(2008/07) July 2008

Mich: good luck! Hope all else will be smooth.

most likely implantation bleeding (if you had TTC-ed over the last few days)
this is not the time to be ostrich.... pls chop chop get to gynae and check!
Qing: are you Preg? Have you checked? If Preg then the brown stains is probably just implantation bleeding?
The sticky stain could also be the mucous during your fertile period during the cycle? Hope this helps.
I seriously hope so. just Did a home test, it's negative,
Maybe too early to detect?
And I'm having cramp on and off.

Never had I feel something like that b4.
Gosh, it's so scary.

I emailed my gynae waiting for him response.
And hor my colleague kept saying it might be threatened mc..
did Dr Han reply? dun scare yourself first. like what the rest said it could be implantation bleeding. and as long as it's not bright red stains, it's usually ok. cos brown stains could be old blood. whereas red ones will be fresh blood. hope all is well.

seems like it's the time of briefings! hee i also asked my boss whether can tag along for the briefing to teo ser luck. wan to see him in person... :p
Haven't lehz.
Today wed, I think he is still in amk...
Hopely it like what u girls mentioned... Wil wait for him to reply...
u tried calling him? wed he does practice at TPS. in fact i think he has a lot more sessions there now cos my sis was seeing him sometime back. he will be there on tue and thur also.
more iherb specials!! 10% off all grocery products so good time to stock up on cereals. and 33% off DHL shipping. anyone? i got orders already...
u still have cramps? did u try calling? if really urgent, the nurse will get him to call u.

oh, i got lots of stuff to buy haha. i buy their vitamins, my vitamins and some snacks. recently jx liked the organic yogurt rice crisp. so i think at least better than she eat biscuits so i buy that for her. then my sis will buy some of the soaps and beauty stuff.
woohoo sy,
here i come iherb shopping.... stress at work leads to more retail therapy, at least i can claim these are for the 2Cs - HAHA!

http://www.iherb.com/Healthy-Times-Vanilla-Biscuits-for-Teethers-12-Biscuits-6-oz-168-g/27224?at=0 USD 2.61
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Nature-s-Plus-Source-of-Life-Animal-Parade-Children-s-Chewable-Multi-Vitamin-and-Mineral-Supplement-Cherry-Orange-Grape-180-Animals/7511?at=0 USD 20.15
qty: 1

USD 2.73
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Earth-s-Best-Sesame-Street-Crunchin-Crackers-Cheddar-5-3-oz-150-g/26081?at=0 USD 2.73
qty: 2

http://www.iherb.com/Earth-s-Best-Organic-Yogurt-Rice-Crisp-Bars-Vanilla-6-Bars-0-67-oz-19-g-Each-Bar/26098?at=0 USD 3.78
qty: 2

http://www.iherb.com/Earth-s-Best-Barley-Teething-Biscuits-12-Biscuits-6-Packages-of-2/26076?at=0 USD 2.38
qty: 2

http://www.iherb.com/Coromega-Kids-Omega3-Orange-30-Packets-2-5-g-Each/30495?at=0 USD 21.98
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Yummy-Earth-Organic-Lollipops-50-Pops-12-3-oz-349-g/10888?at=0 USD 6.01
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Vivani-100-Organic-Dark-Chocolate-with-Ginger-3-5-oz-100-g/30349?at=0 USD 2.71
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Chocolove-Chilies-Cherries-in-Dark-Chocolate-3-2-oz-90-g/32403?at=0 USD 2.20
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Dagoba-Organic-Chocolate-Lavender-Blueberry-Dark-Chocolate-2-oz-56-g/32522?at=0 USD 2.20
qty: 1

http://www.iherb.com/Andean-Dream-Quinoa-Cookies-Chocolate-Chip-7-oz-198-g/31542?at=0 USD 4.79
qty: 2

but the chocs and the choc chip cookies (egg free naturally) are all for me me me.
got it. when i get sian with work i also go iherb for some retail therapy. so much stuff to bio....

i can take in another USD 60 or so. do let me know asap.
how? any news?

random request
mums, do you remember a time when our tots had jar food? if anyone still has them for some reason, may i have the lids please? not the glass jar, just the lid! thanks in advance
Dear All,
Need some advice here. My child just started 3hrs session Nursery 1 since April 2011 and she doesn't like to go to school. Every morning wake up, 1st thing she will say is Dun want to go school. Sometimes she even wake up in the middle of the night crying dun want to go school. I've spoken to her form teacher asking how is she progressing in school, teacher says she is ok once my parent who send her to school is out of sight. But doesn't mix around with other kids, only play herself. Any mummies facing the same problem?
got it.

how old is your gal? it is quite normal for them to resist for a while. give her a few months to settle. when teacher say she is ok, what does ok mean? stop crying, will interact with teacher etc? kids tend not to mix ard initially actually. my gal also din really play with other kids at first but after some time she found frens and she's ok.

is there a teacher that she is closer to?
Hi SY, my gal is turning 3 soon.
ok as in, she is behaving in class, but quiet. Dun mix around with other kids
Teacher also mention to give her some times, but how long is required? She has been whining and whining everyday about school. haaaiiizzz... And it seems to my parent that the teacher doesn't really like her. What should I do to pacify her?
And I think her character is rather enclosed type. Was thinking of finding some additional classes for her. What class will be good for a 3yrs old kid? Hopefully, class with me around.
when C1 started school 1 year ago, he was the same. din mix around, occasionally still doesnt. he is the quiet observer in class too. but comes home and smtimes will sprout some songs or phrases that obviously no one has taught him at home.... learn secretly. tou tou xue.

this week, he has been telling me he doesnt want to go to school. initially i thot maybe he wants to be w us 24/7 after a family holiday last week. i realise why after talking to his teacher this morning.... the teacher is making him put on his own pants after each toilet round. and he doesnt like it! bcz he will unfailingly put both legs into one pant leg :p so duh rite.

as for your parent's impression that teacher doesnt really like her, well, tis difficult to judge at the beginning. good teachers... an external observer cannot tell who are their favs (and yes they are human, they also have favs).

practical hints and tips
1) pre empt. tell her the night before that she is going to school, lay out her clothes for the morning.
2) reassurance. wat i do with my son is give him a kiss on his hand every morning. tell him that if he feels sad or scared in school, kiss his hand and rem mama kissed you too.
3) something to do in sch. first few mins, get her to give stickers to the teachers or classmates? then she has a responsibility.

just some ideas to kickstart your thought process. you know your own daughter best.

K2 is a cutie pie fm FB pix. how is K1 taking to his brother?
Hi Cellow,
Yes... I totally agree with you. The quiet observer and sprout songs at home

But we have been assuring her again and again everyday, but it doesn't seems to help. Anyway, I just hope that she doesn't have Autism cos she seems to be afraid of crowds. Even doesn't want to enter the lift if there is others ppl inside. Really dunno what to do with her. Haiizz...
one more thing...
extroverts who interact with everyone, teachers, strangers, whomever, (these are the children who thrive on interactions w others) have an easier time to adapt to new environments.
introverts who are more comfortable in their own skin (these are the children who observe first, act later, slower to warm up to strange pple) need more preparation for new environments. give her time.

C1 is introvert like me. he will process process process and think a lot before speaking or acting or interacting. his teacher's feedback - gotta tease him "C1, chase me!" before he will even get moving in the playground.
i tell him a lot of information beforehand abt new pple and new situations, otherwise he will freak out. and my skin now v thick, even if he freaks out in public, that is also ok. i just put him in a quiet place and wait for the storm to subside.

introverts are wonderfully intricate children who need careful attention and handling. you can do it, mummy!
enough reassurance already, since you have been doing it everyday (for the past week?). now short sentences to pre empt, then zip it and let her process the new environment on her own.

the hard part is to zip it. i know. i have been there. i feel this constant need to talk at C1. but the more kan cheong i m, the more kan cheong i make him... so... i stop myself.
Yes, indeed.. she usually need to warm up perhaps 2-3hrs in new environment before she will open up. But in school, till now.. she has yet to open up herself. Well, guess I can only wait. Do you think is the school problem? Or will she be the same even if I change to a new school? I was actually thinking of putting her to full day CC next year, but given the situation now, we really cannot imagine how she will cope if full day at the centre?
psst. the good thing abt being introvert myself is that i totally focus on my own kid in public when he is in a snit and block out other pple. Mr C, who is an extrovert, doesnt understand. he is super bothered by other pple's reactions.

my take is - i dun know you, i dun care wat you think, tis unlikely i will see you again, and my child is definitely way way more impt than what you, the anonymous face in the crowd, think of me and my parenting style.
why dun you take one step at a time and remind yourself to look only at today?
today get her to enter lift with mummy and daddy. tmr get her to enter lift with a frenly neighbour, if that doesnt work, try again another day. distract her w pushing the lift buttons. or tmr get her to enter lift with a LOT of your extended family (rope in your sister, brother, father, mother, ILs etc etc).

one baby step at a time.
Love love love your kiss hand idea!

Love bite
I think poppy got her first love bite yesterday. Her teacher called me and sai poppy complained of pain in her leg and it looked like an insect had bitten her. Upon inspection we realised that it looked like a "love bite" more than an "insect bite". And she did say that one of classmates bit her. I dunno. At this age, they do begin to tell white lies right? But it was the same answer yesterday and this morning. I'll talk to the teacher later. See what she says

Hope i am not too late!! You got mail!

*big wave* I am back from down under and now I am down under the weather! big time sick. Hiaz.. guess I am more of a tropical girl..hehehe Wuffy had loads of fun, will post pictures when i feel better. heh!

Qing, hope everything is ok with you. hope your gynae can shed some light on your situation. keep our fingers crossed for you!

ok..i will go back and catch up on all those posts now...
Dear mummies,
I'm going to see the doc tml noon. Finger cross!!!
Just now I got a rply from my gynae.
He only wrote one line: pls come and see me.
Omg... I'm more worried...

I don't think I can handle another mc...
Worse this havent even start....
Iluvsylvia: hey, don't stress yourself, once your girl finds a friend or something she can relate to she will be ok. For now she whines but still gets into car and goes to school right? Just keep reassuring her and firmly, lovingly tell her she is going to school. She will be fine, all her classmates started from Jan and they are more or less settled by now. So give your girl time, at least 3 months. But I'm pretty sure she will be fine soon.

Qing: hope everything is fine. Take care. Rest well too. Please treat it as a pregnancy just in case, till you are feeling much better.
Dustee and anyone looking for bowls plates mugs coffee cups!!! Attention!!!

I stumbled upon landex 50% sale!! All good quality, some unbreakable types!! Colored types!! These few days only!!! I bought a lot! At 72 bendemeer road, luzerne building. Warehouse sale. The chopstick! Aiyo!! $1 a pair!! Isetam selling $5.90 after 20% discount!!!! Go go go!
hope u get better soon! yup i saw your email. will include it in.

dun be too worried. maybe he jsut want to understand the situaton better? soemtimes over email very hard to understand. hope all is well. do update us soon.
Dear All,
Thanks for your advice!
I now starting to feel that it my gal character problem. She seems to be very fear of ppl especially when come to enclose area. Might be bringing her for an assessment @ KK. Is this a sickness?
hello hello everyone

trust your instinct. what does your gut feel tell you? that her fear of pple is not smthing she will outgrow?

if i rem correctly, it was also your birthday. happy birthday, happy mummy!
had lots of fun w S and L?
Happy belated to youpi super mummy too! Did u have a wonderful day? Were you spoilt like a queen? We went to sentosa beach in morning, napped like royalty in pm, then had big family seafood dinner! :D

Oh mummies, what am I to do: poppy was bitten right in front of my today. By her classmate who didn't want to share. Poor girl cried so much and screamed so loud. The teachers didn't see but I made sure they knew. Now I'm certain the bite she got last week was from the same boy and she was telling me the truth. His aunt gave him a half hearted scolding and apologised so I simply told the boy it's painful to get bitten. How! I don't want her to keep getting bitten! Grrr. I'll just tell her to play further from him. But can the teachers do anything??
Happy birthday to youpi and PB!!!

landex sale
Not sure when it will end, but think if you go to landex.com.sg, can get the tel number, then can call to ask?

oh no! Poor poppy. Thank goodness you saw it and knew who! speak to the PRINCIPAL (not just the teachers). that there is a biter in class and that they have to pay special attention.

Separately, PB, you need to teach poppy defensive skills. Re-enact what you saw, teach her that when the boy reaches her *wherever* with his mouth, that she has to either 1) run away or 2) run away! keep doing this until it becomes so natural that when someone so as to keep their face 1 feet near her hand, she runs away or at least move herself away from the predator!!!! explain to her that she is not to beat or slap or bite back, just run away, better run to tell teacher/mummy.....

jul birthday bash
what's teh latest and whos organising what? BG party right?

iluvsilvia, if you dun feel right, no harm talking to a professional about it.. gives you peace of mind too....

sigh, eboy's school keep letting him wear pants that are not his. Kept complaining to the principal and lately, he came home in a ridiculously big pants that was literally dropping from his butt! I can't imagine how he walked around in school with a pants taht is double his size! I am so upset, gave the principal another stern word and tdoay she wroet a mail to all parents to "apologise" for the mix up and that we should clearly label all the children's clothes so they can teach the child to be responsible for their own clothes. ok fair enough, so spent the last weekend SEWING eboy's name on all his 6 pairs of school uniform (neck pain!!!) but still very upset with school loh...
think think for poor bitten poppy....
if i were the teacher, will i do anything?

guess the only thing i can do is to tell the parents, advise them that biting is medically more dangerous for the biter than the bitee (since biter may draw blood fm bitee), ask if the boy has problems communicating his needs and having his needs attended to at home, etc etc.

ask the principal for advice, see what she says, then give her some variant of the abv paragraph.

good luck!

tis not the children who irritate me most, tis the adults who stand by and let it happen. hmmph. aunt only?? where are the parents in this?
C1 has that problem too.
but his teacher more diplomatic. wrote a note in commns book to all parents saying they are teaching the N1 kids self reliance skills, one of which is to dress and undress themselve after toileting. Pls will all parents help by labelling the children's uniforms especially their bottoms?

something like that la. sounds nicer ya.
guess what got to you is not the content of the message. tis how the school/teacher/principal puts it across.
Ya, will be getting a referral letter from polyclinic to seek on the professional advice. Meanwhile, might be enrolling a enrichment class for her to more explosure to other kids. Thanks all
oh, PB, take a picture of the bite mark too. as a record.

ya, i doubt the teacher could do anything except to tell his parents that he has been biting ppl in class, and that they have to do something about it. Now, let me think what I would do when eboy bites and teacher told me.
ok, I will first ask who he bit so i can go explain to the parent of the bitee that I am sorry.
then I will wonder what triggered eboy's biting, especially he has absolutely no habit of biting at home. Now, what are the chances of him wanting to bite someone when he doesnt bite at all at home, no matter who and how irritated he is? so there must be a special trigger in school. someone else bite ,that he learnt? so I will talk to teh teacher about this.

now, my take is, chances are the biter has been going around biting, and chances are, he does it at home. that is why he can bite in day 1, day 2... and wont be surprise poppy is not the only one. chances are, the parents already knew he bites and not doing anything cos no one complained to them so they thought its a phase that will naturally go away, worse if they think the school will teach instead. in this case, poppy is in trouble. the next time she got bitten by the same person, pB, ask to see the parents IN FRONT OF THE PRINCIPAL. all parents + school need to sit down and discuss what's the best way to prevent it from happening. this no good for both biter/bitee.. so pls pls pls dun wait for teacher to react. they cant do anything. ask to meet as a way to help solve the problem, not that you are making noise unreasonably or anything.
cellow, what got to me, was the fact that they allowed my son walking around the school the whole day (ok half day after shower) in a ridiculously, obviously not-his-size-hanging-down-his-butt pants and THEY DID NOT BOTHER TO check that it is not his size, cos the moment i saw him when picking him, i knew it already!! How can the teachers/assistant not do something? ya, fair enough that sometimes they get mixed up cos the kids will play and they take shower together, they do mix up. But after seeing my son walking around looking ridiculous, they dont even bother to do something? THAT, i cannot tahan.
oh and do you let your kids bring sweaters to school and do you insist you ask the teachers to let them wear when they sleeping/feeling cold? I found that eboy has been sniffing non-stop for 2 months+ lately after that flu, was cos after shower, he went straight into the aircon room, especially rainy days, its super cold! and they don blow dry his hair and he goes straight to bed! should I ask that the teachers at least put on a sweater for him? how do I check if the teachers did that?

ah mich,
i din get so worked up bcz the size difference between S and M pants is not noticeable. plus C1 is still on half day.

re sweater. pls put down into the commns book to request teacher to blow dry hair, AND put on a sweater for eboy after shower, as he is still sniffing after a cold. how to check ah... spot check over lunch lor... the school got one way mirror for you to look thro? so that eboy doesnt see you?

ohoh. also check in the morning when you drop him off the air flow in the exact spot where he is resting/napping. how cold is it. best to check in the evening too when you pick him up... as the air flow might be colder in that very spot after one day. then you see la, how you want to request the teachers to put him at a corner or smthing where the air flow fm aircon is not so strong.
