gals, is it very silly to think of quiting because of your staff? What happened last week and it got on my nerves so badly.... this was what happened:
Incident #1.
The attitude king (at-king) is a project manager for a project supporting a bigger programme (run by me). There was a project milestone meeting with the foreign counterpart (high level) and multiple parties were involved. On wed (first day of meeting), at-king SMSed after meeting started that "hi, i'm not feeling well so can only join in later. pls start without me". He just assumed I am attending the meeting which I already told him i am not. anyway, the project engr supporting him was there and started the meeting, and in the end, i had to be there to make sure everytjing is ok. In the end, at-king only made a grand entrance at 330pm and he looked fine to me. anyway, there were tonnes of issues to be done, and the next day was suppose to be half day only, so we decided to start the meeting at 830am sharp the next day. I told the team (in particular looking at at-king "Don;t be late, we will start at 830am sharp). The next day came, at 730am, he SMSed again saying he's still not feeling well and may not be able to make it. Was I pissed? yes. this is the 5th time he did this in such critical meetings. So, as soon as i reached office, i SMS him back that the meeting is only half day, and that he is to come back to sign on the MOM (as the PM). he can take the afternoon off if he's still not well, I can cover him for the brief to DIR (scheduled long ago). 830am came, and NOT A SINGLE SOUL was at the meeting room. Even the young engr was late. I started the meeting feel like boiling inside. I had to scramble for the projectors, laptops etc cos the logistics were all with them!! only at 1030am, at-king replied my SMS and said "ok". reached office only at 11.45am. Again, he looked fine. I was pissed. Imemdiately handed the meeting back to him, and proceeded to tidy up the slides for the brief to DIR later that afternoon. The whole day, i skipped breakfast and lunch!
Told my big boss about it and he later "scolded" the at-king but at-king, as the legend for attitude king, did not give a damn and smile it off.
He applied for medical leave and I did not approve until he shows me the MC. I'm still waiting to see the MC.
Incident #2.
On friday, GASOT was to have a project meeting with the users at 2pm. she was on leave in the morning. At 1.35pm, only then, she SMSed to inform me that she is stuck and will be late. asked if I could proceed with the meeting on her behalf. Can i say no? in the eleventh hour, with the entire team ON THE WAY over for meeting? so i said ok. we went on the meeting and only at 430pm, she told me she is done and even asked 'i'm done and nearby, you need me back?". I was like. DUH!!
In the end, last friday was a mad rush for me cos I had to cover so many people's job and in the end took that many extra hours to do mine.
its very infuriating, and if this goes on, I can die! HEEEELPPP!!