(2008/05) May 2008

piggy mummy, i oni managed to clear my bowels today and like you, my stomach still bloated. I think i still got lots of waste uncleared in my stomach. LOL!

You having BP for Lansinoh bags? Good good. I just collected my order from a BP thread. Good quality and value for money.

Just to share with all mummies here, in my previous pregnancy, I used to use Playtex liners which are good cos its thick, but it can't stand and must use rubber band. Moms-in-mind used to stock them but now no longer or its quite ex liao.

I heard some can get very cheap Avent disposable liners, but I must warn that they are not really meant for freezing, as its very thin. I tried before and had to double bag cos at times it may leak. So the cost works out to be about the same when you double bag it.

So far I've stocked up 4 boxes (100 pcs) of Lansinoh bags.
Oh yes, more info to share..for those planning to express when back to work, it's good to purchase the fridge-to-go bag from DIY shops. There's this model that looks like a mini fridge. It can store milk cool for up to 12hours, which is good esp if you need to run outdoors for appt. Just dump the whole bag into the freezer the night before to freeze it, next morning bring to work if there's a fridge, dump into fridge again. If no fridge, it can still withstand up to 12hrs.

piggy mummy, my detailed scan is 28th dec, after the scan will go see Dr Ang again. pray hard that everything is fine during detailed scan...

me already got stroller and cot from my sis in US, now looking for mattress and bedding for the cot, it's so exciting now that we know baby's gender can start planning baby's room

me also constipation and bloated
if dun eat fruits for one day next day sure constipated, so uncomfortable. but even if eat fruits and vege it seems like cannot completely clear my bowels
Hi Tracy & Spark,

Thanks for ye advise. I also jus found out tis morning from magazine that during pregnant we shld not do any thing to our hair, like perming, hair-coloring or rebonding. Cos during the confinement period we'll tends to lose alot of hair. Is due to some homones issue ba.. hehe.. me not good in explaining. So we mummies tahan 1st. After confinement then plan how to become MEI MEI.. Keke..
Hey, those MTBs who go KKH for consultation, will the gynae give MC ar? I haven't try before, just checking cos don't want to take leave for my detailed scan.
me sian, yest drank too much of prunes juice (400ml,abt a bottle) plus eat prunes, end up dirrhoe 3 times, from 9pm till midnite..very worried yest, coz don know dirrhoe will harmfull to bb or not. so today morning call dr ang, he said bcz too much of prunes liao..ask me to eat porridge whole day..

aiya..i din realised i eat too much of prunes liao..now cant eat fruits liao, later constipation again..


lastime u went to c doc abt stomach ache n constipation, did he give u any medicine?
Tracy, have you used the Lasinoh bags already? I read it is very gd as compared to other bags... so that is why i decided to get it. Wah, you bought 100pcs so much ah?
heehee, i haven't used it. it looks ok, definitely beta than the avent one that my sis-in-law is using.

Eh..haha, based on my last breastfeeding, I need LOTS of bags. My whole empty freezer was filled with milk bags!

If u are diligent in letting ur baby suckle or express 3hrly, u can establish milk supply and stock up quite alot!
tks tracy.. my sis say the Avent one is not gd. There is one point where Avent recalls the bag. NOt sure what is wrong or wat. I dunno if i will hv so many milk or not. So in a dilemma how many bags to buy. Think will just buy 50pcs and see how. I read freezing milk will kill precious antibodies. But it is still better than formula milk. So really must be hardworking loh.
Piggy Mummy, u may want to try eating guava to stop the constipation. Guavas work for me. I think drinking enough water daily oso plays a part. I read from a magazine that we mom-to-be need to drink at least 8 cups of 240ml everyday.
now i worry abt the amt of antioxidant n vitamin A i have drank yest..haih...coz eat too much of prunes prunes juice liao.thank God dirrhoe has stop, now i drink more water.

guava?i din try b4, may b will try nextime.
dear MTB,
I kept having headaches lately, is this normal?

actually now my appetite had dropped. kept feeling bloated and can't stomach much food as oppose to 1st trimester, where i ate so much and still kept feeling hungry.
Hi peace, Headaches are normal. Cos me also having headaches. Last time I headache till I cried myself to sleep. Hubby dun allow me to use Ice packs cos he scare I have "tou feng" esp at nite.

Me just came back to office today. Everyone said my tummy showing after 1 mth unpaid leave. My colleague tummy very big already, expecting a gal due in april. Dunno if mine will be gal or boy. I suddenly have predictions I'm having a gal. Then another colleague said next time she also want gal cos can tied hair and dress nice nice. But I lazy, so I think maybe if gal, I might not be so diligent to do all those. Me bad mummy.
peace, i oso have migraine... almost every other day. Its bad...

For belly support, my gal fren gave me one from Medela... u can try to find and buy.
Jaspire, Lucky you. Stay with in laws like stay hotel like that. Mine initially have some conflicts, thankfully now ok liao else pregnancy will be a terrible journey if still have conflicts.

Now stay with in-laws esp after I got pregnant like queen like that. Hehe, got PIL and hubby to care for me. Every morning MIL will ask me got drink milk or not. But I think have own place will be good. But housing prices so sky high now, only choice seems like those new estate.

U only got married in June and so fast pregnant liao. So lucky...Me got married last Dec. My hubby and I didn't plan for baby till next year initially. But since pregnant, baby also due next yr, only thing is few mths earlier. Hahaha...
Piggy mummy, belly support is like a band but to be wear at above hips to support the big tummy. Usually only come in use during 3rd trimester. Last time my friend brought that cos her tummy was really huge, but she commented that it's kinda uncomfortable cos very warm to wear.

Sigh, me constipation still haven clear. Yesterday had 2 bananas, 1 papaya plus yakult, this morning 2 more bananas, like no movement like that leh. Prune juice no more liao, tonite must go buy. Sob sob, I feel so dirty cos never clear my bowels.
have u start using the belly support ? good or not?

piggy mummy,
it's suppose to support the belly, you can wear it before wearing your jeans. i saw this from the ang-mo pregnancy magazine. looks comfortable. sometimes, when i sit in car, especially on bumpy road, my tummy felt a little uncomfortable bouncing with the motion of the vehicle. so was just thinking if the belly support might help to give me and bb some security !

maybe u might feel lazy now, but when u have a child, maybe u might be different, perhaps it will come naturally ... re headache, i just sleep, put ice, better not la, you will really get tou feng one.
kelcqi-can eat so many banana arh? i thk we cant eat banana n papaya rite? u try prunes, realy really work, but don b like me, drink till lao sai..

peace-i usually put a cushion on my tummy when i sit in car, also very scare on bumpy road and hump..
peace, i haven start to use the belly support wor. Cos tummy not dat big yet lah...but then hor, since i got backaches... i shld try to use it.
Hehe peace, you're rite. Maybe if baby really a gal. Come out I see other gals all pretty dressed up, I might join in the vainity contest. Hahaha... Last time when I was teaching, everyday I tied hair for my gals in class. So every evening, the gals all queue up for me to tied hair. Those mummies always very happy when they see me tied hair for their girls.

I think of headaches really flipped out. It's like totally zombie liao. Cannot think or do anything.
I will make my bedroom dark dark then jus go to sleep to get rid fo the headache.

Some bananas we can't eat right? I think its the Del Monte type we can't eat.

Have you tried fibre drink? My gynae gave me both fibre drink and stool softener. So far I only took fibre drink 2x. Stool softener I dare not try it, it looks yucky. Probably last resort..
Piggy mummy, no one warned me against banana leh. We cannot eat those ah? Papaya my gyne told me small slice can, but not alot. So I eat to relieve constipation loh.

I waiting for myself to diarrhoea leh.
No matter how I try to make myself diarrhoea, doesn't seem to work. Think later I go buy one big bottle of prune juice, see can clear or not. I feel so dirty and bloated now.

Now only 5.20pm, waiting to off work. Later go get tim-sum. Cravings. :p
I am not sure if you are a xian qi, but by visualising you tying hair for the orderly queued-up gals, you certainly have the potential to be a liang mu !
Wah tracy, got stool softener one ah? Now anything to relieve constipation I'll try and take. I tried those orange fibre before. Dunno if I didn't drink enough water or wat, doesn't seem to work leh.
Yakult I also take liao, dunno why doesn't help in me going to poo. But it doesn't help in feeling better towards indigestion. Mayb the sweet taste and psychologically bah. :p

I know those super big bananas we cannot take, but small ones so far no one told me leh. Sigh.

Why so quiet in the forum today?
Peace, LOL. Me certainly not a "xian qi", but "liang mu" I not up to it yet lah. The little gals all very vain nowadays leh. Dunno issit because I was the only teacher there last time with long hair, my class girls all wanted to keep long hairs after I started teaching them. Their mummies buay tahan their girls so vain also. Everytime come and complaint. Tell me the girls choose their clothes(only wanna wear dress, like pink stuff etc), every morning pester them to tied hair even though they rushing for time. So funny...

Haha, I think I might become one of those mummies next time also. Esp if I have a girl. Me keep long hair, so confirm next time my girl will ended up having long hair also.
Jaspire, in this case I shall help myself to bananas. Keke...

Piggy mummy, I always prefer diarrhoea cos it made me feel so clean. I feel so terrible constipated now, feel so dirty and bloated. Later constipated too much will have more outbreaks also. Thats why I hoping for diarrhoea to clear. I siao one hor? :p
wah this thread run sooo fast..
so sianz i've been down wif UTI last 2 weeks.. so scare my bb will b affected.. last sat finally go c my gynae told her abt it she said its common so long its treated and gone.. den i ask her can c my bb's gender anot she happened to scan bb's backside and saw something sticking out in bet the legs.. she said 80% is boy.. hehe.. but need to wait til 29-Dec for detailed scan den can confirm.. i hope its a boy.. ;P
currently only week 15.. but at least i wont feel hungry so easily..

Anybody noe when is the taka baby's fair coming?? can't wait to buy things for my bb..
Hi jaspire,

you guess yours is a girl or boy? I guess mine is a boy. My detailed scanning on 4 Dec... hehehee... cant wait to know man... hahaha...
When my gynae prescribed me the fibre drink n stool softener, she told me: fibre drink for when you never poo for many days. stool softener, when you can poo but its very very hard n need to strain.

Hopefully your prune juice helped you. Doc did mention to me not too much prune too. Eh, you wouldn't wanna try the stool softener. I think it's quite gross tho i haven tried. Cos it's white and very very thick. Bleh!
heehee...Got feeling yours is boy? or Doc Soong spotted something already. I notice you are also seeing Doc Soong, me too.
muzicgal, i oso guess mine is boy thou cant see. Alot of pple tell me cant see is gal gal. Kekeke... my detailed scan on 12 Dec... so gd leh, u will get to know next tues... i still got 2 more wks to wait leh... Argh!
hello everyone, I was detected with a heart-shaped uterus when i found out i was bleeding... my gynae uses ultrasound machine to determine the exact shape of my uterusgo. His advise it's almost 89% the baby will be in breech position and will have to be delivered by C-Sect. Any1 heard of heart-shaped uterus? I went in Google to check and seems like it was very common. No wonder I'm bleeding during my first trimester and now I'm on bed rest again. Haiz...
I'm on bed rest again... so can have more time to chat in here. No worries, jaspire... congrats again. I want this baby so much to give up now... so ultimately I maybe I will need to resign from work.
sparks, how come need to resign from work? Too stressed or not enuf MCs to cover? Cannot take no pay leave? Cos now resign like very bo hua leh... u lose out on yr maternity benefits.
gynea advise was lots of bed rest... I've ample leave but ultimately it all depends on my uterus competency to hold onto my bb.. otherwise, i'll have to cut short my maternity leave after delivery or go for no-pay leave... either way also lose out.
Can take hospitalization leave? My colleague who was ordered bed rest during pregnancy exhausted her medical leave so gynae issued her hospitalization leave.
