(2008/05) May 2008

jaspire- suntec top floor has got a few maternity shops there but qte ex. i bot my pants frm perfect mum. tat time got discount 3rd pc at 50%. but ex lor. each abt $80! i spent $200+ jus on 3 pants =| dun intend to buy any liao since these 3 can last me til delivery.

lynn- congrats on ur gal!
i like gal gal leh but mine 90% boy so dun tink that 10% wil stand a chance. haha

kahlen- talk to ur bb!! i did tat the wk b4 my scan n true enough bb opened legs so big for us to see! haha

ant, ya i been to suntec... but i find the maternity shops there too expensive and I dun really fancy. Really shang nao jing wor.
Actually for my first pregnancy, I drank Anmum choco throughout and I put on a total of 15kg overall, which was the ok weight.

Re: Maternity clothes
I bought and still buy my maternity clothes from Osmose, though its not a maternity shop. But the clothes are free size and stretchable and can wear even after preggy.

In fact, those realy maternity clothes that I bought for my first pregnancy, I dun wear them now for my second, cos like kinda out of fashion. But i'm still wearing the Osmose clothes that I bought in my first pregnancy.

BTW, no commission for me for promoting Osmose. lah. haha.
HiCheri Liao,

My EDD also on the 7th May, so lucky you know the gender of your baby alreayd!

I am only going to see my gynae on next tues, hopefully the baby wil cooperate!

Now that I am at 16 weeks, tummy big alreayd, so can't fit into my old clothes neither can i wear maternity cos too big, so what do you all wear?
Actually the best time to enrol the pre-natal class will be ard 5 - 7 months. I think 5th month is the best.

you can wear those fashion tight. I also cannot wear my usual cloth and tummy to small to fit into the maternity wear. I bought a few knee lenght tight to wear during these period and can still wear after birth. Or you can wear your long dress as a tube dress.
I didn't take a cab bcos is peak hour and I can't get one 8( and I need to rush back to take a short nap before fetching my boi as my hb is not in town 8(

I went to see Dr Ho yesterday can't wait till Sat as I am feeling depression, insomnia, migraine, back aching and vomitting. He give me leave and sleeping pill and ask me to stay at home. He say I think too much so not enough sleep and due to tat all problem arise need to see him again on Sat.

BB is 12.1cm during yesterday scan, can't see gender yet but he say might be a princess...

For big size mommy can try Dorethy Berkin @ Marina Sq they do have maternity wear.

I am a very forgetful person even before pregnant but eating fish oil make my memory better. Maybe I really too forgetful liao so I think it helps.
Yesterday's visit to gynae, my weight increased by 2kg, now standing at 55kg! I hope won't increase too much.

I cannot wear my office skirts and pants anymore too. I bought a few dresses here and there, suitable for wear for at least another 2 months I hope. Hee.. I'm still too small for maternity wear also.

I bought 3 dresses from a shop in Raffles Exchange. Quite cheap. Around 50 or less for a piece. So it's not that bad. Nowadays i'm wearing dresses. Got also 2 skirts which is rubber type, also wearing them. Think need to buy more dresses cos more comfy.

I finished Enfamum that time then bought Anmum. Prefer Anmum cos it's chocolate flavour. But very scared will gain alot of weight leh.

Oh ya, do u all do brazilian waxing?
so happy some of mtb here know their BB gender

today must talk to my bb, ask bb open leg neh, coz tomorrow gynae checkup..

maternity wear: i have not buy any yet..dono what shd i buy..some more exp leh

milk: may b i din eat chocolate and sweet stuff, so i take mamil mama vanila..so far din put on any weight leh
Last fri i jus bought my maternity clothes from the Modern Maternity @ Harbour Frt (Shld be at level 2). I like most of their design. Maybe is ex but afterall i tin worth spending. Total spending of $405 for 4 blouses + 2 pants + 1 long jeans. The shop assistants also v funny and cute. Kept throwing clothes to me asking me to try these and that. She also shared some of her experience on wearing the maternity clothes. She recommend me those clothes tat can wear throughout the pregnancy so no need to spend too much buying different sizes blouses or pants. Today i'm wearing the clothes already cos no more clothes to fit my big tummy. Feel v comfortable but seems abit big size and more like a pregnant woman. LOL...

I tin tonight i'll be buying the Enfamama to drink. Maybe will drink 3 times a week and see how is the condition. My appetite increasing now. Can finish simply any food given to me. My face seems like abit swollen liao.. Haha..
Kelcqi, ur relative's hubby deserve a good beating. And i wander how his wife can stand tis such things to happen on her. Feel sad & angry for her.
Good day ladies,

Bonjon, according to my knowledge, after my triple test, I'll need to go for detail scan. That one consider a test?

I do heard some mummies need to go for glucose test to test for blood sugar level at around 5-6 months. Not too sure if your gyne will make you go through. My friend at KKH need to take that.
Congrates Lynn on your baby girl, got your wish liao. Wah, I wish I know u earlier, let u come scold my hubby's disgusting relative. LOL...

Violet, the wife and him adopted a daughter. After she knew about the woman, she wanted divorce. But the guy take money and ran to China with that woman and baby. She no choice, everyday cry cry cry. Now the guy no money liao, came back Sg. Force her to accept the child loh. Disgusting rite?

Poko, you very poor thing. Must rest well and don't think so much ok? I also kanna pre-natal depression 4 wks ago, everyday cry cry cry and cope inside the room. Then gyne referred me to psychiast, got hospitalized for 1 day. Now still need to be on medication cos my satimol level fall very low. Need medication to control else my mood swings and emotional comes back easily. Me also worried alot of things, that worsen the depression. Now hubby said he take care of things, ask me everything don't think, if not worry again. U must try to be positive ok? Everytime I think negative, hubby quickly tell me take medication cos he knows it's the satimol acting up that results in me emotional.

You have anything, just talk to us. We'll be your listening ear.
So many of u know the gender of your baby liao, hopefully tomolo my baby will give me some hints also

As for milk, I have been taking this calles Frisomum Vanilla flavour, never heard of anyone commenting abt this, dunno gd or not.
Dearie e and Jaspire, I feel the same way for the pre-natal classes also. But hubby kept telling me gyne more experience, we listen to him. Haiyo... I hear liao then diam diam loh.

I realised many mummy facing same pro with me. Hehe. I also cannot fit into alot of clothes. Maternity wear like so big. Everytime wear the same few pieces, see le also sian.

Does anyone have gasterics here? I experienced it this morning at 7, then took some crackers, try to go back sleep, 10 plus pain again.
Alamak!! Such a disgesting man. Haiz.. Poor thing. Hope the wife can make up her mind to leave him and find a happier life.
Jacqueline, I heard of it before. I know friso formula for baby seems to be high in sugar content, dunno about frisomum.

The friso baby formula smells very nice and delicious one. Last time when I was teaching, everytime I make milk for the children. Those drinking friso formula, I also wonder if I can taste the milk. Haha... Me thinking next time formula give friso also, but only worried about sugar contents. They said similac better.
Violet, I pitied the wife. Thats why because of this disgusting man, I get even more pressure with the gender of baby. Although hubby said gal or boy ok, but who knows years later he might think like him or his relatives will give him such suggestions. So I really pray baby boy, save me from further nightmares and also shut his relatives mouth also. I try not to think so much, just hope hubby is not like his disgusting relative.

Jacqueline, do you take any medication for that? I find it so unbearable. People said 2nd trimester is honeymoon period. Dunno why I am burping and facing new challenges like gasterics
Hi Bonjon, Amnicontesis test according to my gyne is only required if my triple test results seems suspicious. He said such test are usually meant for mothers who are above 35 yrs old, whereby the risk of down syndrome is higher.

If triple test results are ok, try to avoid amnocintesis test as it contents 15-35% risk of miscarriage. Reason being the needle is being poked into your tummy to draw the amnino water from the water bag for testing. Sometimes the hole from the needle can cause bacteria to enter and cause miscarriage.

Jacqueline, I haven done any comparison for the sugar content for frisomum but I know baby's formula, the sugar content is higher. U try not to add sugar to your milk cause from what I know, sometimes sugar can destroy nutrient contents inside e milk. U can try adding milo to taste.
Dr Ho didn't give me any medicine only say I lack of sleep just give me sleeping pill to take at nite but don't know is my hb not around or what even my boy having insomnia he normally can sleep thru out but recently can't really go into deep sleep.

My problem come with MIL sudden request to come and take care of BB I worry that she can't cope think too much and hb don't understand my worries. We have a good chat and he finally start understand my points and we will be going penang in Dec to talk to MIL on that. A bit stress out as Nanny say will look after another BB if my MIL really comes she give me a dateline I am a bit panic due to that. My nanny is really sweet during my ang not around when I really can't fetch my son she bring him to my door step and also help me buy dinner. I really bu ser de let her go... Think of it I start to feel sad again.

I am taking Frisomum I don't really like the taste of metal after drink...

My son prefer Friso than Gain too, if drink Gain I need to keep remind him to drink. As for Friso he take quite fast to finish it.
Hi Kelcqi, my triple test results shown high risk but I'm above 35 and low. My gynae is asking to decide whether I can to go ahead with the test or not
Poko, friso milk powder smells very nice hor?

Not many places sell Frisomum also. I always see Anmum n Mamil only.

Maybe its your lack of hubby's pressence also, since now pregnant, the most important support needs to come from hubby. Without hubby around, sometimes make a big difference.

Last time my colleague whenever her hubby work nite shift, she never get to sleep well also. So now most importantly is to rest well. Your nanny can take ur boy for nite? Maybe if ur hubby not ard, maybe just leave the boy with her so that you can get better rest?

I also have alot of worries if wanna place baby under MIL care. Scared of conflicts etc. Plus maybe cos she's not my real mum, so the trust didn't seem that strong. It's a good thing your hubby and you had a good talk, it's very important. Last time hubby and I ended up in quarrels whenever I tried to talk, so eventually I stopped talking about my issues and concerns. I only pull a black face and when he asked, I said I'm tired. Eventually I got overwhelmed by those pros, lead me to depression.

Hubby told mostly it's pre-natal depression and kept pushing me to medication. One day, my friend told me it is the problems, even take medication, problems still there. So my friend trashed it out with my hubby one day, eventually he sat down and think. Now better liao, I can speak my mind more freely already...
Bonjon, I ask you something? I watched TV and the Dr being interviewed gave these suggestions to help mothers make their decision. May sound abit too harsh (hope you don't mind) but hope it helps.

If you go for the Amnicontesis test and *touch wood* show that baby has Down Syndrome, are you and your hubby willing to abort the child?

The Gyne said there are a handful of couples, due to religion, or they know that no matter what happens, they will keep the child. Then it is no point going for the test cos it will be a waste of money plus it carries the risk of miscarriage.

The suggestion given was to sit down and discuss with your hubby and decide for the worse scenario should the results shows that baby has down syndrome, will you and your hubby raise the kid? Or do you think abortion would be good for less complications plus financially will not be as stressful.

Down Syndrome children needs extra care and cost. From education and medication and attention. It's not easy. The life span of a child with down syndrome averages from 13 - 35 years old. So these are factors to consider also. Talk to your hubby first before making any decision.

I know it sounds intimidating but really hope things turn out well for you and your hubby. Good luck.

my Hb this few days has flu, so he sleep at living room, i cant sleep well as well, coz i use to talk to him every night b4 we sleep, and play and talk some childish joke. so these few days he sleep at living room, so i feel so lonely neh..so now very sleepy after lunch
Hi Kelcqi,

Thanks for your advise. I had asked my hubby before when I heard that one of the coll faced such situation before. The wating period of the result was difficult for them, fortuately result is negative. My hb strongly feel that should terminate the preg as it will not only be a suffering for the child but the whole family.

I believe thing should be fine as my son is veri healthy. Just pray hard.
Hi Bonjon,

Really pray things will turn out fine for you. Stay positive ok?

Glad that you and your hubby have a common understanding. My hb thinks like your hubby too. But I think I might not be strong enough to take it emotionally.

They said usually 2nd child will have lower chances of down syndrome. Hope it's true.
hi bonjon
hope this helps... I actually did an amnio last week as my oscar results were borderline(1:326). The waiting time was stressful but i opted for the express results which i just received yesterday. Glad to say tat baby is normal.
I was also worried abt the risk of miscarriage which is 0.5 to 1%. But the challenges of bringing up a down's kid is much more difficult. The procedure itself was like having blood drawn. only lasted 1 min (unless baby doesn't move around). The needle is long but it's very fine so not much pain. But after the procedure you'll have to be careful and not move so much for the next few days.The dr will give you a few days mc to rest.I felt a bit sore but it went off after one day.
But no regrets as now I've peace of mind and can enjoy my pregnancy.
Besides tat, the clinic will do a "mini" detailed scan of the baby before the amnio to check for other markers of down syndrome(e.g spots in brain, heart abnormalities, stomach n kidneys)
Hi Bonjon
I also feel that is good to go for test that advise by Gynea as since you choose him got to trust his judgement. Pray hard and hope everything is fine...

Yah I actually tell my ang how I feel as a mom I want to give what is good for my children. I ask him can a person who didn't take care of kids for baby for 25 yrs cope? Can a pax who didn't stay in SGP for more than 3 days get use to the life style. Can she be as good as my nanny? If she is doing better than my nanny I will be very much grateful for her help to bring up my children. As she has bring up someone I love too... I do not want to let MIL feel that we don't want her to come is we don't want to responsible for her as take care of Parents is our duty. But as a mom I know I am a bit fussy so can we get along well? I told him I rather tell her now than make the relationship sour after she come over.
Hi Kelcqi & Sugar,

I were worried when the clinic called me yesterday night and I suspected this but I thot since my son is ok and I'm 35 and below (think I typed wrongly in my earlier msg, the result should be fine.

When the doc broke the news to me, I'm calm (result 1:110). I were thinking should I tell my hb, my mum or just go for the test on my own so that nobody will worry except me.

When my mum called me, I told her, she suggested to discuss with my hb. I called my hb and told him need to discuss something with tonight.

I believe thing should be ok but just want to perform the test for assurance as I do not want my hb to blame me later.
Justen never stay overnite at other place without me or hb around... We bu fang xin.

Once we try to take care of my nephew while my SIL and her Hb go for a dinner their boy actually secretly cry back facing us while we are watching a show. We didn't know he is sobbing as he is crying softly. I think he tot that his parents don't want him. My boi will act noti if I fetch him late too. So even I am really sick I will still got to fetch him back home. And I can't cry infront of him once I sob he will come to me dry my tear and say mommy bu yao ku... Actually seeing him also make me feel better just that T2 kids need a lot of attention so quite tiring for me handling him alone.
Hi Mummies,

I have a nice babysitter here. However, coming Jan08 I'll be sending my gals to childcare.

Anyone looking for a babysitter to care for newborn or toddler? her charge is about $650 neg. she is 40+ chinese speaking, have 2 children in sec sch. She only do daycare for 5-day week.

mummies, if you know of anyone interested in looking for a babysitter in toa payoh pls pm me.

Thank you for your help.

Regard to the gasterics pain, i didn't take any medication as i usually have gasterics prob even b4 i am pregnant, that time my gynae gave me a gasteric pain medicine but in the end i didn't take it. But these few days when my gaterics pain getting worse at night, i will try to eat somethings then I will feel better.
re: gastric pain can try magnisium tricilicate, it's safe to take n to relief gastric distention/ pain.
People with gastric pain, are usually sensitive to certain food. So it will help if u identify what might sometimes trigger the pain. Avoid chilli, tea, sour plum, coconut, gassy drinks (for me, include milk). Eat at regular hours even though sometimes u might not be hungry at that designated time. Some times clearing the bowel daily also help, coz' it relive the congestion. I also went through this for many years, make dieting very boring at times, but no choice, coz' once the gastric pain attack, i usually suffer for several days.

1 friend told me he used to have lots of active gastric juice, that grind and grind the gastric whenever he's hungry or stress, so he did sit-ups every day, and he said that was he remedy ... hmmm, i am not sure, i did try for a while, then now pregnant, so stop doing it, so i have not tested its usefulness. I was skeptical how it help, hb said, it might make sense coz' when u do sit-ups and crunch, that sort of exercise squeeze the gas out of your stomach, ie fart, that will relive gastric pain, moreover, such exercise might also build some muscle coz' pp with gastritis, the gastric wall is thin.... ha, just our analogy.
Hope this assures you, two of the mummies from the other thread I frequent also went for amnio after oscar test shows high risk. And both amnio results turn out ok. Both were also expecting #2 like you. So don't worry,I'm sure all will be well. Take care!

Thanks alot for your concerns & blessing. I believe God is on my side, baby will be fine.

At the meantime, take care & hope all of u will know the gender of your baby soon.
For mummies who are suffering from gastric, you should try not to sleep on your left side. As lying on your left side, the acid fluid was not able to flow out of your disgestion system therefore leaving you with gastric. This was told by my GP.

But by sleeping on your right side, your bb will tend to be a bit smaller when birth (my 1st bb weight only 2.87kg at birth), cause the bb intake of the nutrient will be lesser than those mummies sleeping on the left side.
