(2008/07) July 2008

yeah i think it was nice of my boss to compliment but even nicer to hear that big boss think well of me too! but actually my boss got no choice. he suspect one of his subbordinates planning to leave so he got no one liao.

yes we think much more than them! in fact, my boss keeps telling me not to spoil my hb! i got upcoming overseas trips for work and already fretting. he said i shd juist let my hb handle. but hor, as usual i cannot lor...

maybe vivo? but i can't lunch too long. ikea sounds good too but it's super crowded unlesss we go there ard 12?

hee, u so cute...slimming sessions! free one some more.

want join us for lunch?

Ikea for lunch at 12pm equals REALLY BAD IDEA! The queue would be snaking from restaurant to the bus stop!

Vivo/gwc sound good to me

All "single" mummies
Wow I really take my hat off you. How DO you manage your kids all alone when hub is away? I cannot imagine. Good job, mummies!

Oh and since my brain was only functioning on part time mode yesterday, here's the other half of my msg:

Sometimes I think it's not a Q of whether or not men think they can or cannot handle all these things, but that they don't even consider having to be responsible for these things.

Is my brain working again? Haha questionable
what age group are the activities for? i find that most of the activities for children season seem be for older kids.

if not, i dun mind. i may be able to join on the 8th or 22nd.

hee, for me, it has reach an easier stage (in certain ways) as the 2 kids can play together. only prob is jx's tantrums. recently it has been escalating and becoming quite unbearable!and she has taken to me sitting cross legged for her to sleep on at night. i cannot lie down or even attempt to lie down.....
Can't resist butting in when I'm suppose to change n go fetch D now.

The past few weeks I'm so pissed cos my hubby works long hrs so he's only home like twice a week on nights. So since he started a routine of letting the kids watch the 'boliao' vcds he bought, I took the opportunity to go do my stuff.

But in the end I still have the kids running out the me kissing me goodnight countless times until I send them in or I ask loudly "Where is you papa??" then he will shout for them to go back into the room. N he doesn't switch off the light n on the night light even till 1am and even then I was the 1 who cannot stand it and went into the room to switch on n off the lights.
N then the kids still do not sleep while the dad keeps drifting off the sleep on n off lying on the bed motionless while the kids run, jump around.

And so it goes on until I cannot stand it and go back into the room n lie with the kids on the bed n viola!! within 10 mins all asleep.
Can't help but keep nagging my hubby. Can't even make your kids sleep. can't even switch on night light n switch off lights to prepare for bed. Then if I die the kids do not have to sleep lah?

Oh yah n the vcds he bought n watch with the kids. He jus left them on the floor, didn't keep. N when I scolded him for not keeping, he called E in to keep the vcd while he continue to lie on the bed......they really think everything is so easily done huh.
dordor, sy,
i told Mr C one day if i die, you better quickly find my replacement to handle the kids. else they will suffer w your stupid temper. then he looked at me sideways and said CHOY! wahhahah

LOL on jo's slimming session!
C2 is 1y2mo now. i will breastfeed until he decides to wean, whenever that may be. poor thing is allergic to FM... changed to soy, then his LS stopped. LS for one week after my last pack of frozen BM ran out last monday. sigh. so many allergies. so much $ to spend on soy formula. sigh.

random response. well he doesnt need to be hot... the fact that he is a future king makes him desirable mah.
Sy: I don't mind lunch but is it 1 pm? No problem with venues but will be with 2 kids on tow!

Dor Dor: at least you only nag. The last time my hb left his dirty socks next to the laundry basket,(Next to! Cant understand why not in the basket!) I did an evil thing- wrote on a piece of paper, "was here since xx(date)" then I left it there till he noticed!
he commented that I was petty, I just kept quiet! Keeping my fingers crossed, so far so good!
so, don't give up, someday he will be more proactive.

Cellow: poor bb! Will you try goat's milk? I'm also on tbf and plan to bf only for a year so a few more months left. After that I should still have enough supply of ebm for at least 4 months.
i can't meet so late. cos my office a bit weird. can leave for lunch early but cannot come back late......so if cin can stay, maybe u guys can do part 2!
Haha all our hubbies are of the same kind! Won't start on mine or I won't stop!

Can't post on fb! Anyone gOing for air force open house early sun morning to beat the crowd n heat? Or mabe sat evening but would be packed!

Or museums this weekend?

Wah Jo, u got abundant milk! Mine dried up at 9 mths But I would never forget my badly wounded nnP
SY: no problem. I can do early also as long as I leave enough time to pick my girl. I'm fine with any day next week, haven't make plans yet.

Doubledee: 9 months is good enough. You have done your best.
You work? Always think it's harder to bf for working mums. so far so good, direct latch by day and kids sleep by 730 so can afford to pump the night ones. Thankfully, Saves lots if money! Just realized how expensive infant milk powder is! Ouch! Must be painful. Hope it's ok now?
i don't know who james and jmc are. noooooooo you got suede during the butler days? noooooooooo. wow! wow wow wow by the time i even got to their concert here, it was already post-head music days. wow. do you still have that interview on print somewhere? scanned? wow!

yay my elmo biscuits too? if pomfret doesn't like them, i'll have them myself hahahah.

jo and DD
yes direct latching is so much easier! the one day i went back to work to process my resignation, my milk supply dropped by half. one day! it's just stressful, and hard to step away as planned to pump.

but.... now that pomfret is still latching and almost 3, gosh, i wish i had let her use the bottle. -_-
fri shd be ok for me. just need to know who's joining so i can bring all the staff.

yes that's what i do. if they dun wan to eat, i eat!

take the chance to wean her off once she settles into sch. it's going to be a hard process but u will find it worth it...
mil and anger management issues
mil has anger issues. don't know is it coz the moving company guy came to see my stuff today to give me a quote, and that set her off, or she's got a whole lot of other personal issues.

but she just screamed at the maid (a raging "could almost pick up a chair and smash it on the floor" kind of tirade) just because the maid was in the toilet and couldn't run to my mil fast enough when she called her. to be fair, the toilet was at the back of the house. and mil was in the front terrace. and i actually went to the toilet to call the maid (i'll use 'maid' here coz mil really treats her as such) so i know for sure she's in there .

i just take issue how pomfret is being exposed to all these anger.

do any of you have other members of the household who loses anger that badly? that doesn't leave lasting impression on the kids does it?
Dustee: you are good! I can't wait for me to stop bf so I can wear other clothes. Feel very depressed with the bf clothes! Feel so auntified!

wow! Your mil sounds like the empress dowager in the Chinese drama. Is promfret reacting to the negative situations? I would talk to her and access how badly is she affected before jumping into finding solutions and teaching her...
hello mummies,
im off the the cooling cameron and genting highlands...
abit sad cos am sendin my dog away at the same time into Msia..

i be back wed so can make it to lunch on fri!!
i think kids forget quite fast but of cos prolonged exposure is not good

how come sending your dog away? not keepnig it anymore?

yesterday jh asked about my dog who passed away about 3 years ago. made me kind of sad talking about him.

i will prob reach about 12.

my hb din even call back a single time during his overseas trip. a bit pissed but he said lousy coverage. well what to do...
haiyaaaaaa. next week i m in kuching. cannot meet for lunch to collect iherb loot. sigh.

on auntified bf clothes. always have to think abt whether my weekend attire is suitable for C2.

yes. and his name is Mr C.
last night we had another round. fed up until i threw his pillow and bloster out - this is the first time i have ever done that. as if whacking C1 once on the leg for what-i-call-normal-whining is not bad enough, whack 4x.

C1 took ages to fall asleep last night.
best he came out of the bathroom to say sorry, and stupid man ignored him.

after i put C1 to sleep, i got up, got out of the room to drink liang teh, brushed teeth, washed face while Mr C switched off the light in the living room, picked up the pillow and bolster i threw to go to smallest bedroom to sleep. thankfully maid was asleep already.

i waited until he got into the bed in the smallest bedroom, stood by the door, did not look at him at all, and said to the air he is breathing in

"these are the lessons that C1 has learnt today
- when he says sorry, his papa did not accept it and sayang him straightaway. the world is a tough enuf place for him without you doing that.
- he learns that his needs are less impt than you and your stupid computer.
- he learns that papa gets into a temper easily, and that it is ok to use violence. and btw, he whacked ME (cellow) with his truck when i told him to ask papa to pray with him before bedtime. see, ok to use violence and to whack pple.

so have a good think abt what lessons you are imparting to him."

then i stormed off and cannot sleep. that was midnight.

at 1am, C1 wakes up whimpering in fear. probably from nightmare.

i soothed him back to sleep, then stomped to the other bedroom, and said to Mr C's sleeping form

"C1 just woke up. and he is frightened to bits. you happy la....

*sigh* you are a much better father than that"

this morning stone face him through the commute to work. i figure if i have nothing nice to say, say nothing.

we were supposed to meet for lunch today, so we did. he said sorry dear, and then i said, luckily for you, C1 has forgiven you this morning, so i will too.

why why why do we fight like this so often? i cannot tell my mum, i cannot tell my MIL.... haiyoooor. headache. no wonder 4 pimples popped out this morning.
Cellow: bf clothes- I know what you mean, plus the humid weather, there's nothing much to choose from except cotton !
And *hugs* on what happened last night. It's tough but don't give up praying for the man. That's our duty as a wife. And *hugs* to C1 too. Keeping you in my prayers too.
you are a great mummy!
Gambate ne!
sayang sayang cellow and C1. do you think Mr C shld go for anger mgmt class...and you got us to tell to *passes cellow some pimple cream*

dustee - rooting for your move. your MIl is really one kind; hopefully with you guys moving out she will change and be nicer. *cross bunny ears for you*

me watching idol finale..and beyonce is so so HOT!
can't make it for lunch
SY how else can we collect loot?

cellow: have you given him a free shower of liang cha? he must be one stern daddy!

smiggleP: did you find loving parents for your husky? hope she will be ok... how long was she with you?
it must be painful...

LOL on dustee going WOW non stop! so when are you REALLY moving out?? 2011 is entering its 2nd half soon you know!
Did someone say pimple? Me and mine checking in! Dunno what's wrong with me, stress or what, suddenly pimples popping up

I just need to let it out, say already then sua sua ke ....

I miss my old job so much I could cry!!! (The cool one, not the auntie one)

let me check the distance from my office. cos my office got pple who will monitor what time u come back...

why suddenly miss your old job?

give it some time. it's a phase. my hb and i used to fight a lot more over the kids. i think it does get better when they are older. somehow men only know how to handle older kids. so prob when he is like 4 or 5 u will see them growing closer and having more common activities....
cellow, I wanted to come in here to suggest Mr C attend the "dad for life" seminar at Suntec today... then i was busy and i forgot.. until Mr Mich reminded me today he was going and that i were to meet him at suntec after work... Mr Mich took half day to attend that, he found it out himself, i did not ask him to go. Heart melt. *scoot off back to work*
Yah I do that to my husband too the list of things the kids learnt from him. Just that day he took something from D to see n D tried to snatch it back (I think) was alittle vage now cos it happens all the time. N hubby told D he was VERY RUDE, he should say if he wants n not snatch. I couldn't resist, really couldn't. Told D straight out that yah he is rude just like his dad who also snatched it from him without asking 1st.

Now I have my hands full everyday dealing with D. And why?? sigh I dun really have the time to sit down n slowly decifer where it went wrong.But my guess is my hubby. He sort of rebellied the last time I told him to just ignore the kids totally if he doesn't know how to handle the situation. He's doing the opposite and now things r really getting out of hand. Everyday is jus making D stand at the door so I have abit of peace n to clear my mind.
I used to love sch holidays...........now.......sigh

Does S keep arguing n being stubborn?? what do you do?? Talking to D doesn't work cos he will jus keep butting in n making me flare up again. sighs

U know I used to console myself that my hubby is tired cos he works the whole day right. But but u know its not a once or twice thing that he sleeps when he is with the kids. Its an everytime thing. N even when I am in the bath n he's supposed to look after the kids, the kids will keep coming to the toilet door to complain to me talk to me n stuff. N so I still cannot bath in peace.
Oh n the best part is.....when I have made the kids sleep n all the chores r done. Means he can go to sleep straight away since he is soooo tired right?? He will always use the com or the ipad instead of sleeping. See angry anot, he's jus tired when he is with us.

I dun write slip I jus leave the things there and when I am free and happy to flare up then I give it to him. Just like the empty boxes that have been sitting right at the door that he "can't" find a time to bring to throw.

N jus now when I was giving it to him, I told him how I even have to take his cups to the sink n wash his cups now (I really feel like a maid) n the kids cup on table for 2 days he never touch at all. N he dare to tell me he did do some things. Just that I never see. Yah lah those that I cannot see lah so those I can see he leave for me to do lah right??
Then he went out the room, came in n apologise. Say he walked the hse 1 round n realise he really never do anything. Well ofcos, 1 piece of paper he see he dun even pickup. I have to get the kids to help me pickup anything they see on the floor.

Oh n just for laughs, best part is everytime I tell D I am not wonderwoman okie. He will retort, "But you ARE WONDERWOMAN!!!!"
hahaha....oh how funny it is if I am not his mother.
Dor Dor: you need a hug too! *hugs*... being a mother and wife is just do demanding nowadays! But I think like D said, you are a wonder woman!
don't give up! Jia you!

SY: sorry, this fri I don't think I can join you for lunch. I overlooked my other agenda which clashes with our lunch date. Will join you next round. Enjoy! Catch up soon!
today forum quiet?

About work, finally rushed out many many things in the past few weeks.. finally this week can send upward for approval... i can start breathing normally for a while..

so many things to update...
We attended the cold storage kids run. it was very very fun, eboy ran from start to end, non-stop!! and he was soooo proud of the medal, kept wearing it on his neck till afternoon nap!! definitely going next year!

then I had a first PTC last weekend... and his mid-year report card mostly a "C".. but when i met up with his teacher (a new one, much much better and if she stays with eboy, then i don need to change school in July) and she felt the previous teacher din give fair ranking.. except for the speech part, she felt that most areas eboy are good. so I'm not so depressed.. she also promised to work closely with us on his speech, so we are sharing notes every week.. which is another good thing...

I've also start eboy on Berries. They are berry good! joined in the class, and after first lesson, he could say Cheng (orange) and Ping Guo (apple!).. and also could do the simple assessment so i'm happy....

We're also trying on Jelic assessment this sat dunno whether eboy will be ready to start on Jelic...

eboy'c nagging cough been going on for more than a month, mostly night cough, day time ok... i've brought him to the chinese doc and after 1 hour queue, the stupid doc say cos he was on ventolin puff, refuse to give any medicine but ask us to go back 1 week AFTER we stop his western medicine.. so angry.. then we went to Eu Yan San clinic and got medicine... powder form... very bitter and need to take twice a day. of course eboy refuse to take, so my MIL had to come over every morning to slowly feed him breakfast with medicine cos we where got time do this before work, right? did i tell you I really heart my MIL for all that she has done for us? ok, back to chinese medicine, so we will mix it in his food else eboy wont take, its still bitter wtih the food, but the little boy, never complain one.. still manage to finish the bitter powder in his food... sooooo good boy...

ok, let me go catch up on the past posts....
sounds like it's an allergic cough. very hard to break the cycle one. last time jh was on steriods once in order to break the cycle.

give a C? that dun sound very encouraging! lucky he had a new teacher who is better.

re iherb
here's the bill.

bbp - 33.11
cellow- 3.53
DD - 3.53
PB - 39.02
SD - 145.51
Dustee - 8.2
Youpi - 84.33

Do let me know on thur who is coming this fri.

Hi mummies! Had a good weekend? Caught the air force oPen houses n visited museums?

Didn't know there was a run recently.

Wanna send bbG to berries soon too but current slot dun have good timing (naptime) but we r enjoying music lessons a lot but I won't get to stay in class with him for long. What's jelic?

Whoa..what did SD n Youpi order? Forgot what I ordered too haha.. Wait..organic pasta right? Can't go for lunch this week though..let me know when next we can meet or if u r in the area, SY? thanks!
Michelle: berries's lessons are per term basis? Now having holiday program? Or can just join them anytime?
Doubledee: me too, joping to sign up my girl for berries soon. Which area are you going?
Hello hello! Just saying a "G'day Mate!" from Down Under and running off as Internet access is sporadic. Will read upwards when we're back later this week
wow youpi, happy hols!

us! we went to air show on sat, then philatelic and peranakan museums on sun! so fun so fun!

on, see you on Fri
venue not confirmed yet right?
Jo/DD/ everyone else - berries can join in anytime..hey, if you don't have anyone to put on for referral, can you put in soph's name? we get a voucher I think. sms/PM me for her berries id ok?
oh didn't know there was a referral prog... ok will sms u for it.. the woodlands one has vacancy now for the sat 130pm class so we can start anytime but it's his naptime and we have music lessons in the morning leh... i know the bishan classes are full though, but we are praying for a vacancy for the sun morning class next year though...jo you are staying in the west right? or was it the east? where's your nearest berries?

i saw the little bibik in her kebaya! and she's got little ponytails now that can be tied up eh! even liam is sporting more hair now ;)

g'day youpi! which part of koala-land are you at now? nice and cool? thought you were still nursing a cold at home! hehehe have fun and eat all the meat pies and fish & chips!!
Dd: west coast cc and pandan valley. But I heard the pandan valley one is very popular.

Cin: noted with thanks for info. Will SMS you for sophie's id too when we are ready to sign up.
Dunno if its the chinese medicine that is effective, or that eboy was already on the road to recovery.. he finally was able to sleep through the night without coughing again.... *fingers crossed*...

is there a lunch this week? if at GWC, i think i may be able to joinnnnnnnn.....
hi mommies,
haven't logged in here for a long time. i am interested to sign up for berries too and i am a WC mommy.
cin bunny, can pm me your ID too for referral.

jo, where is pandan valley?
get well soon, ethan! my boy has been coughing for the longest time too..i think more than a month. recovered for a week plus and now back again! when will it ever end??? le sigh!
hi hi missy!! long time no hear!! J also coughing?!? poor thing hor, the kids cough will take so long to recover... hope it will go away soon!!!

what's a WC mommy??

anyone has got pump in good working condition? steriliser? (no no no not for me.. my SIL just got preggy and getting ready stuff for her!)

Michelle: what brand pump is she looking at? Mine is avent Isis duo, served me well. Planning to stop pumping soon.

Missy: pandan valley is a condo in holland road, opp the SIM 2nd campus. When do you intend to sign up?
