(2008/07) July 2008

Michelle, *wavessss* i think i will be selling my pump away .. medela freestyle. *let me consider for a few days ... cant bear to part with the pump that errrm serves me well for a total of dunno how many months!

mummies meeting on fri
is vivo okie?? cos GWC a bit far for me.

sounds like u r having lots of fun!!!! i wish to go for hol soon!

yes u ordered pasta..
i am back! oh gosh the weather! *sweat buckets*

what a great 18 days road trip! but today its back to life, back to reality...

what are you folks eating at vivo this friday? *drools*

try cotton on kids too. i saw some rashies on sale like way cheeeeap! didn't see any in target though heh! but i loaded up on the jeans for the kids up to 6 years old! woohoo!
SY - since not many can make friday, shall we move this? how about tuesday next week at vivo? noon? PinkB and other mummies collecting iherb loot - can?
youpi! *wave* I am off to down under tonite! Which part of aussie are you in?

Doggiebb, welcome back!! how was the weather there? I am now doing some last minute packing! Going to miss my lil girl lots and lots!! *boohoo*

West mummies interested in berries,

There is one at bukit batok CC. Wuffy is there too! he is attending sat 8.45 am class.

okok, gotta scoot off to pack now! cheerios!

in sydney about 9-18 degrees, windy, quite a bit of rain, pack a brolly if you can, brisbane and gold coast slightly warmer with day time temperatures about 20-24 degrees, night about 13-15 degrees. ENJOY!
hi michelle,
yes! he is coughing again! so sian la..and its not like we feed him w chocolates, fried food and the likes. he doesn't even like these stuff! is e-boy on antibiotic?

enjoy your trip! we just got back from Melbourne about 3 weeks ago.
lovely weather!

welcome back..and wow, 18 days! so long!

got your ID.
i would love to go sentosa! but can't make it. work is calling and little leave left. unless

re lunch
tue is hard for me but wed can be considered cos i m working from home. can we do wed??

cut out all fruits and biscuits. u can try giving some flumicil for phelgm. and take promethazine. it's a cough syrup for kids only.

have fun1!!
Hi mommies,

Can I join your vibrant thread?? My girl
is a Aug 08 baby and I have been a
silent reader of the thread. I am a part time
SAHM so am eager to find like-age play
partners for my girl.
Welcome! What's a part time SAHM? :p

Welcome back. Poppy also loves noodles. They're so fun to eat right?

So hv u found out of new teacher is there to stay?

Mich and DD
Last night poppy asked bluebunny to sing the "eboy and bbG song". Then proceeded to give him a pop quiz with questions like "what is eboy's papa's name? And bbG's papa? And mama?" Lol. BB stress ah!

Sorry wed I cannot! You girls go ahead, I join in the next time?

Hope all coughy kids get better soon!
hi Strawberry
welcome! so u work part time at home?

hee, jx also loves noodles! strange, is it a july 08 bb thingie??

is he sensitive? cos if sensitive airway, very hard to get rid of the cough. does he have runny nose? jx had runny nose for like more than a month and it caused her to cough. only just got well recently. and the weather din help. i notice that her symptoms always flare on days that are really really hot!

re lunch
if we do thur, does anyone mind coming to holland v??
Hi Mummies..I used to be on this thread as my girl was born July 08.

While most of our kids are turning 3 this year in a nice family.

My girl is going through a painful parents divorce. I feel bad towards her as she never get a nice birthday celebration as her brother. Her brother always got gd parties as mama got work and we have a happy family.

She missed her daddy but he had abandoned us...And mama is still jobless. Everytime she sees someone in jersey, she is so happy to run towards them but turn out to be disappointment.

Seeing u gals so happily with ur kids.I really pray that life can be happier for a 3yr old girl that just wanted a father love.

She asked if daddy will come bk for her birthday. I dunno how to answer.. Mummies, what shld i do?
All this while, I wanted to join ur activities but was just to afraid that my children will start asking why my daddy not here..,..

Somehow, I feel it is time for me to be strong and move on. My daughter is already turning 3 and this affair has lasted for 2 years. Furthermore, that man don't want this pair of kids anymore. He didnt even bother to sms to ask abt them and not a single cents for them.

And yet he can still stay in our matrimonal house with that woman. I know I am a coward not staying at home. As a mother, I just want to protect my kids from violence.

Can I ask if some mummies can advise ideas foe r a simple and affordable birthday party since our kids are of the same age.
Good morning mummies!

We were in Sydney for work and to visit friends and relatives and new babies
Did not do any shopping, no time! Lovely cool weather, about 10 degrees Celsius, and dreary rain only on two days. Had a great time, ate a lot, still exhautsed!

Could you PM me your a/c number to transfer to? Meeting next Wed lunchtime is okay for me.
smiggle dear - saw your PM - sorry sold liao

youpi - welcome bk! i know what u mean about fun but tiring..travelling with kids is exhausting!

strawberry - welcome welcome..do add on to this lively thread

shu - sorry to hear about yr situation...but i do hope it does nt stop u for joining our activities..a bulk of our meet ups are for lunch (w/out daddies and sometimes w/out kids) and for the bigger gatherings, some of us come w/out the daddies as well.do join
so lunch next wed confirm?

who else joining us?

i know it's easier said than done but really need to be brave for the kids. focus on the positive things and what u can do for the kids.

like what cin said, feel free to join us! i bring my kids without daddy most of the time cos my hb quite lazy (haha) and it's fine. i think if the kids can stay more engaged, they won't have time to have negative thoughts like why daddy is not here.

are you staying by yourself with the kids? will u be able to get child support from your hb? if we can help in anyway let us know. are your kids in school or childcare? u planning to look for job? can help to ask ard for u

as for birthday party, my hb always ban me from splurging or having elaborate parties. waste of money he says. so what we usually do is to bring a cake to sch and that's it. nothing fancy. the kids are happy enough with that. if your gal is in sch, u can bring a cake to sch and i think she will be really happy.

Welcome and sorry to hear about your situation. There are lots of inexpensive things you can do. For my daughter's first birthday we invited everyone to a picnic at botanic gardens.

Like what sy said, when we meet on weekdays most of us don't bring our kids, and we certainly don't include the husbands so don't need to feel left out.

Don't be bothered by the material things you cannot provide; your kids will be happier with you as they get your love and time. Nothing can replace that


July babies birthday partay
The time has come again! Shall we do another thing this year mummies?
Popping in to say hello, welcome, big hugs to shu n strawberry from the land of kolo mee. *slurp burp belch*

Tentatively lunch on wed should be ok. But cannot be holland v!!! teammate will hantam me. Gotta b back by 130pm to pump then chair 2pm meeting. More central location?
better tell!!

i'm finally moving! next weekend! busy busy busy busy busy busy packing now (not that we have much to pack, but can't do it unless pomfret is in school, and that's just 2 plus hours on top of other things i need to do! *runs around pulling hair out in panic*

have.not.told.mil.yet.of.confirmed.moving.date. yikes. mr dustee should do it right? he should be the one telling her and not me right?

next wed, i think i can just pop by very quickly wherever you gals meet. depends on whether pomfret's cousins pop by as usual.

one of pomfret's classmates came down with HFMD! but it's been two days since the kid is a confirmed case, and does not seem like the other kids got it. keeping fingers crossed that pomfret is safe! read on the web, incubation could be a week? what should i look out for? fever? blisters?

birthday party, craft party ah? hehehehehehe

welcome welcome! yeah, what's a part time sahm? you work part time too? i'm a full time sahm aspiring to be part time world of warcraft gold farmer (online gaming i mean)

be strong! how old are your two kids? do you know anybody else who's divorced with children who you can talk to with regards to advice? coz best to get some advice on the many issues that need to be handled.

hello! my girl is very fussy when it comes to eating too! only loves noodles! but but but but i'm terrible lah, i give her most other things that she is willing to eat, like cakes and fries and hashbrowns. i tried starving her but she just won't try other healthier stuff. hmm. mb also quite questionable coz i'm not very healthy myself. bleah.
Hiya mummies! Think all kiddos lurve slurpy noodles and sinful fries!

Welcome to strawberry and Shu... Come say hi in one of our next meetings? Haven met Jo too..

Tell C1 abt London: definitely..and way in advance, repeat everyday so he gets used to it haha. I snuck away first Aussie biz trip, bbG cried big time...started prepping him (by telling him n reassuring him daily like a broken record) for 2nd trip and he took it well!

Dustee: yippee for u n def must be hb announcing to the mil I feel...

Family's coming over for the week so lots of chaotic fun ahead for us! Have a good weekend everyone!
Strawberry, Shu: welcome!

Shu: your kids need lots of assurance from you now. I know your wound is still healing but be brave and strong like what SY suggested. *hugs*... Jia you! I know of a counsellor you can talk to, you want to try?

Sy: what time is lunch next wed? I should be ok to join!

Doubledee: looking forward to meet you too!
Hi mummies,

Thank you very much for all your kind words.

Yes..I need to wake up. No matter how I beg him, he just insist of moving on in life. He still refused to admit that it was due to 3rd party.I promised him that I will change and try my best as a wife to fulfill my duties. He beg me to let him find his happiness if I really love him. I asked the children how...he said he will not interfere so i can feel free to do anything.

My son told me...Mummy, I hope you and daddy can be together last time. No one read storybooks to me now.

Anyway, all of you are right! Life goes on...the road is long but kids need me. Mummy cannot collapse!

Please wish me very best for tomorrow interview. I have been going for interviews but no replies since Jan... went to 2nd and 3rd round but always no reply.

I have already prepared that by August if I dun get a job, I will sign on the bond with early childhood 2 years. At least a basic salary and a course to help me think on more positive things.

July birthday party? This sounds really wonderful!

I feel so consoled now that there is a group of wonderful pp here.I need to get out of my circle and know more pp that gives me the strength to be positive. Many woman that been thru it tell me that beginning is pain...but time will heal as long as I move out of my circle and get a life.

Mummies, I just want to tell you this... really cannot demand, nag or argue with MIL. In the past, I always asked him accompany us and not his mother. So now, he is doing the same to his children. This is what I called Cause and Effect.

SOmetimes, when my friends start complaining abt their husband not picking them on time from work or mum's place. I tell them to look at me...and they feel so guilty. I don't even have someone to pick me anymore...even when I got uterus prolapse, he also didnt bother to come hospital to fetch me...

Treasure them and appreciate them...Only this, we can keep our men heart. I paid a expensive lesson to learn and I pray that non of you need to go through such thing.
do not blame yourself on what-ifs and what-you-could-have-dones. i firmly believe it takes 2 hands to clap in any relationship, not just HB and wife, mother and child too.

i watched kungfu panda 2. great evil peacock became evil and stayed evil bcz his parents sent him away wor... cannot everything also blame parents. hero panda said to evil peacock at the end, repent la (or would have added the la if the movie were in singlish), need to look forward, not back. look forward dear.

good good! if lunch is moved to a more central location, i will meet you for the very first time

dd, dustee, okokok! told ystday and today. he said no, dowan, then changed the topic. hmmph. obviously all my distraction tactics on C1 have paid off and are now rebounding onto me (what goes around comes around) big time. kua kua kua. so smart leh, these kiddos!

yes leave it to mr dustee. your family, you deal with them; my family, i deal with them. do not break down in front of MIL or show any emotion when mr dustee 'forgets' to tell her and the moving day finally comes. inner peace inner peace. just calmly tell her to talk to her son. and then hightail it outta there!!!! a la road runner in ancient cartoons.
congrats on the big move finally coming!!

hmm, why not pull promfret out of sch for a few days? cos u won't know whether other kids got it as well or not. so better play safe. when jx's sch had a case, there were 8 kids who caught it including her!

re lunch on wed
it dun have to be at holland v. can be somewhere more central. cos i will be working from home. jsut that if we meet on other days, i can't meet more central.

so who is joining on wed?
1. Sy
2. Jo
3. Cellow
4. Shu

How about we meet GWC? 12pm?

good luck for your interview!! dun think too much. now your focus is to make sure your kids feel stable. no matter what happens, we always have to put our kids first. somtimes when i feel unhappy with my hb, i also swallow it insteado f arguing cos no point. at the end of the day, all we wan is to make sure our kids feel happy.

want to report that jx's temper seems to be getting more in control now after i embark on a 'winning ALL my battles' with her strategy.
actually was having a lot of problems with her the past few weeks cos her temper was escalating out of control. every little silly thing would trigger her into an episode and it would be frustrating that i would have to give in sometimes. i had a chance to speak to this guy who was doing some coaching for my management and as he had 3 daughters, i decided to ask him for some advice. he was relating to me about his youngest gal and how stubborn she was. (she actually cried till she was hospitalised before when he and his wife went out!) he said he is still figuring her out but one thing he always made sure was that in all 'battles and arguments' he would make sure he won. and this helped to control his daughter's temper. taking his advice, i made sure i dun give in to jx's whims and fancies anymore and within a week i saw progress! and coincidentally, during the parent teaching meeting on sat, her teachers also shared that they start to give in to her less so i guess we are giving her a consistent message that her behavior would not be tolerated. hopefully this goes on and she can be controlled better. nowadays she's also in a better mood more often and really smiley and more fun to be with!

kungfu panda 2 good? we are planning to go next week.
Welcome! So sorry to hear about your situation. But like other mummies said, be strong and just focus on your kids. I'm sure it'll work out for you soon. Good luck on your interview!

Yay I also watched Kungfu Panda 2 yesterday. In the middle of the movies Emma would suddenly shout: "This is the bad guy!" (in bahasa, and so loud some more kekeke). Then she would suddenly shout Mum I want to pee. Ok to pee in diaper? Lols
I liked KP1 better than KP2, but KP2 is also quite funny. Can you imagine Panda and Tigress become a couple Kakawwww (said the monkey).Lols.

Our kids are indeed getting smarter. If we asked Emma to help out, she will sometimes say: "I'm still a little girl" and if we forbid her to do certain things, she'll say: "I'm a big girl!"

May be both of you can tell his family (together, but he should the one who open his mouth to tell them). Congrats Dustee! I feel excited and happy for you!

Glad that JX improves! Emma is like that in the beginning but I found out that she dislikes having surprises, so I always let her know in advance. Sometimes she will still throw a fit, but I will just be stern. She kinda knows it's no use to argue with mom, but she will still whines to my mum or mr SD.
what you're going through is horrible. have a good support group like family and friends to help you through. you can also check out family centres like HELP.org if you need a professional ear. big hugs

your evil peacock comparison is very good i think!

congrats on your moving!!! yes, let mr dustee tell your MIL. and make sure he does or else she might feign fainting spells when movers arrive. then just movers to move her aside while the continue packing your things

craft birthday party? i don't mind if everyone wants and can contribute to materials!

sad, i cannot make it for lunch
but if GWC then maybe i can quickly meet you and collect but don't stay for lunch cos i got 2 sessions in the pm in the east. mine heavy? i forgot what i ordered hehe
I can meet you on Wed at GWC. Can you PM me your a/c details to transfer to?

Hang in there, you're being strong for your kids and that's great. But you also need support for yourself as the other mums have mentioned, so please get some. Don't bear the entire burden yourself, k?

Yay, congrats! Mr Dustee should be around during the move right? You take care of Pomfret, let him do the rest.

July bb birthday party
webbie savvy mummies,
what's the easiest html prog to learn? Microsoft FrontPage / Dreamweaver / Web Expression? any others? my website's already up and i wanna learn how to update and edit my own page so i don't have to pay someone to do it :p
Pop in to say hi!

Birthday Party:
Yes! Botanic Gardens? Simple & cheap... haha.

I learnt Dreamweaver last time and thought it was pretty easy. Depending on what kind of changes you are looking at, some changes don't even require you to use those programs. Notepad would suffice :p
squawk! sy, sorry, cannot meet on wed. work stuff just cropped up.

i will try your win all battles strategy. and pick my battles carefully. hmmm, sometimes the kiddos really need to know who is the parent. testing the boundaries.

karmic consequences
i was (occasionally still am :p) a difficult child for my parents, so i totally understand C1's tantrums. you name it, i have probably pulled the stunt (or thought abt it) on my parents. understanding where he is coming from does not mean giving in or giving up on him though. note to self: alternate between soft love and tough love.
I think need to learn, cos I want to change images as well. When you say Dreamweaver was easy, are u saying it from an IT professional POV? Cos I am super IT moron one!

Congrats SY! I'm facing a tantrum throwing tot too. She can be super sweet one min then suddenly decide she doesn't want to do whatever we ask and roll on floor/glue butt on floor/ wail/try to yank her arm off... Then sometimes we try to reason with her (never works but we try anyway), ignore her (if not in rush for time), spank hand/thigh/bum. Sometimes she will stop by herself and hug us and say sorry sorry sorry mama. ???

Here's a double buey paisay request: your housewarming can have chin mee chin cupcakes? *flutter eyelashes*

Birthday party
Bbp, hehe where else? :p
I just visited your blog again. You are a super duper amazing mummy!

Bday party
Ahem, at Mich's new house?
This constant drizzle is tiring. My boys have been angels, entertaining themselves and each other since they woke up this morning. But their mummy has serious cabin fever and there's no food at home so we're going out out out!

nowadays jx will take a shorter time to stop her tantrums and after that her behavior for the rest of the day/night would be pretty good cos she wants to please me and make sure i love her and that she's the girl who listens to her mama!

once u transfer let me know ok? cos i dun really check.

u joining us on wed? i also got stuff to pick up from u.
if not, i prob swing by your place and i can get my stuff from your maid and pass your stuff to your maid.
let me know.

re birthday party
let me know! sounds fun and yes i can contribute materials. recently i m also trying to be more crafty with the kids! been borrowing books to do crafts with them. i used to do more with jh and now with jx it's almost nil so feeling a bit guilty.

so who is available on wed? or we look for another date where more pple can meet? or we can have our party and i can bring all stuff at one shot.
