(2008/05) May 2008

Good to read that you had a wonderful Tokyo trip.

Need to ask u, did u put Damien in the bassinet (can he fit in it)? Ou u just put him on ur lap?
He had no problem sleeping on the plane? Cuz i think ur flight was the midnight flight rite?
going for 3 days 2 nights.

thanks.. ya go bug your hb!

dun need to worry about speech, like what val said some kids are late bloomer. My #1 also like that, he started speaking properly when he is 3 years old and now he speaks english with an accents and even surprised me with his vocab that I have to check the dictionary to see what is the word he said. i still working hard on his chinese though =P
Thanks for the message, haha, I hope my boy will also bombard me with some vocab that I need to look up dictionary.
hi ladies,

Finally on my scan on sat, we are able to see baby and heard it heartbeat...phewz....i was so happy that we can finally see the baby lor...

my gynae say i am 8 weeks pregnant and EDD is 25th Nov. nw i am counting down to the end of my hateful MS.


recall that you are also pregnant rite? how was ur gynae check up and when are u due?
Diana, congrats !

Evie, you going in May right ? When you going ? I am going during last week of May.

For bassinet, our kids by now, length wise should not fit anymore, legs will be sticking out. Wt wise, SQ should have up to 14kg on A380. Other airline normally is abt 11kg.

SQ very strict, if seat belt sign on, you have to take out bb... very disturbing if your bb is light sleeper. plus got infant seat belt.

If flight is not full I think is better to ask for a empty row of seats.
Diana: Congrats...

take care ya,.. dun worry .. time passes very fast now.. u will be able to get through the irritating MS...!
Ya, a few people also tell me boys speak slower but are generally more mobile. So, I shall be more patience. Lately my boy had been saying some word which I cannot understand, this morning, it occur that was suppose to be "OK".

Congratulations! Take good care ok. You have just a few more weeks to go towards 2nd tri, jia you.
Congrats to you! Yup take care and look forward to second tri

I'm also going in end May, 24 May to 2nd June. So lets say if she cannot fit into bassiet, so we just let her sit between us issit? Just lift up the hand rest in the middle rite? Cuz I m not getting a seat for her, save $$ ah!
Evie, cool same time. You spending all the time in Tokyo ?

Ya.. I guess so, if can squeeze. if you want can still ask for bassinet and use bassinet to put barang barang... toys, food tray etc

If I remember correctly, some plane the front row - bassinet row, the seat handle cannot lift up, is a panel between the seat.

If flight empty enough, should be able to to get one whole row of seat. Me cross my fingers, else me n my stomach, a toddler n hubby in 2 seats ... cramp man !!
Yup all the time will be in Tokyo except for 1 day where I will take a day trip to Mt Fuji.

Aiya I already booked that bassiet row lei. Big sigh now as I din know the handrest cannot be lifted up for that row. Mayb i wil change seats.

Hey u preggers (sori as I din come to the thread for some time), can I ask a silly question - when pregnant can u still carry child no. 1? As in will the gynea advise u not to carry?
i didnt put Damien in the bassinet, just carry him on lap. We tried to put him in for our trip to HK last yr but his legs were alreasy sticking out n he is nt comfortable in there...and like wat loomi says, everytime the seatbelt sign is on, must take them out n its quite troublesome...esp when going thro turbulances...
He has no prob slpping on the plane. in fact he fell aslp even while plane is still taxi-ing and only woke up when plane landed =)

3d2n oso gd. so how many days u be spending at disney??

hahaha. i oso dun mind if Damien bombard me with chim chim words =P

gd to know everything is fine =) you must eat well n rest well ok =) jia you!
btw, i have another friend who is also due in nov =)

going back for holiday?

i took the Airbus and the front row panel cant be lifted. u just have to carry her on ur lap.
Evie, you expecting too ?? When EDD ?
Sorry for asking Keira is girl right ? Name sound very Japanese, I like !

I still carry even my boy 14kg, by gynae say better not, especially if you have spotting.
Val, yap going Japan for pay raise luck !! haha..
someone in my team also got a payraise after coming back from Japan !
Evie, one look at Keira, just make me wonder what's the kanji that can make up this name! Too bad.. me no luck to have a gal. but my next boy .. might have a "kei" in his jpn convert name
Hi mommies,
Want to check with those who are preg for 2nd time, do you feel #2 baby in utero is now more active and the movement is more vigorous than #1 ? Is that usual or is it just my this #2 baby very active?
diana, congrats!!! finally can see baby le... ya i'm due on 15th november now 10 weeks plus this saturday will be going for 2nd checkup. my checkups are once every 4 weeks so cannot see baby tat often
I also wish for increment...but hor i can only see my coglis hv increment nia...coz my company was making loss last yr and for their this year increment people like me whose pay is so call above average will nt hv increment lor....SIANZ
val- tats gd! aiyo u stil pumpin! i reali salute u! me so lazy to pump nw. jus latch her only but wil gv her botl at least once a day so she can get used to it. jus nw brot her for hep b jab n she grew 6cm in a mth! no wonder ppl commentin she looks so long nw. haha

diana- can fang xin nw tat u hear the heartbeat. hang in there! hope ur ms wil get beta soon.

peace- me too! my gal is super active lor!! tink also cos we 2nd time preg can feel the movements more this time round bah
hihi mummies,

so long neber "talk" to you all liao... too much happenings these 2 mths. i saw that there r more mummies expecting liao. congrats to peace, annabelle and diana... Did i miss any1 out?

congrats on yr newborn too! Did u find it hard to cope with two? For me yes! I din hav much time for my #2. Usually after milk,, i will put her to sleep. i din have extra energy or rather e time to play with her. As for my #1, he is still quite obendient but sometimes i found myself do not hav the usual patient towards him. Example, when he does not wan to sleep, i will not coax him, i just leave him alone on e bed.

Haiz... I wish for my maid to quickly come back from her home leave so that i can enjoy my two kids... Enjoy the joy of them physically and metally...
Hi Sugar and Ting,
My #2 seems more active, and I hope he is not difficult next time. Not sure if there is any co-relationship.

Hi Von,
I cannot imagine handling 2 kids by myself too. I will be hiring a domestic helper too. What criteria or profile, from your experience will make a better choice?
morning ladies.

ya...i agree with wats Ting says abt feeling #2 movements more coz i think u all had the exp frm the 1st one liao so cant easily feel it?? i look fwd to tat soon. ahahhaa.

hahaha. thanks thanks. i think i am nt determine in other areas but i am super determine when it comes to Damien =P

i am getting lazy oso la...if at hm, i will latch if i am lazy to pump...and sometimes at wk...i skip pump too =P

wah! 6cm in a mth! that is quite alot! how tall n heavy is she nw? must be u fed her well. hehehe. u had any full mth celebration for Avril mah?

*hug* hope things will go back to normal soon for u =)
von- my boy goes to cc in the day so i only need to take care of my gal. at nite either my mum or mil is ard to help when aldan is bk so stil alright. i dun tink i can handle both of them myself! hw's ur slpin arrangemt at nite? we all slp in the same room n whenever avril makes any noise i wil jump out of bed so that she doesnt wake aldan up. her timin super zhun one, every 3 hr cry for milk! but in the day she wans to be carried ard, put her dwn cry like wat. buey tahan! i cant do own stuff at all!

val- she is nw 57cm n 5kg. drinkin 90ml alrdy. aldan wasnt drinkin so much at this age! my mum calls her ah pui. haha.. her double chin v obvious nw.lol
wil u stil feel engorged if u dun pump? ur ss reali superb lor
yup full mth celeb last sun. i finally went out ytd for lunch. haha.. sure feels gd to step out of the hse again!
Need to ask those Mummies with boy, have you start potty training ? am i too late ?

what potty you buy for your son ? Do we train them pee pee standing or sitting down ? Stand up, distance far, can spray out right ? sit down potty too narrow, bird bird will shot up pee pee right ?

I got the ikea wan but so small.. dun think is suitable for boys, I tried using those cover which put over toilet bowl... have to hold his bird down to spray down .. then he stress cannot pee.
yes. Thanks! I'm ok. It wasn't so serious actually, jus grumble abit...keke..... Thanks for asking... U r so sweet! ;-)

domestic helper means? Helping with housework only or....? If only housework, i guess initative v impt ba. I like my maid when she does things all herself, dun need for me to go after her to do this or that. Keke...

we all sleep together too. Initally my boi will wake up whenever my gal cries. Now he so used to it that he is like my hubby... Thunder both of them also won't wake up... my gal coming to 2 mths end of this week and she is drinking 90ml too but she weighs only 4.3kg...whaha...

How much u can pump now? Me ard 120 to 160 very 4 hrs interval. But already start to switch to fb cos v tiring esp with 2 kids. Sometimes i wonder how e older generation women looks after their kids. They have like 8 to 10 kids somemore... Pei fu!
post some updated pics of ur gal le. hehehe. no la. i dun feel engorged. sometimes i v lazy to pump then i skipped lo =P nowadays i try to bring out 1 fm feed when we are out...then when he wans milk will make him drink fm =P

the potty i got was frm ikea too and my boy treats it as a toy more than using it to pee n poo...haiz...

anyway, when he stands up peeing.....dun shoot tt far off le...i think the idea for them now is pee into the toilet bowl...accurate aiming or nt can improve as they grow older???

Daryl is trained by his nanny de. She used those old type of potty and train him to sit and pee lor. Like you my home potty too short, so end up using the cover and let him sit on toilet bowl to pee. but my mum say boy shld stand and pee, so she got us a small container to let him stand and pee in lor.


glad to know tat you are fine. look on the bright side ok.
loomi- u r not late. i hvnt potty train my boy too!

von- haha! my boy also more or less used to meimei's cries nw. last time abit of sound, he wil wake up. ur boy slp thru or wil stil wake up for milk?
my gal only 5 wks n alrdy drinkin 100ml! scary rite! i only pump once a day nw, the rest all latch. abt 90-120ml every 3hrs. i wil gv fm for last feed cos dun wan her to get too used to bm n reject fm nxt time.
hv u tried bringin both kids out alrdy? i did tat last wkend n ma chiam gg war cos so many things to bring. haha.. n i kept worryin i missed out anything anot

val- my gal reali pui rite. hahaha
morning ladies.

the cc nv try to potty train Aldan mah?

hahaha. She is chubby nt pui la and its a gd thing coz easier to handle her wo =P
Val, ting, Sugar,
My #2's movement in tummy is more vigorous and violent. I don't recall the movement was this big for #1. Whenever he moves so much, I wonder if he is happy or aggitated or there is no special meaning. keke.

I also have not toilet train or potty train my boy. Even now, when he pooed or the diaper is too heavy, he also doesn't seem to care, he will still continue to play. Once, I let him stand infront of the toilet bowl, and get him to pee, he stood there and laugh, as if so amuzing. So I gave up.
That day i saw your girl, wow really can't imagine the day that i need to handle 2 kids.

I am very tired now. Tummy keep stretch and expand lor.
val- haha.. true lah but beta nt too pui. gals petite size beta mah. hehe
they said wil potty train him but hvnt..n recently the staff turnover rates v high. v sad tat his class gd teachers all left liao

peace- haha i rem a few times my gal kicked me so hard n i went ouch so loudly tat my male coli gt a shock n tot i gona gv birth liao. lol

corynn- ur mum wil be helpin u rite? rest as much as u can nw b4 u pop! i missed the slpin thru days. sighz.. nw everyday interrupted slp!
Hi ladies,

I am still in this hateful trim 1.....hoping tat it passes faster....i feel so terrible after lunch juz nw....boo woo woo
Happy Birthday to Rayden, Tim and Aldan!!

May you boys grow up to be fine young men and do your parents proud in watever you do =)
My boi can sleep thr out the whole night so i only need to concentrate on my gal nw... wow... u can pump quite a lot now... yester i leave my gal and boi with my mil and i actually go casino with my mum, sister and hubby. Almost 12 hrs never pump and engorge till i super no mood to play... Keep asking them to leave and think they find me super "fan"! Haiz...

Me only left 1.5 mths of maternity leave so thinking of switching to total fm soon. Now my alternate feeds will be fm.

I have not tried wor... At most only bring both of them go back my mum's place... i got brought an extra of everything and leave them at my mum's place so not so bad! Keke....
good morning mummies, sorry to interupt. I'm a 2008 mummy and i have a gently used Little Tikes Wide Tracker walker to sell that is excellent when ur child is learning to take his first steps.

Thanks for reading!

Product Description
Used only indoors. Condition is 9/10.

Collection at Bedok, Alexandra. Can provide free delivery if needed.

Asking for S$30. Retailing brand new ard S$50.

The Wide Tracker Activity Walker provides a special delivery of fun. It has a wide handle and stable base which make it easy to walk behind. The textured wheels with speed adjustments help prevent slips and tumbles. It folds for floor play for a younger baby, and then opens into a walker when the child grows. The walker has lots of stimulating skill activities including a spinner, a sliding bee, a clicking caterpillar and butterfly. The three "letters" drop into the mail slot or store behind the two flip down doors.

Measures approximately 15.85" x 18" x 17."
von- ur ss nt bad too mah, y wana stop bf so soon. i intend to cont pump when start wrk. tink my gal loved to latch more thn the botl. aft givin her the fm at nite, she wil cry 1 hr later n mouth kept opening like searchin for the nipple!
my gal loved goin out alot! haha... as long as got ppl carryin or sit in stroller, car seat, gt movement, she happy liao. so far brot her out on few occasions liao
Good morning ladies.

2molo will be my gynae appt...so excited to be able to see my bb again....heehee

btw, can ask if there are anything we need to look out for if we are looking for CC for our child? Was thinking of putting Daryl to CC next year so his nanny can take care of no. 2.
hello all, finally made my boy's second birthday cake.

sorry about the piping, definitely not very good at that. haha.. need more practice but no time. lol.. did the cake till 4am.

Thomas Cake and cupcakes

Cake: Dark Chocolate cake with raspberry ganache as filling
Decorations: Mousseline Buttercream
All using thomas toppers cos no time to make anything more personal.

Thomas Agar Agar: very tedious so didn't manage separate the colours. but luckily didn't turn out that bad.

Matthias and his PG mates
