(2008/05) May 2008

hey gals~~ morning~~
Kelcqi.. i haven pop yet haha.. hopefully tonite..
if nt tomolo nite oso can.. lolx.. so dat i can save my leave..
yeah~~ wk for 1 more day n i will b on leave liao hehe..

kelcqi, thanks for ur 'an wei'.. but she will nt resign de lah.. cos she had been wkin in dis
company for 10 plus yrs le.. haiz.. i feel so sad u noe.. my colleagues they all luff at mi
said i will nt slim down one lah.. they said its nt so easy to slim down.. blah blah.. haiz..
but my conclusion is bcos they nv hire the massage lady.. so htey nv slim down properly..
muzicgal oso can slim down fast.. haiz.. i feel so demoralise.. ;(
gt i gt coconut.. n sugar cane.. n barley.. haha..

choc, haha.. ^5.. nvm lah.. let our kids decide ba.. lolx..

MORNING.... haha...i having currf puff now..yum yum...

i also still here.. hehee...nvm lar..eat more while i can...

moony..your drinks all so liang ah...barley etc..

morning ladies. so tired 2day. coz i wake up last nite at 2plus wif stomachache. i thot i was gng to labour soon. coz my tummy was so hard and tight.

as i dun noe how the contraction pain is like, i wake up and go make phone calls to TMC lor. then later no pain but my tummy still so tight and hard.

tink i better later try calling up my gynae clinic and see if his clinic assistant is in bo.
hmm..i realli wonder how to time contraction leh... i also cramp n cramp..till slpt... hehee..

i must be a pig..last nite also having cramp..but since nt tt intense and pain..i just fell aslp..but when i wake up middle of the nite to pee..still cramp... hehee...

cham..if realli contraction..i slp thru it meh?cant be rite..it shld be very pain hor?

any enlightenment?
diana / choc
hmm contraction is like... gastric pain? u'd feel like sharp pain in the abdominal, as if having gastric pain, just that it comes in intervals, u will know when it comes. coz it really is regular one lo. my 1st pregnancy hor, i also didnt know it's contractions until the pain became so regular, like it comes every 5 mins.

so u're the happiest today le, work for one more day and go on leave liao! so shiok.. haha hope ur baby comes tonight, so u wont wait till ur neck becomes "longer".

haha let's all encourage each other, we can all slim down! thou it might be difficult for me lah, coz i put on abt 16 kg liao!..
Morning everyone!

Smurferoos, I heard he is experienced too so hopefully my labour will be smooth also. Hehe.. How come your milk still haven't come in? Must wait for a few days one ar?

choc, your hubby exams on 9th then that must be damn stressful man. Cos sure very busy even if now give birth, he has to take care of baby and u. Let's hope he will make it through.

Yup, we same EDD so let's hope baby is going to be out soon.

Coconut water very nice mah. Liang liang one, nice to drink on a hot weather wor.. Hehe.. But I don't usually drink coconut when outside, rather drink sugarcane juice.

ant, all the best! Hope you will have a smooth labour.

Dolly23, all the best to your operation too! both of you must keep us update on the birth and pictures of your baby..!

moony, don't bother with what your colleagues said about slimming. We shall all work hard together and slim down! hehe.. Haha.. You going to be on leave then will be very free like me liao. LOL..
panpan, lolx.. ya tomolo i will b more happy lolx.. lsat day of wk.. lolx no need to c those
sickening faces for the time being.. ;)
ya.. we better encourage each other to slim down.. dun let those ppl look down on us.. ;(
my wt gain same as muzicgal liao.. ;( hopefully i can b liked her slim down so fast..

cheri, ya lor.. hehe.. btw u on leave u stay at hm do wat??
i actually wanna do some scrapbooking.. but hor.. they said i cant paste n cut things..
so scrapbook is out.. ;(
wanna bake some cakes.. but dun tink my hubby will let.. he sure scare later i tired.. ;(
moony / panpan..

can one lar..sure can slim down..its just how fast we slim back... so got to watch our diet lor...even though on confinement.. dun becoz must bu bu bu during confinement then overeat..

i tink just eat everyting in moderation... plus all the BF lar.. take care of baby lar...shld be able to slim down quite fast... plus...engaged a malay massage lady lor..

hehee..i oredi book one... hopefully can press away those wind lar... if fats able to press away..best!

aiya..i never had gastric before..so hard to determine..nvm...if got intense pain...i shld noe ba

cheri...yalor... hahaa..he start to get stress recently... then keep asking me any symptoms...hahahaaa....when i say BO..he be disappointed..

yeah... me also on leave starting next week! we be eng eng cheng cheng at home lor

Massage lady manage to unblock some of them. But right side pump getting painful.
I got the medication to stop bf, will continue unless it gets very bad and I really need to stop.


My dad said the same thing. Can eat durian. But that day i didn't although got durian cos I just came back from hospital.


These 2 days maid has been bathing baby. I didn't bath her cos abit inconvenient to squat down...maybe when I totally heal.

Baby seem to prefer breast milk to her formula milk! Hahaha


I already gave up and drank water and even honey and milo. Cos getting heaty just drinking red date. I think I only drink like 1 cup of red date tea a DAY.


My little girl jaundice is still quite high. At 241, if hit 260, have to admit to hospital. =(

Sorry I haven't been posting much cos I dun come online often. Dun get to rest much either. Hopefully today can rest abit. Talk to u girls soon.
choc, ya i oso engage the malay massage lady liao haha.. hopefully she can massage away my
stubborn fats at my tummy area..
haiz.. i tink my stretchmarks @ lower tummmy very jia lat leh.. i told hubby after i slim down
i wanna go suntanning to cover the stretchmarks.. dunno can anot.. ;(

ur backache coz of the spinal c sect or coz u keep carrying ur boy and didnt get enuff rest? i heard frm my colleague if use epi also will have backache as side effect wo...


yaya. John Tee also asked me ard tt timing. then hubby says if wan on the day itself can ask for it ho he says can but he says its v useful coz 50% of his patients use it wo.

Mel C,

no worries. =) we all are here to give each other support mah. hehehe. duno hw true la. u test test water first. if its true then everyone here will keep a lookout for this sign liao.hahaha

why we have the door ah. hehehe. coz unique lo. hehehe. coz our concept is modern mah..then somemore hubby and me v open with each other..in certain aspects la...in fact when we were courting we can enter the handicap toilet together lo...one do business the other wait inside. whahaha. we siao ho?

then we have a mirror at the one side of the wall so that when we bathe can see ourselves. whahaha! this is then erotic. hehehe

aiyo..why ur PIL like tt...they really dun close door or just nv lock? they so old liao still like tt...nt paisay meh?

ya..lucky really nv open if nt i really wil grumble. hahaha

hehehe. i told my mum if i suffer this time rd then the 2nd one i do a proper confinement lo..then my mum says i siao, bu ting lao ren yan..then i told her when did i ever listen to her. then she gives me a "haiz...u win again lo" look. hahaha.


mayb she jealous la tts why she abit "suan". who ask u to be younger than her, prettier than her and now preg, hehehe.

Milk coming in slowly! My son also mild case of jaundice, so doc days sun him in the morning and evening. Hopefully when we finally take blood on Fri, he will be clear of jaundice.

Cherimoya, no worries, you are in good hands!

Moony and Choc!! Soon already!

argh..she married liao la. so cant be Jin shui lo tai xian de yue..anyway, wat does it means ah? whahaha. she dun like to be so close coz she cant do her personal things ma...she always do personal things when i walk over to ask her do things one..

hahaha. we too chan zui and "blackhearted" to tempt everyone here. hehehe. the rest sure takes they revengue when our turns come...oh no..hehehe

kelcqi, panpan,

PM u gals the master's contact le. hehehe

hehehe. gdgd at least ur baby likes BM to FM. hehehe. anyway, i hope ur gal jaundice level will go dwn soon. so u got bring her for tanning ah? is it true tt morning sun is better?


jia you on bfeeding! =)

i wonder how ant1712 is now. hehehe

tts why lo. u youngest and everything also beat her to it, tts why she jealous lo. hahaha. =P


PM u master chen's contact liao. hehehe.

i v scare le...last nite n this morning i can feel my baby pressing on the right side of my pelvic...then when walking its quite uncomfortable..then right butt also aching when walking...=( hope baby be a gd boy and wait till edd!

mayb aft ur sat visit baby engaged liao or his head really low tts why pressing on ur pelvic? now my bone at the V there got aching sensation...=(
thanks, got the contacts

hey our toilet door at home also made of glass one, and same like u we have one huge mirror at one side of the wall.. haha can bath and look at ourselves at same time mah lol.. but nvr use the same toilet at same time lah. abit smelly lei

i also can feel pressure at the pelvic area, and its sng sng like that... right side of my backside also.. like hamstring pull like that..

my whole body like go haywire liao like that

hehehe. ^5, we same taste ah. hehhee.

hehehe. the toilet's window open bigger abit la..but seriously still will have smell especially if tummy nt well. hahaha! so if 1 bathe and another poo will faint. hahaha.

wah! u still dare push ah? i dun lo...coz i scare will help expediate baby's delivery....i have same feeling as u, sometimes pee also have a feeling like something gonna drop out...scary rite?
jux came back from my check up, gynae going to induce mi on the 5th if BB don come out by then... cos my weight has dropped and cervic is soft n dilate 1cm alry...BB's head very low...
.. I probably can c my BB nt mon,,,so excited
i'm so bored now.. jux started my ML don nod wat to do,.,, lazy to go out aso,,,
WE had a family voting session yesterdae n finally choosen my boi's name... my hubby's prefer Lucas but i prefer Anders.. but in the end he won the voting,,
yeah i tink we will all slim down eventually.. i almost went back to pre-pregnancy weight after the first one. only to find out i'm preggie with the current baby ... let's not be demoralized!
and i'm sure the massage lady can help us too

yah.. there was once i was bathing and then hubby came in to poo.. i quickly ran out lo... haahaaa, confirm faint ah

hey, moony and felval

our EDD around the same period lei.. do yuo think we'll deliver close to one another since the 3 of us are having the same weird sensation feeling at this point of time

scally we could even meet up in KKH wards! hehee
felval, bo bianz.. wanna poo mah.. haha. aiya i dun tink i gt the capabililty to push out my
son juz like dat haha..

jovial, wah congrats leh.. eh.. goin to labour soon wt will drop de ar..

panpan.. dun wan lah.. felval wanna keep to her EDD but i wan it to be dis week end or next week
haha.. so mayb we can c each other during our check up rite felval???
ohh.. yah hor.. moony is the one whom wanna see the baby early.

jovial, congrats! very soon!!!

keke i also wan the baby to be out early lei... too heavy liao.. nw i've become so lazy to come to office also... this fri gonna visit gynae.. maybe ask her if there's any chance for baby to come out earlier... heee

wa!! still have family voting sessions ah? who else involved?


hahaha. if no smell one still ok...if hubby having tummy upset then OMG...hahaha. then the mirror there damn shiok. can poo or bathe then self admire. WAHAHAHAH!

hahaha. u 2 go first! i wanana wait till my edd or later. hehehe. i can go visit u gals when i go gynae visit or when i deliver. hahaha =P


hahaha. true..but tell u ho, my bro was born in the toilet lo...my mum was asked to clear bowel and b4 my mum cld clear my bro head already out liao, scared my mum till she screamed for help...nurses all came running in and also got a scare. hahaha.

hahaa. moony, yaya. tell u wat, 2ml i have a gynae visit, u pop today or 2ml morning evening i can go see u. hahaha. cool nt? =p
Moony: hehehe...thanks ya... I'm nt sure abt e weight prob but old folks belief tat when going to labour weight will drop...
My gynae is very particular abt weight drop.. so when he saw my weight drop 1 kg he check if i could be induced...going 4 last check up again on fri to confirmed e date again..
Thanks Panpan..
Felval:my Inlaws n my parent plus my sibling and my gal were involved... cos both of us cannt decide so do a voting,., anyway my HB always try to b funni.,.. so tis time he win lo,,,

wah! hehee. so cool to have the family to do voting. hehehe. so ur gal like Anders more or Lucas?

actually i wanted to name my boy Astriel coz my hubby suggested but the meaning is bad so i do away with it...i asked hubby he ok nt he says even if meaning is bad he dun mind..but if i mind i change lo =(
felval, haha.. so drama ar ur bro..
mm.. hopefully my boy come out on 1 may hehe..

jovial, oh nt ur gynae says one ar.. hehe.. i tot ur gynae told u abt wt drop = labour soon...
felval: of cos my gal is on my side haha... she prefer Anders.. but most of them prefer Lucas so in e end we lost.. Boi will be name as Lucas How.

Moony: my gynae don like to c weight drop..but i didn't ask him y.. hehe.. too excited to ask qns,,
but aft cervic check i'm having quite a lot of brown discharge.. i suppose tat the M. plug ba..
Wow! so many mummies has pop in Apr. Congras!

jiayou! & remember to upload your baby picture for ppl drooling, :-D

Hope your baby get well soon.

Over the past few weks till today,I was still working & trying to finish my work on schedule, still half an hour before i left to work. Just hope my workload not pass too much to my colleage & burden them :p

Last week i got false labour, very weak contraction & this morning i went checkup at gynae, did ECG, she told me i my contarction is quite regular at every 3 minutes! But seriously i don't feel painful or cramps yet, also water level went down, below average of 6.5 but not yet at critical level, dilate for 1cm liao lei. Maybe go labour on this Saturday by breakingn the waterbag if dilate further. So happy to heard my baby coming out soon but timing not so right lei, cox ML gonna cut by weekends & sunday, seems like bo hua.
felval, ya hopefully lah.. help mi pray harder hehe..

jovial, my gynae nv tell mi abt the wt drop thingy leh.. anyway my wt oso nv drop.. always increase.. haiz..
Hi mummies,
I am from Feb 2008 thread.
I've the following item for sell:

(1) BN Medela PureLan 100, 37 g - $15
(2) BN Yu Yee Oil, 48 ml - $7
(3) BN Pigeon Breastmilk Storage bag, 20 pc - $13
(4) BN Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage bag, 50 pc - $23

Pls PM me to deal. Thanks.
moony, I on leave stay at home pack stuff lo. Then will go up to my mum's place and just slack and play with my nephew. Boring but no choice. Hehe.. I also told my hubby that I want to bake some stuff then he said don't cos later he has to wash. Haha.. Anyway, think won't be long before I get really busy.. Hee...

choc, I know how he feels cos sometimes I also feel very sian cos like no sign of my baby coming out, hope he won't overdue. Haiz.. Just looking forward to my gynae appt tmr.

icebaby, can eat durian so maybe I'll get durian cake for my bday during my confinement. Hee..

felval, John Tee didn't tell me that it's useful, he only asked if I want it. Haha.. But my cousin used epi, told me that she got backache very often. Anyway, I will still try not to use it cos want to experience the pain.

These few days, I kept passing my bowels. Like a few times in a day, is it normal? Haiz.. Usually I will only pass once in the morning and sometimes once in the evening but from this morning around 4am till now, I passed 3 times liao and now going to pass another time. Anyone experiencing that?
hello ladies

think i ate too much youtiao.. woke up with a slight sore throat.. haha


all the best to u later on

i once saw a couple going into the handicap toilet at hougang mall... is that u?? hahah

yaya. my colleague also complained of backache aft epi. anyway, me also wanna try w/o epi..that is mother nature intention for us. hehehe. unless i really cant then no choice lo. lets pray we can do w/o epi. hehehe.


hehehe. too bad nt me! hahaha. i nv go hougang one. if in town high possibility is me especially if the female loo has a long queue. hehehe
i oso intend to try without epi.. cos i really heard alot of cases after dat gt backaches for very long.. n some worse case the spine gt problem.. dats y they said when they r preparing the jab they wan u to sign a form stating dat if anything happens the hospital will nt b liable..

I oso got very bad stretch mark lo.. sum more i've been using the cream since like 3 mths preggy.. in the end still appear at ard 30 weeks.. so sad.. heard that suntanning will worsen the stretch mark leh.. so better not. coz i oso tot of gg artificial tan den dunno wher i read saying that suntanning will worsen stretchmark.

I oso haf those funny sensation at my V there.. like hot hot den tingling sensention like sumtimes flowing out lo..so weird the feeling.

Last nite my baby so active lo.. my tummy so painful coz he keep pushing n kicking.. imagine now thier bones all so hard den they juz move as they like inside our tummy.. really hurts!!

As for massage lady.. dunno mdm Rohaya really tat good anot leh.. coz hers is quite ex.. 490 for 6 session. heard fr alot of them they only charge 350 for 7 session sum more.. any suggestions??

I juz ordered 2 nursing bra from MIM yeterday.. made payment by credit card n today they send here already.. fast leh. Not bad lo the bra coz it's padded n wif removable straps.. i went to buy mothercare ones very thin n cannot remove the strap..

ya. must and need to sign the form lo...i hope we all no nd to take epi...can save $$ and no backache also. hehehe.

how is ur cramps today?

i wonder how is ant1712. no news from her..

vel, ya lor shit man.. my stretchmarks itchy like nobody business.. haiz.. i so fedup leh..
huh.. cannot suntan ar.. die lor like dat.. argh!!!

felval, ya save the $$ for our bbs.. lolx..
eh.. still gt cramps.. but i tink my left side pelvic area gt the aching sensation..

ya dunno hws ant..
