(2008/05) May 2008

oops, missymouse... sorry ah, i forgot to update. Haiz...

Whew...was down with gastric flu these 2 days and on MC. Fever, diarrhea, body aches...vomitted this morning and felt so much better but still body ache..

I've posted on the Jan thread to ask for CL contacts. Will update you once I receive any replies.

congratz on the results! Haha, same here, when I go for check-up with hb and not so good news, I will tell him next time don't come along liao.

yupz, my first was c-sect. Could have been a natural cos I was already 8cm dilated after 9hrs, but I was having high fever and with my heart murmur case, Doc Soong was worried so advised c-sect. Besides, baby's showing distress liao. So off I went for epi c-sect.

Of course natural is beta lah, heal faster. But for my this #2, most prob I will still go for c-sect unless bb decides to arrive earlier himself. Cos I'm afraid of the looong labour and if same case where i get fever again...haiz...the hospital bill will be sky-high.

My first pregnancy bill for single bedder, stay 4D3N was $6000! After medisave subsidy, still had to pay cash $3k...faintz. My SIL, really short labour, only 3hr, too late for epi, only paid cash like $750! so much difference.
Tracy, take care ok! You must drink lots of water wor... so far i realised the multi-vits that I hv been eating, i have not been sick since after the flu at wk 5. But i know must drink lots of water to prevent constipation.

I wanna try to go for natural birth without epi since i cant have epi. So will double confirm if i can go natural. My gynae initially say maybe cannot do natural as i have slipped disc, so I still nid to see a specialist to confirm my back situation first. Whatever can save, save loh... its a bonus after all and can use it later for baby.
Hi Jaspire,
Thks for updating our details.

Sorry All,
Hv not been on this site for a long time as I had bleeding on Depavali till now, nearly a mth. Only seem to stop this morning, need to monitor. Now on HL till 7th dec

How's the amnio experience, done by Dr Quek? Me gg on 5th Dec, donno bleedg affect the test or not...
Hi tracy,

c-section must stay so many days one ah? how come so expensive???... oh my!! it's out of my budget man... too expensive liao...
me also down with flu n cough, but i din go c doc leh,let it recover itself..already 3 days liao, don dare to take medicine if c doc..
Hi Dear All,

Sorry to intrude ... I am from Sept 07 thread. I have 9 pieces of Brand new Pigeon safe secure safety pins... I brought at kiddy palace for 2.50 would let go at 1.50 inc postage via normal mail.. thanks to pm me if u are interested... is brandnew packaging intact not open at all
thanks for viewing my post!
hi bonjon,

Thank for prayer. I dun hve any DS history in both family, my son is a healthy toddler too..Hope to share good news to you soon.

Not all gynae in KKH can do the amino test, mine is done by Prof John Tee, he is v fast, the procedure takes only 5 min...actually thruout i dare not to open my eye..is not as painful as i think for..just relax. By the way, why u need to do the test?
Hi Xavpris,
Thks for the reassurance, mine will be prof John Tee too. I am 38 and did my blood test (known as FTS in KK) came out to be 1:75, high risk, so doc strongly advise to go thro amnio.
Hi LB,

No worry,Prof John Tee is good, my gynae did share wz me,last time his wife blood test came out to be 1:50, but his daughter is a normal n healthy bb.

I will keep u in prayers.
i am currently 16 weeks, ie abt 4 months, but pp says i look 5 months preg. sometimes, i felt my tummy so stretched that i felt like bursting....
Hi sgn,

I went SGH for amino test and will be going there again for detailed scan, no follow up there.

Hi Tracy,

I'm joking la cos he never accompany me in both preg, so far only once when he happened to be on study leave and we are going to his parents' pl for dinner. Since your hb is willing to accompany u, let's him go. It's nice to share your joy with him.

Hi Xav_rpis & LB,

Dun worry, your baby will be fine just like my.

This morning while waiting for my gynae, the nurse suddenly tell me, "I guess your is a girl." I asked why she said so, then she said my report is here liao. I smiled, she said I'm guessing only. So funny.

My gynae briefed me on the result for the partial report, it stated that a female baby normal count of Trisomy 13, 18 & 21 but can't detect abnormality below 20%, need to wait for detailed report which is available in two week times.

She tried to scan for gender but can't see any penis or balls. She asked me to wait for detailed scan to confirm the gender. I guess it's cos I told her I have no preference to the sex of the baby when she asked me. However, it seems to me, high chance it's a girl.

She had given me flu jet cos she said she does not want me to catch a cold as it's normally raining in Dec & Jan.

She had prescribled prenavit tablet and calcit Ultra for me, she said baby is developing so I need to consume more iron & calcium for its growth & my too.

She had also recommended a booster for Hep B in Jul next year cos she said my body already has immunity but better take a booster after delivery. I guess it's cos she afraid that baby will take away all my nutrients and I will be weak.

Is anyone buying the bag that Tracy recommended? I'm interested to buy, I tink it's convenient.

I guess it's still early to tink about delivery cos baby will change it's position.

In the first preg, my gynae din ask me about delivery at all. I'm positive in terms of preg and delivery, I believe i will go for natural without any jet. Truth in enough, I were admitted to hospital around 1am, it's already 3cm. When my gynae checked on me, already 5 or 6cm. My son is born at 4.54am.

This time,I believe in smooth preg and delivery, I never harbor thought for c-section.

So let's all dun think & worry too much, just enjoy our preg.
Thanks, am feeling much beta now.

piggy mummy,
Tried to PM you the CL contact. Can turn on your PM please? Or you PM me and I reply back to you.

guess i stayed so long cos i had on n off fever. My bills also so high cos i used both the labour ward and operating theatre, ie try natural, fail then go c-sect. That's y the bill came up so high...

haha, actually even with my last pregnancy my hb seldom goes for check with me cos i told him save the leave. And also, heehee, I wanna go shopping myself after check up.

wah shiok ah, your labour quite fast. I think this #2 will be even faster for you!
Hi LB,

My Gynae is also John Tee, i went for my triple blood test on tuesday(27th Nov), when did the hospital call you regarding the results? I am 17+ week preg and will be going for my detail scan when i am 20+ week, and only see Dr Tee when i am 23 week. I am very anxious to know the results! Really waiting for the hospital to call me.
Hi Tracy,

I heard that the subsequent delivery will be faster than the previous ones, I hope so too.

Hi LB,

I'm curious, why did didn't u do amino test at the beginning? I were told 35 & above, do amino test, no triple nor oscar test required as such test is not accurate.
Jaspire, me 1st timer lah no experience... Most of the time also don't know what I am doing. Gynae ask me to go for what test I just go lah...(don't know I too blur or what). So far I did the scan to check baby's length and the thickness of the neck then tomorrow going for a blood test but don't know that's the detail test. Tot want to ask tomorrow before the test. Ai yoh... so paiseh like everything also don't know like that.
Xavpris, thx so much for the encouragemt.

smuferoos, the blood test result came back after 2 workg days, then doc will explain to u and advised for next stage

bonJon, yes, gynae advised go straight for amnio, but me try to avoid lor, thot if blood test ok, no need amnio, now extra worries

jus came back fm gynae, said my placenta low-lying that's why bleed. But can still go amnio on 5th. Thanks for all the wishes
Hi ladies, came back from shopping on Fri! Finally can feel the energy level up, not so easily tired anymore.. But backache is bad..

La Senza is having 50% off for their maternity/nursing bras, price is $59 originally. Bought that and also their normal bras (but bigger size than before) cos even with extenders my old bras are not comfortable, the wires position are broader with a larger size and won't "poke" me so bad anymore
It had been a long time since I last log in... very busy & tired these few weeks due to project..

Wow.. there's update on gender already... so fast we can know the gender... mostly is from which weeks then we can tell the gender? I am currently in week 14... this coming monday, I will be in week 15 & gg for my 2nd appt... do you think can see the gender already?
Hi LB,

I understand how u feel, I were worried after the triple test result. I heard from my gynae that veri seldom the triple test will be at the low risk for my age (33) & above. She din advise for amnio test immediately cos of the risk involved.

One of coll went for it (she din had triple test) even she was in her late 20s for her 1st born cos she said she want assurance. I hope to conceive again two years later, if my gynae advises amnio test instead of triple test I will go for it. I do not want to have extra worries altot I believe everything will be ok.

Dun worry too much, just rest and before u know it, u finish the test. Remember to rest well and stay positive. Baby will be ok.
having flu n cough for few days liao, but don dare to take medicine, drink plenty of water till now stomach very very bloated leh..how?shd i take medicine?btw, if cough, can eat fruit?like kiwi and orange?
piggy mummy
tab piriton is safe for preg mothers during flu but will make u sleepy. gp should have safe med for flu go see a dr n take good rest. take care.
piggy mummy,

I was told to avoid orange cos it causes phelgm to baby. But think kiwi is ok. Kiwi is not as cooling as orange also. Plus it aids constipation.

But see a doc for the medication yah.

i drink plenty of water, till every 15mins go toilet.now better liao, seems flu has stop, only left phlegm..i eat 2 apples perday..
Piggy mummy, ask u a question hor?

For me everytime I have alot of phelgm, I keep on coughing. Sometimes even cough till wanna vomit. At times I forced myself to vomit so that the phelgm comes out and I feel better. Am I normal to do that?

When you have phelgm, do u feel like coughing alot?

If I remember, I also try to drink plenty of water. BUt I hate running to the toilet so frequently.
Me lazy.

emm, i only have phlegm when i get up fr bed, like i toke a snap then i wake up, and i have phlegm, but nt so alot till have to force it vomit..may b u try drink plenty of water..me drink so much till my HB stop me fr drinking..haha.today better liao..
I just bought a baby bedding set from Aussino, cannot resist cos it has cute baby mice on it (cos baby will be born in the year of the rat heehee)...

Lately I'm finding that I get thirsty very often and am drinking much more water than usual. I googled and found that we need much more water now that we're preggy, but really running to the toilet so often is annoying!

Does anyone know how much clacium we're supposed to be taking in? I'm worried that the prenavit might not be providing enough and I'm not taking any other multi-vits.. I got my teeth corrected many years back and am still wearing my retainers every now and then with no problems. But now even if I wear my retainers more often they're getting really tight. I've had a couple of nightmares where my teeth all dropped out when I remove my retainers, so scary
Oh no, I just checked my bottle of prenavit, it provides only 200mg of calcium, and it says the RDA is 1300+mg per day!

I'm not drinking milk (gastric does not agree with milk nowadays dunno why), can I go ahead and just buy normal calcium pills to take?
good to hear you are feeling better now!

My gynae gives me calcium tablets which are 500mg per tablet. Other than that I have only folic acid and DHA tablets to take. And iron tablets to take on weekends when I feel dizzy. Low dunno wat blood thing.
Hi, i oso have this phlegm problem from start till now. I've a habit of coughing out the phlegm in the morning when brushing teeth. But since pregnant i can't as coughing the phlegm out will definately followed by vomiting. So frustrating. I can't do anything, just endure try not to cough whole day.

I oso have burping problem which sometimes induce vomit too... but feels so good to burp out the gas.

My stomach feels weird all the time, dunno if i'm feeling full or bloated, always can't distinguish the feelings. Wonder any1 experience the same?
I'm 15 months now, but still can't take milk and fish... feel so bad for my bb...
Later going for appointment, wonder if able to see the gender.. so excited..
me too. the gynae gave me the calcium pills of 500mg, to be taken eveyrday. on top of that i drink a cup of milk every morning. still taking folic acid and multi-vitamin. but i think once the folic acid runs out, will start on iron pills.

Lynn.. me too! feeling dizzy and fainting spell. i almost fainted on the MRT in the morning on the way to office. end up have to go out of the train and sit for a few min on the platform before continuing the trip. Horrible experience!!!
ooopps.. sorry. should be tracy, not lynn who feels dizzy rite.

Harnee, i think u were saying 15 weeks.. not 15 months rite? hehehhe

me not sure the calcium tablet that our gynae prescribe to us is enough or not, but i do eat cheese, and drink milk milk twice a day..dr ang did a blood test for u during the oscar test, if the blood test results show that u have enough iron,calcium..i think shd be ok bah..y not u try to call him and ask him whether can buy extra calcium tables or not.
i rem last visit he told me no need to drink those milk if i don like to, he said shd b enough..

Did u eat the EPA tablet?
Lynn: we need about 1000mg calcium per day .. so beside eating the calcium pills have to take other food / drink which is high in calcium...
I know what you mean about the dizzy part...somehow, every Sat and Sun morning, I will be dizzy and need to lie in bed. Maybe cos weekdays i just need to wake up, get in the car, then at work just sit at the PC. Whereas on weekends, after waking up, gotta start running after my daughter, do laundry etc. So more movements.

Do you bring along a bottle of medicated oil with you? It's good when you feel dizzy in public places.
sianz.. i got UTI AGAIN!! ;( dunno y like dat.. but i called up my gynae juz nw, her nurse told me its common.. juz drink more water to flush out the bacteria.. Argh!! so shitty.. I hope i can find a way to prevent it..

u drink more water?u use feminine wash to wash vaginal?lastime my gynae told me don use anything to wash, just use water to wash..

thanks for the tip on the wolfberry & red dates.

ya, dun use feminine wash. The last time my gynae gave me this hospigel to wash. can get from pharmacies.

Do you wear panty liners everyday? I learn that panty liners also will cause UTI. You must change panty liners often in one day to keep dry. Best is to do without liners, natural cotton undies more airy.
