(2008/05) May 2008


I bought the LF when Justen is below 1yr old he don't really appreciate it until recently, he is 3yr old now... Maybe he is a bit slow but all the while he enjoy book reading session.

it is a high and low chair, can be a rocker as well. i try to find the model later. no disc for nursery huh? then what is worth buying?
I bought the LF as well, like what Poko said, they dunno how to appreciate at this moment. But i just bought the new booklet "baby's first words", can start introduce them bsic words, haven try, dunno he will like it. I like it cos it very interesting, got music, quiz and story.

this is raphael latest photo! hehee
I have the LF as well. My girl only want to play with it now (she's 3 this year). Hope my boy will like it. Think I'll go back and try it on him tonight.
Raphael so cute. He looks a bit serious. What is he looking at?

27 Oct is Deepavali day, shall we plan a gathering?
the leggings looked so comforty ...

oh yes, please arrange for a gathering or outing. i was just telling Choc, i need to clear all my balance maternity leaves by this month, a total of 9 days ... sianz lor, dun know what to do, and not going for any trip.

Ilyse isn't even receptive towards relatives which she sees every week. Haiz.
She seems very very particular with place also.

I really dunno how when we move to Braddell (for 1 month) this Sat. Then later to our new place. I think she is gonna have some tough time fitting in. Also there might be some change that I might put her in Infant care as my MIL is having a hard time finding another maid.


That's a wonderful picture of him!
oh..tt legging from the bp i buy one..japan brand... exp but comfy lor...

he looking at me lor

hehee..and maybe sun abit big..he stress
poky ,

Ya ...my hubby seen it he like his style !!

But hopefully he will able to give more discount since now we have 20 mummies on the list now hee hee
evie, i also got e LF for my gal... started to let her listen and read to her e one bear in e bedroom story which comes with e system. so far she likes cause got sounds and someone reading... but each session cannot be too long she gets impatient after awhile. in my opinion its a good buy even hubby likes it
How old is your boy now? so amazing..he can sit already..maybe i too protective over my boy, still treat him like a little baby....heee.... =D
the 2 weeks before i returned to work & my boy was with the infantcare, i've enjoyed myself being alone reading newspaper & mag with hot kopi every morning after sending him to infantcare...quite shiok feeling although i miss him very much. agreed with u that SAHM should have some free time to refresh themselves...sending your baby to infantcare for a few hours per day maybe a very good choice..baby can improve his social skill too! cheers!! ;P
u daring leh...only support him with 1 hand...me usually place my boy on my laps with his back resting on me....i scare injure him leh....

my boy still got 10 days before turning 5 mths old...erhh...u start your boy with solid already? me haven't cos PD say must KIV till 6 month old...me very tempted to start my boy with solid next week or 2...
i havent start on solid yet leh...stilll waiting..
i going to PD this sat..give jab and ask doc c can start bo..i tink shld be able to start liao lor

u see the picture more closely..not me holding baby leh..i am the one taking pictures..hehee
i also dare not..scared he injured or wat...
so fierce look leh... wan to fight with me tt pattern lor..coz i disturb him from sleep..changing him so tt can go gai gai mah
Hi Mommies,
some of the studios hv replied

1. Sean Lau Baby Photography
Mis-interpretion of discount. Some changes in the pricing. Their pricin is made out of 2 different component. Photographer service ($100 - Wkday & $150 - Wkend) + Photo Pkg ($138). Their 1 for 1 offer is only for the Photo Pkg ($138/2=$69) alone. Thus the calculation shld b $169 (100+69) for wkdays and $219 (150+69) for wkends. Pkg includes the following:
a. A video montage created specially for your baby
b. 06 pictures on 5" x 7"
c. 01 8" x 12" reprint with exquisite framing
d. 10 wallet size reprints
e. Selected pictures on DVD (High resolution)

*Additional of pax is at $35/per head.
*No additional of photos given. Only if u purchase at least 10 additional pic at $35/ec, they will provide all photo softcopies to u.
*Only a maximum of 8 slots. can b lesser but not more.
*No offer for any pkg for "BP" at even with 20 mommies packages as bargaining...... =(

2. 2nd studio (MOQ: 15 Mommies) - Details cant disclose here

Photographer requested me not to discuss the pkg he givin me in the thread is very special pricing. Those who r interested stil, email or pm me. Wil disclose via email instead. The pricin is really v attractive. even better than Yew Kwang website stated offer. =)
1. Poky

3. Yew Kwang Studio
His contact number stated in website, no longer in use. =( hv emailed him in the mornin. Hv not received from him til now. Wil update if he reply.

pls note tat i only able to ck my yahoo acc at night after i reach home.... so bear with me for the late response....
Forgot, i hv the file with mommies email add in my portable drive, able to send the details first to those in the list. so alt, can list ur interest here, wil email u thru my office acc instead. =p
hi hi ladies.. ...

long time i din login, thread run so fast..
here is my gal latest picture
she wear leg warmer, but i dunno which side is correct.. haha left leg or right leg ?
s harnee,
sorry, dun hv ur email in my previous collated list. If u hv pm me, wil reply u tonight. =)

Yanling, Poko, Jorel
Hv emailed. =)
i hv uploaded the photos that the photographer had taken for my gal at 8 days old in my blog. For reference.
i missed out ur previous post.
ya, hopefully he is going to sprout soon lo, i heard from ppl that boys infancy to childhood growth will be slower than gals..

yes, yes... looking fwd to have my hot kopi and reading newspaper every morning! Where u send ur bb? Nowadays the infant care made me worried...

Rapheal look smart in his jeans jacket!cool! but 2nd one machiam u scolded him when u change him?
Yew Kwang hv not replied yet, so i dun hv it. Wil email u when i received from him. ok?

Mine shots r foc, so the type of shots r decided by him, not that i hv any preference. =p He chose the "artistic" look for my gal. He also got the normal color pic in his blog. =)

sent to u liao. =)
