(2008/07) July 2008

good luck!

i let C1 wear trg pants at home in the evening. but only for one short hour. he did tell me once a few weeks ago.... mama wet.... and we flew as fast as my legs can carry him to the toilet. but not b4 he got 50% of his pee onto me.... haha.

we cont w the way to a diaper free C1 and eboy!!!! jia you jia you.

being away from him dun mean that he will be less sticky to u. think more impt that u spend quality time with him and make him feel as secure as u can.

in fact since starting work, jx has stuck to me even more!!!

good job!! u really doing great in training him. how u do it? i cannot even get jx to go toilet.

hee thur i will try to make it......i hope to eat the nice crab bee hoon!!!
thu lunch
gotta give this a miss. ex boss is in town....
enjoy lunch!

do wat your heart tells you.
..... and tis def not being away fm him just to teach him to be less sticky.
SY, maybe can be like mine? Interest her in nice panties *hee hee hee* then she will see wearing panties as a fashionable thing and will just decide to stop wearing diapers - means having to pee in potty or toilet bowls.

I was really lucky :p

Thurs lunch, not sure if i can. Will try to make it but i have a townhall to attend until 12 noon
Congrats Mich. Don't worry, it takes time. Poppy was half hearted about diaperlessness for a long time and suddenly felt a surge of encouragement when she say declan and Sophie using the toilet at our house hehe.

She can do it, but these days is requesting for diaper over panties though. Mummies, help? It's normal right?

Well you wouldn't like my answer to your problem - I left my FT job and did a major career switch because I couldn't tahan just seeing poppy for less than 2 hours a day, of which most of it was either spent rushing to feed her, dress her, transport her... And mostly in a foul mood. I couldn't bear the thought of knowing that's how her formative memories of me would be.

Fancy a career switch, my friend?

Don pie
What time? I try!!

My garang Guni cry is here again:
1. I want your empty jam jars please!! Or coffee powder jars also can. As long as it is clear (not coloured)

2.And plastic juice bottles please (clear see through plastic). Not the itsy bitsy can finish in one mouthful kind, but more the 500ml kind. Tall ones.

Please please? If it's going into recycling anyway, can I take it off your handss?

Thanks so much!!
hello mummies..

thurs lunch
wish i could eat the crab bee hoon.. but too far for me...

toilet trainin
kayden has been training for 6 mths..
no improvement at all...
he is only interested in flushin!
and when i made him go daiperless.. he quietly poop in one corner before i smelt it..
can you believe i regconise his poop smell from far away???

My Nescafe type of jar can or not? nt entirely round, a bit "sexy" shape one.

Date : 24 Feb 2011(Thurs)
Time : 12 noon
Venue : Don Pie @ RP

(1) Batgirl
(2) doggiebb
(3) Michelle
(4) DD
(5) SY (try)
(6) Jacelyn (try)
(7) PB (try)

cellow, smiggleP, next time we meet again for yummy crab bee hoon! :D
Aiyoh just gave a stack of bottles to the recycling bin, then saw your post.

Toilet training
None! Think my boy will be the only one in diapers at the Jul08 babies' mass 3rd birthday party!
plus my jx..she's still a long way to being diaperless!!

as usual your garang guni fren here has all these things but need to accumulate and be able to find a way to pass it to u!!! haha....i have jam jars..pretty ones.
maybe your next session i try to go but inform me in advance. tmr's session i can't....

jx has a lot of nice panties! she will wear them over her diapers....
Good job Eboy! Jia you Michelle! Not sure about boys, but my brother in law help out a bit by bringing their sons to go to the toilet to pee together.

Hahaha I know right? I still haven't got the bed. Mr SD changes the subject everytime I mentioned bed for Emma. Hmmph.
Don't worry he will get used to it. Just shower him with lots of love after you come back from work and spend more time during the weekends!

Your method is same as mine. I bought nice pretty panties and showed her that all the girls at home is wearing panties. No one is wearing diaper hahaha. And also keep psycho-ing her that wearing panties is comfortable, unlike diaper. Also show the kid that we did it in the toilet too, not in the diaper cuz we're not wearing one.

Hahaha it's normal. Sometimes Emma is like that. she'll wear panties and suddenly decides she wants to wear diaper too, on top of the panties Lols.
Emma wears diapers over panties? Super funny!!

Hi fellow garang Guni (toot toot horn)! Sometimes when I pick poppy from playschool she has panties over diapers too. Funny fashion hehe

Alamak! My helper took them out for recycling yday!!
When do you need those jars? I will take note and ask her to keep aside for you next time.

See you all at Don Pie tomorrow!
diapered-3yo gang
looks like pomfret could be honorary chairperson of this gang. doesn't want anything to do with the toilet bowl, her portable potty, or potty chair.

am going to check out a childcare this weekend. have decided to put pomfret in half day cc. what should i look out for at the cc? what questions should i ask them?

oops you're pained over not having enough time with bbG and here i am 'pushing' pomfret away from me. hmmm, does your profession not allow a part-time basis thingie? work from home? my lawyer friend asked to do part-time (though the reality is, half the pay, but 3/4 the work) but she says, at least she gets to knock off by 4pm now instead of the previous 10-11pm types.

the "sexy" shape had me guffawing.
sleepless in SG, dustee?
childcare - go w gut feel. language skills of the teachers and whether they have the heart for the job. besides teaching our kiddos crafts and languages and watnot, they are also wiping the kiddos' backsides.... hey they better have the heart for the job...

on the one hand, i m pained over not getting enuf quality time w C1 and C2. on the other... part of me is really glad that i get to dictate the rhythm of my workday instead of following the whims and fancies of a small person.

i m in a snit right now as C1 decided to throw a tantrum rite when i dropped him off at school. face scrunched up, legs flailing type. that type of tantrum always makes me feel like a bad mama.

LOL on batgirl's sexy nescafe glass jar....!
and then it disappears bcz the helper cleared it
and now interrupted by first pump session of the day.

i m flooding the forum single handedly w 3 consecutive posts la

got to attend dinner tonight w ex-boss and some of my former teammates. cannot siam. ex boss is on the same team as my current boss. grr. which means i m getting home late fm offc tonight. away from my children. grrr.

.... snit continues.
For my current job, it is not economical to do part time cos the workload can never be halved,as it will eat into personal time. So mummies who have a good part-time job, treasure it!

N1 will need twice weekly sessions to combat his food (therapist suspects sensory issue) + speech (mama suspects its hereditary). This means Hub and I will take leave on alternate days. Luckily no issue with either bosses. Looking fwd to his progress
i cannot join don pie today liao. MIL's coughing so i have to pick eboy. but cannot bring eboy along cos he needs to sleep early today later for speech session so no crab for me. boo hooooooooo!!

DD, with eboy, both me and hubby realised that, the more quality time we spent with him, the more contented and happy he is, the happier he is, and therefore in a good mood, therefore, very obedient and never throw tantrums. everymorning, we wake earlier so that I always play one thing with him, he gets to choose the game, short 5 min game. and before we play, i always tell him after this, we go to school. so after that, he will guai guai go to school. It helps also that we do things together, like when hubby changes his shirt and pretend to wear tie, I will change eboy into his school shirt and wear tie. We will place both the father and eboy's bags side by side. Eboy will be in charge of putting in the water bottle for the father, then for himself. Then that is about time the father will wear his socks, and eboy will wear his shoes. and off they go... its a routine now, and he never whines. cos he played with us mah. try it?

I feel that spending less time with him will make a child more sticky. On the contrary, the more time you spend with him to make him contented, the more he will be willing to do something else.. so, no pls dun leave him alone more just so he is less sticky, it doesnt work this way.

dustee, for childcare, i went with the school that makes eboy happy. the first one, eboy was miserable (shows so clearly in his face). the current one, he is happy. So, go with gut feel. do you think pomfret will like this teacher, this compound, then balance it with the curriculum (tho i find for halfday, curriculum is not all that important lah, at this age its more social skills, but for K-level, curriculum should be more impt cos prep for primary school mah, and by then they should be more independent and get used to school environment already).... dun stress, go with your gutfeel. only you know what's best for pomfret, so trust your mother instinct...
hmmm... I must follow Jace and SD method.. go buy thomas and friends underwear for eboy and see if it works in the potty training section.....
i agree - you have to feel comfortable with the CC. i love how poppy's playschool has open space and is in a safe compound. the teachers and principal are truly caring and nice. (of course that could also be because they want free services from me, but hey at least that means they are nice to poppy too).

pomfret must also like it. once you have shortlisted, bring her for a few sessions during normal school days (not weekends cos not all kids go on weekends and sometimes the structure of the day is different) and let her hang around and play.

don't worry about anything she can't do by herself because at CC, they will learn, and you'll be surprised how independent they are without us around! at home, they know they can bully us. in CC, they are brave little soldiers who can take care of themselves
Quick One!! Flooded with work!

Date : 24 Feb 2011(Thurs)
Time : 12 noon
Venue : Don Pie @ RP

(1) Batgirl
(2) doggiebb
(3) DD
(4) SY (try)
(5) Jacelyn (try)
(6) PB (try)

So is the headcount list finalised? :D
Don Pie
One day I must go and try this out. All the lunch/food posts always make me drool...

I like the way you handle Eboy! So cute of him to prep for school while daddy preps for work. You should take pictures! Agree wholeheartedly that more time spent with child = happier, more contented, less sticky, less tantrum-y child
Also totally agree that routine is great for our young ones. When they know what's coming next, they go to it more easily. These two factors - time and routine - have helped me a lot in this mummy-ing journey

Yah, mummy's instinct is the best. Just see how well Pomfret eases in, and how the teachers interact with the kids. L's teachers don't have the best language skills, but their love for the children shines though.

*hugs* Is there no way that you can work shorter hours or fewer days? A lawyer friend also went part-time: she works three days a week. Another one only does two days. My neighbour, who is in the banking sector, does not work on Fridays, and works half day on Wednesdays.
morning all..

sigh.. we try to spend quality time with e kids.. do the stuff that michelle does.. but still kids cry and fuss.. esp my boy.. so no choice, daddy gotta wake up extra early to leave for work so the kids dun see him.. easiwer tt way.. but maybe ends up tt's y he is more tantrum-y and insecure?

feel like such a lousy mummy
potty training resource!

methinks C1 will be in the 3yo diapered club too.

the idea of papa and son getting ready tog is way cool - i like!
i m stealing your idea to play a short 5min game w C1. eh. wat short 5min game works w eboy?

don pie
i just realise there is absolutely nothing for me to eat at don pie. eggs in pies --> pies are out. crab in crab bee hoon --> that is out too.
big WAIL.

great that both your boss and mr straw's boss endorse your alternate days leave.
i m blessed w a full time job w full time pay and part time flexibility. the trade off is working weird hours. 10pm and 7am telecons.... *yawn*

being tired contributes to my snit.
ok note to self: get over it already.
ha jx also refused the toilet bowl and potty. she will onyl sit for fun.

u can ask them things like their hfmd outbreaks. that gives an indication of how strict they are. ask them to show u the kids work and waht they learn. look at menu (if she is eating lunch there) and usually i will talk to the principal to see whether i like her talking. then ask how many kids there are in her class, how many full day and half day (this gives an indication whether most kids have alternate care giving arrangement if they are sick).

i get that kind of tantrums everday from jx at home. it doesn't make u a bad mama. it's just their way of expressing themselves now..haha

nice and understanding bosses! i think they are a treasure. hope tat he makes progress soon!

your stuff is here. how are u picking up from me? only the crunching grahams available.

re don pie
think i can't go today. hmmm CE's PA like not good mood. dun wan her to be watching me......
So Declan's teacher feedbacked to us that he doesn't listen to his teachers in school. He's not outrightly defiant but he simply ignores them. Which I kinda expected cos it's exactly what he does at home. He walks to his own time and rhythm. Even when it's time to go home, most kids will rush to get their bags and line up to prepare to go home, he doesn't.

Does anyone face the same problem or is it just my child who happily marches to his own tune?

Plus 2 intense bouts of crying - last night when all the adults left him at home with the maid and this morning when we lingered too long in school - makes me extremely upset today.

I just want to go back and hug my child right now.
SY - i collect from ur place? how much i owe u? can i pay by cash when i collecT?

bbp - my boy is like tt too.. in fact his teacher actually drew like a "box" on the floor for him to sit in so he can rem but he will also forget and run abt.. and my boy is like a year older.. so.. i am bringing him for an assessment lor.. just in case it is adhd or sth.. and my kids cry almost daily so i struggle to go to work daily
know how u feel
bbp - yup.. we dun want him to be labelled too young also.. but he has actually been v challenging from young.. so we also hope to learn some parenting tips on how to cope with his low self confidence and insecurity.. thanks for the heads up gal! this place was rec by elaine! hee.. fd out tt we both know her frm FB! so coincidental!
crystal, your boy still dun wanna go school har? did you try talking to the teacher? anything happened in class previously? hugs to you. never never feel a bad mummy cos you are not. just haven quite found the method yet, but keep trying. try something new everyday until you found one that motivates him to school. see, that's why mummies are different. we never give up. never never give up no matter what they do. I think it is worth getting hubby to encourage them along in the morning, especially when daddy needs to go work too, thus kids need to go school. I think this parallel concept works for eboy. try and try and dun give up ok! we give you strength! and Lots of Hugs to you!

oh cellow, i normally will pick two and he gets to choose and decide since they are at this age where THEY have to decide. and choose games that can END one. like simple puzzle (can finish) or lego (lets build an aeroplane today, and once aeroplane is built, game is over). don't choose games that can go on and on forever. something that can put an end in 5 mins (or sometimes longer depend on the day)... its normally lego, puzzle, watch thomas while eating cheese (yes he thinks that is a game too cos we play thomas picking troublesome truck up while the show is on), something like that....
your job arrangement sounds good. pls dont ever leave it! it will take me a lot to resign cos boss and company culture are pro-family. though work is ok only, haa

potty training
N1 will 'tell' us if he needs to pee, by gesturing to toilet. So he's on training pants in the day (if not at cc). Diaper at bedtime and cc only (since he's unable to tell his teachers that he needs to pee). We dint set out to train him. It's actually a case of him being ready to be trained. Cos his diaper leaked one day (it wasnt secured properly), and N1 was so upset by the sudden wetness. So we took it as a cue from there.

Mummies, you may wish to monitor for signs to see if your kiddo is ready?
bbp, dec not listening in school. Could it be cos the tasks and things they teach are too simple for him (he is afterall, very very advanced for his age) and therefore doesnt excite him? maybe?

getting the kid to school
since our kiddos are in the "i want to do this" stage, and are constantly negotiating, i read this book about letting them do what they want to do, but within our boundaries. Like for eg, eboy always want to go mah mah house after school. I will always say, no we are going home. he will whine, refuse to get in the car, and then i will say, no you cannot go mah mah house because we are doing this and that. However, you can choose the songs you want to hear, this one or that one? then it sorta distract him to something else he can decide.

The other method that the book recommends is to set a timer and let a neutral party call it an end to playing. eg, when the timer rings, it means we have to brush our teeth. I kinda used the same idea, but instead of timer (so regimental!), i use a song. when the song is over, it means we have to go do this. So far its working well on eboy, so maybe you can try. I only use these methods on those days where he tend to be a little more demanding then usual. otherwise, we stick to routine is the best and very smooth sailing.

The other thing that I let eboy do, is to pick out the clothes he wants to wear after his shower in school (2 choose 1), then he packs his bag the night before. Then he knows tomorrow has to go to school. On Fri, I make him keep his bag up the shelf. He knows, on sat, tomorrow NO SCHOOL then he wakes with a wide wide grin and takes his whole box of toys into our room!!!
bbp, you have to tell dec before you start playing that, once you do this, its going to school time. We do not start the game until i get eboy's agreement that once this is done, its changing to school uniform time (hook pinky with his thumb). Sometimes, they will delay tactic, intentionally knock things over to start over again, so when they do that, then the rule changes. knock over one more time, its going to school time... when it comes to the end of the game. end it. Pick up the toys and keep it and end it. initially they will put up a fight, but once it becomes the rule, it is actually quite effective... i trial and error trial and error... this works best on eboy.. its either go by the rule, or you dun get to play, and still go to school. you decide.
has dec been like that in sch all along or only recently? sometimes kids take time to fit into the routine. recently every morn jx will say she wants to stay at home. but when it comes to changing and goign to sch she will do it cos it's routine alerady. i consider myself lucky that my kids never had problem with going to sch except the occasional tantrum but then i will still force them.

i think u can try the method that michelle suggest like using a timer. jh's teacher ever suggest that to me before when i was trying to teach him to eat faster cos he likes to dream. she also told me to use a timer and once it rings, time's up and i bin the food. of cos i modify it and always give him extra time but if he takes too many chances then that's it.

is there anyone or sch that he looks forward to? try to find out more abt the activites and frens? sometiems when jx makes a fuss abt going to sch i will name her fav teachers or frens and she will be ok. and she will bring some of her fav things to sch everyday. she cannot do without bringing something to sch. i always let her bring something and tell her to show to her teacher and fren. so recently she has been bringing her new toothbrush (unopened) and she always brings a box of cereal. today she even added one small toy. so she carries a lot of things in her hands everyday.

dun feel too bad. he just started not long ago so give him some time

sure let me know when u wan to come to my place. total for 2 boxes is 7.05.

sometimes me and hb also feel that jx has problems managing her emotions. cos she's very extreme. and she's easily triggered. will get upset over small little things. even things like jh looking at her can cause her to kick up a fuss. wondering whether got anything wrong or just a phase....
oh yes, SY reminded me! these few days, eboy also keep asking to bring seomthing to school, i'll allow him to keep it in his bag, or leave it in his hands on the way to school. but once we reach the school, i'll have him put that on his car seat and wave bye bye, and that when i pick him up later, the same toy was waiting for him, and he will be a happy baby ... these works too!!! try try... try every thing and see if any (or combination) works!!!
my biggest difficulty with eboy now, is of his shyness, and he can;t be left alone. he cant play alone and everyone needs to be involved. so I am always tired the whole day, not physically tired, eboy-tired (is there such a word?) ,cos its non-stop playing. the only down time is when when he takes his nap. he can;t be left alone for even 1 min. even he take his toys, he pulls my hand along.. how how how?

last time i used to be able to just sit beside him and watch, now, I have to be involved. and cannot stop one!!! how how how?
Mich it seems that eboy is enjoying your SAHMness

Sorry Don Pie mummies. I became a pilot :S My gym membership is expiring so I really have to go so as not to waste any sessions.

Wow so many kiddos having school blues huh. Well here's the good news - they are our kids so they're really smart. Here's the tricky news - they're really smart so it's hard to con them!

My biggest challenge is breakfast. If I give milk in a bottle, it's guzzle guzzle guzzle and she finishes it in no time. The issue with that is that she will say "I'm not hungry" when presented with food after. But if it's milk with breakfast, it take FOREVER and a sprout a few white hairs in the process.

A little time in between milk and brekkie would be perfect. But who in the world has time in the morning for that? (Hollywood stars, don't answer that). And I can't feed her too late because... Lunch at playschool is early, at 1130. So she'll need time to digest brekkie first.

Don't feed at all also cannot because she doesn't get morning snack in school.

So until I find a solution, I will continue sprouting white hairs. But hey, any time I want to be called xiao Mei I just go to the market right?

As for the actual "going to school" part, poppy will drop everything when we ask "which shoes do you want?" and run to shoe cabinet (of which she is president of). Top that with a flash of her sunnies and we're set to go. The minute we unlock the gate she opens it and screams "finally! Freedom!" (I'm kidding) and she's out there, waiting for us slowpokes. :S

On days when there are "I don't wanna go to school" whines I will try to ignore and ask her things like "do you think you will have playground time today?" or "what will ____ (classmate) wear today?" or "will you paint? Draw? Colour? Read a book?" to distract her. But again, see point above re smart kids - when tried too many times, she can outsmart us too :S

Random thought : on days when it gets so frustrating you just want to pull your hair out (preferably white), don't you think it'd be so satisfying to work at an Ayam Penyet stall??
gosh mich! you really should think about a second career in the childcare industry. such great ideas with eboy!

i understand the "eboy-tired" coz i'm "pomfret-tired" too. i feel like whole day long when she's awake, i'm playing the same puzzles/games/toys, and reading the same books a thousand times, non-stop. even when she eats, watch some tv, i have to sit next to her, and answer her when she says 'mama?'

and when she naps i have to handle all these backlog of chores (and to think now i'm only handling our bedrooom, imagine when i move out and i handle the whole apt!) paperwork (like hb forgot to pay his road tax, his insurance, his bills, etc etc)

i am so grouchy nowadays coz i don't have enough sleep, don't get to do anything for myself, and dealing with a scary toddler who screams "mama cannot go pee! mama sit here with me!"

but for some reason, i don't feel like she's any more secure just coz i'm spending more time with her.

have you ever considered changing schools for your #1? mb he really dislikes that place?

so a disinterest in food can be a developmental issue too? hmmm. my toddler shows no interest in food at all unless it's fries or japanese ramen (wanton mee cannot, udon cannot...everything cannot). drives me nuts.
mich - we tried many many ways.. and still cannot find that magical method!!!

SY - actually i think it's just e separation he has issues with.. he is happy in sch.. in fact when i peep in.. within 5 minutes he is running and playing! haha.. n he does tell us wat he did in sch etc.. so i dunno y he is persisting in crying..n now caitlyn has started too..
Mmm, i am not too sure about pomfret, but does she scream/cry/run away when she sees others eat around her? does she refuse to let food near her mouth? N1 exhibit all the above. And we told the therapist our concerns, so that's the extra session per week to address it. Perhaps pomfret is just a picky eater? This may 'sounds' wrong, but i wish N1 is just a picky eater
random thot
i m secretly grateful that at least one thing is working w C1 - food.

the trouble comes in getting him to stop.

there r a lot of CNY leftovers on the table. every dinnertime is a battle of him taking a box of cookies, coming to Mr C or myself "Papa/mama, cookies?" then answering himself "Yes" and nodding adamantly.
and runs off w the box, shaking the cookies into powder. while attempting to open the box.
Mr C or I have to chase him down to wrest the box fm his hands, and force feed him his proper dinner.

see he can have an entire conversation w himself.

if it were not my son doing that to ME, it would be a comedy.
as it is, i want to tear out hair while stifling my laughter. okok, cannot laugh, i know. must put on stern mama face.

today's don pie
only got biz from batgirl and dd?

insomaniac due to reno stress?

sssshhhhhhhh..... C1 is off milk bottles.... sssshhhhh.... for the past 2 weeks. it just happened one day that maid forgot to bring his milk bottle to aunt's so use cup to feed. he guzzled everything (as usual), then aunt put him to sleep. no fuss.

can i pat myself on the back now?
jh is like that also. i find that boys tend to be very sticky to mothers and more so when they are the first one! even till now, he always ask me to play with him or read with him. everything he does must have my involvement. it does get better when he is older as he will be willing to let other pple play with him.

in the past jx used to be more independent but she learnt this bad habit from the brother and now everything is play with me also....

maybe u can pick activities that require him to do it more independently? i used to love giving him toys like lego etc as he got older cos that's like the only toy that he cna play independently for some time. there will be some stuff that they can do on their own for a while. jsut need to trial and error. boys are good at building so try those building blocks etc.

JH is also very very shy when young. he is now better but very self conscious still.

actually i found that most parents just give milk for breakfast cos it's fast and quick. and it's ok too. last time when jH still takes milk, he only has milk for breakfast too. it's only when he got much older that his breakfast became food instead of milk. they do get full on milk. if u really wan her to take proper breakfast stuff instead of milk, then dun give her milk. but i find it ok still at this stage to give milk. complete fast food...haha.

maybe it's a phase. they dun feel more secure just cos we spend more time. i find it depends more on quality of time and activities we do. maybe do some art and craft with her or just soemthing different?

your boy how old already? always been like that? if u wan a really quick way to get over this, put him on school bus. it does help in separation anxiety. jh never had much of separation anxiety cos he was on the bus since 2 years old. in fact we tried not to send him cos he will cry when we do.

with jx, i din put them on bus and sent them to sch and i had problems initially. but now both are ok save the occasional i dun wan to go to sch.....

Emma is also ignoring us at home, unless she has something that she wants. I better ask the teacher tomorrow whether she ignores her at school. Emma sorta acts like a boss at home but at school she's very quiet. Her friends always welcomed her in class but she'll just keep quiet with no expression. But she didn't cry and she wants to go to school, just that she finds it very hard to get up in the morning, thereby making everyone tired cuz she's one cranky girl, almost every morning and distraction didn't work.

It's good the E-boy reacts to your method positively! Emma is a bit different. Now distractions didn't work cuz she will stick to what she wants in the beginning. Say she doesn't want to drink milk (you know we still have to spoon fed her). I didn't want to give her the choice of breakfast, so I give her a decision whether she wants to be spoon fed by me or the helper. used to work, cuz she'll choose either one of us. Now she realises that she still have to drink the milk so she doesn't want to choose. She will say: I do not want to drink milk, thank you!! She refused to have snack at school as well so she only drank milk in the morning and eat lunch at about 12.30pm. Hmmph.. It's already very lucky for us if she wants to drink milk in the morning.

Same with me.. accck breakfast is a challenge for us. Emma can't eat breakfast with milk. milk is her breakfast. 1 hr after milk then we can feed her something else. So she only has milk before going to school and school snack time is around 10.30, sometimes 11 am. She didn't want to eat at school too since the food probably tasted differently from what she has at home. The teacher told me that she didn't touch the snack at all the past 2 weeks, only drinks. I have a bunch of white hair already and if I pull them out I'll have botak patches all over my head lols.

Hahaha I'm also Emma-Ashley-tired. I feel like a bad mum cuz I can't even stand 1 full hour playing with Emma. Something is wrong with me. She doesn't require me to play with her all the time but when I play with her, I can't spend more than half an hour. My brain kinda freezes afterwards hahaha. I think she's bored with me too cuz after that half hour she would go somewhere else to play. then she'll come back after some time and I'll play with her for another half hour or 15 min.
