(2008/05) May 2008

poky ,

Your gal `s hairstyle very cute ....!!

My son hair behind also botak ... kenna scolding from PIL for shaving his hair during his full month . But luckily starting to grow liao
if not they nag everyday why the hair still like that !!

moony ,

Ya me too always call back to check out my boy . Have your boy recovered completely liao ? Need to go for followups checkup ?

Poky / Moony,

ooh .. as for me, i am the workaholic type, so i only took 2 months of ML, thats why now still got so many days !

in this case, maybe we can also organise for weekend gathering - Sat, but not sure if you gals have got family committment ....
hi Yueling,

the leg warmer is nice, and sweet colour for girl girl

As for slimming wrap, in the end, i didnt get it, as my hubby keep saying that i wasted $$, keep buying but never use. So end up, i used back my slimming belt (got heat type) which i bought from Robinsons, with slimming gel.
jo : mm.. he needs to go for ultrasound scan next mth.. den after dat needs to go for MCU to
check whether gt urine reflux anot.. den if everything ok.. only by then he can no need to take
antibiotics.. haix..

dolly : if nt u gals go ahead 1st ba.. we can always join again for next outing.. ;)

leg warmer is nice, but dunno is really worth it /useful ? bcos my hubby also saying i wasted $$ buy alot of ting from spree hahaha
can you share infant care experience with me, please?

1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
Jo, poko .. yap put your baby in infant care have to give and take lor. Esp in different country just follow the culture. I am lucky to found a infant care to take him, finally. We went around begging different infant care, when I was 5 mth pregnant !! One of them even had 150 kids on the waiting list !! You can imagine the begging comes with bowing and bowing all the way !! haha...

I guess infant care are not your maid lor, cannot tell them what to do. They have their practise, and cannot cater to every kids different needs.

Yanling.. haha why tu-tu san ? Ya Japan are very supportive of breastfeeding. When I was in hospital, the nurse will teach you how to feed and massage for you. then your baby have to reach a certain weight, before they let you discharge. My last night in the hospital, I was squeezing and forcing my boi to drink like crazy, I put him on weighing machine after every feed, praying he will reach the weight and telling him not to pee-pee or poo-poo else weight will go down !

Maternity leave used to be better than Spore, 3.5mths but now Spore 4 mths liaoz. You can take child care leave up to 1 year and still get a small portion of your pay.

Poky, thank for milk bag info. I will go study it this weekend and see how.
my hubby works in airline industry so we go to places where the airline fly to loh. Ya... I really had a hard time... cant even walk... nearly need a wheelchair, haha! So can u imagine how badly stretch my tummy is, hiaz! need to go slimming centre liao!

really... i guess have to give up the idea of bringing maid over... think visa is a problem too!

btw, How long will u be in Japan?

yr bb so chubby... think fairer than my gal, so evny lei...
1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
28. birdy - Jurong West
yueling... the one u choose nice! heheeee
dun tempt me lar.. i stop at 3 japan leg warmers.. dun wan to see anymore..

oh ya... my hubby finally agree to buy play mat.. YEAH! share the cost with me..else if i buy i eat grass liao..

its useful esp when u bring ur baby out.. to air con places.. coz if u wear shorts or rompers..the leg exposed always feel cold cold de..

so with this leggings..its useful..
i also wear for my boy when its raining or when on the air con at nite...coz my boy got a habit of kickin the blanket out..haha
Alice, dun know how long I will be here, might be going back earlier since difficult to bring up baby alone just me and hubby.

Kiss kiss from my boi
Hihi Ladies,

2 days nv logged in le. Been down with Fever. Then my gal also having running nose. Sigh.

BTW ladies,
Those who had ordered Mozart Magic cube, I assumed the batch#1 is likely to arrive end of next week. But I'm still waiting for Citibank's statement to come in order to collect the rest of the payment for the shipping and exchange rate. When the stocks arrive, I'll ask for updates again.

For batch#2, I am likely to proceed but I have a bad news to inform. Last time I checked exchange rate is already going up to 1.42. So batch#1 I might have to collect another 40cents more for the cube as based at 1.46 instead of 1.45. And for batch #2, I'll be collecting 1.47 for each cube. So mummies on the waiting list, please advise if I should proceed as I've already got 8 names on the waiting list.

Munchkin Mozart Magic Cube:
Waiting List:
1. Jocelyn Ng ([email protected])
2. Icebubbles
3. Diamonddust
4. Ant1712
5. Annabelle
6. Ivy ([email protected])
7. Joanna Ong
8. Yvonne Ng

I'll open this spree to June mummies to see if we can gather another 1 more cube to save on shipping. So ladies on the list, please update me if you would like to proceed before the USD continues to shot up. I'll leave this option open till 5pm till 30th Aug and proceed to order the cubes on the next day should the orders be confirm. Mummies who like to confirm the cube, kindly transfer $29.32 to my POSB savings account at 131-41132-4. Thanks.
My boy latch 5 mins then sleeps ... and he doesn't wake up like for 4-5 hours.
In that case, I don't think he drinks enough and esp his jaundice is still not cleared, though had dropped to safe level.
taman, i went back to work on 4th Aug. but as i hv start leaving my boy at my bbsitter hse 2wks before i start work, my bu she de feeling will nt tat bad. somemore was busy the first 2 wks wen back to work so still ok lah....juz tat nw on my mind wen i am free is alway my son...wahahah

loomi, remember to report the tea result to us...
Moony, When will your baby be going for the test?

Haha, I agreed. Cannot let neighbours see us doing all these stunts. But I'm starting to wonder next time once my baby starts to be mobile, will I still have time for Yoga? Keke... BTW, where u got your VCDs from for doing the Yoga? Or u refer to books?

For the cradle cap, U have to repeat the steps every nite until the cradle caps are gone. I read in one of the babycare books that they said cradle caps can spread so I kaisi, must zhang cao chu gen. Get rid of the cradle cap totally so that they'll not spread. Better to do it now when they are botak then to wait till hair comes out liao will be very hard already. My gal's hair growing out fast. I very tempted to shave her again but my mum said I siao. She said baby gals only shave once. Only boys can shave more cos gals botak very ugly. Somemore my gal looks like boy!!! Urgh!!!!

We told her before cannot shake baby or rock baby after feed liao. But the words nv got into her. Stubborn woman! Always selling me her experiences. Sometimes I sold her back my knowledge from researches loh... SIgh.

The extra set will be left at my mum's place n not theirs loh. Knowing their pattern. Even I sleeping last time at my PIL's place, MIL can simply open the door without knocking knowing that we nv lock the door cos BIL's stuff inside the room. Very rude loh. Say her before and she did it again and again. I definetely don't trust them that they'll not help themselves into my house next time if they have the keys loh.

Hehe. My new house is at Chai Chee, PILs stay in AMK. I hope they wun be so KPO to go down seriously.

You can refer to this webby for the dryer. http://www.citygas.com.sg/
But I think you'll need to apply for town gas in order to use the dryer. Your house using those town gas or cylinder type?

Woah, your freezer alot of milk leh. U are using Avent milk bags ah? I'm letting go of my Avent milk bags cos I dunno how to tie the milk bags, always ended up my milk overturn and leak. U not enough let me know ok? So now I'm using Lanisoh milkbags. Me lousy, no skill...

Keke, your jeans pic damn funny. Really reminded me of the 3 bears when I used the story to teach Big and bigger, small and smaller. Save e pic up, next time use it to teach ur bb. LOL...

The website u posted for Annabelle doesn't work anymore. I'm also interested in getting a Bumbo seat since my gal so KPO. Nowadays refused to lie down and always wanted to be carried face up so she can KPO ard. I lazy mummy. Think that after getting the seat, I can don't carry my gal so much liao.

Thanks alot! I don't know to be happy or not. Cos once move out liao means no more pampering from my mum. Have to wash own, hubby's and baby's clothes, have to do housework, have to cook myself. Sigh. All these thoughts can be quite scary. Although I know it's the price I have to pay for my own privacy.

Tell your dad it's dangerous to start your bb on solids so early as they may choke. Ard 7-8 yrs ago, there was 1 baby who consume alot of milk at 3 mths plus and the PD recommended rice cereal to mix with milk for the baby. Ended up the baby died and the PD license also kantong and charged.

Haha, smart move! Your ILs got treat your house like shopping mall last time when they have keys to access it? I tell u hor, if my hubby really duplicate a set for them, I'll change Padlocks until my hubby surrender. I'm gonna stocked up 10 padlocks and see how they gonna play guest to my house. Keke. I very bad hor? Sorry loh, I respected theirs in their place although MIL nv respected mine. so now my own place, I'm expecting my house privacy to be respected as well...

Xiao Hua, Alice,
My gal also look like boy loh. Tue I went Gynae, then someone at the clinic asked me if my baby is a boy when she is wearing a dress. -_-" I just smile and said gal. Then inside my mind thinking she kuku or wat, which mummy would be so insane to dress their boy in dress????

Your baby looks like u!

That's ALOT of milk. Is your older one taking frozen Bm as well?

Ask u hor, where u get e hairband for your gal one? I wanna get also!

Update the list,
1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
28. birdy - Jurong West
29. Kelcqi - AMK (now)/Chai Chee (soon-Dec)

1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica

Paiseh, my gal's blog long time nv update le. COs my laptop under servicing. Will update asap when I have time once the laptop is back.
kelcqi, get ur hb to tell his mum off wen she shake bb after feed.

also, if she shake bb too hard, it will hinder their brain development de. so mayb u wan to 'scare' her...say ur frenz tell u tat someone (mayb ur frenz frenz or cousin) bb died after bb was shake too hard after feed.

if nt u tell ur hb if he nt gng to tell his mum nt to shake bb after feed. then dun blame u if u dun let them carry after bb juz being feed.

o...ya, mil all like to sell thier past experience de....likewise, i also tell mine the new era bb caring wif her lor....esp no shaking to hard and hyigene issue
1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
28. birdy - Jurong West
29. Kelcqi - AMK (now)/Chai Chee (soon-Dec)
30. Taman jrg - Taman Jurong

1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica
14. Taman jrg & Baby - http://brokensurfboard.multiply.com
Felval- wah nt bad u stil spilt the car pymt w ur hb. M,y hb alwz say I ‘hao ming’, got transport to anywhere n dun wan to spend a single cent =D last time I used to top up cash cards n buy coupons but nw no more liao cos I nt wrkg mah. Yalor, petrol getting so ex nowadays! We used to go in JB every wk to pump petrol last time but stopped when bb was out cos nt convenient to bring him leh. missed the seafood there! Can spend like a king there. Haha

Alice- thks for the tip!! Shall try it. Tmr gg to hb’s grandparents’ plc for dinner. they sure wil qn me hw cm got so much rashes =( aiyo my boy reali pampered like wat leh. everytime at hb’s grandparents’ plc, his grandaunts n uncles all q up to carry him! Haha… pass him ard like conveyor belt lidat.
I got a walker which was given as a gift durin my boy’s 1st mth. Yet to use.

Icebubbles- ur boy got so much hair!! ENVY!!!

Poky- yalor, tats the gd thing abt bike, can squeeze all the way to the frnt durin jams! Haha.. but nw wil my boy ard, difficult to ride liao. oh latio… my hb shudders at this word cos the car which banged him was a latio!!! Hahahha
Wow, u actuali went to learn bike! Ur parents ok? I gt no guts. My hb gonna take his 2A end this yr. he wana get the 3 wheel bike!

Kelcqi- ILs gt the keys to our plc cos this used to be their plc n we bot over frm them when they move to condo. Lucky they stil call b4 comin over. Mil alwz gt things to say when she comes. Hw cm this n tat lidat. Walao my hse I like to do things my way also cannot meh? My hb told me to ignore her. Last wk, she came over n saw tat I hung my bamboo of clothes near the sink there n remarked lidat the clothes wun dry so easily. I feel like telling her I hang the clothes in the toilet also nt her prob!!! Her pattern lidat one, alwz like to tell ppl her style of doin things n only her style is rite! I stil rem got once she taught me hw to wash dishes at her plc (the RITE way to sponge the dishes n the amt of soap to use!!) =_=’’’
1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica
14. Taman jrg & Baby - http://brokensurfboard.multiply.com
15. ant aka ting - http://aldan-chua.blogspot.com/
Mummies who are bringing their bb to shave hair, i suggest this place " Curly & Spike" at UE Square #02-14. Hairstylist is "Stephanie". She is very patient person, my boy is screaming and she take times to calm him down before shaving him.

Morever they also provide the "Baby First Haircut Certifcate" with before and after photo for the baby, and also before and after family photo for you. The charge is $18, and with Citibank Credit Card, will entitle 15% discount.
your husband is a station manager?? job description sounds like one leh... better pray hard its not india.. its boring and not advisable for a lady (esp non indian) to go out alone
shiok ho? altho i have been to jpn but didnt drop by any of the disney funland...sad...when my boy is older, i shall visit with him =)

i have one book @ home *now @ mummy's place*, mayb i go hm copy dwn the book name n let u know. =) or u can go popular n find? i got mine there. hahaha. urs made in Sydney, mine made in Bintan =P WAH!!! ur baby is really big for a gal le!!! mine only 3.7kg at birth n 7.04kg at 3mths old lo. i already had a hard time in my last trimester imagine urs even more heavy n xin ku! i staying alone la but same blk as my parents lo. i wash n sterilise my boy's bottle myself, look aft him myself till i return to work on oct 1st *haiz...so dun feel like going back le*. i go down o my parents place only in the evening for dinner n my mum helps to wash my boy's clothes. only new clothes for baby i wash myself. hahaha. then only weekend can do a proper housewk when hubby is ard. laundry i can still do coz v easy just dump in WM but vacuum n mop i do only during weekends la. at least when baby cries there is always another person to help tend to my boy. talking abt KO, i realised we are always the last to slp aft our baby n hubby -_-'''

ur boy has alot of hair given its tai mou rite? hahaha. ur boy really really v chubby lo...eee...feels like pinching his cheeks! hahaha

how much is pigeon milk bag selling in jpn?

nvm, slowly i am sure ur gal will smile when u flash ur cam =P haiz...i sld have started to store fbm earlier..in the early days i was happily storing only 1 bag per day...now i wan to store more also cant liao...wah! 1hr 300ml, i think i 1hr dun even have 250ml lo. ya, think our breasts gonna go out of shape in no time! my hubby commented mine looks like papaya like lo! =( hahaha. the influence of internet n temptations from friends allows us the spend $$ w/o stepping out of the hse lo! hehehe. but nw i start to control liao coz on npl and christmas n cny are coming up really soon! if i wan to have enuff to spend then i must make sure i dun anyhw spend now =( how come ur gal slpping pattern change? any sudden change of environment or ??? my boy's feeding changed. used to finish 120ml in one go, now 80ml only...=( my mum will be helping me to take care of my boy la. she will only help to wash my boy clothes altho i duno hw she will manage tt coz my boy rather hard to manage, cant leave him alone for long if he is awake. so i figure the only time my mum can do the washing is when my boy is slpping n my boy slps v little nowadays...30mins wake up, at most 1hr...so my mum has to pack many things in during his slpping time. i prefer to sterilise n prep my boy's milk bottles myself also =P haiz...my boy slps late this entire week...last nite was the latest! he slpt at 1am++ coz he was too hardwking trying to master his flipping in which he did! hahaha. he now manages to free his hand from underneath his body aft he flipped n he was so enthu with it tt when i stopped him he cried.
hahaha. agree bike convenient can cut Q n zoom here n there but realli unsafe lo. u can be a safe rider but others may nt be a safe driver =) mine got scar lo. then everytime i use tt to suan my hubby.hahaha. funi thing, my hubby has a scar @ the same place too =)ya, super 4 is a class 2a bike. nice 2 sit *no backaches or arm-aches*, stylo and gd to maintain =) my hubby still misses his black super 4 =) eeks. u mentioned u USED to so now dun like ah? hehhee

re: jpn
talking abt jpn make me miss the "bu she lian ren" dark choc, the ramen, the ice cream in hokkaido n lastly the shopping!!!! =)

ya, japanese hard to change or convince them once their mind is set. i got to work with japanese in my co..but one thing for sure is they are v hardwking n when u give them some tasks u can be assured of the quality of the work =)

nice butt ur gal has there with the giraffe =) share with u my boy's chicky butt...hahaha.by the way, where u got the romper from?

ya lol. we lugi alot but we cant do anything le. we can either blame how cum national day dun fall in the early part of the yr so that NDR can take place earlier n we will be included or we strike jackpot too early. hehehe. anyway, if think on the bright side, mayb u can start to plan for the 2nd one then u can enjoy all the new peeks too. hehehe.

ask ur boy to join in too la but i have this image in my mind: kelcqi n hubby doing yoga in the hall, with eyes close n legs crossed. erica running to the hall, pee at mummy n daddy n start to rock either of them n ask them to play with her. hahaha. mine is vcd la, if refer to books think i will slp! hahhaa. imagine one of the pose for dvd is to lie dwn on the mat n do slow n deep breathing, i ended up slpping n my hubby have to wake me up lo! hhaha. i got mine from popular or book stores or u go those yoga apparels shops n u can find quite a range. ya, cradle cap will spread n wil smell one lo. used to be v bad till cheri teached me to apply baby oil an hr b4 bathing n wash off during bathing. now better le, nt as much as previously liao. anyway, Cheri, thanks! =)

hahaha. coz in order to lay my hand on a car i have to pay for it mah =P that time i just got my car license cant buy car if nt insurance sure v ex oso, in fact i cant even test any cars then! since i was the one who suggested to get a car so i think its only fair i split with my hubby lo. till now, cashcards we alt to top up. i always tell my hubby where he can find a woman like me who willing to split the cost with him. hahaha. =P i v thick skin ho. hehehe
Kelcqi, your website is so nice. how did you do it? look so professional leh. BTW you r a very young mummy hor

poky/wishcometrue, romper & pants so cute.. where u got it? i saw one mummy organize spree on such rompers b4..

Dolly23, UE Square near my workplace. will go check it out

loomi, your baby is simply adorable in the photo

re: swimming. just brought my gal for swim 2 days ago.. Next week going for jab lieo.. Sian.. My baby born on 30/5.. Guess she is the youngest among all. She's always the last to learn all the stuff that the babies here are doing.. hee hee..
xiao hua,
i also duno where to get le, mine is a hand-me-now from a friend. i am trying to get some for my boy =P hopefully can get coz v cute lo. hehhee.

hahaha. nvm if she is the last to learn la, at least u can better prepare urself n guide her =)
Hi Xiao Hua

Yes i am a SAHM. Your Xuan Xuan more cute as she look more girly compare to my girl. Heehee!!

Hi Kelcqi

I got the hairband from kiddy palace and they have lots of difference design. Brought them for my BB shower but seldom use it now... look at her... no hair use le later ppl laugh. HAHAHA!!

what Diana say is quite true...shaking baby too much will hurt their brain & may cause damage to their little brains..you can read up more at babycenter.com...if pil refused to listen, worse come to worse, for baby's sake, think we as baby's mummy ("baby protector") has the right not to allow them to carry them lor...they angry also no choice in such situation...

hopefully, pil can understand us new mummies' concerns...last time generation ok practices may not be ok for our generation leh..... =(

so envy u girls....can buy lots of pretty hairbands & dresses for your girls...i can only see see look look...cannot buy for my boy.... =(
yes... u r rite? ya me too... praying hard! but think might get lei cos' the stn mgr there just left i heard... hiaz! talking abt shopping, when i was at sydney, thought i can go shop everyday but i was down with Morning Sickness and Evening Sickness. So didnt really do much till i was 4 mths =) then got lazy to shop with big tummy. So if this time go india, very sian loh, cos' I can shop now but not safe to go out alone or with bb

Great! pls let me know the name when u find it...!
I also dun know why bb grew so big! everyone is like asking "what did u eat?" but honestly I juz eat normal portion loh... some even think is twin haha... hiaz Glad that is over now =)
shiok lei u... I also hope to stay near my mum... I'm staying with PIL. MIL help during my confinement but after that I paisei so wanted to wash bb clothes myself. Same loh, sometime i will pass bb to MIL or hubby before I can wash my bottles and clothes. Be a woman very "Xing Ku" hor. So many things to do and plan to make sure bb is in good hand. Hiaz... honestly, sometimes when i sneak out for a few hrs to shop, I feel so refresh! provided MIL ard to take care bb loh. But bb can suddenly remember and start searching for me so cry non stop until she is tired. haha...

So I always believe our BB's smiles to us pay off everything... =)

xiao hua,
good mah, so u will have a lot of tips from us when come to ur bb turn. No harm being the youngest bb here =)

ur bb look so cute, a bit like jap bb too =)

Re: Friday blue ;(
Today i was so horrified with what my mum did!!! i was eating durian mooncake then the next thing i know... my mum is letting my gal licking the durian mooncake too.... Ahhhhh! OMG... I hope is ok for bb man... I tried feeding her water to dilute it, hiaz sometime really dun understand my mum's thinking. Or am I being too sensitive? She keep saying is ok la cos' in olden days, those bb eats all the stuffs and r still ok. Heart Attack man!

Re: Japan
Talking abt it... my mouth starts drooling liao. I love hokkaido milk and ice cream too... And I will definitely buy at least one blue label (burberry) back hehe. Anyway, I was a shoe and bag freak => Can't wait to back to japan and start shopping!

Hey, talking abt the clothes. Do u think my gal looks like one of the member in "Super Mario" haha

Cannot leh, hubby going overseas in Sept, I taking almost 2wks leave then already, clear my maternity leave one shot.

I cannot find the HOP drink at Isetan Scotts supermarket.

Unfortunately my elder gal doesn't like frozen BM even when i mix only 20% of it with her FM. She dun mind freshly expressed milk.
Re:2nd Jab
Today brot baby for 2nd jab and in the evening got slight fever 38.3deg so fed him one dose of paracetamol. PD also confirm he got oral thrush so prescribed oral gel for him. No wonder my nipple hurts so much when i feed him and no wonder i got blocked duct that day! Now nipple still pain when he latches.

My elder gal having fever cough flu, so brot her along to PD. The total bill for both of them came to $291.95!!! Big hole in pocket liao...

Duncan is now 6.69kg and 63cm tall.
Wow, headache hor, if both kids are sick. hope they get well soon!
I'm bringing my bb for second jab too on Monday. How come I'm more nervous than her lei... strange!
hee... my boy newborn that time already a lot of hair.
now grow till all stand up liao
no wonder last time pregnant my tummy super itchy haha

my boy is born on the 15th may. now 15weeks old
2 weeks ago weigh him, abt 7kg. birth 3.16kg
carry till hand ache...
i doing tai ma bi for him, they coming to shave on the 15th sept
haiz... kinda sad cos i really will miss his hair

i will transfer $ to u tomorrow
Hi mummies..
Have been a silent reader recently... although never type in this thread but sure to come in to see all the cute babies pictures.

Tracy, Poky
Wah!! Your milk ss very good... Envy. My ss had dropped but still able to sustain my baby appetite.

Re:2nd Jab
Brought my boy for his 2nd jab today too.. so far no fever. He now weighs 6.5kg and 63cm tall. doc was saying my baby still dunno how to flip but he should know soon then my mum told the doc that he is trying to flip and the next thing we know when we got back to my parents place straight after the jab, he flipped! Thought i see wrongly, asked my sis to put him back to lying down position and he flip again! Haha.. told my mummy, must be the doc said he dunno, he "bu kan yan" so must show us that he know how to flip.

haha.. if you never mentioned super mario, i also never realized that your gal outfit do look like it.

Here's my boy pic:

My baby, Keon and his kor kor Kiern,


The first pic was taken on 11-08, hubby came home and went into our room then he came out and asked if i purposely put them to sleep like that. Then i was like what purposely? He asked me to go in to take a look and realized they are sleeping in a similar position. Then on 22-08, so "jiao" that 2 of them got the same sleeping position again.
wow...we both have big babies lehhh.....my boy born on 18 May, just a few later than your baby...he's 8.6kgs a week ago...hmmm..height about 65.5cm.. =D everyone say he chubbly leh..my friends say lucky he's drinking bm if not may be bigger...dun know whether true or not???

haa...your kids so cute...looking at them sometimes can really bring a smile to your face rite! =D so innocence & adorable...wat a precious gift from above! your baby can do mini pushup so well...how old is he??
1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
28. birdy - Jurong West
29. Kelcqi - AMK (now)/Chai Chee (soon-Dec)
30. Taman jrg - Taman Jurong
31. POoh - Jurong West

xiao hua
thx for helping me add my blog

can add me for the mozart cube?
1. Xiao Hua (aka Hua_er~) - Seng Kang
2. Alice - Serangoon Garden
3. Yueling - Woodlands
4. Dolly - Punggol
5. Gina - Woodlands
6. Tweety&Micky fka Mrs Cheong - Bt Batok
7. Annabelle - Jurong West
8. Panpan - Jurong West
9. Diana - AMK
10.Mona aka sugar - sengkang
11.Poky - Bedok
12.Moony - Bedok
13.Ant - Bishan
14. Jenny - Jurong West
15. Felval - Yishun
16. Choc - Sengkang
17. Georgina aka lukemommy - Paya Lebar
18. yanling - bishan
19. leslieanne(Angela) - Joo Chiat
20. Tracy - Punggol
21. Muzicgal - Bukit Gombak/Yishun
22. Jerlynn aka Jer - Yishun
23. Linda Chang - Sembawang
24. icebubbles - Tampines
25. Jane aka Little princes_mummy - Punggol
26.eric_baby (jo) - Bishan / Yishun
27. Poko - Punggol
28. birdy - Jurong West
29. Kelcqi - AMK (now)/Chai Chee (soon-Dec)
30. Taman jrg - Taman Jurong
31. POoh - Jurong West
32. Cheri - Jalan Damai (Bedok)

1. Xiao Hua & Baby Le Xuan - http://lexuan-fairytale.blogspot.com/
2. Pooh & Baby Kieran - http://3-kids-on-da-loose.blogspot.com/
3. Angela & Baby Megan - http://rebangela.blogspot.com/
4. Doris & Baby Rayden - http://rayden-kwek.blogspot.com/
5. Gina & Baby Rene - http://garl36.multiply.com/
6. Jas & Baby Cristiano - http://www.totsites.com/tot//cristiano
7. Josephine & Baby Jorel - http://joreltoh.blogspot.com/
8. choc - http://www.flickr.com/photos/meet_raphael/
9. Tracy & Baby Duncan - http://www.the-ongs.blogspot.com
10.Moony & Baby Ethan - http://www.ethanjunjun.blogspot.com
11. Yueling & Baby Alyssa -http://yueling.multiply.com
12. Poko & BB Rayen - http://rayendiary.blogspot.com/
13. Kelcqi & Erica - http://ericafoong.multiply.com & http://www.kevdesign.com/erica
14. Taman jrg & Baby - http://brokensurfboard.multiply.com
15. ant aka ting - http://aldan-chua.blogspot.com/
16. Malcolm,Cheri & Baby Matthias - http://www.malcheri.blogspot.com
Haha, how old is Kiern? I find that it's better when the age gap is slightly bigger. Now both mine age gap 2years plus can faint.
I just bought my son for his first jab born on 28may and weighting at 6.5kg .But doc said he should be 7kg cos when he is at birth at 3.5kg .
And he is not drinking enough as he got irregular drink pattern . Sigh
Tracy ,

There are pro and con for having children age gap not too big !!If not too big both of them can play together but also will fight together .

As age gap is big ...the big one can take care of the small one but the big one might not like to play with the young 1

I won`t want to think of having second 1 till he turn 3 . My energy is only enough for him . Not for another 1

mummies whose babies 100% on BM, Is it common for baby to poo once in every 5 days?? my baby has been pooing only once every 5-6 days leh.. need to see doctor??
