Thanks ya all for the preschool information!
The frustrating thing about Turf City that it's so hard to go without a car!
I love your link.. the search is super useful. Any idea if there is a similar one for kindys?
GEMS only accept if they are toilet-trained? But how to possibly completely toilet-train when they are only 2.5 years old? I mean, Declan has been telling me when he wants to poop or pee, but even then, I don't dare to say he's toilet-trained cos accidents can always occur!
Yah, starting next year and I think I'm one of the last few people starting their kids on school/cc. So need to start researching.
Eh, I love white bags too... but my practical brain always goes No to the maintenance. So my bags are always as dark coloured as possible.
Yes, ignoring is not particularly helpful. In fact, I get this feeling that hubby thinks "Oh good, she don't want to tell me, then I don't need to too!"
Congrats! You the best.. before and after delivery also can log on. My idol...