(2008/05) May 2008

Oops! forgot to upload bb girl pic... here it is. look like boy rite?


pple thought my bb is a boy too... hiaz, and it all started ever since she is in my tummy. Cos big and sharp/pointed mah. They said "Oh is a boy"... I have to then say "is a girl la"... till today, she came out looking like a boy too =) I heard that if bb girl looks like boy next time when they grow up will be very pretty. Think quite true... seen a lot of example! This is my bb pic!

Ya... my mum told me the same thing too. But she said take a biscuit and wipe her lips with it, not drumstick. hehe maybe I will take cooked chicken breast instead. "Kwee Cho" mah ;-)

I heard from PD that the best is to start ard 6 mths cos' scare their stomach not fully mature and will lead to allergies. So as long as bb happy... think we should start ard 6 mths la.

I'm a full time housewife now and take care of bb... can be very stressful at times. Can u imagine from a workaholic to homemaker? still trying to get used to it... ;-)

guess sometime we have to fight abit to be heard, hiaz! me too, when i carry my bb, my FIL/MIL will say "the neck, the neck" so kiasu. I feel like telling them my bb is strong enough now, "Dun Worry"! and also Worst... I purposely bought a carseat for "newborn - 4 yrs old", BUT cannot use now cos' my hubby grandma said bb cannot sit upright on the carseat, bad for their backbone... But...But... there are a good cusion to support it and is meant for Newborn lei and is not very upright mah, Hiaz!
So can only use it when she is 4 to 5 mths. which is now... What to do, just to make them happy sometime, if not there will be war man!
poky / alice can the bumbo seat be used till baby 1 year old.. My baby a bit big size.. don't know whether she can sit in there.
ur bm really power! i also running out of storage liao.. til this date, i've used 250 milk bags. my freezer already full.. and i store 30+ packs at my mum's hse.. coz simply no space le.. haha

maybe u tell ur dad, why it's best to intro solids at 6mths old..
survey shows feeding bb at a young age, got risk of food allergy and intestinal obstruction. their intestine not yet matured.. feeding them solids at this time, is making their digestive system work double hard.. i remembered a 5mth old bb come in see doc, ended up must go for emergency operation. coz the parents feed cereal at 3mths old and intro porridge at 4mths old.. all these food are stuck in the intestine.. in the end, we must cut that portion of stuck intestine out.... not meant to scare u but this is really a real life scenario...

ur gal really look like a boy in blue :p

the polyclinc doc say most bb at this age suddenly drink very little.. one of the reason might be.. bb no longer have blurry vision.. instead suddenly they can see very well so they are more interested in the surrounding then milk time

today bring my boy for his 3rd mth jab.. i too bz to bring him that's why delay til today..
3mth 3rd week old.. now he's 8.8kg, 65cm tall
my boy just received his 1st dose of jabs..2 jabs each time...he's 14 weeks plus now...ya..my doc also charged $100 per jab...maybe your friend didn't opt for one of the vaccines..

wow....so many packets..u power boy...enough for your baby for a long time.... =D

hmmmm...must book slot?? shd be quite fun...

me cook dinner on weeknites leh...so got to keep some fishes cos me & hubby loves fishes very much...ice cream must have also...heeee...

your baby so cute.....think i shd get the bumbo seat too....
Dolly- haha… ur boy so cute! KO immed w the tu tu.

Felval- my boy also likes to pull my hair!! He literally grab n refused to let go! Super painful! Nw when I bathe him,he wil grab on to my tee, as if scare he wil fall lidat. Haha
I heard tbf bbs dun nid water too but since I gv him fm once a day, I do gv a bit of water jus in case nxt time he totally reject.

Poky- the potty had been delivered to my plc le. let me noe when u collectin =)
He gt mood one leh! he happy he wil flip, if nt he wil jus lie there n kick non-stop. Haha.. I stil waitin to capture his flip on video!
Wah!!! U reali gt a lot of bm!! I stil no chance to freeze my bm =(

Kelcqi- my ILs also hv a set of keys to our plc n I wasn’t v happy abt it. late last yr, our gate got prob so we changed a new one n didn’t gv them the new key. Haha.. hb also said beta nt duplicate for them =D

Diana- me too. Waitin for the day I can gv my boy tbm.. but ss stil the same. Sighz.. once his feedin incr to more thn 120ml, cfm nt enough liao,

Moony- hv added ur blog =) wah ur boy so clever can talk alrdy!!!

Alice- I’m sahm too. Whole world revolves ard my boy nw. haha
My mum also said no gd for bb to be on car seat cos of their back. But I dun care jus put him in even when he was jus 1mth plus. Wan him to be used to it. Nw everytm go out, wil strap him in the seat n he wil happily sit there n look out of the window.
Yueling, alice teo
mine also.... always say by other that she a boy... when i was pregnant, all guess it a boy. even after scannin, prove a gal, stil says all symptons like hvin a boy. now come out liao. wear pink, wear skirt,, stil can b asked if she a boy... OMG.....

for this pic, even my hubby says she look like a boy wearin dress... -_-"

without regular pumpin, think harder to up supply. when on ml, got hardworkin to pump regularly.. but after startin work, also lazy, need to work/go out... so irrugualar again.. ss drop again liao.. but i try to maintain at least the current supply. juz enuf for my gal day feeds, store another pkt per day to store for future feed.

i also not in favour of givin bb to eat other foodstuffs bside bm... last sat, my mom wants me to put a nougat bside my gal mouth to c if she wil lick.. i refuse, my mom start "lecturin" me... but i still refuse.. for me, i scare if intro other food, scarely she like it, know how to choose food, if she reject my bm, then how?? all ebm throw?? find sugary or oily tastin food for her?? bside, my gal also got sensitive skin... some adivise to intro food at later stages for such bb rite?? so all the more i dun want to eat any other xcept bm.. so far, my inlaws hvnt mention abt hte 4mth thingy leh.... i know they wont force us to shave my gal la. food wise, the topic nv pop up.. i wait til they mention, then sht the idea down ba.... but they r the ones carin my gal in the day time, so if they daytime sneak food to her.. i also wont know.... sigh... hopefully it me who think too much,..

i fetch my gal daily back from my inlaws. cos i miss mad... i a v sticky mommy,,,, hahahah

ya lor.. our parents belongs to the bm generation.. my mom always says give fm when she c me pumpin or nursin my bb. say y so troublesome? give fm so much simpler. else, bm 6 mths can stop liao.. dun go further.... =( but i always ignore her when she says this... hahhah

so gd, can hear him say liao.. even if occasionally. scarely today u will hear him say mommy?? lolx

ur gal so cute.. another bb that with chubby rosy cheeks that i feel like pinchin... the first one is lukemommy son.. hahaha

i also duno how long she can sit, as she also on chubby side... but at present,, we can at least eat with both hands (last time, we take turn to carry her while eatin...)... also with my over strained wrist.. i can place her inside n play with her with two hands, c her in the face n talk... so for me, i like it.. =) even if cannot use for long... these two months also worth it... hahah

u also use up 250bags liao, so ss also not bad.. (think the most power is choc... lolx) i throw away more than 20bags last time when my gal got stomach flu... so wasted... but cant keep.. cos i duno wat cause her stomach flu.. was so pissed off, that i stop regularly pmup to store.. when i finally start to stock again.. ss drop so much... =( she now use 3bags daily for day feeds. if add the 2 more feeds that i latch.. will b 4bags.. in future, she will drink even more... the 120bags where got enuf. cant even last a full mth... =( but then, i also no place to stock even if there more supply... =p

i aimin to hv enuf stock to last her 2 mths.. so that even if one day, b4 she 6mths old, will still hv enuf bm to last her til she 6mths, i will start introducin fm then.. if can last longer than that. i will keep bf her lor. =)

i dun dare to fill up to the 250ml markin leh.. when the milk start to expand while freezin.. will oozes out one... so now only fill up to the 200ml marking. ur milk bags got difference in can store how much dependin on standin or lyin position?? i actually dun follow the rule of first in, first out... will take whichever that is outside that is of older batch.. as long in the jul,, will b older batches liao... the august onwards bag r tied with red rubber bands. so i jus find those yellow bands one... now the outside r all red liao.. hv to re-stack again to take out the inner layer which r older batches.. sians.. need to play domino again.....=(

ant1712, can sms me ur add? will ask hubby to collect. =) u bought the green one for me rite$ $49.90? gst added yet??
that stock was b4 i went back to work. after working.. i can only stock 1 bag per day after minusin her daily day feeds..
actually nt safe to ferry bb in car if we carry them and nt on car seat de....can tink we can kena summon from TP if caught de.....i start him on car seat on 17th Aug but short distance like to and fro my bbsitter hse, i still carry lor...
Really ah??!! Hahaha i lurve to hear that cos my elder gal looks like boy when young and in my tummy was sharp and pointed. And so my this #2 is a boy. high chance your #2 is boy?

I going Isetan Scotts this Friday. Will go supermarket downstairs check if got HOP and let you know.
you so clever! Never occur to me to mark them like yours with rubberband so easier to differentiate! Alamak, i so dumb. I scared lying down can't expand much then will burst out so i guai guai follow instructions max. 180ml. I tried 260ml with the lansinoh bag standing, can but very fat. i hate to rearrange the frozen milk, hands get so pain from the cold then if spend too long time with freezer open, scared some will defrost.

the links i provides are those which i just ordered...havent received yet...but i hope the one from japan is of good quality lor..
u got time go take a look..so so cute n nice... i going to get Colorful stripes·royal purple ...

the prev leg warmers i got from another organiser.. was good lar... quality not bad...most imptly my boy leg is warm warm when i go places like vivo..
their air con machiam FOC..

haha..must influence u all to go buy...hehee..else i be the onli broke mummy here
Sharing a recent foto of my little one. Just like to ask what brand of diaper would you recommend for a baby with fat thighs? I am currently using Drypers (Day) and Huggies (Night) but the M size seem very small for him tho it says it can take baby to higher kg.

Hi pooh, you back @ work? your maid settle in lieo? 250 MILKBAGS is like World Record lieo loh.. hee hee.. Do you feed Kieran anything before or after the jab to prevent fever?? Mine going next week for jab lieo. So worry that she will develop FEVER!!

Hi Alice, my baby loves swimming at Hwa Xia a lot, just brought her for a second swim today, she's smiling from ear to ear. The one @ Punggol not so crowded nowadays lieo, the sales staff say because one more branch open, so many brought baby there, i think @ orchard PS

I also got comments from people saying that my gal look like boy, despite me dressing her from top to toe in PINK *bang wall*

Re: Storing EBM
My milk supply not as much as many mummies here, think my supply equates to baby's demand, now my bb 3 mths old, 100% on BM still, nv try FM b4. Though I cannot store much frozen EBM, am glad that I still hang on to pumping in the office, then rush home everyday to feed her

Re: Bumbo Seat
very tempted to buy after seeing all the photos here.. My colleague just bought one without tray from Kiddy Palace, cost around $70++.. think more worth it to buy online.
Hi Mommies,

For those of you who had bought the bumbo seat, is it good? I'm thinking of buying too but I dunno if my baby girl who is now 3 months will like it? Also how many months can it be used?

Last week I saw Mothercare selling at 50% discount abt $60+.
Hi ladies ,

Haven got time to chat with you ladies , very busy with course ..super boring with the new system .

Poky ,

So envious your supply so much ...hmmm me each day can express about 200ml ...the most only feed two times.Dun talk about filling up the storage bag .My son will be very very happy if my supply are like yours ...cos he dun really like FM .
hmm...wen i pregnant before knowing the gender all my coglis and frenz guess it is gal...coz they say my nose nv bcum rounder and bigger and my tummy look round....and even wen gynae say it is a boy...some of my coglis still dun believe it....coz they say my nose nv look diff....
haha, i tink the 'rules' didn't apply to me too. For both my pregnancies (1 gal / 1boy), my nose never become big. BUT my backside was very big when expecting my gal.
my boy refusing to drink his milk again! Sighz.. jus nw 120ml need 3 instalments to finish it!! Cannot be nt hungry leh. I latch him at 10am thn 1230 gv him ebm, he drank abit only n dozed off. Thn woke up half hr later n feed again, he refused. Finally at 230pm thn finished the whole botl =_= nw latchin him. He ok leh… at 1st tot it’s the teat hole too small, but no leh. cos ytd we poked n make it bigger liao.

poky- wil sms u shortly. Yup I bot the green one, $49.90 exact =) hey urs is gal rite. hw cm u dun wan buy the pink one ah?

Choc- u evil leh.. wan us to spend w u! hahahha… I jus bot sm Disney bath bks for my boy frm BP. Alrdy kana say by my hb. Stay at hm also can spend $$! lol
btw anyone here uses dr brown botls? i got 2 brand new ones to sell away cos my boy used to nuk teats liao. it's stil in original packaging. nvr use b4 =)
i also got buy a few pairs last mth, but til now, stil hvnt let her use... i also duno which container i stuff in liao... hahaha

the link for the bumbo

oki. thx alot of the help. yep, mine is a gal. but this type of stuff can b pass down to the nxt one mah... if boy, let him use, a bit strange.. if girl, stil can continue to use. =)

i also got buy the disney bath bks. i bought the two complete sets one.. alrdy $40 bomb liao... =p which bp u join? the sets or the individual one??
poky- oh ya hor.. hee... smtimes i hope my 2nd one wil be a boy too so can use bk all the stuff. haha.. but i wana a gal leh. hee
i join the BP by jenny. i only bot set B.
tmr wat time wil ur hb be comin? cos i may be gg out for dinner...
xiao hua,
the seat is suitable for bb from 3 mths to 14 mths. so far i find it quite gd =) u can try it @ mothercare... then decide loh. ya buying on line is much cheaper! yr bb so cute ... ok i will bring bb there to swim liao, think she cant wait, hehe

thanks for yr compliment! yr bb is cute too! oh so the 2 jabs r ok la, but dunno why some experience only 1 jab lei??

what is sahm?? sori cant figure out lei hehe... i guess is staying at home rite?

haha so hope is true. do u find it funny when our bb wears skirt or dress =) i always laugh at her, so cute!

thks, yr girl is so cute too! honestly, i hardly see girl look like one... is always the boys tat look like girl, hehe...

i'm interestes in buying the leg warmer, idea lei, if not i always have to wear long pants for her, then diffcult to take out too...

i hope so, but so far quite accurate lei. how old is yr gal now?

is for 3 mths onwards, but my bb oni using it @ 4 mth now cos' neck more stable. if yr bb neck stable, then can use liao loh

i agree all these rules dun apply, depending on individual...
sori arh... very confuse lei after seeing those links cos' so many pple ordering dun know where to start, hehe. Any shop selling it in Singapore?
oh i see... kk now i know. Hey, which means we can go kai kai together la. stay at home with bb very sian and siong too. my bb likes to shop, like me, hehe... where r u staying?
alice...that i dunno leh..nvm nvm.. i teach u to see lor..

Japan legging:
its $18 per pair
u see tis link and choose awat u like ...

then place order here

then the cheapest legging i can find u go tis link
take a look at their selection and choose lor..

last one..

i think this no additional link..just the pictures u see and if u like order lor

ei..i dun earn commission one hor..just share with u all nia
Hi ladies,
anyone had any good suggestions where I can find good and reliable maid?? preferable good reputation in handling bb... Me raised "white cloth" - surrender liao. Need a maid at least to do all the washing and cleaning, so I have more time with bb =)

Oh and also, anyone know whether the maid can follow us if we decide to travel overseas? cos' my hubby will be posted overseas soon :-(
my hubby also worried that i bought bb out alone. So i usually go out with my sister. Bishan... then i'm sure junction 8 is pretty close to u then. I'm staying in Serangoon garden. Quite close lei.

thanks for simplifying it haha. now is much easier. ok going to take a look and order, thk u =)
xiao hua
back to work le.. just finish my night shift. abit shag now. din hire my maid.. the agency cannot make it.. keep delaying my application. i opt for refund.. now asking my neighbour to help out then dec i'll register my #1 and #2 to go childcare

my hb ask if i need to buy a separate freezer anot.. but dun have cheap one leh

lucky got alot.. so my #2 also drinkin my BM now. she drink abt once to twice per day
alice- maybe u can consider gettin a part time maid to jus clean ur plc every wk?
ur sis nt wrkg also ah? J8 is a few bus stops away frm my plc =) sick of tat plc liao! haha.. where do u usu bring ur bb?
xiao hua
miss out ur qns.. i din feed him anything b4 jab. after jab, just gave him the fever med that the nurse give. til now, still ok. no rise in temperature
pooh, icic.. good good
hopefulli my girl is alrite after the jab too. u ever tot of requesting for transfer of dept.. perhaps moving to clinic side?? Like that you can be on office hours, then easier to arrange for childcare arrangement. BTW, got childcare @ ur workplace?

so busy whole day, never got time to login, until now ... and my god ... so many postings today and many bb photos, all so cute !

Haha, same here, i also dun dare to bring bb out alone, and of course his daddy really "bu fan xin" lor, scared that i cannot manage him alone. Actually i am very tempted to bring my boy out alone, but no kakis to go out, so give up the idea.


how much is your boy drinking now ? My boy is sleeping more nowadays, but not drinking as much as before. Last night, he slept from 10pm, and i woke him up at 1am for his feed, and he can sleep all the way with me, till 8am, without crying for milk. And when i got my hubby to feed him at 830am, he only drank around 80ml for 7hrs, so end up, i fed him again at 930am, and he can finish another 100ml. Usually if i feed him, he can drink 1 shot of 180ml, so dun know what is happpening to him.

Birdy / Alice,

i also stopped breastfeeding since yesterday. Because having very bad gastric pain, and had a jab, so my GP advised me to stop expressing first, dun know if my ss will drop somemore, if still drop, means no more ss liao .... it does not really help even i am drinking Friso mum.


are you still going to Parentcraft, you mean that they can tell if we can start the breastfeeding cycle again ?


i have ordered 1 pair of warmer from Kizcottage @ $10 but yet to let my boy try. From your last link, it is more expensive, as for the same design - JackStrip, i only paid $10, so please check it out.


thanks for checking, do let me know if you can find the sample for the Sebamed lotion
