(2008/05) May 2008

Kelcqi, I tin i'm starting to get over on having a boy. Maybe i'm those who cant stand guys having affairs. So if really things happen to me, i'll jus leave no matter if i'm having a kid or not. So let's not stress ourselves too much and be a happy mama ya (*^_^*)...

I actually am from the 2006 Jan MTB thread. So two of our mummies there went thru the test. Why dun you PM me your email? I will link you up with one of them.
I'm not sure too. I wanted to ask my gynae abt digital perm last appt but totally forgot about it. Cos my curls are not going to last me till CNY, wonder if can perm now and let it last until even after confinement for easy maintainance.
sparks, i heard even after confinement oso cannot rebond or perm or colour cos the chemical might flow thru to the breastmilk if we are still breastfeeding wor...
jaspire! thks for callin to remind me ytd. i forgot all abt it! =D nice meetin u too
ant... yeah nice meeting you too! Do you still remember the exercises? Gosh, i simply forgot it after i went home. Shucks! Too bad my hubby not there wor... if not, he sure remember the exercises one... *cry*
Hi Sparks,

I had asked one of my coll whom gave birth to 3rd child last year, she had usual blood test and detailed scan. She said her gynae din ask her to perform triple test even she is 34 years old cos her two children are born when she was 30 years old and low and they are normal. She was veri careful, she kept asking questions during her scan to see if her boy is ok.

My gyane said detail scan does not guarantee no DS if bb look normal. I'm willing to take the risk, then dun perform anmio test.

I will doing it for assurance since my hb agreed to it liao. Just pray for the best.
Yes, be very cautious and gain more knowledge. Glad that u have the support of your hubby. Sincerely pray for u & to your family well-being. It's going to b a rocky path, but God will watch over you to smoothen the rough edges. Be cheerful always... Keep me posted.
jaspire- err.. nt all thou. ytd wanted to practice b4 goin to bed but was tired n slept when hit the bed! ur hb able to join u for nxt wk?
Hi Bonjon,

Glad you spoke to your mum and hubby. You shouldn't be coping with it alone since everyone is a family. Worrying alone is unhealthy.

All the best for the test! Will keep you in prayers.
Try to google for more info before going for the test, find out what are the no-nos to do before & after for the test for maximum care.

Me haven gone for triple test yet. We are free to book anytime we want. Hubby said next month, but I'm also worried. Feel abit uneasy about this pregnancy maybe due to having cyst earlier. My MIL also nag at hubby, ask him to send me for test quickly to ensure baby is healthy.
Poko, your boy so sweet! I think children are sweet by nature. I remember last time when I was teaching, my kids were very sweet also. A few occasions when I was sick and I told them, some of them can even try to hug me. And strangely when I wasn't well, they themselves also behaved themselves, no need for me to scold them. Hmmm, Missed my times there.

Sgn, what is magnisium tricilicate? Can it be purchase over counters or I need to see a GP for it? Think if I go back GP he sure very shocked I'm pregnant. I went to him for pregnancy test and he tested me negative regardless I tested 2 kits all positive.

Issit true sleeping on rite side baby smaller and left side triggers gasterics? I think I'll try to sleep on rite, baby smaller I'm not too worried cos I read that we can supplement the child after born also. My friend's baby born at 2.7kg, now tallest boy in class. So if worse come to worse case baby small, I'll feed him more when he's out. Cos really can't stand the pain. I get it in the middle of the nite or early morning. Makes me so tired.

Btw, is it normal if my MS is back? I feel so terrible last evening, then after dinner I vomitted everything out. Sigh, I started taking back the vomiting medication again cos whole nite cannot sleep.

Jaspire and Ant, how was the class last nite?

Violet, me also wanna do rebonding. I itchy backside, that time plan August do rebonding, after that I think I wait till Nov then do, nearer to new year. I went to Reds to crop my hair and I told them I wanna schedule appt for rebonding, the gal told me I pregnant cannot rebond.
kelcqi- the class v interesting
ytd was on massagin, nutrition, myths n traditions. mrs wong even passed ard a preg suit for all the hbs to try! hahah... wan them to noe hw we feel durin preg.
ant, not sure if next wk my hubby can join or not wor... cos he still on reservist. But ending on 30th nov. Haiz... can only keep my fingers crossed wor.
Hehe Ant, sound like you had alot of fun last nite.

Yahor, should make hubby know how we feel like during pregnancy. So depressing. Only see ourselves getting bigger and bigger in size.

Just now went to HDB hub to check out the flats, now no more walk-in selection liao. Need to ballot. Hope can quickly settle for a flat else baby come out no place to stay.

I was complaining to hubby now even my fav dress feels tight. The breast grew bigger and my dress look so revealing on me. I ended up nagging tat I feel so fat and ugly, hubby bo bian, only pacify me say ask me go shopping and we buy new clothes I like... Keke, I so bad to hubby.

Any mummies wearing leggings? My friend suggested to me wear leggings with baby doll dress, but leggings issit tight? Although it's in trend, I never own one cos I feel that I have fat legs.
kelcqi, it is indeed a very interesting class. Mrs Wong is very very knowlegeable and makes the class interesting too!

I oso dun have a hse of my own yet. So sad hor... so baby and us will have to stay wif in-law tentatively.

Me cant even wear all my old clothes liao. So horrible leh. I got leggings but i oso dun wear cos i feel fat too... so sianz!
MS come back
My MS gone after I come back from Japan trip and then it come back again when my hb is not around and I feel worse than before 8( No appetite at all but got to eat 8(

Yah They can be sweet sometime but now my boi T2 so like to go everything in his way. Very stubburn. So he make me angry too.

Pre Natal Class
I think the class is fruitful I went during my 1st pregnancy, the best part of it is she teach our hb how to message us and during the pain if we have leg cramp during our 3rd tri.

Perm and Coloring
I check with my relative who is a hair stylist she told me can perm hair but no coloring. For rebonding before birth I am not sure. But I got friend doing rebonding during BFing... So I think just depend whether are you comfortable with it or not. I did my rebonding during bfing too.

I think someone ask about brazilian waxing, I did mine before I know that I am pregnant (about 1 or 2wkd pregnant I think) and BB is alright but after confirmating pregnancy gynea got tell me no hot bath is allow so I think waxing is not good too.

wong's 1st lesson is on massagin, nutrition, myths n traditions?think my hb will still be overseas,cant join me for 1st lesson...
goodbabyb, u wil be like me... my hb oso away on reservist. So i went alone but hor.. i forgetful liao so forget most things... haiz.

piggy mummy, so gd then ur baby so cooperative wor, let u know the gender liao.
it's liquid medicine for reduce gastric juice. can purchase over counters or GPs.

re: rebond hair
i did my rebond during my 5month preg when bb is well formed n stable, n 1 month after delivery, both asked my hairstylist to do it with care not to touch the scalp should be ok.

btw anyone wants a reliable confinement lady,i can give u her contact.
actually my BB din open leg for us to c, but gynae can c 70% is gal gal.

went to medical hall ask abt birdnest. the sales person suggest eat cordycep, better that birdnest,coz he said birdnest will cause BB sensitive after born, like feel cool easily..somore the cordycep he suggest can last till we reach 8 month, coz near to EDD cant eat liao..
hi, all,
the thread moves very fast leh. have to scroll back to get all the updates.

anyway, today i went to take the OSCAR test. the nurse drew a huge tube of blood then split into three smaller tubes. then I took one tube together with me to the ultrasound unit at 4th level TMC then did the ultrasound to measure the thickness of the neck.

the person is nice... she said the baby is very active and cooperative so she mananged to get the shots quite easily. she said the longest record is a good 5 hours to wait for the baby to turn so that she can take the measurement. Imagine tat!!! So she took the measurement of the thickness of the neck, the diameter of the crown and the length of thigh. although the result is not yet officially out. but she said all the measurements are within the normal range. Keep my fingers crossed!!!!

After that, my hubby and I went back to the gynae clinic. the gynae said she tried to see the gender of the baby. after moving around... she said it's 70% a boy although i cannot see anything. before ending off, she tried to scan again and said "the thing" is still there, so shouldnt' be a finger. hahhahahah... doesn't matter to me. i shall wait for the next visit for confirmation which is the xmas eve. then it will be the best xmas gift.

while at the gynae's they are giving a goodie bag from "My Baby". i think it's a english magazine. inside got two Dryperz newborn diaper samples and some samples from Anmum milk. got those packed one and also the powder one. Quite good hor..

we also signed up the pre-natal courses by Mrs Wong in Jan 08. heard the sat 2-430pm class is full. So we are taking the Sunday 1230-230 one, first lesson is 20 Jan 08. any mummy having the same class as me????

while there, my hubby also asked abt the breast milk pump. the person said u can buy from them then next time they will help u to find someone to buy the 2nd hand from you. or you can ask them whether got any lobang to buy 2nd hand. just some info to share if you are interested.
Hi ladies,

Was down with pretty bad flu so went to my gynae yesterday then gynae said he will do an ultrascan first to check baby is alright before he prescribe any medicine.

During the scan, we are able to see there is something in between the legs so gynae said 80% is boy, will double confirm again during my next routine check up.
congrats on more mums knowing their baby's gender! now we can start shopping for baby stuff, so excited!

i saw EYS having promotion for bird's nest as part of their 128th anniversary, the one usually selling $170+ is selling at $128 only. Seems like a good buy, thinking of buying.. anyone knows if it's ok quality-wise? it does look better than the cheap $120+ from FH... i want my baby girl to be born with good skin

i'm gonna start looking for baby mattress and beddings to fit the crib given by my sister. anyone knows where to get a good quality spring mattress that can last till toddler years? do we have simmons, sealy baby-toddler spring mattress here? i've been shopping this weekend and so far seem to see only foam and latex mattress..

latex seems to be a good choice by reviews, but then i'm staying away from it cos i slept on latex mattress when i was young, and my mum says i suffer from backache now cos it wasn't firm enough for me, although i refused to change mattress cos it was so comfortable!

wa, so fast shop for BB stuff liao.me ask medical hall ppl, they say birdnest no very good, will cause bb sensitive, but i also want my gal gal skin good also..if boy, no need eat.ha ha

did u buy natal care fish oil fr DR ang? me start to take liao.. when is ur detailed scan?

i havent start to shop yet..only shop for stroller, n BB bed at kiddy palace..
Piggy mummy, I think its ok to drink cong cao cos I heard some medical halls recommended that to bird nest. But I think to play safe, u check with medical hall people first.

Jaspire, we in same boat. Sob sob, no house of our own. How long have you been married? My in law place quite small, even my BIL put some of his stuff in our room. So can't wait to move out.

My tummy very big, so bloated. Constipation make it look super big also. I now drink yakult everyday in addition to fruits. Hope it'll help me clear.

Poko, ur MS also came back ah? Me vomiting for the past few nites. Feel so terrible.
Any mummies intersted in the herbs. I still have 17pkts (mix of the 2 brands as shown below) left, willing to release at $1.50/pkt. Interested mummies can contact me at 92789982.

kelcqi and piggy mummy, i oso constipation leh... cant poo, few days liao. My hubby just bought yoghurt for me. Hope it will help. Will oso be drinking prune juice tmr if i still dun poo by tmr.
kelcqi, me married on 30th June 2007.. so not too long ago lah. So far my MIL treats me really very well. Infact I feel like stay hotel. Kekeke... So i got no complains, just that no matter wat... its better to have our own hse. Dats what both my hubby and me feel loh.
Hi jaspire,

I think we like got alot of similarity leh... hahaha...

our EDD initially is 1st may then change to 27th april.
then our hubby at reservist now.
then i oso jus got married too, and staying with in-law, feel like staying at hotel oso... hahaha...

still got wat similar har? I tell my hubby that there's a person in forum same as me, he say is it i create another account and toking to myself? hahahaha...
i used to have constipation, or sometimes I still have. But now better liao... i everyday eat apple or strawberry yoghurt or some other fruits. So far I only tried twice drinking the fiber orange.

muzicgal, your hubby so cute and farnie... say u create another account to tok to yrself wor! LOL! Wah, looks like we really very very similar leh... kekeke... lets see if our baby same gender or not. Hee...
