(2008/05) May 2008

Hi Dolly - Wanna thank you for organising the gathering.. Sorry I was SOooo Late that day, especially I went to the wrong address. Was only aiming at the food cos din have the lunch! Thanks for lending me yr room and yr playpen (I kept saying its a bassinet - sala!) for bb sylvia. Think she really likes it. I also like your house, roomy and simple. I haven't finsh the curry puff.. Left it in the fridge. U really dun look like yr age, stay pretty!

Lynn - Thanks for lending me your sling for letting my baby try and we even took photos.. Kinda excited.. Yr baby is really adorable and both me and my sister really likes your boy alot! Your hubby is also very friendly, sharing the tips on the car seat cos I was thinking of changing. I Like your hair and your complexion, fair and smooth. When I look at our pix, i can see a whole diff between us.. LOL

Musicgal - Your boy is damn farni.. My baby Sylvia is very dao and surprising, she actually 'communicates' with your boy. Fascinating to see such a moment. Very smart boy boy and he kept smiling at me, really melt my heart. U make me feel u r very happy go lucky type.

Tinkbelle - Your girl is very guai, can sit one corner on the rocking chair and stay quiet. At least I remember she is very obedient. U got nice complexion and features too. U look young..!

Jo - Ur bb really leaves me a deep impression cos his hair.. My ger also abit botak at the back too. I guess that's the case due to sleeping position.. Heard can use olive oil to encourage the hair growth?? Not sure which brand, but I know my cousins are using Ginvera. Not sure if suitable for infant.

And there is one more mummy who is in same school as me at AMKSS but I forgot her name. We spoke about ECA and she's in red cross.. Hope I can identify.

I also rem Alice Teo because she and her ger wear the same doll dress. Very pretty..

Xiaohua - Sorry can I bother you with this handsfree strap for the breastpump? The forum is too long and I was told you are the best person to help with my query. What's this about? Which brand? My arms are sore from carrying my bb and breastpumping. She won't latch so this handsfree strap is very useful.

Lastly I agree to put on the name tags for next meet up. See you all again..!

hi gals,
i was kinda lost at dolly's house that day
so many mummies and babies!!!
nv really talk much that day cos really confused on who is who liao...
only know by face dolly, kelcqi and jo cos saw b4 @ facebook / friendster
perhaps, we should add each other in facebook / friendster so that its easier to match the faces?
my facebook: [email protected]

doly, thanks for offering the fisher price rocker
surprised that my boy actually ko on it...
he seldom sleep so soundly at pple's house

my boy is screaming every night b4 he go to sleep
not sure y...
he keeps biting my arm now...
perhaps he is cranky cos of his 2 growing teeth...
dunno y my boy started teething @ 3plus mth...
aiyo saw the group pics
so sad that my boy boy nv managed to be inside
got to rush off early to celebrate my ah ma's bdae that day...

choc, ur hubby took evidence of my boy sleeping on rayden's rocker!
haha. thanks =)
meira: today my maid tried using the NUK teat again..she told me when the flat part, pointing upwards, my bb drink faster..She also told me he can finish 80ml, when he is asleep...so i guess, mayb u could try to make your bb sleepy, then feed him with the bottle..think they will suck better..now, what i do, i will give my son two bottle feeds per day...each feed, depend on luck...40ml, last for 1 to 1.5 hr...so i normally dont give my son alot milk...else waste...
Btw, my son just reach 4 mths last wk...

trust me...u look fine. And yes, I think makeup works wonders esp for me. Heehee


Receipe? I really fell in love with the muffins. Best I have eaten so far.




Really HUH. Wasted. Maybe another time bah.

RE: Milk scare
It's abit of a problem here in Singapore. Buttercup, maybe u call up Nestle and ask them about it?

I buy my milk from Malaysia. So I dun have issues on it. How abt the rest of u?

RE: Cereal Rice
Ilyse cannot take the Heinz (4mths+) rice leh. Any other brand for me to try? I also bought the brown rice one but she doesn't like to eat it.

My b'day not that day...just celebrate on that day cos today and tomolo I got to tuition my students (they have exam on thurs). So can't celebrate tomolo.
Yes, do PM me her contact. Where is her place? Far? I think my dad would love the mee siam, so if can order...can da pao home.

Haven't found Ah Go-go dress...I kinda like the design, can wear for future hence dun wish to rent.




Too bad I dun stay at Aspella. Currently my aunty staying in my unit...after which my parents will move there. While I am stuck with my in-laws.

Venue: Tentatively Corynn's place (opp woodland MRT)

Weekday Gathering (can be anyday before 3rd Oct)
1. Alice
2. Lynn

Weekend Gathering (preferable this weekend)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Jaime (Ilyse) - will probably bug hubby to follow...dunno my way to Woodlands. =P
My recommendations:


I personally own a Parklon Yellow Bear playmat. Parklon is good enough as it is 15 mm thick. Good enough to absorb knocks. Can buy from small small world or alien. They have other designs and dimensions as well. LG range more expensive, I would say not worth to pay $100 more to use LG loh. The spree organizer told me not much diff between LG & Parklon, except the branding. The organizer advises to go for designs that we like. Popular designs include sweet bear, yellow bear, pooh & friends, Thomas & friends. Do check out the BP spree earlier to avoid disappointment, heard that Yellow bear is OOS again, pending re-stock.

For mummy who intends to invest in a play yard subsequently, 2100 x 1400mm fits in a 6-panel play yard perfectly!

New Alpha Yellow Bear

size : 2100 x 1400mm, 15mm thick.
BP special price : $170

Is it b’cos Erica sleep too much during day time? U try to fix her sleeping time in day time. Don’t let her sleep too much, may b she get tired earlier during nite time.
Hope the friso comfort does help.

Silver nano tech is anti-bacteria. With or without it, the price still the same, only some design hv this. But they said the effect only last for 6 mth. If the design u like, don’t hv it….then may b go for what u like lor. What size and thickness are u looking at? Then Parklon or LG. For the size 1850mm x 12mm thick, parklon is $110, LG $178. For 2100 x 1400 x 15mm, parklon is $170, LG $266. I may b choose parklon, 2100 x 1400 x 15mm @ $170. I will the thickness.

We try to hv 1 during weekday. How about Oct 1st ler? It’s a public holiday.

I have the same thought as Alice. My hubby worried Shaine feel bored with the mat, b’cos not colorful with cartoons.

Re: Gathering
This weekend I am not in Singapore. It’s a long holiday for me. I still only start work on Thursday.

I also look for the thickness. Thickness makes the entire mat different. The size of the mat only about 20cm different.

Happy Belated Birthday.

C yeo,
A lot of baby drink when they half sleep. As PD said, at this time their throat have sucking reflect. For my Shaine, it use to be drink when sleep, but now she don’t want anymore. To her, sleep is really very important. Rather hungry also want to sleep.

Xiao Hua,
I tentatively aim at that 1 u recommend since we back from dolly’s house. Actually I go into Parklon website, they really hv a lot of different range in the same design. The more u see, the blur u will. This few night, my hubby keep search and read. This time, let him decide lah, he also prefer yellow bear in 2100 x 15mm thick.

Venue: Tentatively Corynn's place (opp woodland MRT)

Weekday Gathering (can be anyday before 3rd Oct)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Corynn (Prefer Oct 1st public holiday)

Weekend Gathering (preferable this weekend)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Jaime (Ilyse) - will probably bug hubby to follow...dunno my way to Woodlands. =P

If on public holiday, are those able to make it on weekend also available? Since is non working day also?

realli?? cos when i purchased from alien, mine come in a bag. Thanks so much for helping me enroll for the class.


Me also has a DS lite. Is a gift from someone when i was bedrest @ the hospital for couple of weeks... But once Megan arrived, i hardly have time to even on it... become a white elephant oredi.. :p


Mine is LG


Heehee thanks for so accommodating.. for weekend is a bot hard for me. I started her on semi solid, just 1 meal a day and around 1 teaspoon only. As she being rejecting milk and this is a sign of weaning actually. Afterall she is coming 6months soon... fast hor!! Time reali flies. You hb is a total opposite of mine. My hb want to do everything himself.. when i want to buy something for Megan, he make sure he must be around to chose and make decisions... Till date, 95% of Megan cloths are bought/chose/QC by him.. Sighz.. like woman!!! Cant stand him somex!! Hoenstly if he not married, i reali think he is a gay!! hahaha!! Megan dun reali like fishes.. my bro had a 6fts fish tank and the fishes nside dosen interest her at all... She is like mum and dad.. love orchids and herbs plants.. as when we bring her to nursery and gardens, she love it!!
Hi Icebaby,

Then maybe you dun start cereal or grain first.. try fruit or veg puree.. like apple, potatoes, pumkin, sweet potatoes. You have to steam then blend them to puree.. add abit of water or milk if u think the puree is too thick...
When do we start giving our bb semi-solids? Cos my ger is 4mths old today =D...What shall i give her 1st, brown rice or cereal? Bery confusing leh..

The Talk at Parentcraft, onli hv on wkdays? Any chance its on wkends?
Urs come with back b'cos is LG brand. If parklon, it does not come with bag.

Tell u all about a scary joke during midnight.
Yesterday night, Shaine was slept with my mum on joined 2 single bed. Suddently around 2am, my mum run to my room to check with me, am i with Shiane? She said Shaine dissapear liao. End up, my hubby and I quickly run to my mum rooms, and search for Shaine. This really mini Shaine hide in a corner lie in a line together with all boster near the wall and under the curtain. Furthermore she is wearing the same color pyjamas with the boster. She is really mini, till my mum search also can't see her. I also take few second to find her. Really big shock.
dun mentioned lah, as long as your bb is comfortable, thats the most impt thing..your boy is also one of the chubby boi boi here, so cute.

hahaha .. thanks for your compliments. there are more younger mummies out there on that day. glad that you, your sis and your gal enjoyed on that day.

"Happy Belated Birthday", hope that it is still not too late to wish you !
Sorry, i am not a retro person, so i dun have any "ah goo goo dress" to lend you, and also you are so slim lor, my size may be too big for you ! Mummy of 3, cannot believe it lor.

Lynn / Corryn,
Re : Playmat
Oh yes ... my hubby has gvn me the approval to buy the mat liao, but just want me to make sure that the thickness is good enough so that Rayden dun feel the pain when he knock his head, like what Choc said ...

at first, i am thinking of buying the cheapest $119, now attempting to change my mind to $170.

yes, i am gg for the talk .. can go together leh .. I should be taking 1/2 day leave.
For the brown rice, let me check with my mil and get back to you, as she will be the one doing the feed. You got me excited lor, cos i have yet to buy any feeding tools for Rayden, think gg to buy them on this coming Thur sales. btw, i spoken to Mrs Wong yesterday at the ParentCraft, she was telling that we can start to try the bb on semi-solid when they are 5 to 5 1/2 month, to prepare them when they reach 6 months, so i guess, it's about time !

Re: Next Gathering... (also Alice's farewell gathering)
Venue: Tentatively Corynn's place (opp woodland MRT)

Weekday Gathering (can be anyday before 3rd Oct)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Dolly23

Weekend Gathering (preferable this weekend)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Dolly23
From what i see, there is only 1 date for the talk, if not, you can try calling the ParentCraft to see if they offer other day.
It's Tomorrow. So all of you that wished me..it's early still. HAHAHA

RE: Gathering
My hubby say okay to host in our house, say that my in-laws should not have much issue on this.
Do you want me to host at my place (Kovan). Parking is FOC. Got garden if you want to bring older kids to run about. Food wise..I can always do all the ordering but I just need people to come and well, just chip in in the cost. Easier.

Children's day, are you all free or you prefer weekend?
Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Foodwise: No issues (Will just order in, everyone okay to chip in abit?)
Timing: 12pm onwards
**However need people to bring playmat. If not enough people, then I will cancel event. Those who have older kids, you can bring cos I got 2 older monsters (boys aged 6 + 4)

1. Jaime (ilyse)
Winnedy, Angela,
Warning come too late.... bought 2nd hand last nite liao.. =p
now hubby want me to faster learn back drivin, then he can play while i drivin.. cos this morn, i was playin while he drive me to work... lolx.. tempted to buy 2 to play as pair. but then, with bb ard, confirm only at most 1 is free. so drop the idea n get 1 only..

Re: Playmat
alien previous bp thread got state the difference between the 2. lg more firm n compact. parklon more smooth n cushion i think. like choc, i personally feel cushion most impt...

my mat with 6panels play yard, for ref.

ya lor, agree with the rest, u really know how to bao yang... u stil look so slim n full of energy... i alrdy so haggard n lethagic. u alrdy three kids, me only 1,, duno wat i bcome after another 1.... =(

nice meetin u too. =) mu hubby collect the potty from u, i also no chance to meet u that time. =p my hubby keep commentin, ur son is so bubbly active. keep turnin, can self-entertainin. so gd. =)

Re: semi-solid food talk
sigh. i cant take leave to go, cos b attendin my course durin that wk. waited v long time to try the firearm trainin.. dun wana miss it... last round, i was alrdy pregnant. so cant enroll... else my gal inside also kena scare by the sound.. lolx

huh.. really scary not to b able to find ur bb in the middle of the night leh.... got take a pic of her in "hiddin"?? really interested of how she blend in.. btw, she poo yet?? any help in drinkin the prune urself??
xiao hua
quick quick take photo. i want to see how ur xuan xuan sleep. must be darn cute. btw, my no1 is also a xuan.. keke
this sunday, u cant make it nvm. I'll check my roster and let u know again coz my schedule til this weekend nia

my boy think is 9kg ba. but he's not our thread record winner.. the champion is yanling's.. keke

my no2 and no3 is 11mths apart. this sis still dun know how to sayang didi la.. keke

Wah I like the playmat plus guard!
I had my earlier 2 kids early. I only started to "take care" of myself after my 2nd kid (i.e. 2004 onwards). I looked quite haggard last time.
Dun worry too much. Can take care one. Just try to be happy that's the most important! =)
actually mine place (bedok) not too far from ur, if want to view the parklon mat, can come over my place to c. lg is the one that tracy bring durin the gatherin. then u can compare the both material. =p

paiseh, that day say i will bring, but in the end did not. cos hv to fetch my inlaws to go to the dinner, carseat hv to b dismantle to put in carboot, no place to place the mat. =(
playmat got guard one meh?? how it look like?? one of the thread got one mommy askin abt it.. but no further updates abt the guard leh.. stil puzzled wat it is. =(

i lazy to take care one also la.. so serve me rite also... =p even to put mask, i also lazi... confirm less than 10x since i put on the first one.. hahhaha
Wah! at the moment panic liao lor. I worried she drop under the bed. How to be calm to take photo??. Shaine not poo yet ler.

I prefer the 15mm playmat. So most properly get the parklon $170 as per plan.

I am fine with any location. My house got space can join 3 to 4 playmat if the group is big BUT distance is far to most of u stay at punggol, sengkang that area. No matter where we gather, the most is the fun, I am ok with the arrangement. I also prefer children day. Oct 1st.
if didnt remember wrongly, think xiao hua blog got one pic where le xuan was slpin that "famous" position... think was taken in the car...
ooh u staying in Bedok ? my mum also staying at bedok south. so nice of you to let me see the playmat, but think no need lah, if not my hubby will think it is very troublesome and change his mind again, and stop me from buying. So better now. i will just follow the flow and see what they order..... hahaha

My place also considered big enough. No issues in joining mats together (but I dun have MAT...heehee). Living room got a cot for baby to sleep. If really need peace, babies are welcome to sleep upstairs in my/maid room or back room(will ON aircon for them). =) So I am not worried. Just hope to use this as a last opportunity to do a gathering before I move out of that place (moving date set in Mid-Nov...so that's why now can host).
ops. ya hor... at the first moment when u found her, u wld hv grab her to hug liao... =p

huh, since wed after pooin at the pd, til now stil not poo again? huh,, tat bad leh....
Location: Kovan (Parking FOC)
Foodwise: No issues (Will just order in, everyone okay to chip in abit?)
Timing: 12pm onwards
**However need people to bring playmat. If not enough people, then I will cancel event. Those who have older kids, you can bring cos I got 2 older monsters (boys aged 6 + 4)

1. Jaime (ilyse)
2. Dearie_e
dun worry abt the 17cents. Its not worth the trouble to add new acct and do the transfer lah!

what games do u play? i am more on those cooking mama and mario those kind... do u have any idea where to get extra charger? did u get the R4 card to download the games?

your baby is the opp of me. My edd was suppose to be on 16may. But he came out 18 days early!

I think I captured quite a few of your bb photos. Will send to you once I download to the computer.

I started Plain White Rice Cereal for my son. I was told by my PD only to give white rice and not brown rice till after 6 mths. So these few weeks will be purely white rice and fruits, veg diet. I am giving him the one from Bellamy.


Its ok! Dun play too late and get addicted though... it can be quite addictive at times!

Happy Birthday to you!

Why Ilyse cannot take the Heinz (4mths+) rice leh? I bought the same box as well. But i did not manage to buy the organic and thus did not give to Nicholas.

For those who going to start weaning before 6 mths. Try to give plain WHITE rice instead or BROWN rice. This was what the doc told me so that allergy will not arise. Something basic first then intro brown rice later. Cos easier to digest for white rice.

I have to select plain white rice as I have to add breast milk to the cereal.

Re: Gymboree

Anyone interested in the trial class? I have called them to ask for discount should 10 of us go for it. But she say no discount. Discount only applicable should we sign up together.

Anyone interested?
Morning Ladies,

1. Tinkerbelle (2 tin)
2. Alice (1 tin)
3. Lynn (1 tin)


Haha, Yaloh. I was surfing the net for rice cereal and most organic ones don't carry rice cereal. I think I rougly get the idea why cos even we go Organic shop, they also have brown rice but no plain rice cos Brown rice is supposed to be healtier? Then compare compare until blur liao. I went NTUC and search, those comes with DHA not organic one. And the only one or two kind that has DHA all added flavorings like Apple, Cranberry which I don't want cos I want plain brown rice cereal so I can choose to go different flavors.

Haha, you got me so excited abt the book that I went to Popular and search for the book. Then the Popular lady was recommending me the book Feed your child right cause she said it serves longer than the toddler stage. So I think maybe it would be a better investment. But wasted lah, should have brought this book during pregnancy. Cos they cover the topics even on pregnancy, breastfeeding diet. And also food to give to a child when they're sick. Then my hubby was saying these kinda thing, ask my mum or where are my past knowledge from Early Childhood?? I give him a sheepish look and told him all mostly return to the lecturers liao. Hehe... I so happy with my purchase until I read the book until 4am plus last nite.

I want to be the first person to introduce solids to my gal~ Hehe...

Nvm lah, now we know who each other is and we'll catch up from there.

Thanks for the compliment. Haha, miracle of make up. Tadah~ My gal is quite an observer kinda person. Somemore the rocker is her fav chair at home, so she can just sit at the rocker be a KPO and observe us loh. She does this at home loh, studying our movements and when we're near her and look at her, she'll get all excited and start kicking, smiling at us hoping that we'll carry her. LOL, but most of the time nv, we only play with her only.

Really ah? U know hor, I feel so conscience of my looks after I pop, or rather since I was pregnant. Cos look very fat, and now with all the panda eyes and flabby tummy. Haiz... In fact now I feel worse cos pregnant I have reasons to an wei myself I'm pregnant, now no reason. Urgh... Now most of the time I dare not leave house without make up except going downstairs.

U try and search ard lah. I know some PDs they have Nestle Rice Cereal Samples to give away. Try asking from them and see if they have any to give away. I got 2 packs frm my gynae side also, but thinking if I should let my gal try cos I wanna start her with Organic food, for better health and digestive system esp since she's so young and somemore I have history or Eczema and hubby with family history of Asthma. We both think baby is young, so best is give her food that's preservatives free and no artificial flavorings, though I'm guilty of letting her taste Durian, Mango and chocolate. Hehe, I bad mummy...

Daytime she only naps. 15 mins, 30 mins or 1hr nap the most. Funny. Her sleeping pattern machiam like adult like that. Taking power naps one. I dunno if this is bad for her health or not.

Hehe, we can go together for the talk. But I don't feel like bring Erica leh. It's such a hassle to bring her there. Later she fuss, I cannot listen to what they say in peace.
I have registered for the Semi-solid food class as well.

Next time such good lobang must share. Its been a long time since I go for class. Last time pregnant, alot of such classes.
alice ,

I dunno leh , my hubby feel that the play mat is thicker and stylish rather than cartoon ahahah .
Dun want to say so much haahah since he is paying :I

Hopefully can see you and racheal before you leave

Weekend Gathering (preferable this weekend)
1. Alice
2. Lynn
3. Dolly23
4. Jo

hahah ...my boy is always a darling to his grandparents

winnedy .

Really you start to intro your boy elmo ahahah ..i will try doing it this weekend :p

Babylyn ,

heee ya used to have nice hair during his first month but now haahah ...hopefully will grow fast to become handsome . Ya knew abt the olive oil but dun like the oily feeling so i leave it be loh !

Icebubbles ,

You are there huh ?? hmmm never get to see you leh ...i also blur dun really get to talk to everyone
hey mummies~~ wah i finally finished reading all the posts.. ;( seems liked im missing out alot of fun~~ any gatherings again?? hope mi n bb can join u guys the next time..

Oh ya, juz in case anyone of u is giving ur bb S26 formula milk or Wyeth's products.. ive called up Wyeth n checked with dem with regards to the melamine tainted products, they said their raw materials r from new zealand and aussie so their products r nt being recall back.. so its safe.. ;)


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Re : Semi-solid talk

huh ..must bring baby ...no way i`m not bringing him cos i on half day that day

if not he fuss i can`t hear anything .

Buttercup ,

oH YA ...it really nice to see you in person
cos i only see your face in the face book
Haha, I also kanna influence by Lukemummy n Alice one. Lukemummy influence me by buying those plates for toddlers. Then I ended up surfing and haha, I bot Warming dish from Munchkin at Metro, Munchkin suction bowls and bjour spoon for my gal liao. Then I saw the Pigeon spoon at Metro, I brought also. Now I tempted to buy the set. :p

Alice was telling that day inside on the car abt the book she bot. So I went to Popular and search for it cos the way she put it, make it sounds like a great book for us to learn abt starting our baby with weaning. But at Popular, the person intro me the other book call Feed your child right. And it covers alot more than the toddler stage. Then also talks about what are the cooling food, heaty food for children. Oh yah, also got traditional recipe for boasting milk supply. Hehe... But that depends if I have the mood to make or not lah.

Too bad I wanna go shopping, else I bring the book and show u. Very nice book, but lacking in pictures lah. But I like it in the way they talk about giving what kinda food at what stage.

Although recommended on rice cereal, but since I intend to start only on 5 mths plus, I'll go straight to brown rice cos my mum told me once they taste rice cereal, they wun like brown rice that much cos of the texture. Brown rice abit more coarse but nutrition value, fibre much higher.

Haha, ya, I got the R4 card. Very waste money if have to get single game. I play alot of games leh. I stop playing Cooking Mama since the version 2 came out. Hehe. I like to play the brain age, brain training games, princess peach. Mario Kart is good for short distance cos no need to remember where u last left it. Last time I played with tis game dunno wat trama something. Gotta perform operation one, but I deleted the game since I underwent C-sec. Don't wanna be reminded of the tramatic experience. Haha... Got this game call Bleach. My hubby loves the game cos he's a fan of that anime.

Where u gt ur rice cereal from? U got me tempted. Haha... In sg or import over? Haiz, initially I was telling my mum she give brown rice I give rice, she told me once give rice cereal to baby, baby don't like brown rice liao. Cos of the texture. She tried it with my sis and last time when she took care of my cousin. So I trust her experience loh.

When the maid feed Ilyse with the rice, after that her poo became watery. So at the moment, just stop and maybe try again. Hopefully will not happen.


I know have samples but most are for 6mths and above. =) And madam...u still look very pretty Mama!
kelcqi ,

hahah last week i bought some books for my boy ...amazing he will sit quietly and hear me reading and pointing at the book . Cos i bought one very colourful hahah . So i have been doing it everynite before bedtime for him

Dolly / Xiao hua ,

I got the jumperoo from my frenz on sunday ...let him try but he dun seem to jump in it ...but at least he will sit quietly playing with the lights and music . Can entertain him at least 30min haah :p

When the maid feed Ilyse with the rice, after that her poo became watery. So at the moment, just stop and maybe try again. Hopefully will not happen.


I know have samples but most are for 6mths and above. =) And madam...u still look very pretty Mama!
oh ya, my boy recently dun like to drink his milk.. i dunno wats wrong.. he keeps refusing his milk n he will cry if i force him.. currently noon time, my MIL will feed him porridge, he will eat around 4-5 tablespoon..
mm.. anyone's bb is like dat ?
hihi ladies,

for those whose bb got milk rashes or rashes on the face, and if the cream from PD did nt help to clear the rashes u might wan to try the below tradition method tat those old aunties tell me de

1) the water which used to wash rice grain
2) tea (nt hot tea) wif no sugar...best is chinese tea
3) used the cloth diaper wif bb urine on it. after wiping bb face got to wipe bb face wif clean water again. abit unhyiene but proven it works coz my nanny did it for my boy and his rashes were clear.

Winnedy and Jorel, wat Semi-solid food class and talk u all are saying?

Wow, i just managed to upload the photos to my blog and saw so many postings liao.

yeah lah, you will see me buying alot of feeding tools on thur... hahaha .. yes, i will be on full day leave, but still gg to leave Rayden with my mil, and not telling her that i am on leave, very bad hor ! btw, Faith is also joining us for the sales. The more the merrier. Maybe after the shopping, we can still go for coffee. Must make full use of our time.

the jumperoo is still in box lor, no time to setup for Rayden, and i dun think he will enjoy it now.

For the gathering, i am fine with any place, any day !

the world is so small ... hahaha, we have knew each other few years back. Nice to meet you here !

Ref : Gymboree
i dun mind joining if we have the no. of headcount. My galfriend brought her son there, and her comments is that they are better than MyGym.
