(2008/07) July 2008

hello mummies,
so busy with work, no time to post..

poor cellow..
no eggs.. but until how long???

i think i have a duties sheet, if u wan pm me..
Does Ethan take the Gummy Berries happily? I'm now trying to find alternatives to liquid multi-vits cos Dec sees all coloured liquids as meds and will fight me like crazy.

Oh you poor thing, plus you like cakes so much. How about cookies? Do you like butter cookies? If so, I will bake a batch the next time we meet, although they won't look nice after the transportation.
And yup yup! Cedele definitely makes eggless cakes, I've seen them before,
Bbp dunno if eboy will take the gummies but try loh. I think should be no problem cos he eats everything. Haha

Why dun you mix the fish oil in the last mouth of his food then he won't know???
Upstairs in the sky, an interesting production for 3 to 6 year olds. 19$ mon-fr, 22$ weekends at DBS arts centre. www.srt.com.sg

I hear about C2's tests my heart also breaking around the sides. But at least now you know the source of evil and are now no longer guessing.
I was gonna say mix into Declan's food. But Michelle beat me to it - hehe. Anyway the Nordic Naturals children fish oil strawberry flavoured is colourless, so tis easy to mix into food.
So different from C1. C1 LIKES his liquid medicines bcz tis sweet. Budden, he has been like a rubbish bin since young. Give him anything also eat.

there is a section there on interviewing a maid.

Egg-less diet
LOL on doggie and batgirl and sy's vote of confidence!
Am also touched by bbp and michelle's offer of eggless foods. *sniff*

I am always grateful for this forum where all of you let me know i m not alone in the trenches of ALL the things that go along w being mummy (MIL, food, HBs, toilet training, watever else). *GROUP HUUUUUUUG*
Fish oil everyday. That's all.

The gummies, intend to bring along to Beijing so he still gets some vit while out of country.... Shun Bian try try if he likes it.
Wow I didn't realise they're made in China. Cuz she sent to me one ready stock, I thought it's quite okay, of course the material is a bit thicker. The previous ones I bought is from Elly, $14.50 a piece.
Still waiting for 2 more pre-ordered ones.

I'm using badger, but the anti bug balm only.
Why would you need anti bug shower gel? I don't think the anti bug properties will last.

Eggless breakfast. Really not a tiny bit of egg like normal bread? How about some breakfast cereal? Some bee hoon/kwaytiao soup.. pancakes (those that you need to add water only), breakfast sausages/ham. Veggie soup/mushroom soup. Porridge, fruit salad.
Sayang C2. At least you found out the cause. It's better that you found out early.

My nephew also have bad allergy, but to peanuts. Once he ate peanuts, he couldn't breathe. My sis in law didn't know so during confinement she drank lots of peanut soup to have more breast milk. His eczema was also very bad so my sis in law used cetaphil to bathe him and also cetaphil lotion for the body. Use them generously. It's good for eczema. Careful also, eczema can cause asthma later on.

You might find this useful: http://kidshealth.org/kid/misc/eggallergy_cutout.html or http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/eggs.htm
Aiya that means you can't continue eat the meringue, cuz it's made from egg white?

Emma is fed fish oil, about 3 ml once a day only. That's the only vitamin she took, the rest from fruit and veggies.
Poppy doesn't take any supplements. I just make sure she gets fruit everyday

I also want group huggggg!!! Teletubbies big hug!!!
C1 takes 2 normal teaspoonfuls of fish oil. 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.

that is the only DHA/EHA he gets. the ILs (and Mr C by extn) believe that fish causes cough to worsen. so he has been off fresh fish since like.... forever... maybe one year liao. has anyone got any links to prove otherwise ah? i m thinking of all the brain cells that C1 shd be growing and developing now, but is not. *tear out hair*
[was sharing w michelle this is a hidden source of angst for me]

really not a tiny bit of egg, like normal bread. i ate bfast cereal today. yes dear, no more meringue for me *cry*
thank you for the links. muah! the first one is esp useful to carry around in my wallet.

confirmed beijing for holiday liao?
mine is on fish oil after lunch, sambucus after dinner and colostrum in their nightly milk. fish oil for blains and sambucus and colostrum for immunity. I also give multivits like 2 times a week like a treat cos its sweet!

i noticed with this routine, they hardly get sick and if they do, they recover very fast.


*runs to hug*

eh! your ils so strange! i have never heard fish worsen coughs, only chicken!
Since eboy started on fish oil after his hospital stay, I found his health improved a lot. Was thinking to buy sambucus, for myself too. Which one??????

Cellow, oops, angst of no fish came out? Fish is so important for brain developments, eat small fish low mercury. Totally no fish for a year? Wow, I thought it's a recent thing... Can meh?? No fish until when??? A bit extreme hor??

Ystday my mil fed eboy the don pie for breakf, I thought the pepper was too hot for him, and din really liked the idea... But you know lah, who am I to stop. Then shortly after eboy ate, his lips swell, one side only. Mil saw and asked me to see. I quickly picked him up thought he bit himself or something... But no cuts, no wounds, no blood... Immediately I told her it could be due to allergy so stop feeding the pie! She say ok ok then never give Liao... Swell for a while only so no idea what could have caused it.....
Cellow ,
Fish and banana cause phelgm and if there is cough should not take fish at all..
A chinese sinse told me, my pd and my dad.. My maid dun believe so she took fish while coughing.. Then the phelgm builds up and she mention that she felt like dying...
Now she listens to what she can eat and what can't..

Actually cannot eat egg still ok.. I can't eat food with high protein and seafood too.. I am allergy..I did not bf coz my kids has lots of allergy so many things cannot eat...

really ah? oh since your boys are so allergic, have you already bought a delphine or a rainbow to get rid of all the dustmites and dust? I just bought a delphine and can give away one free dustmite cleaning to friends. you will also get a free steel pot. hehe! i couldn't recommend you cos i didn't have your HP. if you are keen for the free cleaning, pm me! chaps like mich and cellow and i forgot who else, be prepared to get a phone call for the free cleaning. lalala!

i actually had them come to clean for me once, but i didn't like that guy who was selling and i couldn't whack down to the price i want, i didn't buy, but i was convinced of the cleaning power and the need for it already. so when this lady wanted to come again, i said ok (collected my second steel pot!) and then whack the price to a level i know they can't go down any further.

so i think its really not a bad deal, you can get them to clean any mattress, then collect your steel pot then shoo them out if you are not convinced and don't want to buy.
i also tried the rainbow cleaning before and one more brand aqua something. did u compare both rainbow and delphine? which one is better?

fish also cannot eat?

actually most PD (or western doc) always say everything can eat. i ask quite a few and they always say can eat chicken etc during cough.

my kids eat fish almost everyday even when they are coughing. but theirs is more due to nose and not real cough so maybe that's why not affected.

if your kids have allergies, would not drinking FM help? i was reading this article abt how FM/cow's milk is a cause of a lot of allergies.

thanks for the recipe. if i dunno anything i ask u...

got your order for iherb

hee this anti bug shower get is this idea that i always have whenever jh keeps getting bitten. nowadays it's better and he dun get so many bites but i m always thinking of there's a shower gel that he can use to keep the mozzies away, i will use on him!! he is such a mozzie magnet....

i also use the badger anti bug balm. it's really good and effective. my kids love it. haha when jx sees me putting it on for jh, she will quickly come over to put it too

re multi vitamins/ supplements
i give fish oil, sambucus and probiotics in the morning after breakfast. all at one shot...haha

recently i got the nature way's probiotics for them. seems quite good. jh used to have stomachache easily (esp when he eats sweets) but now ok. i just mix the powder with water and let them drink. my sil went to vita kids and they recommended the same brand for the probiotics. if any mummies need the link let me know and i post it up
How long does the anti-bug balm last? How often do you need to reapply? Dec's legs are becoming hideously scarred cos he is the mozzie magnet in the house.
SY pls ibclude on sambucus for kids for me too!! Thanks!!!You got discount is it? Else maybe I set up an account myself cos this time I buy so many....

i compared both rainbow and delphine, i think delphine is definitely better because there are no filters.

do you want the free cleaning as well? think i didn't include you as i didn't have your HP too! hehe!

yeah about iherb

i was going to ask you too. what discount code do you have? when i am buying a few items and its below 1.3 pounds, i will ship using international airmail for just US$4. have it shipped all the way to my place and save the hassle of meeting and collecting. just not sure how cost efficient it is compared to you buying using your discount code. hehe!
Wow I also hv not heard about fish causing coughs/being bad for coughs, just chicken.

Oh ya if colustrum is counted, I mix it in poppy's fruit during breakfast. Terrible me, still blending her fruit for her cos if not, she won't eat. But now better, she'll make a face when there are solid bits but will still eat. Last time she'll spit out immediately! *pengsan*

Oooo whoever has delphin/rainbow etc contact pls incl me! The delphin guy that did demo for us never got back to us! Like 1 year liao. I want to get those monthly service contract kind cos I refuse to spend my weekends with these machines myself!!!

Woohoo, I was out on site and finished early and thought "wow, it's really so nice to be off work before 6. So free!!!"

i will ask the lady who sold me to contact you. hehe! i so agree with you but then again tis not me who is doing the cleaning! lalala!
talking abt vitamins.. i have this pharmaton kiddi syrup.. kayden doesnt like it.. sellin for half price if anyone ones..

think kayden needs the most vits.. i give him fish oil every mornin, colostrum in the milk and sambuccus..

stil sick every mth.. what else does he needs??

me la, u recommended your contact to me and i bought from him lor..
love my delphin...
Re cough:
Ang Mo PD say avoid preserved orange juice cos it causes phglem.

Re supplements:
Seems like I'm the only one that doesn't give Dec supplements...
Lately eboy is very into cheese (yay milk substitute!!) and apple. So much so that he will 'order' my mil to cut apple hor him even half way through his play. He will even want my mil's piece cos he sensed that hers is a bigger piece!!!

Why I suddenly post about this? I also dunno, maybe cos I just thought of my little boy's silly grin when he gets a hand of cheese/apple. Off to see eboy Liao!!!!!!!!
Smiggle, doggiebb delphin really better? how much ah? my mum has the old generation rainbow which we quite like already ... last for more than 10 years liao and still working fine, except of coz lesser function than the new one.

Delphin is it heavy or noisy? I like the air purifying part for rainbow. Delphin also have? made in where ah?

The sales person hard sell or not? coz i also wanna the person to come demo but damn tiring to be entertaining someone that hardsells leh ...
i think the balm can last quite long. i usually apply after jh bathe then i dun apply again. got once when i din apply on a particular spot, the mozzie bite that spot.

michelle, doggiebb
i dun have a discount code. i m VIP customer!! haha, think cos i was with them before they started this VIP program and i was buying a lot of stuff so i got this VIP status. can get up to more than 10% discounts depending on purchase amt.

if the order amt is small and light, i will choose the USD 4 shipping but that takes abt 2-3 weeks whereas DHL takes 2-3 days. so usually if there's enough orders, i will use DHL. or if a person's order enough for 1 order, then i will put the person's add and ship direct but using my acct cos get 10% discount min. so more worth it. i very bo liao one. i will test the different scenarios before i order! so auntie right

jx hi 5 with e boy! her fav is cheese nowadays!! she can keep eating and eating cheese if i dun stop her...

do u buy those processed cheese slice or natural cheese slice? i m thinking of switching to natural but so ex.

anyway i read this article abt not letting them take too much cow's products. so no milk is fine with me.

jx dun take any milk except for her latching after she comes back from sch. so u can imagine how little she drinks.

maybe u can consider giving probiotics. supposed to build immunity. so far so good i feel.
Actually I've been eyeing that balm quite long liao, but now that you say it's quite good, makes me wanna try... but it's Out of Stock on iherb! Sigh.

Toothpaste & Chest Rub:
What brand is good (and better, cheap)?
Yah boy E can dun pee n poo for the whole day lor. Even when she cries I tot she might not be able to 'ren' n pee right. But she doesn't lor.
But home toilet she not 24hr wary so at home she will still pee when she 'forgets' the fear.
For now *cross fingers dun jinx myself* she is fine with home toilet again.
But we have not venture outside toilets lah. Not forcing her too. Cos when outside she will tell me sometimes that "Ember go home shishi toilet". So I dun force her too lah since we won't be out long anyway n she's not urgent.

I want to lah.... go Japan......but but but now must see hw much it is 1st lor. N if book later or earlier will be cheaper n this n that lah....haha
Cos I am the hm financial adviser cum planner cum everything. So now must see hw much 1st lor......else .....will...be.....HK....again.

When she dun sit toilet bowl she dun pee lor............

If really more ex during that period then I think cannot go liao lor. Cos the person who started this conversation DUN intend to pay more......ie more then HK amt in the 1st place.
So imagine hw sian I am when everything I say now will get the ans "WAH SO EXPENSIVE AAH!!"
Then I will ans him "JAPAN leh. U think is HK aah." LOL

At least u know what to avoid now ma n hopefully C2's condition will be under control. I almost made E take the test cos of her hives the other time. But then it didn't seem to be a very big deal after it didn't flare up and PD also say might not be conclusive so endup never do n her hives finally went away after like 6mths.
dor: ya.. hang in there.. over time and after numerous times of trying and realising it's not scary... she'll get over it.. patience for now.. reward her like crazy when she does it?

toothpaste: dun quite know how to compare.. look for non floride ones (coz they dunno how to spit yet) was using oragel then saw a comment abt how it's too sweet.. just ordered earth's best thru batgirl but saw it's twice the price of oragel.. wat was the other popular brand.. but someone commented that it makes teeth yellow?

JPN is indeed ex.. unless u go all the way out to look for those 100yen kinda meals and stuffs...

staying home today and wondering wat to do today.. little one's got runny nose and phlegm sigh..
Wat is natural cheese slice? I give poppy the fairprice low fat version (cos it's transfat free) or australia coons tasty cheese. She prefers it shredded but I'm so lazy to grate la!

Wow big rain. When I got up, I thought "wat day is it? Weekend yet? Ah no, only fri, got to get up"

Happy friday mummies! Hope everybody's bosses in good mood today so everyone will have a good start to the weekend!
Oh, another cool recipe! Cod/haddock/salmon, a knob of butter, dried herbs (like thyme and dill, not danggui), sandwiched between zuchini at the bottom and tomato slices on top, wrapped in an aluminium foil parcel. Bake at 200 degrees C for 15-20 min

I serve with smileys or mashed potatoes also can. With broc or peas on the side

Any baby going to have same lunch as poppy?
lots of cheeses are saltish huh.. even those laughing cow cube ones... i'm looking for edam cheese coz it's got lots of calcium.. and usually not much salt..

i know cottage cheese has no salt.. but very little calcium too..

poppy got angmor meal... bbG's having soupy noodles coz he doesn't eat much or like thick stuff when he has phlegm... to play safe, will skip chicken and fish too..
dor, jace,
ya better that i know than later do the test, inconclusive, back to gasak again. second day of egg-less breakfast - koko krunch w milk.

ah yes, E had quite bad hives till 6months ya... i rem you applied CB calendula like nobody's biz. something to the effect of just bathe her in the cream suan le - LOL!
i m still super impressed that E is already toilet trained despite the hiccups along the way of not peeing in public toilets.

same same - Wow big rain. When I got up, I thought "wat day is it? Weekend yet? Ah no, only fri, got to get up"

hee. i would also do the same, try out diff ordering scenarios. hi-5 fellow auntie!! haha

ah. but his cough comes and goes. so if i give him fish, and then 2 weeks later he coughs, tis my fault (according to Mr C)! so i sian already. dun give fresh fish lor, fish oil will do. Mr C can decide when to give fish, and sometimes he does give a leeeeeetle bit.
the other irritating habit of the ILs is to not use serving spoons. i grew up w serving spoons bcz my granddad had TB so we all adopted this habit. everytime i eat w the ILs (which is very often now), the gross-ness of double dipping - spoon goes into mouth, then goes into common plate to scoop food, then goes back into mouth - is damn disgusting when i think of ALL the germy stuff that goes back and forth.

Another point of tension between Mr C and me. he thinks as long as not sick, tis perfectly fine. he doesnt get that when the adults are obviously sick, tis tooooo late, the children have already gotten the germs thro double dipping. YUCKS

the qn is how big a deal do i want to make of it? i havent decided for myself yet, so i m keeping quiet.

i tell you ah, that day that i threw out my milk in a pretend fit of anger, before that, i told my recovering-from-cough-and-not-eating-fish MIL not to feed C1 from her plate. her face IMMEDIATELY changed. i tell you, she was super offended lor. her response was super defensive also.

ah, more hidden angst just came out.
quick quick, help me think of witty ways to make Mr C and the ILs see the light!
i was thinking ah... if you believe in natural medicine, best to bf E3 (and bf till he is quite old, so more than a year). breastmilk is for human infants, formula milk is still a chemical composition of what formula milk coys think is best. FM is second best.

one of my staunch bfeedg frens has 3 sons, 2 yr gaps between them. they are now 13, 11 and 9. her #2 was breastfed the shortest time, 14months only.. #1 for 20months and #3 for 3 and a half years. #2 is the most prone to allergies now and the first to get colds and coughs. she firmly believes tis due to the relatively short duration of breastfeeding him.

BUT ultimately still your decision la. there are many many factors affecting a mum's decn whether to breastfeed or formula feed... no guilt no guilt, either way. all things considering, do wat makes you most relaxed and happy! relaxed and happy pple make the best-est mummies
Ur MIL seems to be a firm believer of "lasap jiak, lasap dua". Nothing wrong with that but if she just recovered, aiyoh, shouldn't share food with C1 la...

Edam... I don't think I've seen edam slices before.
was late jan, so 25 or 26 weeks liao.
i also travelled to msia when i was 29 weeks for CNY. where are you going dear?

i going phuket tml. i am 28 week now eh. den u all know my history lo. abit scare. but is mil's bdae trip tt was pre-book like XXX mths ago.. gynae say ok n gave me consent letter le. but cant help to b abit worry. should b fine la hor. cin also went overseas right?
