold or cough symptom.

jx also having runny nose and this morn jh complain abt tummy ache hope they dun fall sick cos hb is away!

i PM u.

yeah more impt is wokr life balance. nothing beats that now!!!

i must go check out yoru blog! sounds funny

i did consider part time help but meanwhile on the days part time help dun come i will be maid lor.

brave? hmm i love kids that's one thing and in fact jh has been asking for a sibling. dunno whether he knows what it entails though.

high five! i m on morn leave tmr and the happiest thing is that can sleep a bit later.
YAY today i go home to my boys! reach SG at 630pm in time for dinner.
and YAY there is no nonsense this time abt milk melting halfway on the airport tarmac.... bcz this time, KL office has freezer space for my milk in the fridge to go bag!!! so no need to scramble to get hotel to freeze, where all sorts of things can (and did) go wrong in the process.
my milk is safe. *beams*

wah batgirl, you did a day trip to JKT!!! haiyooor. so tiring.

better WLB is always good, esp with children in the pix.

leave on fri
i wanted to as well, batgirl and dd... then realise shucks gotta run a meeting at 10am. aargh. i din even intend to be awake at 10am.

*stands at Dor's house to shoo away all sickness*

lunch next week - when?
i dun have any loot arriving with dor, but i would love to join
can we pls pls pls pls pls dun go to Don Pie? bcz i got nothing to eat there. pies have eggs, and crab bee hoon has .... well... obviously, it has crab.
after this harrowing week at work, i m due for a looooooooong lunch. HAHA!
u sound really chirpy!

anyone wan to get anything from iherb? i need to order my gummy vitamins which are in stock liao.

re lunch next week
depending on which day, maybe i can join.....must go and check my boss's schedule. haha
icyclaw, if you are still reading this.... pls do join for lunch next week.... good to know more pple! hope the allergy for your DD went away!

all of us need all the support we can get/give.
morning all

it's march and my kids are still not settled at sch! now it's cait's turn to cry and her bro will follow! faints..

but the way i see it thy ARE having fun in sch and the teachers, ESP cait's teacher are really loving and they have a BIG compound to run ard in.. so.. my conclusion.. they just trying to make my life miserable? hahaha..
Cin bunny
Hope this new role will give you better work-life balance!

Royce sounds interesting! Where are you going for BBG's excursion? So fun!

Ah so, I see. No prob
oh no hope E gets better soon! How about mini bean bags, those that can warm up kind - would they help?

Oh must tell you girls about funny bus behaviour! The other day I took a bus with poppy and saw a woman with a very irritated face, sitting next to a wet seat. I thought the person who vacated the seat had left a wet patch (leaky bottle or wet grocery bag maybe). She kept looking at Tsk-ing. Then as it dried up, she took some water from her own bottle and sprinkled it on her seat and spread the water around!

BB said he has seen that before too, and his deduction is that they do it to have the whole seat to themselves. So they can stop people from sitting by being "kind" and telling them the seat is wet!

singapore sure has interesting people!
Hiiii!!! I am finally logged in from office!!!

Long time no seeeeeee (write and read lah)

A lot of catching up on posts so gotto do that over a few days.

sleep training,
PB, you're doing great! yup, i had to sit outside for quite a while, and slowly i took the approach of "negotiating". meaning, you sit down at a place first, THEN send her off to bed herself. It works wonders. She left you, not you leave her, so she does not expect you to be around when she wakes in the middle of the night. Of course, eboy nowadays still comes out to check if i am still around, once a while. Sometimes he will intentionally come out to give lots of hugs and kisses cos he knows i wont reject those!!! oh, i love those cute cute things he does to get off going to sleep.. hee hee...

Congrats on Cin's promotion!

Uhm, Dustee, regarding your housemoving, i say you just go and spend the day over at your own home between now and when you shift. You know, nothing beats getting out from your MIL house anyway, and do you really need the fridge for half a day. I will waste the half boottle of yophurt anytime to just get out of her house. and you can also explore spending the night in your own house over weekends too... work out something! May is tooooo long !!!

I think i have "kok" Mr SY's head before many times, and I think i gotto keep doing that! I think getting a helper has its advantage. you must be clear what her primary responsibility is. for house cleaning and cooking, then just let her do that and nothing eelse. Up till today, my helper has never, never spend more than half hour alone with eboy. never. I never allowed that and that is why eboy is not close to her at all. but it really helps a lot with her doing all the housework, washing, cooking, you can focus on your kids on those hours that you are not working loh....

*welcomes cellow and batgal home*

new work
I have had a fulfilling one week at work and i should say I may have found my dream job to retire in... my boss is good, work culture here is good, run like a start-up company (i'm in civil service btw!), ppl here are self motivated and moves very fast (unlike the bunch of deadwoods I had to deal with over in my old place). the most important thing is having met the high principals in office dealing iwth issues concerning the nation's interest, I am very inspired and motivated and believe that my work here is for a good cause and makes me feel so patriotic!!!! I am giving my best to this job!!!
Sick also come to work ah! (and they promote work from home too woo hoo!)
How long do they cry? Cos according to Declan's teacher (omg, we had teacher-parent meeting this morning), he just cries less than 1 min. Then after that, he laughs, announces he is ok already... with the tears STILL on his cheeks.

Good for you!
eboy is progressing really well on speech. the other day we held a conversation and it went like this
me: what happened to your spider man shoes?
e: throw down
me: throw down where?
e: the pool! (with swimming action along)
me: who threw down the pool?
e: ME! *followed by cheeky grin*

I confiscated his shoes and did not give it back to him till days later... he's into throwing things now and i have no clue how to stop it.
oh wait, i was trying to say his speech has improved and therea re many many more words he can manage and I am pleased.

ok, back to throwing. how how how?

straw, how is the session with n1 going so far?
smiggle!!!! rest rest rest and rest!!! wishing #2 guai guai and wait another month ok?? eh, so fast, its kayden's BD party again!!! then it will be our kids and ahhhhh!!! our babies are turning threeeee!!!!

would those be the spider man crocs? *grin*

tell me about throwing! thad threw one of his mickey mouse crocs out of the window and that was the end of the poor rodent!

he did some time at the naughty corner and thankfully that was the last thing he ever threw out of the window. unfortunately he is still very much into throwing things at home!

congrats on getting your dream job! work from home too! woohoo!


congrats too! rare to find a good organisation who is willing to offer you such flexibility too!

i had such a relaxing time in phuket and the children has such a great time! we hit the beach, frolick in the pool, ate yummy food, chill in the room watching disney channel! during the last dinner, the boy was so impatient when we took so long to eat, he kept pulling my hand and wanted to go HOME, which in his mind was the hotel room not his bishan home! oh, did i mention that we even transported a few crabs from the beach home! and gee it was survival of the fittest, from 5 crabs, we only have 1 left, the biggest one has eaten up all the rest!

i am SO ready for the US trip end of the month i tell you. was so hard getting out of bed going to work today! and the work that has piled up just from 3 days away! haizzz!


when when when?
doggiebb, ya those spiderman crocs!! he had also thrown his previous cros down balcony and it was gone for good! we kept the other side to keep reminding him not to throw it down and he hasn't. but now its into the pool. really i dunno if its cos he lilkes to see our reaction, or he thinks it fun to see his father scooping his shoes out from the pool in total darkness (we take the walk round our estate after dinner).. i cant stop him!!!!! (which reminds me of PB scooping poppy's hat using a stale baguette!)

when when when? next week is gooood cos my bosses will be away!!!!
So how? Do you need to order any hair products? Cos I need to submit by 12pm today!

You all take a walk round the estate without shoes on? Or else how he throws them into the pool?
doggiebb is right. we walk around, and the pool is right below my block, then he will ask to sit on the lounge chairs.. then take off his shoes.. then take one, throw! take another one! (stopped by mummy). then the father will panic, try to catch it before it swims away too far... then we gotto wait by the pool for it to come close enough for us to retrieve it back. then i will be angry and throw his shoes into the dustbin, and make him go home barefooted. then quickly run down later to pick the shoes back up from the dustbin and not show him for the next few days. then keep asking him, what happened tot he shoe? do you want the shoes? can you throw? (the answer is always yes). i think cos he still has got other shoes to wear, so this method is not very effective wor...

lend some ideas, someone?
can help me keep a lookout? i wan to move to a company that promotes work from home...haha!

hmmm i think the biggest concern for me is that my helper has no one to watch over. too many stories of helpers up to tricks when employers not ard. if i m at home of cos i dun mind getting a helper but if the helper is at home alone then that's a different issue....

great that e-boy is doing well in his speech! he sounds great!

think it's just purely separation anxiety. maybe get someone else to send them to sch?

woooo sounds nice. another trip coming up! which part of US u going?
maybe dun make it a very big point to discuss when he does that. sometimse they just wan to see how reaction. when no reaction it means no fun to do it anymore.....then they will move on to other ideas.
SY, I think if the roles for the helper is clearly articulated and put across, and you remove all temptations at home. in the few hours she is alone at home, what can she do? I know of those stories too, and i think for a start, its good to have ppl to watch over her, build up a relationship, get her to feel like family, then have the confidence to let her be at home. I suppose that takes time and you have to make arrangements for that. I have seen friends who took month long leave to stay at home with the hlper in the initial days.. get her accustomed. so its do-able. its manageable. You build your own confidence level. and hope for the best!!! else, having 3 without helper and and hubbys help seems like an awfully tough job on a working mom!!!! (as it is, you already so skinny and not enough sleep ah!)

uhm, currently my company is not hiring and even if they do, need to be engineering trained... i'll drop you an SMS...

US is nice!! cold weather is nicer!!! but but but, its a tough job getting the kids out from the room with all the winter gears!! if f&e, then i'm sure it will be a super enjoyable trip!!!! I very envyyyyy!!!!!
Mum of 6 on babycentre: how she does it

Congrats on moving on, expanding job horizons, and best of all, working from home

Mich, Doggiebb
L is also throwing things! And shoving things off tables.
Mich: just leave the crocs in the pool, don't try to scoop them up. If he enjoys watching daddy rush to get them, he'll keep doing it just to continue enjoying the show. Let him walk barefoot back home, then rescue the crocs when he can't see you doing it. Or just go on barefoot walks and enjoy the free foot reflex sessions, hehe.

Great stuff about your job etc! And Eboy's developing-at-the-speed-of-light speech

Heehee how was your first PTM?
You know, when L sees me hovering outside his class, he will just wave bye bye to me and wait for me to walk away. Sob.
Will the article stress me on how I'm not doing enough?
First PTM wasn't as bad as I expected. I was half expecting that the teachers would say "He doesn't listen to people, he's cheeky, he talks too much, etc." But heng ar. Don't have. Haha.
Oh, but I learnt many pleasant things from the English teacher. Apparently, Declan went to comfort a new boy who just started school this week. Told him "don't cry" and "be happy!"
L is a good boy. Dec used to do that. Now it ranges between cry and ok.
yeah i also know main problem is no one to jagar helper. but even then leaving helper at home also dangerous. it happened to my fren and it was quite terrible. her helper looks really guai and i also din expect her to do those things. so after what happened, her mil quit her job to help her look after kids and new helper.

n i dun have any help on short notice if anything happens. so a lot of things to consider.

or maybe get my hb to change job. told him to go for a civil service job with more stable hours.... right now, he is coming back home so late everyday that he is not much help. slowly slowly i will change him. he has shown some improvement in some ways lah but of cos i must find a way to speed up! problem is he has no good role models ard him. so when he look at himself and other pple, he feels he is very good liao. u shd look at my sil's hb. i will vomit blood if my hb is like that.

Dec is such a good boy! that's so heartwarming and sweet.
wanna share this for all those mummies lunching in. so beautiful and peaceful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce-5OWBNGNw

congrats mich on eboy's avalanche of words!!!

so funny and sweet, dec saying "don't cry, be happy!" lol!!!! when i accidentally hit myself, she runs to me and with a very concerned face, says "don't cry, later mummy come ok?" haha. guess i know what they tell them at playschool

sigh poppy throws too. hat in BG lake. need i say more?
Dor dor its ok no probs! its not within ur control whether they pack in bags or box anyway. But hor why did they decide to pack some in bags and some in boxes ah? any idea? Hmm i searched all my emails and dun see anything u sent. did u send to my co email or my hotmail ah? its missing!!

Lunch next week.. hee hee i on leave Wed to Fri because its school holiday and my mum is screaming at the top of her voice for us to take leave else she cannot cope with 3 little monsters running around the whole day in the hse. Cannot imagine the long Jun and Dec holidays *_*
hi mummies,
So many post today ah..

Cin bunny
Congrats on ur new role...

Good for u..
I wanna quit after my ml..
Maybe work part time...
Hopefully can find one like urs..

U always goin for hols..
So envious..
Btw, i order elmo cakes frm e same lady u ordered frm..

Quick one- any kids power toothbrush to recommend?
i need to order my iherb stuff. let me know if anyone wants to tag their items.

did your kids like the biscuits? jh and jx like the crunching grahams.
Think iherb got free intl shipping now!

Bbg loves using our electric toothbrushes haha

Good to hear that mich can hold conversations with e-boy now n has found the perfect job too!

Pb: all sorts of weird people around huh.. I recall u always bumping into the weird ones haha n u still r

So what shall we eat that's un-don pie? Batgirl..can ur cravings tahan til next lunchie? Hehe
Hello Ladies! Wow... so many new topics in here & great news to hear from Michelle, cinbunny, ermm... who did i miss to congrat? Can feel the happy vibes by just speed-reading your posts

Ermm.. abt the electric toothbrushes.. are our kids too young to use them? my son can't even brush his teeth properly using normal toothbrush...

Library at Nex, if it's opening tomorrow, will it be crowded? i mean Nex is like pack with people all the time.. except early in the morning b4 10am. anyone going to the library tomorrow?

Work vs SAHM
seems like several mommies are back in the work force. so i'll just ask these qns to PB and youpi. i've quit my job! it was a terrible and painful decision to make. so, i've been staying at home for the past 2 weeks except going to the office for 2 half days to hand over my work. now that my son is going to attend full day childcare next month onwards, SAHM, how do you spend your free time when your kids are in school? i have some plans but i've never stopped working for the past decade.. not sure how i'm going to cope with so much free time....yet can't afford the tai-tai lifestyle... most probably need to sell the car too. gosh... i really dunno how i'll cope emotionally...

No worries! I just had them 2 days ago with a fren!
Did Don Pie used to have shepard's pie? It is absolutely delicious!!

hmm...I am not sure where to makan in RP liao, any suggestions??
have you moved out yet? where's your new place? aren't you excited?!! finally a place to call your own

your posts always put a smile on my face... when are you gg fish feeding with poppy again? hopefully next time round, i can really join in.

wow... your son has a kind heart
... i remembered not too long ago, when my son cried, my nephew will shout at him and even tried to hit him...

most man tend to compare themselves with the less ideal target so they themselves get a ego boost hahaha... i've learnt from my friend that most hb will repeat certain chores if you praised them enough, even though they may not have done a up-to-our-standard job. but pratice makes perfect... so give him more opportunities for you to praise him hahah...
come come, pm me your number and we can go for coffee at nex. but pomfret's still with me this month. and next month i'm packing her off to 2.30-5.30 childcare.

haven't moved out. still looking at the necc appliances and furniture first. sigh.

then what places can you eat and have an eggless feast? you gotta tell us!

kindy registration
so, we had mass (church service) on wednesday 6.30am coz it's a special catholic day. then went to the kindy which had registration at 8am. we reached around 7.30am and there was a queue already! gasp. (and i'm quite sure the rest weren't just coming from church....)

but okay, finally mr dustee is willing to let pomfret be registered in something for next year.

and then next month i'm gonna put her in a playgroup in the afternoon in a cc. so yay! my budget tai tai life is about to start!
gosh, dustee, what are you doing up at 3.30 in the morning?? it was raining thru the night... best to be Zzzz....

PM you my contact liao... i'm so looking forward to join you in your budget tai tai life... what a comforting phrase hahaha...
free time? er. i have more than youpi cos she only sends her boys for 3 hours. poppy at playschool for the "full day" which really just means 930am to about 4pm for us. i usually bring her to childcare then do any of the following, in no particular order:

1) gym
2) do my part time work
3) prepare for upcoming craft sessions for biz
4) prepare for craft session for poppy
5) go to the library and get ideas for 3) and 4)
6) go marketing
7) run errands
8) housework (or think about having to do it)
9) make stuff for poppy. now i'm scratching my head wondering how to make a puppet theatre for her. last couple of days it was 'bean bags'
10) if BB is home, we might just nua on the sofa and watch some tv

i wish i could say that i were organised and had some kind of schedule template to share with you but i don't. i just do whatever needs doing. like if there are deadlines to meet, then i will work towards that. if the dust on the floor is getting too visible, then i will attack that.

I'm on for another fish feeding session! But I charge for any professional picker uper service provided :D

$? Err we live on a very basic package. No car, no maid, no cable, no condo, not many big installments to pay off.

My biggest hurdle was coping with my dip in self worth, when I stopped getting a salary. I think most mums take a while to adjust to SAHMhood.

It was tough leaving my job too cos I really loved it. But I didn't really have a choice cos there was no one to look after poppy and we didn't want her to go into infant care. So it was a tough decision that I kind of regret career wise, but zero regrets mummy wise
pm me if you want to chat!

Congrats on putting pomfret in playgroup!!! Gosh mass at 630am? o_O I've not done that since... never!

Ah yes. Just call me weirdo magnet! It's like normal people are hanging around doing nothing then see me approaching and scuttle "hurry! Here she comes! Quick, take out your nailclippers and start clipping your toenails at the bus stop now!

thanks for arranging iherb. poppy loves the ABC bikkies (very vanilla i think).
If you want #3 I think you will need a helper, if not it will be really difficult. Getting a good helper depends on your luck I guess, however, no matter how good a helper is, there will be some flaws here and there and I have learned just to close one eye. It really makes my life easier.

Lols on using the baguette to scoop the hat.

getting thinner with kids
Definitely not me. I seemed to be balooning each day.

I'll transfer to you tonite.
Ooh hopefully Ember is better now! Stomach flu?

heee have you tried new dramas? I'm currently super busy with Annual Report but next week I'm going to start with Midas and probably Crime Squad. Have you watched my princess?

Lunch next week
I'll try to join!!! Have we fixed a place?

Good that you are settling well to your new workplace. Eboy is progressing well on the speech? HOORAY!! Very happy for you and Eboy too!

Wow US trip! I'm due to go this year too, but not sure whether I have the time to go. Sighhhh
i came back fm KL, and promptly forgot i had a meeting arranged for 9am today. went for 9am physio session to fix (sorta...) my neck, kena told that my back needs some fixing too, which it does bcz been putting in 12 hour workdays. came back at 945am to a screen exploding like fireworks (IM msgs).... luckily the kind souls at the meeting allowed me to resch to 1030am.

non egg feast at RP lunch next fri 18 Mar
eh... asian kitchen? suggestions from doggiebb and dd are welcome.

congrats to steph for a new SAHM life! and no, pls dun spend time again w the FB games..... tis a bit of a waste of time.... destress a while ok la.

well done and congrats for many things (good job, eboy's speech development)....
C1 has not thrown anything out of the window. i dun think he has that notion - yet.

i saw your photos on not falling into the water. super funny la.... next time, can show at poppy's wedding!

YAY pomfret is going to playschool.
YAY YAY YAY! dustee is getting me time back!!!!!

happy vibes all around... it must be catching

oh. the only small cloud on the horizon are that the ILs are here. till 27 mar. BUT tis ok. i will survive.

how about the little viet place we went before below standchart building? OR

the little salad place behind bank of china building? OR

our KHO KHO NARA? *blink blink*

woohoo! ITS FRIDAY!

I am ok with the little viet place at SCB. Where is Kho Kho Nara?



yes, finished watching My Princess too. heehee. Kim Tae Hee is soooo pretty. Realise that she acted in Winter Sonata too! So she is not a young thing anymore, but she still commands the screen prescence. :p

Wah..I am trying not to click anymore dramas to watch. I am ending my cowhood soon. I only watch while I moo... but my fingers are itchy... heehee...


Congrats on your freedom! I guess PB gave a very good run down on wat to expect when you are a SAHM.
I will probably be watching K drama all day long.. :p

omo! you haven't tried our kho kho nara?

its near tanjong pagar mrt

errm, was kim tae hee in winter sonata? as a minor role? i personallly don't really like her muahaha! there is something about the way she twists her mouth that irks me so i am still stuck at ep 14 of MP. Was distracted by Park Shin Yang's SIGN. just downloaded the last 2 eps and the finale was last night. has been very good so far but i've read the ending is crap, I shall see!

am at ep 6 of dream high. first few eps were crap but its getting better. so i think i will continue with this one.

you watch while you moo, i watch on the iphone while in the mrt! heh!

what made u decide to quit your job? are u planning to find another one or just take a break?

our kids can use the electric toothbrush. in fact it cleans better than normal toothbrush.

u may be right. i need to praise my hb more. he oftens says i dun praise him!

re iherb
any mummies wan to get anything let me know ok? cos now having shipping promo off 33%. for free international shipping it's orders under $80 or under a certain weight.

u wan to get anything from iherb?

congrats that pomfret going to playgroup!!! finally mr dustee made up his mind....

is the show nice? i find her quite pretty also. she was in the show stairway to heaven as the evil half sister.
