(2008/05) May 2008

i goin in the first thurs of nov. till 14 nov. =) u neh??

yep, confirmed not goin puroland le... but i will miss the sanrio stuffs.... now more wonderin if to take the sunrise tour for hakone or explore ourselves... 16k for the tour, 8k if goin on own... can advise? will hakone easy to navigate on our own?

although i dun mind bringin xuan to the changin room with me. but i think she will cry if she got nothin to "explore" while inside the cubicle only. =p

hubby dun snack, if i buy, then hv to stuff alone, i also cant finish... throw away, i feel sayang, will die die stuff in my throat... so dun buy is better... =(

hvin a child seat is gd only if our kid can guai guai sit inside throughout the flight.. only worried, is that kid refuse to sit alone there... in the end, still need to carry!! then v chiam liao... =p

wow,, the screen shot of the firework over the castle, v nice leh!! but hor, hubby's colleague says the tokyo disney not everytime got firework leh.... so sad.... hopefully the dates i goin, will have!! =)

also, for ur info when u plan for ur trip.. ueno zoo end at 1700.. the market ard, accordin to internet info, shops closes ard 1900... so 2hrs only may not be sufficient. in the end,, my zoo trip, i b endin earlier so that can hv enuf time to go shop at the market... duno if the zoo allows to come out in the middle, then go back in or not... then i can take the time when xuan is slpin to come out to the market. then go back to the zoo for her to c when she wake up?? if not,, cannot full day at the zoo liao....
Hi Ladies, I am new to the forum. I am thinking of enrolling my daughter Sophie (17 months soon) in childcare beginning next year. Any recommendations near town or Serangoon area? I am looking at both ares because my parents live in the former and me the latter. Does anyone recommend the following:

1) Pat Schoolhouse (Halifax Road)
2) Learning Vision (KK Hospital)
3) Learning Kidz (Serangoon Central)

Thanks in advance for any good advice
hows ur boy nw? any better?

hahaha. then too bad la. looks like u can save quite alot in jap coz u very thifty le (unlike me). i think whether the child can guai guai sit there (dun even think of throughout but mayb an hr or 2. once a while need to let them walk abt also) also depends on whether there is anything to attract their attention and keep them entertained nt lo but also true that in the event if the kid only wans to be carried then waste the child seat.
i was checking out the SQ, 2 adults + 1 infant cost me $2164 -_-''' hopefully they will have promo for tokyo soon...
hmm..mayb u check the disneyland website in jap and see if there is any schedule for the fireworks?
oh. okok. thx for the info =) so far my exp at sg zoo is i spent full day there! hahahaha

welcome =) which date was ur gal born?
i have heard relatively gd reviews on Pat schhse and learning vision. have u visited the sch personally?
Thanks Val. Sophie was born May 27. I have not visted the schools personally. Plan to go and visit soon. I met a Pat Schoolhouse teacher once when we were travelling on the train and she was lovely. Genuinely interested in kids. So impressed.
Thank for all your concern, my boi still have fever, been 3 days of hoovering around 38+c. Sun 5am went up to 39.5c, we brought him to KK A&E. PD suspect he might be getting the fake measle thingy, Roseola. Still waiting for the rashes to come out leh .. Scare.. If not rashes.. Fever too long might be other problem.. Sighz.

Jo, I also see your blog. My hubby usually do real life teaching, when we go supermkt, hubby will go round the veg section, point all the veg n fruits and keep repeating the name to him.

Alice, after 2 GP and KK A&E, I realised all the medicine they give is the exactly same. I can also be Dr like that !! Haha..

Poky, 16k is for 1 pax for go Hakone huh from sunrise ? I did thought it was expensive but thought maybe is for 2 pax. Going by Odakyu 1 day pass to Hokone is very easy. You just take the train from Shinjuku to Hakone, from there you just follow the trail, take tram, cable car, ropeway, boat then bus... And climb one mountain to see the black eggs. Won't get lost wan, just follow the crowd, but you need to go very early cos take about 2 hrs to reach Hakone from Shinjuku. Just saw the Sunrise package is with bullet train and going to 5th station on mt fuji. And 1 lunch right ? That's why more exp.

Ueno zoo used to be worth going cos of the Panda bear, but that Panda bear died a few mths ago, if I am not wrong, no replacement yet .. So no more special attraction there liaoz, Spore zoo better anytime ! You can spend your time at Ueno Ameyoko Market ! Or Ueno park to see red leaves. Kappabashi is 1 station away, Akihabara and Senjoji all within 3 stations around Ueno .. Sure can spend 1 full day around all these places.
ya boy....hopefully value will appreciate after the economic crisis... today 4 days after MMR & chicken pox combined vaccine, thank God my boi is ok so far..

think we use the same doctor. since day 1 i always bring my boi to Dr Ong EK at TMC for his vaccinations etc. He is good..twice i bought my boi to a pd at amk central when he was down with flu & fever..took their medicine for 2/3 days also no improvement and got worse for once...luckily my hubby suggested to bring to him to Doctor Ong for 2nd opinion..my boi was then diagnoised with wheezing and needed the nubelizer...haiz...i felt so guilty then..let my boi suffered for 2 days for nothing. that's why we dun bring him to any other doctors after that incident.

my boi had the fake measle (mild HFM) when he was just 8 months old...high fever, uclers in the mouth and rashes on his whole body (appeared only like 3/4 days...so ke lian to even look at him that time)...try boiling some "cooling" soups and barley waters for your boy..should help to rid the heatness.
one suggestion before u decide on which childcare centre to enrol your gal: try to go down to the centre with your gal and let her see see look look at the environment while you assess whether you like the way things are handle at the centre. better still if you can catch hold of some of the parents picking/dropping at the centre and chat with them to find out whether they like/have any concerns re. the centre. most centre allows new kids on the board to have trial run for 2 weeks before you confirm with them on the enrolment.
happy searching!
the things v ex le...which is the model u wan? mayb wait for toyrus sales?? end yr coming...sure got big sales coming..
no lah, i am not gg to get from this bp, i am gg to check out with KP on the one that i saw, and much stylo and cheaper. The design is like sport car, but need to self pedal ... hahaha
didnt manage to find the car yest aft the class? i went to occasion yest (rem i told u the shops that sell dresses for occasions such as DnD and ROM?) well...its nthing great...dun waste ur time to go n see...
the promo i took was juz over, so dun think SIA so fast got another la. but if u goin nxt may, mayb by then they will hv another promo le. =)

i try to b thrifty la.... but sadly, not all the times is sucessfull.. but hey, the tots counts rite?? hahah

same... sg zoo, we also spend the whole day till closin time. so tot to do the same at ueno also.. but the the timmin of closin of zoo n the shops nearby r too close liao... then we also dun hv enuf time to spend two days there, so hv to cut short the zoo trip lor....

my gal also had the fake measles quite some time back... started with a couple of dots for a couple of days.. then overnight sudddenly start "blooming like nobody business"... but think the episode ended in abt a wk.. cant b sure.. cos too long ago... =p

yep. 16k is with bullet train, but one direction. if round trip is 18k. 5th station is only for 18k. but hor the 1way is only when goin back to tokyo. v funny leh... dark dark then take bullet train, c wat?? really juz to enjoy the "smoothness n speed" ah?? wake up so early to cover the 2hrs journey, then come back so early by bullet to c the dark... i rather the other way round, then can c the view while travellin on the bullet, then comin back later make not much impact as my gal can juz start her slp while she in the carrier durin the train rides back...

the video on the website showin the trip, the lunch also dosent look appetising to us...

but my concern is that this the first trip to jap, alrdy not sure of the transport system there, so worried go hakone, end up duno where!! hahah but since u mention that the trail is v common n easy... then i think i proceed to go on own le.... =p

yea, the panda at the zoo passed away liao.. reports say china will "lend" lor.. but nv state when... so.. ahemm.... wait long long lor.... but my main motive was not the panda... my gal loves animals, so juz bring her there to c animals.. hopefully their kid corner r even closer proximity?? kekek
new schedule frm my hubby abt the jap trip is in mar... duno if we are too early to catch the blooming of sakura nt....

anyway, the ueno zoo...a friend went this yr may...she said nt bad. the kids just to get up close with the animals and feed them...but variety i duno sg zoo more or ueno more le.

the fireworks at the disney is everyday le..my colleague was there last yr and he mentioned its everyday..unless raining. waiting for my colleague in jap to advise me also...
loomi, you are back.. hohoho.. i'm sure u will miss japan badly..
how long u stayed in japan? hope aloysius is well already. u take care too..

re: tokyo
everyone is talking about it. and today, hubby's boss asked him if he can make it there last week of dec and first week of jan. hubby said maybe matthias n i can go also.. but also means HK trip have to delay a week or 2 weeks later. 2 trips in a month, very siong.. but see how la.. but if go tokyo, no need to go HK disneyland liao.. keke..

is the 16th nov gathering in polliwog still on??

val, trip bought forward to mar ar? hehe.. good la.. can try for a baby.. lol.. my AF not yet report cos should be early next month. hopefully won't report lo.. kekeke..

poky, think i don't need the ovulation strips now le, cos think ovulation over. lol.. haiz.. hopefully got hope this month..

dolly, see the link u posted for little tikes. they have alot of things.. but discount really like not that great..
true lo. u go Jap disneyland can forget abt going HK's one le coz the former is bigger lo. Wldnt feel shiok going big one then small one le.

ya. trip brought fwd abit coz my hubby going overseas in mid feb and coming back mid mar so he got time off to spare for a trip. but i think end mar still early for sakura. sobsob.

no way am i trying for a baby in mar 2010! its still tiger yr lo... i dun wan tiger baby...unless accident then LL. hahaha.

hehehe. still got hope so long as dun report yet. will pray that u will strike "4D" or "toto". ahahhaa.
hahaa...cheri..u may be the next "lucky winner" ...

val...why tiger cannot try? can lar...

Alice.... Rachel is so lovely..hehee..love her hair tied up so nicely! one word to describe "SUI"

hahaaa... love her burberrys (opps..how to spell?) dress ytd... nice nice!
will try in mid 2010 (tiger yr la) but i dun really wan to have a tiger baby. individual preference la. hehehe.

so when u wanna try for #2? hehehe
was looking thro ur blog and rachel is so cute brushing herself with ur brusher blush hahahaa. i cant imagine if Damien does that, i think hubby n me will faint. hehehe.
Val ,

ahhaah ya ya Rachel is such a darling .....!!!

Last nite Jorel impress me last nite ...Hooray he never waste my effort from reading to him .

Jorel got this favourite book which he like me to read it to him with various words .
Like pictures with baby , ball, bed , shoes,socks and many other words . Last nite before he KO was asking him show Mummy where is ball , bed , shoes , sock ...and he point it to me ....firstly was thinking maybe he anyhow point ...just qiao qiao he point the correct one . And i do again again he point the correct one ......Hooray so it works when reading to them daily ....!!!!
Cheri, thanks. If you spent New year in Japan, is a different feeling, Tokyo will be like a ghost town on 1st and 2nd Jan… all stores/restuarant will be close even big shopping mall, but all the shrine will be super pack. Then on 3rd Jan there will be sale everywhere. super cold wor!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Christmas Party For Our MAY Toddlers

Date : 19 December 09 / Saturday
**Please mark your calendar***
Venue :TBA

1. Jo / Eric / Jorel
2. Val / Hubby/ Damien
3. dolly/ Hubby/ Rayden
4. Choc / Hubby/ Raphael
5. ting/ hubby/ aldan
6. Buttercup/Hubby/Randall
7. Yanling/Hubby/Darren
8. Jer/Keon/Kiern
9. Alice/Hubby/Rachel
10. Diana/Hubby/Daryl
11. Jovial/Hubby/ Lucas/ clarissa
12. Linda/Hubby/Benjamin
13. Cheri/Hubby/Matthias
14. Annabelle/Hubby/Eudora
15. Corynn/Hubby/ Shaine</font></font>
Linda ,

But one thing for sure Dr Ong always need to wait very long and if no appointment heard need to wait for 2hours at least .

there is once , my boy got high fever but called the nurse she refer me to their another clinic @ AMK . But in the end , I brought him to the nearby family clinic which Adnes one of the may 1s mummy , he is oki with the medicine and then on i have been visiting her for flu and cough .

As for vaccines i still see Dr Ong , I like him becouse he is very fast and quick while taking jab. But now my boy knows liao if we starting to pull down his pants he know injection time he will cry first ...:p
ya la. dun belittle them ho, they actually know lo. like when we go out or even just bring him hm, along the corridoor will teach him plants, colors of the flowers, bicycle, shoes racks, all these..then 1 fine day when i asked Damien to point to me he also pointed correctly everytime.

hey, so u manage to buy wat u looking for?
Wah! everybody talking about holiday liao. I still haven't decide where to go.

I read from newspaper, it's better to book the next year trip now b'cos the price will be up at least 20% for next year.
It's true for dun be little to them. Yesterday i brought Shaine to the market, she point to lots of different type vege that i teach him from flash card.
Val ,

Nope ...bought some pigeon cookies to bring along for the trip .

I will try at KP tonite at Yishun...thank alot .

Ya...but Jorel see train he will said bus bus hahaha ...to him long vehicle is bus hahaha :p
hw u feeling lately?

ya, i suppose so prices will go up with the recovery of the economics ba.

that is why i quickly ask hubby to commit the dates first so if i see any promo then can quickly grab. hahaha.
ya lo. actually those little pointing here n there we do actually means alot to the kids lo.

hahaha. coz bus big big. Damien can point differently to bus n train. nw trying to teach him truck. his fav of coz is car. hahaha.
I now very difficult to concentrate on work. Hard to focus ler. Also very miserable when come to meal time. Everything appear to me, don't hv good appetide.

Actually i still can't believe it ler. That's why still a lot of ppl around me dont' know yet.
I saw from newspaper, the Europe trip have good promo. Depart on next year March. Original price is $3.3K, now promo $2.7K. My parents want to book for that.
feeling tired easily so hard to concentrate?

when is ur next appointment? mayb when u see the heartbeats reality will kicks in le. dun ponder too much, just take gd care of urself.

ya. my hubby received a promo frm Citibank or duno which bank. Europe trip only $2K+ per pax..but he arent as interested in europe as compared to jap...coz he says europe all the buildings look the same to him -_-'''
I saw the heartbeat 2 weeks ago. That time we nearly mistaken is twin ler. Haha. My mum heard about it want to faint liao.
gd tat u can see the heartbeats le. hehehe. twins! if given me i will be v happy. ahhaha.

anyway, i believe sooner or later u will come to terms with it le =)
linda, good good hope he'll be well all e way
think diana's daryl is also ok after e jab dun worry too much.

ladies, any of your babies very sticky lately? my gal kept wanting only me to carry and dun want hb to carry. even at home wants me to carry dun wana walk by herself if i jus walk away and ask her to follow me she'll scream &amp; cry until i turn back to carry her. hmmm hope this doesn't last i'm very tired already haahaa...

corynn, congrats on hearing baby's heartbeat! isit twins? wow!
Hi Loomi

My ger also fever since sat... went up to 39.8 on sun 3am... then stays within 38++ till now. I went PD this morning and likely is viral infection. I am very tired also as she jus dosen want to take her medication. Had tried everything and even force but ended up she will vomit everything. She jus zzz but dint take medication at all... i am also v loss and upset.
sayang Megan !
have you try mixing the medicine into her milk and feed her ? if nt, maybe yogurt or something that she like and will finish ?

think after the stomach flu virus, now it is turn for fever virus. Yeah, if can, try boiling some cool drink for ur boy, like barley water, it does help.

no, i have not check out the KP at marina sq. Wondering if they got stock there, hopefully to get it as his 18mth present.

relax relax and enjoy the preggie stage !
haha... so funni. U go first then come bk on the 14th, then think Choc going that week after u... then after choc come bk is my turn on the 21st to 26th... why the timing so perfect! One after another =)

another way of distracting them to guai guai sit at the seat is show them the cartoon channel haha. Hard to walk ard cos' the stewardess will serve meal and moreover quite bumpy due to turbulance &amp; can be quite dangerous walking ard, will fall and knock their head of the side seat. Bring his fav toy to keep him busy! Or colour pencil with drawing board for them to scribble haha. We mummies can come out with lots of ideas hor.

oh no... hope yr ah boi recover soonest. Get lots of rest yrself too ya. So now who is taking care of him? ya the medicine r more or less similar, so for common sickness like diarrhoea i will give my own medication bought from Pharmacy :>

thanks! haha... i juz realised have to tie up her hair very often liao, cos' Sg lately too hot and she is sweating like a cow!! I noticed Raphael changed a little to the more "Manly" look ler hehe.

wah so tempting on that Little Tikes BP. Wanna get all of them if possible haha *dreaming only* I like the princess bed lei... I noticed Rayden changed his look too... beside looking more manly he still hv that shy look when i talk to him =)

haha... somex buay tahan her lor. Nowadays, like to flw what i do and say -___-" Juz to other day, she was so naughti i hit her thigh and she look at me at said "Pain pain" and want me to sayang her back! She dunno i hit her is to punished her lei *faint*
haha, damien u must show him what yr hb do... eg. like carry weight etc =)

Yeah... that's why reading to them do play an important part! Their age now is realli fun, the way they learn things are like bullet train and their brain is like a huge sponge ahaha.

somex when least expected things happen is hard to believe. But dun worry too much and enjoy every single bit of the preggie stage ya! take good care of yrself.... and drink more milk hehe.

*sayang Megan* another bb down with fever. Think the viral fever virus are spreading ard ler. Hiaz, realli wish our environmemt is germ-free! oh remember to use my method on feeding the medicine and see whether it works ya.
So.... ladies, we will meet at Polliwogs around 2pm and if u wanna have lunch there can come earlier, cos' there are subway and burgerking and can tabao and eat inside polliwogs ya.

The rest of the ladies, Please feel free to join us even though is last min keke!

Venue: Polliwogs @ East Coast (Next to BurgerKing and Waraku Jap Restaurant)
Date: 16th November (Monday)
Time: 2pm

1. Alice
2. Angela
3. Dolly23
4. Jo
5. Val
6. Jer
7. mona (will go if hubby not in town)
Angela, is Megan eating any fav snack etc ? Can try to drip the medicine on biscuit etc ? I thought the medicine sweet sweet wan, kids will like. My boi will be jumping in joy when he see medicine leh.. He confirm fake mealses, last night all the red spot pop up on his face, fever is over now.

Alice, now my parents and MIL, 3 grandparents total 200 over years old looking after a 1.5 yrs old !

Corynn, congrats.
Hi Dolly, ALice, Loomi

I tried on Milk but failed. Even i give her favorite sweet she dun want also... Even ice cream... i hv to force le if not no choice. so tired!
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Christmas Party For Our MAY Toddlers

Date : 19 December 09 / Saturday
**Please mark your calendar***
Venue :TBA

1. Jo / Eric / Jorel
2. Val / Hubby/ Damien
3. dolly/ Hubby/ Rayden
4. Choc / Hubby/ Raphael
5. ting/ hubby/ aldan
6. Buttercup/Hubby/Randall
7. Yanling/Hubby/Darren
8. Jer/Keon/Kiern
9. Alice/Hubby/Rachel
10. Diana/Hubby/Daryl
11. Jovial/Hubby/ Lucas/ clarissa
12. Linda/Hubby/Benjamin
13. Cheri/Hubby/Matthias
14. Annabelle/Hubby/Eudora
15. Corynn/Hubby/ Shaine</font></font>
Hi Dolly, ALice, Loomi

I tried on Milk but failed. Even i give her favorite sweet she dun want also... Even ice cream... i hv to force le if not no choice. so tired!
Hope Megan gets well soon. Flying off on 3rd Nov rite? Mayb u trick Megan. Before u give her the bottle of milk she will open her mouth rite? You need to be v fast coz the instant she open her mouth u just pop the syringe and insert the med, she will have no time to react. But must be really fast.

call them up to check ba. Weekdays nt so busy.

i let Damien and hubby walk (or rather 1 walk 1 run) up and dwn before the air stewardess serve meals lo. Then aft tt give him coloring book n crayons. + the rest of the time he slpping so nt so bad! hehehee. Just that the jap trip is going to be a longer trip...think i need to find more things to entertain him...oh ya. i brought my laptop and the vcds up the flight too. hahaha. =P
hahahaha. Rachel is cute lo. hey, kids imitating us is a gd thing! meaning they are learning. hahaha. however, nt all things can follow la. hehehe.
tell me abt it! we have a pair of weights at hm...and damien go n play with it lo! we got the shock of our life when we heard the thud sound! so worried will hit his feet or wheresoever! he just so gd at digging things. coz the weights are in the cupboard and we use cloth to hide it but he still manage to find...
and yest nite he gave the 2 of us a gd laff. He has 1 thomas n train which he loves v much...but coz its v noisy so hubby kept it. So i asked hubby where it is. Hubby says dun say, later damien go find. so i told him nvm la. So he said under pillow. who knows immediately damien went to the pillow n started looking underneath it. hubby and me looked at 1 another n burst out laffing. hehehe. we didnt expect him to know the word "under" must less its meaning. well, looks like we kids are growing leaps n bounds. =)
Re: polliwogs
i probably be following damien ard than sitting lo.

hope ur boy get well soon too.
