(2008/05) May 2008


Yah lor. I also notice alot of R names. heehee

Hopefully it turns out well. I know my current boss will be angry at me but hopefully he will understand why I am doing this. Cos current boss is an ex-boss and friend. He will probably be shock but I told myself...this is my last try to move. If not, I rather take a stable job even lower pay i dun care. Just spend more time with family. Hopefully the ex-co will groom and accept me back. I know the HR doesn't like me. But i know the ex-boss she is welcoming back..let's see how big is her influence. Let's pray.
Possible that the blockage is due to increase in ss. When i have increase in ss i will kenah blockage. Especially when my baby going thru growth spurts where he latches 2 hourly at night! Gotta take time to clear the clogs completely.

If i'm you and if i can afford the pay cut, I will take on the admin job at the center so i can be near my child. Mundane job? haha, maybe not with so many kids around!
Hi ant
Montessori is a good school, if u decided to put ur bb from infant care all the way up to K2 at the same ctr, i think is good u may consider becos Montessori is a good school and personally i think the method they adopt is very good for the children to learn. Some children i've seen from Montessori school, they are very independent. Since u said they hv vancancy for an admin position, u may give a try. If u get a job there, you wont miss ur bb and can see bb during ur lunch time and touchwood!! if bb not feeling well u can pick him up straight away. If under the same company, is much easier for you to take leave too for emergency cases.
thks gals for ur opinions! my hb also strongly encouraged me to go for it. thou my boy wil be nearby only but the tot of lettin sm one else take care of him worries me. n also cos he's nt a easy bb to take care! the caregivers there wil prob let him cry to slp thn carry him all the time. the tot of tat makes me xin tong. haiz...
Hi ant
I've come across one Montessori School near my house. The teachers there are very helpful and caring. By the way, the montessori school at AMK is franchise? I've learned from the Montessori School near my hse that some school are franchise and they only adopt few methods from Montessori.

Haha, I think I wanna bring. Tempted leh. Haha, we very bad, always tempted each other. I think I'll go for the Peter Pan Studio one first. Then 1 yr old go to the one u bot your boy.

Heh, I bad hor. No choice lah, at home only she entertain me. So silly stuff she did become such amusement. Haha... Not only tt, she nowadays can pull her blanket liao. Then she pull the blanket over her face and then starting screaming cos she cannot see anything. LOL... Babies are so so silly...

I wanna be SAHM for awhile lah. But I think it over liao. The longest I'll stay home is 1.5 yrs. Once 18 mth, Erica is off to childcare. And I think by then I'll be a mountain turtle in the society liao...

Wah, so late still in the office. Poor thing. U try to hurry your colleagues next time lah, else work so late very tiring one leh.

We meeting on Tue liao. Hopefully your boy is ok then you can join us?

Change to Tue liao. Join us ok?

Looking forward to see you. Hehe...

I also missed my financial freedom and the freedom with having to worry abt baby. Your MIL wanna look after your gal issit? Or she is worried for your hubby not earning enough. If your hubby is ok with you being a SAHM, just ignore the rest of the comments loh. My hubby is ok with me staying home but the pressure on my side is from my MIL, own mum cos she felt that since I paid so much for a degree, staying at home is like a waste of time. But I don't want that woman(MIL) to touch my baby now after she's been creating so much drama. I can't imagine more to come once baby is under her care.

You be able to join us next Tue? Hope to see ya~

The face shape looks like you also. But eyes abit smaller. So hopefully Weijun eyes really open up.

Me so envious. Erica only the eyes look like me. I find her nose n mouth very big and ugly. Haiz. But still have to accept it cos no choice, from my tummy one mah. But the big ugly nose confirm is follow my Hubby one. MIL still claim got fortune cos she also big nose. Yalah, she got fortune loh, by digging from Hubby loh...

Your hubby so nice, follow u to the outing and help everyone to take pic. I'm starting to look forward to Tues.

Xiao Hua,
Can share the blog? I wanna see also...

Yaloh, MIL is really a tough nut to crack. No wonder everyone told me it's like striking lottery when you get a gd MIL...

Haiz, I also dunno wat my mum likes. But my gal likes ok liao.

Erica fever is back. Haiz. Dunno why like that. And for the past 3 nites, she'll scream at the top of her lungs at 3am sharp. Really feeling so helpless man...

Wah, envious leh. My gal still stuck at 100ml. Sometimes cannot even finish 100ml. Faint~ No wonder she only 5.83kg at 3 mths. Sigh...

Ilyse was only 5.8kg at 3 mths. So now at 7.4kg at 4 mths...it's a big jump. But she happy can liao. The maid taking good care of her. I seldom see much rash on her. But she getting stucky to the maid.


Different babies grow at different speed. Also different genes and DNA. So dun worry too much okay?

My 1st boy was 8kg at 4 mths.
2nd boy only 6kg+ at 4 mths.
3rd girl is at 7.4kg at 4 mths.

So seeing the trend above...like I say different kids grow at different speed. As long baby is healthy, that's more important. =)

i've stopped...but recently parentcraft called me so i'll probably pop by to see what they can advice me...

what happened in your office? why so demoralized?

can you share which infant care you are using?
Hi Ant
Is a franchise company. One of the admin staff told me that if it is a franchise company usually they will put their company name follows by montessori. For Example, some montessori company i've come across like, Joy Montessori, Little House Montessori... anyway, still good for the children as they adopt their method for teaching. ;p
hi all.
long time never post!

re: outing
so envy u all can meet up!
and too bad i cannot join the united sq meet-up also. actually tmr i am bringing baby darren there for jabs as the PD clinic is there. aiyah.. should have changed the appt. or next time can organise outing during weekend? so tat working mummies like me can join in the fun too!

1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica
14. Taman jrg & Baby - http://brokensurfboard.multiply.com
15. ant aka ting - http://aldan-chua.blogspot.com/
16. Malcolm,Cheri & Baby Matthias - http://www.malcheri.blogspot.com
17. Mona & Baby Timothy - http://hongzhenyuan.blogspot.com
18. Yanling & baby darren -http://www.princedarren.blogspot.com

just started so the blog is still not yet updated. and have been too busy working and no time to update. sigh...

RE playmat
also received the playmat from small small world liao. haven't opened yet, gonna to let baby try during weekend.
icebaby, me went through the same thing as you before. The first company I joined made me work like mad, 1 person doing 2 person jobs, then the ppl there all very cold & aloof. No one bother to teach me anything, in less than 3 mths of service they enlarge my job scope further, I nearly suffocate.. I "ren" for 1.5 years. During that 1.5 years, my temper very bad loh, coz under extreme stress daily, sometimes sat & sun also need to work, most jia lat is I suffer the worst breakout ever loh. I force myself to continue working there. After some time, the ppl there starts to accept me as part of them, then life easier for me le. If I were you, I will rather low pay than suffer too.

blog on puree recipes - i chance upon this mummy website, she's great at making all kinds of purees, can browse from the following link. I like reading her blog, very informative : ) can't remember how I got linked to her blog, must be browse here browse then reach her blog.

yanling, me got my playmat too. Very lovely hor, I got parklon Yellow Bear, I love the colours & details, i am sure our babies will like it too

tinkerbelle, your girl sick again? got feed her a bit of cooling stuff, like wintermelon or barley water?
Ya loh, good MIL is strike lottery, bad MIL is like 'kena summon'.. hee hee
Will transfer the balance for the cube to u tonite k, IB at home. Thanks

jo, me too leh, am away from work for 3 mths. Now that I am back at work, I felt that I am not working as efficient as b4 le. Just like you, my brain like rusty too.. very blur now, memory fails a lot.. haha.. my boss kept asking me to eat gingko nuts to improve my memory. My colleague was sharing with me that it is common for new mummies to behave this way loh.. Hopefully I can catch up with all my work & speed soon. Oh, so Dolly & you are good friends, so nice right, now can exchange baby tips, will make your friendship even stronger. My closer friends all not married yet, now still enjoying their single life, when I told them how nice it is to start a family la, have baby la, they all just say don't want to commit so soon.
hi alice, i did some research on ear thermometer. realised that other the Braun thermometer, most of the other brands will give inacurrate readings at times. So, my colleague told me that it is better to spend more on Braun thermometer rather than get other brand. If get Braun one, will be $118 after discount. an online mummy was sharing with me that it will be even cheaper to wait for ppl to organise bulk purchase on Braun Thermometer, will be like 20% off retail price, then got many models to choose from. So think we better wait for Spree right? hee hee.. can save money & at the same time get a good one.
hw did u find the book? ya, do bring along if its nt troublesome when we meet up ya? =) thanks!

my bad. i got the wrong mummy to the baby. =P

hehe.ya now they dun really know hw to focus and we have a hard time trying to make him look @ the cam instead of elsewhere! hehe. so wat did ur hubby says abt u being able to handle ur boy alone outside? ask u ah, ur boy's cap, is it customised one?

aahha.the hair line do looks the same =P eyes same nt? except urs bigger =)

oh! okok. my boy's cradle cap sticks on to the head nt like ur boy's one. recently i chk, the cradle cap is gone n that part seems more fairer than the rest n little little fine hair on tha patch le...my boy hair grows so slowly..cant wait to speed it up...i checked with my bridal studio also b4 i settled on this, even the cheapest n best bargain they can give me is 500++ for a coffeebook and this doesnt inclu returning all the photos taken in softcopy. my hubby dun wan the coffeebook so we have to shelf the bs aside =P do u interact alot with ur regional boss? think ur job v flexible ok la! my boss hinted to me tt i am taking office hr to pump isnt v fair, so have to nego to add an hr of wk to top up the time taken for me to pump...i have a feeling he will nt approve my request. i waiting for my bonus at the yr end le..to quit nw abit wasted =P mayb i will ren till dec, get my bonus n say GOODBYE~ =) u can wk frm hm rite? y nt go hm first then wk frm hm? i dun like to stay back in the office. i prefer to go hm first..=P

RE: outing photos
hahah Baby Raphael looks so cute like machim he dun give a damn =P wahhaha! the 2nd pic so funi! lolz. looks so fun le! anyway, u all one big grp of mummies with babies got attract any looks frm passerbys nt? =p

u dun accept PM? can PM me ur email? Thanks.

xiao hua,
can give me the link for the puree? thx! let me chk with her if can charge cheaper nt if nt i try to ask for more pics n open date for the ps ok? keep u updated =) wah! really coincidence. hehee. nvm, u can gain from her experience. lolz.

PM u. will keep u updated on the PS =)

wah! u 2 also know each other beforehand ah? hehehe.

nanny ah, there is one v experienced confinement lady staying at the same blk as me n she helps to look aft baby too. she frm msia but i duno if she still wan to take in. u interested i help u to ask?

we sld be mgting in the aftnn like 1.30pm? 2p.?? Do come along n let the 2 "bros" meet la. hahaha =P

wah! ur gal drinks alot le given its FM =) oh, sorry to hear u having a hard time...is it coz its a new environment? or coz of colleagues/boss?

hahhaa. u nv suan them say better than produce so little ur gal dun have enuff =P

envy u le...below pre-preg weight..i am still stuck with the same weight as i was 2mths aft delivery. oh man..=( ok, good luck jia you =)

xiao hua,
hahaha. u another ks mummy! ^5

ya. wat u see initially is the first 2 seconds. hahhaa. lucky the photographer fast enuff to capture the shot if nt scally my boy think we playing with him dun even wan to sit for tt mere few seconds than waste the ps. eeeks, express till have the blue black feeling v nan shou one le. duno y recently ss dropped...mayb coz i latch my boy then pump...no choice le..he see me pump he wan latch =(

nt bad le! altho pay nt much but at least u still v close to ur boy. can see him, got $$ in gd la. wats the wking hrs like???

hahah. i understand the part on ur gal pulling the blanket over the face then cant see wil scream.lolz. my boy will also pull then when he cant remove it frm his face he will wriggle his whole body then keep flapping his hands. whahaha. i see liao i cant help laff too =P i think when baby is off 1yr can start to go back to wk le. i thinking, if i sld becum a sahm, i will go back when damien is 1 to 1.5yrs old too. yest talked to my mum, she says she ok with me being a sahm too but nt for too long if nt no value liao. hahaha. she says since my hubby ok with me being a sahm then go ahead lo.

nowadays, whenever my boy wakes up he will be doing his flipping exercise. so imagine one moment i see him on his back the next moment he is on his tummy. how fast babies grow...
xiao hua,

i suffered like that in my ex-co in yr 2003- 2004...during that time i didn't even get maternity leave. But I ren. Due to the stepping stone.

Now I am back with the same ex-boss but different company. The work load isn't the issue. It's the company environment. The people are fine...culture is fine. It's the process of how things "work" work there. So that's my current issue.

Anyway...that's the past. I guess I feel damn tired. Haiz. Now the ball is in my court on whether to go back cos the company policy can't give me an increment. But the boss says that it doesn't rule out salary adjustment in next cycle. Haiz.
i also think it gd idea to work there. u now sahm rite? cos want to take care of ur boi. but if u work there, can b near to ur boy. stil got pay, although lesser, but stil got some pay rather than no income. bside in future when u want to go back to ur past workin line, stil not tat 脱离 from workin force. =) go for it girl! =p

*sayang* can understand the pressure from the "pr" crap in office. when i got into my current office, was also given the craps cos i of no value to my peers. they know how to saka bosses n senior. give them the image that they got teach me. but in reality, didnt teach me at all. hv to bang my heads into walls n to learn new work myself. then stil kana back arrows by them. my dept also small, so with them gangin up, i all alone in the office. my pals r in differnet dept. from then on, i lose my drive to work hard n b open to all others. i bcome more "closed up". so to retain ur zest in ur work n not b negative, think changin back to old one, even if with lower pay, also better in the long run. work life stil for alot leh!!

i still waitin for my chance to transfer out for 4yrs. but stil stuck here.. sianz.. recently heard that i may get posted out.. now hopin boss faster speak to me abt it.. =p

now that u mention. think my increase might b due that i feedin my gal more often in the night these past few days. she keep fussin n want to drink, even for a short while... so no choice,m give her... =(

my gal not too far from urs. was abt 6kg at 16wks. her birth weight was 3.335kg. urs?? but the last round bring her to jab n ck up, doc says she growin ok leh...

xiao hua,
at least u ren for 1.5yrs, they start to accept u. i ren for 4yrs, stil cannot stand them. i really dislike office politics.. sigh.. my previous post although hv, but at least not that jiatlah. so sianz..

thx for link, will ck it out tonight. now goin back soon. =p

u got try latch one side n express the other side at the same time? this actually help me to increase my ss when i got lazy the other time n ss drop alot.. by this method, my ss got increase leh...

Re: outin..
also want to join leh.. but i only can wkend. =(
or i go join u all for lunch n play with all the mommies babies?? ahahha
o. ur issue was the way things work. my hubby also recently change his job. he also dislike the current work workin method n sop. but for $ wise, he hv to stay. bside he juz change twice v recently. changin again dosent reflect well on his resume. but he super low morale in the initial stage.
poky, u super leh.. Can 'ren' for 4 years ah.. I can't loh, i oso hate politics, I always stay neutral lah, so no enemies. When ppl play politic, i just stay away from them. My problem is more of work processes & work load. My bosses always make me work like crazy. Me in HR department. Can you imagine in my ex-company me doing 900 headcount all on my own! nearly die there

icebaby, me too stuck in a dilemma when an opportunity arise for me to transfer to my current company. after being stuck there for 1.5 yrs, another company within the same HQ asked me to transfer to join them. It took me 3 months to finally agree to the transfer. When I reach my current company, I realised that it was just another nightmare.. haha.. I nearly wanted to straight away tender during the 1st mth when I got transfer here. My reason is same as yours loh, the work processes, SOPs, system, everything cock up, worse than my ex-company. Just as I was about to tender, my 2 bosses told me that they were pregnant, so I 'bu ren xin' go loh, & i knew that it spells big trouble coz i'll be covering their duty.. i really really very sian that time.. want to cry le.. THEN.. I still go ahead with my wedding lah, go honeymoon, & when i was prepared to come back to face the challenges, I realised that I was pregnant too. Due to my pregnancy, my boss very lenient to me loh, off load some of my job duties. me till now still wish to go back to my ex-company loh coz my boss there good to me.. PLUS my ex-company is just 3 bus stops away, so tempting hor.. hehe.. Just like u, i got to think carefully.
ahhh...stupid qn but how u latch n pump at the same time?! 1 hand need to support baby, then the other hand how to hold bottle n express at the same time? these few weeks duno y i am so tired i direct latch my boy in the lying dwn position..i dun even know when he unlatched himself coz i so so tired...once he is sucking i just dozed off le...i even over slpt the time i set to get up n pump...haiz...i am getting so lazy liao...no wonder ss drop.. where u work?

mayb we can org an outing during a weekend so tt all mummies n babies can join? wanna extend the invitation to the daddies as well so they can make friends too?

yah, but the thing for me...if I change, I will be going back to ex-company (due to the fact that I know it will reflect better in my resume) cos now that option is open...I already sorta secure that job back.

However, part of me dun wish to throw the towel..seriously...but I really cannot stand this place. It's really the people, or the work..it's just something in this company and it's processes that aren't making me feel any where comfortable. It's hard to explain cos I can't 100% explain myself.

The pay cut will be considerable huge because the current company dun pay variables. So salary is high. But previous pays variables (which I totally lost when I left 2 mths back). So what should I do?

Hubby is okay with me going back to ex-co. The pay cut is painful but money can always be earned back rite? I probably might wish to drive this time around but that means extra expenses, however, it allows me to reach to work on time and allows me to bring my kids to school. I will probably be saving 50% lesser than my projected savings (based on current salary).

But the good thing is...I might be able to chat with u girls more often.

Haiz...I got 1 week to think abt this.
xiao hua,

my situation abit more sticky.
This current company where I working under...is my ex-boss. There is NOTHING wrong with my ex-boss, he asked me to join him giving me an opportunity to go back to doing something that I like. But the more i think abt the place, the most I feel it sucks!

Then my ex-co, the ex-boss (actually she took over from my ex-boss ,who I had some issue with unfairness, I work with her less than 2 weeks but I know her style of working) keep asking if I wanna go back. Somehow she seems confident of the way I work..and well, I live her style and admire her. So today again she asked me when I going back. Plus she has more authority over things and willing to teach me stuff. So....now the qn is...I got 1 week to think abt it. Problem is current company is 2 months notice period. Headache. I dun wish to disappoint my ex-bosses...neither of them but I really cannot take it.

Tough decision hor.
wah..icebaby..tough decision...watever decision u made, we support u..hahaaa... just follow ur heart ba! i think most imptly is spend more time with baby... see which one enable u to do tt lor

To all mummies..
Sorry for the delay..i have finished uploading the pictures lor


If u are interested to download the photo, click on it, then click on the magnifying glass which say all sizes.. then select the size u want...

i have upload the actual size so all these can be developed.. =)
xiao hua,
juz saw the link will chk out the puree ;)
Hmm... ok i guess will wait for the Spree but just chking, is the 20% from $118 or retail price? And how much is the price diff? cos' I dun feel safe without a thermometer now especially tml will bring bb for jabs, scare she will have fever so is good to have one soon to monitor her. If price not much diff, will probably get it first loh

Dun know whether should i described as "good life" for me... As a SAHM, can ki siao at times thou
without a maid is the worst!!! no helper to do house chore and cleaning bb stuffs. My MIL is a very hands on lady. She prefer to do everything herself and do not like to have maid. Me staying with her no choice lor... I keep pestering my hubby to get maid for our posting if not I really cannot make it liao. Now still hv MIL to take care when i do my washing. Next time post out no one will help me liao

My hubby always said SAHM very lucky... but I told him there are Pros and Cons lei, I dun mind to be the one working thou =) but will miss out those smiles and small little new movements bb made which can really melt my heart loh.

I just received the carters bibs today, Ya cute design ;) but dun think can hold my gal drool. Today bought her out and took 2 bibs (cotton one from mothercare) with me and realise they r soak with her saliva after a while only. Hiaz!! My mum is like saying "aiya, u r even worst than her last time, cos' u drool with yr mouth open and refused to close up!" haha, after hearing that I have no complain liao =)

I realised a lot of bb names starting with "R" too! Mine gal's name is also starts with "R"... Hers is "Rachel"

ok will try to bring along the book to share ;)

Re: Outing Pics
haha... all the bbs are so adorable! But why only the boys... what happen to the girls? Camera Shy huh? Seems like there r more boys than girls thou

Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)
Next Tue :

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
6) birdy
7) Alice
so sorry, end-up i didnt go to the carrefour warehouse sales, as i met up with my girlfriend who is already at her 39weeks, so not very convenient to shop, we only went for coffee and dinner. Poor you, got job also "fun", no job also "fun".

same here, looking forward to see you in person, btw i am not as young as you lor

if i were you, i will take up the offer, although pay not alot, at least i am close to my boy while working, can see and check on him whenever i want. Nt bad, worth considering.

dun worry abt the bb weight. I used to be like you, as i feel that my boy weighs the lightest here. He is only 6kg at his 4th month. However my PD keep telling me that individual baby grow differently, so cannot compare like that as my boy's birth weight is very light only, so how to make him grow until 8kg at 4th month, like that will be over-grow liao.

add your blog into my boy's blog.

oh yes, my hubby said that he is impressed with me, able to handle my boy. We hang around till he finished work and fetched us lor. At least i think he is more "fang xin" after the 1st time experience. Of course, i really feel at ease with alot of mummies around yesterday, if me gg out alone with bb, i will still be scared ! Oh yeah, i bought the cap from Isetan, it comes in a pack of 3, white colour, light colour and strippy blue ... very comforty and my boy like it. I also bought afew from mothercare, but seen like quite tight and my boy dun like it.

this evening is an eventful day for me. I went dinner with my galriend, and 1 of them is at her 39th weeks, which means due anytime. We were having steamboat at Shaw House, and halfway through, she said that she was having contracting, and got the feeling liao. Immediately we got her to take cab back as she wants to meet her hubby at home, shower and den go hospital. After she left, my hubby called, saying that Rayden has got high fever, 38.3degree. Immediately my heart dropped, as i felt gulity. I went out and enjoyed myself, gotten the daddy to fetch him, and end-up he is having fever. I rushed home immediately, and fed him with medicine, who knows he knows how to spit out, having a tough time to feed him. No choice, i continued to sponge him, in fact telling my hubby if his fever never subsize by 1130pm, i will bring him to TMC outpatient. Luckily his fever subsize slightly to 37.5degree and he managed to fall asleep. And next moment, my galfriend msg and said that she has gvn birth to a healthy bb girl ... very fast lor, everything happened in less den 3hours... guessed after all these, i am not able to sleep tonite, anyway need to monitor Rayden, so guess i won't be sleeping tonight
hehee...all babies are so cute... my hubby really like to captured such pictures! hehee

got baby gals leh...2 mah!

i also dun know ... he is still alright this morning, and my hubby told me that my boy developed fever in the evening as per my mil. Haiz .. caught me so unprepared lor, and worst thing, i was supposed to pack thing for my rayden, just in case we need to go to tmc outpatient, and got my hubby to look after him, instead of rayden falling asleep, my hubby fall asleep first before him.. so can you imagine ?? bei tahan lor, man are still man, they can even sleep so soundly even when bb is sick.
Hi mummies!

I have over-shopped and realized I have too much stuff. Is anyone interested in them? All items are from Early Days. Brand new and not washed. Will send out in original packaging, except blanket. It came like this. Will pack in plastic wrapper.

Receiving Blanket (size: 100cm x 80cm) - $15.00 + $1.50 (postage)

4pc Rompers Set - $15.00 (size: 6-12mth) + $1.50 (postage)

Pls PM me if keen. Tks!

By the way I have other baby stuff available on www.mini-fashionistas.com do take a look in the "Shopping Gallery" if you're interested.

thanks for the pictures n instructions.
I was wondering how to download.Haha
Alot of nice pictures!

hope Rayden gets well soon.
Don't feel bad, it came unexpected.
Rayden will not blame u too.
U r a good mummy, always remeber that.
Ronny sleep, u got to stay alert,gal
alice, i also don't know spree is less how much. my friend cannot remember. Anyway, I don't mind getting one now too
Have check Braun IRT4520 is retailing $131.50. I can get 10% off, so can get at $118.00. You want me to go ahead with the purchase? BTW, can pass u the thermometer if you going Novena :p

icebaby, ur case quite tricky loh, must think carefully, it took me 3 mths to think, in the end i also regret. he he.. Now i use to it lieo, just take whatever challeges that comes my way

Dolly, hope little rayden recovers soon, has the fever subside?

all babies so cute.. he he.. choc, ur hubby is a professional photographer?
Wat an eventful day! Congratz to your gf and hope Rayden gets well soon. You have a good rest too. Ask the man to takeover.

I often express and feed at same time using Avent manual. Can be done, practice practice. Now our babies bigger even easier cos no need to 'support' so much.
ask you ah, how did your hubby tape your boy's ears? Cos my gal has one ear sticking out like mickey mouse like that, and when she sleeps on that side the ear always gets folded.

is rayden feeling better now? hope he gets well soon. It's never fun dealing with a sick baby. Men are like that one lah, can sleep through everything, that's why mummies are the most wei da!

is there M size for the pampers yellow range? The S size is getting too tight for my girl, but I can't find M size anywhere.

I want to bring Avelyn for photoshoot but my hubby was like 'for what?' So now trying to convince him... sigh.

Re: Bumbo
I have another version of the bumbo, called the bebepod. My gal's fat thighs also always gets stuck, so I think the size is prob the same as the bumbo.

Re: stuffed nose
According to the pd, it's better not to use the nasal spray unless really necessary, better to use saline drops instead.

Ladies, just want to ask how much your babies are drinking per day now. My gal's intake ranges between 500++ to 700++ ml per day (in 24 hours), very erractic leh.

Argh, want to complain. The price of Similac went up, now $39.50 at NTUC, so expensive!

I'm bringing my gal to Hwa Xia to swim for the first time this afternoon at Punggol. Hope she will enjoy it.

Will love to join you ladies for the coming outing as I'm not working this Tues. Just a bit apprehensive cos my gal gets extremely fussy esp during drinking time these days, wonder if I can handle her alone outside. By the way are you all meeting at Novena Square or United Square?

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
6) birdy
7) Alice
8) Diamondust
Normally i will change to the yellow color pampers for my girl at 9pm. Sometime she sleep through from 7pm i can't change for her, PET PET can last till next day morning.

Don't use soap to clean nipple.

My girl juz jab yesterday night, today keep cry.

U still want to purchase the GAP cloth? If not i will go ahead to order liao.
hahaha, u proved to him that u can do it! congras! nvm la, i am sure with more practise next time no need to have alot of mummies ard u also can handle well =) u dun blame uself la. u nv expect Rayden to develop fever while u are out mah. hahahaha. ya, i agree. man are still man..everytime ask them to help out, most of the time end up we will do the things ourselves =)

argh, i dun have any manual pump...in fact i using in house brand - my own hand to pump =P mayb time to bring out my electrical pump so tt while i latch i can express at the same time but i feel the electrical pump fails me...

hmmm..mayb u show him my boy's pic n tell him its for memories??? man still man lolz. my hubby also say i waste $$ but i pay for it so he just go along with the idea =) my boy drinking also varies alot nowadays. sometimes he can finish 120ml but most of the time he cant already. nowadays he is drinking 80ml-100ml sometimes cant even finish. oops, sorry, mgting at United Sq - the one with alot of babies n mummies shop.

NOTICE: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square) on Tues..take note is UNITED SQ ah. any more mummies n babies joining? Gals, wanna PM me ur mobile nums i compile n send to all??
hi Mummies,

Rayden is slightly better, but his fever is like on and off. Brought him to see PD this morning, done a thorough check, PD suspected that he kena the fever virus, cannot remember the term, fever is likely to last around 3 days, and if fever is not subside by Tue completely, got to bring him back again ...... haiz , so now i got to standby 24 x 7 for him, to keep monitoring his fever and sponge him, to make sure that the fever will not exceed 38degree.


i will need to monitor Rayden first, if he is still not completely well, i think i will give the outing a miss.
hi all,
this morning bring baby darren for his jabs. he is 9.885kg and 67cm now... at first wanted to do 3 jabs together.. the 2nd jab of pneumococcal, rotavirus and 5-in-1. end up PD said better to separate cos got higher chance of having fever if do together. so he just took the rotavirus and pneumococcal one.
PD had a hard time make him swallow the rotarivus. who knows, when we carried him up after the jab, he immediately threw up. that goes my $105, but the PD said it's alrite as the study shows the vaccination is still effective even though baby throws up. duno true or not.

RE thermometer
i bought the Braun ear thermometer even before baby is born. initially it's quite hard to poke inside the ear as baby is small. but now ok leh. fast and accurate. i think i will recommend it.

my boy was also small at birth only 2.695kg, but now he has grown so much. so really, each baby grows at his own pace. so as long as baby is healthy. should be alrite. in fact, chubby baby might have the downside. cos the PD commented tat darren might not be able to flip over so fast cos of his size. he is coming 4 mth on tue. but he stil shows no sign of turning on his own.
kelcqi, come come!! come after x'mas!! and bring empty luggages !!

yes, we let bb sleep in the bassinet which is the basket bed, if dont use it now, after 2 or 3 more mths, bb will outgrow it and cannot use anymore ( mu hubby said keep it for 2nd baby :-S me one already 'hei hei')

dolly, wish bb Rayden fine soonest...

diamondust, use scotch tape to tape his ear..turn bb' shead one side and quickly tape it..so far my boy is fine with it, doesnt feel irritated yet..my boy's right ear is slightly more protude than left ear coz it folds at the upper part when he sleeps..
haha oh ya hor, i forgot you literally using 'manual' pump. If you hv been used to hand express, doubt you will like electric cos it cannot empty as well as hand. I using Avent manual already cannot accept the electric.

Is it Rosoela or something like that? Sometimes babies get 'false measles', which my gal had last time. Viral fever last about 5days then after that the rashes on body appear. But the rashes appear is good cos it means the fever is over.
Sugar , Yanling

Have updated your blogs on my son`s blog liao !!

Felval ,

hahah .. i manage to find 4 still haven decided which one to use .I think i will get MIL`s friend from her same church to take care of my boy . My PIL dun like the idea to put him under infant care cos they said normally do not attend to one to one !Anyway right now I only need half a day . MIL said she will tend to my boy in the afternoon .

Oh ya ...we are friend since our secondary time
. It is nice to share alot of experiences together

Anyone need 1 I can recommend you !!
Dolly ,

Dun worry he will better soon ...you better take care too !

Buttercup ,

Thank you for your email
anyway I will still monitor the caregiver !!

Birdy ,

I have check the infant care around Yishun which charge from $730 to $550 after the $600 government subsidy ! Which area you staying ?Yishun also !!!
Ladies ,

I think I should be able make it for the gathering . What time ???

Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)
Next Tue :

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
6) birdy
7) Alice
8) Jo

Felval ,

Maybe we can meet and go together as I will be at Yishun that day . Will PM you my no.

Looking forwards to see you all

Re: Outing next week @ Novena (United Square)
Next Tue :

1) Kelcqi
2) Felval
3) Muzicgal
4) Xiao Hua
5) Dolly23
6) birdy
7) Alice
8) Jo
9) Diamondust

How will you be going down to United Square? I can give you a lift since we stay quite near.
