(2008/07) July 2008

How was the BG picnic? Turns out it was a passing rain cloud which fooled us into thinking that it was going to pour
So now I have a box full of cheesy buns to finish eating by tomorrow.

Youpi! The weather there was just great for picnic, though at some point it looked like it was going to rain. missed u man!

The picnic was great. me and mr bbp was counting how long ago i last met him and it turned out to be ... ... kayden's 2nd birthday in apr 2010! Time really flies. anyway it was really great to have met up and we should really do this more often. We had a taste of the famous kolo mee and it was really nice *yummy* and guess what, almost all of us were good students - brought our own chopsticks and bowls! Followed instructions to the dot. I left ard 7pm and most of them were still there.
Btw Sy, can tell me how much each box of earth best cost? I was counting in my head, i got 8 boxes (6 cereals and 2 biscuits) only 32 bucks means each box roughly only 4 bucks??? So cheap sia! buy in singapore, cost me around 6+ 7 bucks per box of cereal! almost double the price man. -_-""
i still sell chinese books but i dun have the wo hui du. i have others though. u looking for those specifically?

great minds think alike! i was just thinking the cereal is really cheap. but now that they drop discount, prob each box will be like 50 cents more or something like that. but still worth it. i think each box is abt $4. worth it right!!!

that day i saw at vita kid this brand of biscuit TLC Kashi. It sells there for abt $9.50. I was always tempted to buy from iherb cos it has good reviews but i dunno whether to buy or not. I just checked out at iherb and it was less than USD 5. so incl shipping etc prob not more than $6.50. so also quite worth it if the kids like it.

healthy times also worth it i realise. so can stock up their biscuits now...haha i never used to buy for them cos i find it so ex but now can buy already.

so when i open my next spree, i let u know.
haha...prob next month cos i may wan to buy vitamins. the vitamins that i usually buy is in stock already.

SD, Smiggle
how do i pass u your stuff?
oic....i help u ask whether supplier has or not.

for lunch i may not be able to join if it's RP cos now my work place is at buona vista. or anyone i can pass to?
I have the books. I think I still have the receipt. Remember the lady telling me can contact them direct with addy or something on the receipt to buy more if I need.
I'll check and let you know tmr k.
BG picnic
Can't make it since I forgot Ashley has NAFA lesson in the afternoon. Hope everyone enjoyed it.

Thanks for ordering ON! I guess I'm the one without discipline cuz I ordered a number of them. First I feel kinda bad for Emma since her clothes are once Ashley's. So bought some but then felt bad for Ashley since her tops are now a little too small hehe.

I finally made the sugar cookie with the kids. Hee It's my first time and the cookie is wayyyyy to oily, so it's hard to use the cookie cutter. but since I made the dough I'll just let the kids play with it. Emma had a good time, but not using the cookie cutter, instead she'll use her plastic knive to chop the dough as though she's making mince chicken hahaha.The cookie turned out okay despite the oilyness but it's a little hard though.

Koi bubble tea - hmmm the pearl is best compared to other brands, and you can tell them how much sugar you want. But the waiting time... sighhh

Pmed you.
Dor Dor
Yes please, thanks!

Anyone for Royce this afternoon? There is some reno going on in the next block and the constant drilling is driving me nuts! Text me, k?
sounds like the cookie making was fun. i shd try it out with the kids. so shd use less butter is it? are the cookie cutters sharp? will they cut themselves?

will check your PM

the giant bubbles were good. really attracted a lot of attention. JH still talked abt it when he went home! i realised JH plays more with the kids than JX!
I bought the cookie cutter from Ikea so the top part where we use our palm to press is round.

I used this recipe: http://iammommy.typepad.com/i_am_baker/2010/12/christmas-cookies-cookie-recipe.html

But the dough turned out very oily so it's very soft and hard to pick up after cutting it with the cookie cutter. but after baking it's ok. Hmm
I only used 3 tablespoons of vanilla and 1 tablespoon of almond extract. I'm going to skip the almond extract since I don't really like the smell of it.

I guess must trial and error, including the baking time. Cuz my first batch - I baked at 150 degrees for 12 min - it's undercooked. batch 2 at 170 degrees for 14 min - a little burnt hahaha. I am yet to bake another batch. mebbe tonite.

The icing part is fun but I can't find no 2 tip. I used no 3 tip and it was way too big haha. But I had fun mixing the colors for the icing.

I think boys will be boys. haha.. they enjoy playing "rough". heehee.. I think Li Xun was also very lady like, did not run around much.

I forgot to TT you the $$ yday, will do so tonite! paisay!


ehh.. I think i am worse than you.. after i type in only 1 ON item, hand itchy, go and click on GAP. blew a hole in my wallet for that. :p

dor dor,

Thanks for helping me to order!
so excited to receive the loot.
Old Navy, GAP

All ordered!! For SD, DD, Jacelyn, Batgirl, PB. Didn't miss out anyone huh. Batgirl I ordered yours in 1 batch except the 1st item u emailed me is in the previous batch.

haha I am the worse of the lot. Everytime I place an order I will go n browse n definately I will get something hahaha
Doesn't help that E will sit beside me n point out which ones she wants LOL
But this time is sort of more disciplined then normal as I would always order 1 batch for myself. hehe

I gaveup on sugar cookies cos so far so many I tried are hard to use with cookie cutters. Or they spread so badly the cookies look so ugly haha.

(not sure if still valid though)
Email: [email protected]
Web: panasiabooks.com
Tel: 63161788

Hope it helps.
Okie I jus checked ou the web n its not very helpful haha.
I believe the ones u want to start L in reading chinese is the "I Read and I Learn Series" as written on the receipt it is the D series.
Hi straw81! How r u n your two kiddos Doing?

Don't worry too much..whatever it Is, better to know now than later! Probably nothing cos they Learn at own pace..

Think totts have sessions for kids too, but need to be min 110cm hehe..shorty bbg will have to grow some (a lot) more first
Straw!! Don't worry everything will turn out fine. Early intervention in any development areas you want to improve on, is always better for your child. Fellow July mummies who met for swim date last Friday, commented they felt eboy had progressed!! He said 'bye bye deckie, see you later'. I was so happy!!!
dun worry too much. i agree with DD and Michelle, it's better to intervene early and get professional help. very soon, the kids will catch up!

my sil's kid is 2 years + already and not really talking. i did encourage her to bring her kid to see a therapist to get assessed but she still want to wait. i always think better early than late right?

ha jx is also a shorty!!! even jh is not yet 110cm.....
hi Doubledee! the kiddos and I are fine. Basic needs are met. Now that we have adjusted to N2 arrival, i felt its time for us to do something for N1

thanks Michelle, for the big boost of confidence! Ur boy is speaking in sentence already, that's a great progress! btw, how many sessions has he done?
Don't worry. It's best to know early than too late.

That's a very very good progress for Ethan! You also, don't worry too much. My nephew didn't really talk until he was 3.5 years old. By 3 he talked very little and his own language, not ours. Suddenly he decided to talk at 3.5 years and now he is very talkative. At that time he didn't have a sibling so less people talking to him. Same with Ashley, only started talking at 3.
Straw, he only did two sessions so far! But the therapist was really good in engaging him! And it's always a lot of fun and giggles cos she teach through lots and lots of play!!
hip hip hooray!
you must be soooo happy to hear that.

better late than early. a diagnosis is just a snapshot of N1's current state of speech development. that's why you are going to the therapist rite. take courage.

maid situation on recovering $ fm ex employer

so i call this woman J last sat. start off very reasonably by stating - my maid firmly believes that you still owe her $500. may i know what is the current situation?
J was taken aback, i can tell. she went 'huh?' and i repeated myself. she insisted she sent the money back to my address then. i asked if she sent cash or chq. she said chq. well i din receive it, i told her, do you want to meet up in person... i will be witness so that you dun have to tolerate maid's 'nonsense' anymore.... blah blah.

J freaked out at the meet up in person. interrupted me by saying NO, she doesnt want to meet up. then she abruptly continued, i will send a chq to the address, text me your address. then hung up on me.

i texted her my address then asked her to lmk when she sent the cheque.
after a few moments, i figured wat the heck, that wording is not strong enuf. so i went all lawyer-like on her.

"this goes on record that we spoke just now. you agree to pay (maid's full name) the amt of $500 by cheque posted to (my address) in full and final settlement of wages owed since 20 mar 2010. neither party shall make any claim agst the other party once the chq is received at (my address)."

then i wait.

15mins later, my phone beeps. aha, J responds! and this is what she wrote

"give me your full name. i m not sendg a cash chq via post. thanks"

BINGO! i have her agreement on record.

now i wait for the chq. if the chq doesnt arrive by sat, i will call J again.

nasty piece of work, this J. so ze ar. maid's money also want to cheat. abt time she got her come-uppance.
i did question my maid before i stuck my neck out for her. did you break many of her plates, spoil her washing machine or microwave, anything liddat? my maid told me, nothing of that sort, mam.

kolo mee
heh, i found some bowls and disposable chopsticks after all. so the bbp and jace family really din have to share bowls..... jace, pat on back for being a good student

will tell Mr C his kolo mee is well received

good, i missed it. it was a hectic weekend for me. busy workday too.
Oh in case i got carried away, the sentence was with prompting. He can't speak in sentence on his own yet but I cam sense he was more willing to try lately. Only two sessions lah, therapist think need at least 3 months.. We shall see...

So sad to miss kolo Mee. Still feeling under the weather today so eboy is with mil. Me going over soon, chat later...
sounds like the therapist is really good. i told my sil abt it but she still waiting. u know every week when we go back to my mil's me and hb agree that we have never heard him say a single word.....and they dun really do anything to encourage him to talk. they just give in to his demands when he points. how to encourage right.....

how's your job thingie coming along??

you r good!! this J is really terrible. why cheat the maid's money? $500 to us is little but a lot to them!!! hope she really pay up soon. can complain MOM or not? does your maid have any proof that J owes her money?
anyone with web knowledge, can helpch me please?

clap clap. sometimes these people really need to be scared or else they will simply bully whoever they can bully!

thanks for the kolo mee! forgot to bring bowl and chopsticks as instructed!

so nice to meet all the mummies again yesterday
at 4.30 we were in the middle of palm valley with little droplets of rain on our heads wondering 'oh no, did everybody decide to stay home?' hehe
yay to you too! it's really great you're doing this for your helper. and hopefully this J is not going to do something funny about insisting the cheque is sent out and she's not responsible for singpost misplacing them.... ahem.

after two sessions such results, prob after 3 months he'll be reciting those tang poems!

i didn't see the forum earlier, but i did bring pomfret to royce. quite late today, reached around 4pm, and it was incredibly crowded. mb there was a bday party there earlier.

for those mummies who haven't been to royce lately, they are increasing charges to $15 for a 90min session from 01 april onwards. and renewal of membership at $55. but until end of feb they are selling 10 coupons at $100 for 10 sessions of 60min play. for more details better check their website.
Always saw it but never been there. Just curious, are we supposed to accompany our child there or there are people who supervise the kids? *lazy mommy here*
*clap clap* You da boss!

Yup, it's hb. I haven't seen it yet though. E-boy's progress is really impressive. It was really great to see and hear him speak that day. I felt like a proud parent!

Just go with an open mind yah, better to find out and get something done than be an ostrich in this case.

What are totts sessions for kids?

We were there at that time too, but did not go in 'cos of the crowd. The Royce girl at the door said that it was just a particularly crowded afternoon, not a birthday. Our membership ends sometime in March and I'll probably not be renewing it. Also, Gelare is gone!
if it's emma, safer to accompany?? coz I know bbG is not good with slides, he keeps leaning forward and almost tumbled head-over-heels a few times already..

took a pic of the new changes, to read later when I could peel my eyes off bbG haha ..

if u renew membership now, it's $50 instead of $55 too.. think the 10 coupons @ $140 of 2.5 hours each is most worth it.. but these start selling only in apr... and hope I can finish them in a year

so you royce regulars.. renewed for yet another year? I did.. figured, I should do so before he outgrows the place ... ;)

Shame on J for trying to cheat the maid's money. Good for you for helping your helper recover her dollars. She must be very appreciative!

Ah ok. I just couldn't stand playing for an hour (I know, bad mommy). I've asked before I think, that if Ashley were to accompany Emma she must also pay membership fee. I thought I could just pay membership for Emma and Ashley can go in to accompany Emma by paying a small sum.
We got the books very long ago. When D was E's age l think. N read very few times. I jus took it out to read with E n,as usual she looks mostly at the pic n she sorta memorize it. Haha
Cos we read it when D was in sch n jus now I read it to D n E who was playing beside can jus say out some of the words. Haha

Good thing is it's cheap so it's a start.

That's good. Hopefully J will pay up without having to trouble you anymore. N hope ur maid appreciates what u did for her.
just FT to you for the iherb... trx ref - 6544360055. amt is $147.81 :p
all this excitement has addled my brain.

$500 is a lot to me too. i would chase the person who owes me! did lend a few K to a fren once, who only paid me back 8 yrs later when he struck 4D.

no proof. this maid is a bit blur blur. till now, she hasnt asked me to sign anything stating that i give her her wages every month. MOM will entertain of course, but tis a case of i said, you said.

dordor, sd,
she is the type who would appreciate. last maid.... haaaaiiiiiz, forget it, i wouldnt do that for her.

one of my colleagues (a mummy too) asked me why i was so kaypor. to me that is a very strange qn. my helper is someone's daughter too. plus wat sort of example m i setting to C1 and C2 if i dun do what i know in my heart to be correct.

i hope J will pay up soon without another talk. talking to her leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. i have never spit at the ground b4 in my life (wow, i have had a good life), but now i understand why pple spit....

yes no ostrich behaviour re N1's speech here. better to intervene early.

oh but royce is too simple for Ashley.... so in the end, you decided not to pay izzit
straw, are you bringing N to the eboy's therapist?

our royce membership also expires in Apr, and dun think will continue cos once i start work (potentially next week!! *screams!!!!!!***), will not have much chance to go there... weekend also tough nowadays...

job wise,
sigh. have not decided. still waiting for one to officially offer and kept the other one waiting waiting...

wow, thanks! we've grown so close that you feel proud too for my child! wonderful lah, you people..

oh so your hubby sings or something? didn't know! i should have lined up for his signature!! ...

cellow, $500 is a lot of money to me too! I think you did the right thing. I would ahve done the same!

eboy's been waking at 6plus lately.. yawn!

oh, and we did another round of sleep training when transferred eboy from playpen to the single bed, and once its bed time, he goes to bed on his own, and *thank goodness*, sleeps through the night and doesnt come out of the room... *phew*.
cellow, michelle
haha not that $500 is little to me but comparatively it is a lot more to them. so hope J pays up,

Actually good to start a practice of signing when u pay the wages. my mum's maid has this practice. clearer i guess.

wow good training! i m still waiting for jx to sleep on her own. she seems to need to hug me then she can fall asleep...

your hb on TV?? which one?
i look out for it too!

re royce
i haven even been there a single time and they are increasing fees!! the 10 coupons can share amg 2 kids or not? if yes then it's worth it for me.
I think can share but both kids have to pay for membership.

Hope you're feeling better. Good to know that eboy is sleeping well! Yay!
Yep I ended up not paying for both.

How I wish Emma would be like that too. I MUST buy the bed asap heeeee
we all need a little lift sometimes


i like the way she says our little ones are too young to validate and our harried husbands are too tired to notice. so tis down to us all, divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood. or rather, mundane methods of the yaya sisters. HAHA!

i better scuttle back to work.

my boss' boss wrote on my 2010 appraisal that 'it has been a challenging year for cellow personally and professionally. look forward to seeing you back in the spotlight in 2011'
.... a challenge that i dunno if i have the strength to take up.....
thanks cellow for the piece!

what a great piece of encouragement and yes cos we all know don't we? what it means to be mums! and how when we fail, the rest understands so its always ok to come and offload here!

and YES! hurray to the divine secrets of the yaya mummyhood!
Eboy went diaperless for the whole afternoon and successfully pee-Ed in toilet three times!! *doing the victory dance*.

Then once reach mil place, poo in the living room without informing us then mil let him wear diaper again so we back to square one *head lowers to the floor*....

Try harder Tmr!! Wish us luck! I want to train him before I start work!! Cannot depend on anyone else bur myself *head held high again*

Michelle, eboy - jia you jia you!

Me too! (thurs don pie!)

Cellow..thanks for sharing. It's comforting to know that you moms understand exactly how we other moms feel.. A group hug to all u fellow moms..good job! You have done great so keep it up!

Haha SD..u have been talking abt that bed but haven't gotten it yet..

Guess who's been making me sad by crying when I leave for work n when he goes to school each day? But I barely have enough time with him Already, I don't wanna be away from him just to teach him to be less sticky to me? imagine just a few mins in the morning and only an hour or two before his bedtime?
