(2008/06) June 2008


soft bowels are signs tat labour is near.

me used to have constipation only from week 36 then me start to have soft bowels.


I been going for forums to forums.. last time wedding preps i been in styleweddings, then renovation i go renotalk, then now pregnancy i go motherhood.. haaa.
Same same. Whenever hubby on msn wif me, i always checked our forum or replyg forum. Then he will keep nudging me for my reply. Then if i slow in reply, he will ask wat m i doing. I just say, oh my system slow dwn or got hang so delay reply...LOL

hahaa.. yes, me too!! feifei not the first one.. my friend waited for more than 24 hours last year in hospital.. but ended up, she still manage to give birth. So i always aim for natural give birth, not inducing or csec. Unless, my gynae strongly adivse that i need to induce due to certain reasons.

oic.... i dun know so many things abt induce..


Piang u bluff yr hb! lol :p


Yes mine also no 1..but i have this poo poo on and off since week 36.

haaaa ya i tink i got more readers for my reno blog than wedding blog but a lot of people say is v useful they got a lot of tips..

cos i am a "researcher" i like to reckee and find out many things.. my wedding and reno also.. but pregnancy i am more lazy.
Haha.. started wif actually really got hang. But my hubby veri impatient type must always immed response. So as time goes, i conveniently say got hang. lol I smtx take nap, smtx walk away from computer. He will nudge n ask WRUD? Slpg? Online? all in 30sec, giving me the MCQ. ha.. next time he will include Hang? lol
Ellysia, Aprilmum, me too! Prefer to do natural for #1.. at least, dun need to wait for x months before trying for #2.. dun really want to wait too long for #2.
Ellysia, dont be too upset over the false labour. Wrt the > 4cm/6cm, I seem to remember it is too late if more than 4 cm. But I checked it out and it seems that it is not whether how dilated but how fast the medical staff can get to the mother and administer the epidural. There is an article appended below that might be useful:

"When is it too late to get an epidural?
There are a few instances where the medical staff may simply not be able to get pain medication to the mother in time before the baby comes. One example of this could be if the mother's labor progresses quickly after she has been at the hospital for some time and/or the anesthesiologist is occupied with another patient. Another situation might be if the mother's labor is fast from the start and she is close to pushing when she arrives.

If the mother's cervix is 8 cm or more when she arrives at the hospital and labor is progressing quickly, there simply may not be adequate time for the medical staff to admit her, draw blood, monitor the baby and get enough IV fluid in before she starts to push. On the other hand, if the mother has been admitted to the hospital and all of the pre-anesthesia work is finished and the anesthesiologist is available, she may in fact be able to get an epidural even late in labor. It actually has more to do with how quickly the staff can attend to the mother, rather than a certain number of centimeters dilated that prevents her from getting pain medication."
Yup squating do helps as it exercise our pelvic muscle to make it more... relax and not so tighten. I cant recall I read from which article about this and squating only advisable for those after 36weeks

Till date I still do housework lo. BO BIAN ma cos HB sometime aimai aimai. When expecting #1 he do everything but now nah nah. So I rather do myself. Also a good way to burn out too and build stamina.

Hm today my msn siao siao lo. Log in liao always hang too! sian..
Hi aprilmum,at last saw ur name here...i just msg feifei & ask her pain ornot when she induce she sae not pain when e pill insert only the part when they check the dillation...btw when is ur next check up?mine is 28/05 wed...
nss, dun worry too much. i was told i dilated since 5 weeks ago. Now when dr sees me, he laughs n says "wow, u still around@ so guess hard to say when bb pop.

Grace, ya i was told with epi no pain at all. me still considering whether or not to take.

ellysia, when bb engaged, would we be able to see face during scan. cos dr din say yest. only show bb face. so i assume not engaged?
Cynthia, glad the undescribeable pain is towards the pushing bb part
I will probably also opt for non-epidural. But like what cactus say, might also depend on situation.

initially i also dun know.. i heard some labouring stories about induce give birth, majority take more than 10 hours.. like my previous experience, even my water bag burst first at home, but still the nurse insert pill for me cos only open 1cm when i reached hosp.. kanna force by "induce".. anyway, my case not same as feifei lah... as my water bag burst first, so the contraction comes faster and dilated fast after on drip... at least, it takes shorter time in labouring.. but it still took, from 7pm to 8.30am the next morning!
cactus, ellysia,

yes, me got the same idea as you both too.. alwyas aim for natural, unless bo bian like feifei's case.


ya loh.. bb 3.3kg.. me in the same boat as feifei and jesslyn's bb.. a bit on the big size. So must see what gynae going to say next appt.


me here... i actually worry feifei.. she said.. opting 4pm csec.. now resting.. let's jia you for her!! pray hard, we can get smooth delivery.
ioio n ellysia, my colleagues told me she walk 7 storeys everyday throughout pregnancy but bb still overdue. But walking works for my cousin. She got impatient with waiting. Decided not to waster ML. Went shopping till leg ache n gave birth the next morning. so, i guesss its a case by case basis.
haha, cynthia, I can emphasize the housework part. Hb same pattern. But what to do? At least, I am trying to train my boy to pick up after himself. The hb to old to train liao ;)
Sigh... dunno how to cope with second one coming...
nss, I think what Ellysia and I were suggesting to you is normally mothers should request for epi at about 4cm to 5cm. but by the time it is given, mothers are normally about 6cm. epidural is not given if mothers at beyond 6cm in singapore (as far I know). 8cm definately cannot have epidural liao. cos too dangerous. confirm will cross the placenta to harm bb and too late to be administered to provide mother with adequate pain relief. On an average it takes about 45 minutes to call a doctor in for epidural, and another 10 to 20 minutes for epidural to take effect. If you factor this in, it is about another 1cm dilation from the time the mother requested for epidural.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="27aafd">cactus... hv u decide to book for admission liao?</font></font>
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude. I have the following items for exchange to NTUC/Cold Storage vouchers, cash or M size diapers (no house brand pls):

1. 1 tin (900g) of NAN 1 (brand new but opened). Expiry date 2009.

2. Huggies Ultra S Size 58 pieces (I have used 12 pieces but my baby can't fit anymore).

3. Drypers S Size 64 pieces (brand new)

Interested mummies, pls pm me. Thanks!
me back from housework, vaccum 3 bedrooms and mop 3 bedrooms and part of living room. whole body ache like old grandmother and at the same time got a colourless watery discharge.


it is recommended at TMC i tink around 4-6cm bec i heard tat anaesthetist need time to go to the pte hosp and they shared these anaesthetist as there is no in house ones.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="27aafd">hope all mummies who opt for natural w/o epi will succeed... will give you all my moral support... ;p "if u think u can.. u can" hee..

cactus.. no harm booking early... hee...

think i will have to repack my hospital bag again.. oh socks... i forgotten liao.. </font></font>
wah u damn strong..can do so much @ one go!!!
my toilet is darn dirty and my part time cleaner went back hometown wun be back in 2 wks time...guess i have to clear the shit myself ;p
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="27aafd">ellysia... i think mop when someone ard lah.. be careful when floor wet wet.. i think the new type of mop quite good as it wont be so wet after mooping..</font></font>

the exercise really depends on person.. but at least i heard tat the exercise helps with muscles on giving birth, as for whether it help to induce birth is still not known yet.

My hb suggest i go shopping at AMK hub since it is so near my house if anyting just rush back home to rest.


and i tot mine is big ored. so looks like still have room to consider then.

so u have to decide by next appt, which is 39 weeks??

Mine is the magicmop which is dry mopping.. dun worry i finish moping liao.

actually v long haven't vaccum, i tink got abt 1 year since i touch the vaccum cleaner. normally my hb does the cleaning housework.


Ya lor i do until whole body ache like old grandma bones u tink..

i tot since i do housework i can also bend down and it makes me do exercise.
ioio, I've been delaying the booking... haha!! Cos so far, my appointments with my doctor is on 1140am on weekdays. By the time finish appointment, about 1230pm like that. Then have lunch with hb. Finish lunch about 130pm. Then rush back to office by 2pm. I will sleep at home till about 9am before getting ready to go for appointment, so in the end, never do preadmission booking. but I'm delivering at SGH. not popular at all. so not worried. and I'm not too concerned with the bed configuration. I plan to go for 1 bedder but if all are occupied, I dun mind being in a 4 or 6 bedder for the time being until a bed space is found for me.

I just signed up with Cordlife. They are having a $300 discount now for registration fee. Saw their ad yesterday in ST so total should be $1,100 coz I thought their fee was $1400 leh. Just signed up 2 weeks back. You can PM me for details to be a referral so we can both enjoy $50 rebate.
Hi all,
its been so long since im here
glad to hear tat sum of u haf delivery liao
me too gg to deliver soooon. Although is my 2nd one but the fear is stil dere keke..

A good website on induction


Types of Home Inductions
Many women will swear by one or all of these natural ways to induce labour, however, not all women will go in to labour with any method of induction.

• Walking

• Sexual intercourse

• Orgasm with or without a partner

• Nipple stimulation

• Certain foods (i.e. spicy foods, oily salads)

• Bumpy car rides

• Strenuous activity

• Visualisation (using the power of thought and imagination)

• Castor oil
