(2008/04) April 2008

Lynn: yup. Give FM in cups. He was quite right about it when he asked me if Xav can drink anything from the cup but not milk. hahaha.. cos they associate milk with bottles. So now, I give him his milk in a straw cup for both breakfast and last feed. He can finish it but need to take a break of say 5 mins in between.

oh ya,
another que...
those who use goon disposable diapers, how is the absorption compare to pampers?

hmmm, saw Tom & Steff selling ...
so wonder how good it is...
and i saw the duckie wet wipes container...so cute...
Xav's mummy, can share how you did the transition between bottle and cup? What straw cup are you using? I tried once milk in straw cup and I find very hard to wash properly cos so many parts of the cup to wash..
Cloudme - Goon is very soft, quite ok when i used, but its definitely not cheap. I using mamy poko for nite, i still find the absorbent best for nite.

Choc - i also using Pampers active & Dry. Just to check with you , do u notice the active back area is very slim and not much of absorbent pad? Initally was ok, then this batch i bought was not so good, it leaks at nite, then she's wet all over her buttock, sianz, so i switched back to using mamypoko for nite. keke. But recently active damn cheap wor, everywhere got promo.
i hv been using pampers active for both my kids overnight, no leaks leh. mamy poko is also good but i find it abit thick lor.
Lynn: M using pigeon mag mag.

Quite easy to transit as Xav has been using straw cup for his plain water for quite a few months already.

Just tt now during his bf and last feed,I pour the milk into the cup instead of giving him bottle. Make sure he sit down and finish the milk. So far he has been without teats for abt 2 weeks already. He's doing pretty alright without it.

Quite ok to wash, just dismantle everything. only about 5 parts right? Not too difficult.
Long time nvr login, how is all mummies doing? :)

Re: Feeding
I always got hard time feeding Kayden since 10 mths? Most of the time felt like getting a funnel and pour down into his throat. Lol. But suprising when i saw my nanny feeding him quite easy. =.='' need time to master that skill..

Re: Nappy
My boy using Huggies Dry Comfort for night time & outings. Very good. Normal daytime, using NTUC brand.

Re: Straw cup
Brought Munchkin one for him. So far, no leaking. :)
Thanks mummies for the info..

got a pk of "NB" and "S" goon at $23.20 or $23.50...(can't remember to price liao)from tom & steff to try for my #2...
a pkt of mamy poko "S", a pkt of dryper "S" and 3pkt of pampers "NB"...
hope that #2 will be ok with either these brands...otherwise have to buy other brand liao...

me also using pampers active(purple packaging-made in Jap) for my ger when she is back at my place...
yup...the back padding not as thick as the front...
but i find still ok cos my ger now like to sleep on her front...
and yup active is now on sale...

my ger also on food strike...eat a few mouthful and dun want liao...
MOrning !!!

koori..yes yes...the new batch u bought issit the one that says their tape is like rubber band... i also find the cutting abit smaller leh...so got to wrap nicely lor...else also leak... guess i got to UPSIZE liao...sian...

the older batch i find the back surface bigger leh... hai... yalor... everywhere sale..but current ntuc sale is 45cent per pc..not the cheapest... the week before i got from ntuc onli 35cent per pc leh.. i wait lor..since i got stock up...

ask u hor..mamy poko not "hot" meh..i tried before... i like the texture..but it looks thick..hahaa...

xiaozhu...issit ur Kayden teething? sometimes they teething trying to be difficult one..choose pple to tekan... or sway sway tt timing u feed is the timing his gum pain...

ntuc brand good? maybe can try... the drypers i using..sometimes leaks...coz my boy stuck between L and XL... L abit small...XL too big... >_<!
got tape like rubber band?
i thot all the "active" one are of the "re-usable" tape type?
like the newborn type tape?
choc wah such big size for diapers heehee.. Adel only 8.1+kg, dun seem to have put on any weight for the past couple of months! worrying... but save $$, cos still on size M, per pc of diaper is cheaper.. good thing too cos she still poops like twice a day or more hiaz..

pampers 35c per pc is cheap leh, for size L? i liked active too cos it's so thin and so feel cool lah, but mamy poko still the best for me at night cos very dry to the touch. i find active still feels a bt damp damp.. got new tape design for active?

Xav's mummy, you just sit Xav down for his milk feed from bottle? he'll guai guai sit there and drink ah? i've only tried giving it as a drink together with breakfast, she drank only 50ml leh. i must start cup-training soon, dun think childcare would wan to feed Adel milk while she naps..
Diapers : Ju's 9kg but M too small and L too big. haha. Not here nor there. I'm using fitti cos quite cheap and can use for night. I tried petpet but I dun like the tape. I find mami poko too thick too.

xiaozhu : Sometimes I feed until pek chek i just stop feeding n let him play la. Haha. hope for a better tomorrow. I tried all kinds of ways already. Use chopsticks to feed, feed all kinds of food, feed our food, give ice-cream my parents thinks maybe teething so eating's painful so give him ice-cream lor. hahaha.
cloudme, lynn...yes yes..new design for pampers active..the purple packaging..say the tape can stretch like rubber band..haiyo...

maybe go giant or other places look for old stock... yalor..my boy backside abit big ba...wearing L...i tink outgrowing soon... =( exp leh... i still hoping to squeeze him into L

lynn..yes yes...35 cents per pc for L, i bought it last monday..whos noes...ntuc thursday offer end up i calculated..45cents..alamak!

koori..wat size ur gal gal wearing ah... tt time i using L..too small..then XL so exp..so i give up mamy poko... sob

jules....same leh..sometimes i also feed til DL...then dun feed...end up give biscuit...hahahaaaa... porridge my boy got to feed for 45mins...arrrh!
Choc : my boy sit there 45 min also won't eat ah. he won't open his golden mouth! hahaha. Shut like I feed him poison. If got yogurt or ice-cream, open mouth so big. See also dl. haha.
aiya..my issac dunno how many mths on food strike liao...eat few mouthful dun wan liao...super DL..HAHA
now i mix brown rice powder into his milk lor...
aiya..my issac dunno how many mths on food strike liao...eat few mouthful dun wan liao...super DL..HAHA
now i mix brown rice powder into his milk lor...
Hi all,

I am in Sunshine Coast, Queensland with Kayla, hubby and my parents now. Weather's great and glad that Kayla's such a good and adaptable traveller
8 days have passed and 7 days to go! The clothes here for little girls are soooo nice and so irresistable! Hope everyone's doing well back home...

xav's mummy: I still cannot locate the Konfidence yet. They got other brands though. Will continue keep a lookout for it.

Angel: can add my name in for the digital canvas? when is the latest u need to know the size and qty? I haven't decided leh....


CANVAS PRINTS BP (From Joyce http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2605636.html)

1. Angel - 8 pcs

2. Chewy - 6 pcs (#1: R1(Digital Canvas) x 2 = $45 x 2 = $90; #2: R4(Digital Canvas) x 1 = $57;#3: R5(Artist canvas) x 1 = $84)

3. Cote Gr - 1 pc (Long Rect, Fine Canvas. Which one? L1, L2, L3 or L4?)

4. Leo's Mum - 6 (Can PM me your selection?)

5. Scubababe - ?

6. Lynn _ - Artist canvas S4 - 24 x 24" - 61 x 61 cm - $70

7. Koori - 1 pc Digital canvas (cant decide wat size to take, how? can pay deposit 1st?)

8. Gail (mumbly) - 9 PIECES Digital Canvas (S2-16x16"-41x41 cm- $45 each)

9. Sputnik - Digital Canvas - S3 x 2 - 20 x 20" - $48 x2 = $96

10. calamari - about 4 pieces digital canvas R1(Digital Canvas) x 4 = $45 x 4 = $180 (to be confirmed)

Total Count as of 22 July = 38 pcs
Hi mummies

it's me angel. To my disbelief, my a/c has been suspended as the mods think i'm conducting a BP here. But reality is since so many of us are keen to order the Canvas prints, i help to consolidate orders for everyone to enjoy some savings esp since times are bad now
like that also against the rules, why can't we mummies share good deals with one another?
now my old a/c which I've been using for years is suspended, feel sad leh
I've written to the mod - Bee Lee to explain my case, mummies do support me! I am not earning A SINGLE CENT from this why penalise me? Sighz

Calamari, glad you're enjoying your vacation in OZ. Have fun and catch up when you return!
mifi/jules...same hor... if he dun eat..i add more brown rice cereal to his milk..

i just went to collect my brown rice cereal from vitakids... kekee.. 9.40 per tin... i bought a carton.. my hb nearly fainted when he see me buy so many.. .

mifi...wat type of brown rice u add ah? curious...coz so far i find the happy bellies can dissolve and can go thru the teats...
<font color="119911">Diaper
switched my boy to pullup pants for hassle-free chainging time. No particular brand on me, grab what's affordable on rack. Only realised bulkiness does create wide leg walking, which i find funny but my boy dun seem any 'gao3 wei4' on it. still, my top rave goes to mammypoko &amp; huggies ultra.

Kayla mama
happy spreeeing there huh
njoy njoy njoy
hope i wun miss you much, see ya soon.

Dana mama
*sayang* wish they can return you an answer soon.
pls allow me to chop a place in the BP consolidating.. need sumtime to screen thru what i want


CANVAS PRINTS BP (From Joyce http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2605636.html)

1. Angel - 8 pcs

2. Chewy - 6 pcs (#1: R1(Digital Canvas) x 2 = $45 x 2 = $90; #2: R4(Digital Canvas) x 1 = $57;#3: R5(Artist canvas) x 1 = $84)

3. Cote Gr - 1 pc (Long Rect, Fine Canvas. Which one? L1, L2, L3 or L4?)

4. Leo's Mum - 6 (Can PM me your selection?)

5. Scubababe - ?

6. Lynn _ - Artist canvas S4 - 24 x 24" - 61 x 61 cm - $70

7. Koori - 1 pc Digital canvas (cant decide wat size to take, how? can pay deposit 1st?)

8. Gail (mumbly) - 9 PIECES Digital Canvas (S2-16x16"-41x41 cm- $45 each)

9. Sputnik - Digital Canvas - S3 x 2 - 20 x 20" - $48 x2 = $96

10. calamari - about 4 pieces digital canvas R1(Digital Canvas) x 4 = $45 x 4 = $180 (to be confirmed)

11. babyliss

Total Count as of 22 July = 38 pcs</font>
dear mummies

i'm not allowed to consolidate the Canvas orders here otherwise I'll be banned completely!
. Please PM me instead. I hope the mods will be understanding to restore my a/c soon.

babyliss, how have you been? Haven't seen you and Owen for so long! I''ll send you some recipes which I compiled for Dana
Lynn: I give and take. hahaha.. he will sit down and drink. After a while he will walk away with the cup. ut he will eventually finishes his milk.

Good thing to start training. Lucky I'm weaning him off now. Cos X is going to childcare next week onwards while I'm going back to work force in three weeks time. Hope he can adapts well.

Calamari: No worries. Just enjoy your holidays ya !

Angel: My acct also kanna suspended "forever". Dunno which words from the mods is true. Bee lee told me to try one month later, been three ot four months already. My acct's still not re-active yet. I will pm you.
Re: Pull-up pants
Any other good brands to try out? Tried Huggies, Mamypoko both size XL but leaks out poo. Happily bought Pampers XL, tot on sale but came back &amp; did the calculation, it's about 80cents per piece!
pull up pants: omg...80cents per pc!!!! i tink i see 45 cents per pc cheapest.. was from giant the huggies value pack...

then BP selling 14.50 per pkt... hmmm abit cheaper lar.. avg for huggies ard 45-48cents....
Re: Pull-up pants
Pamper Active XL PUP was on sale but didnt realised it was so ex! but really the surface is smooth &amp; soft. Not bulky too. But looking for alternative brands. How about GOON?
Cos now my son will happily pull at the tape on the normal diapers, so hv to change to PUP.
i buy EYS brown rice powder.Every morn my mum will cook..if i go travelling,I will buy HT cereal to add inside milk
pull up pants,
when can baby start wearing? no age limitation right? but pup is definitely more ex.. my boy on MP at night, good so far till recently start leaking, think he ssh ssh too much.. haha.. trying fitti premium now :p

my boy hv the same issue, wide leg walking but he only wear disposable diapers, not yet PUP. anyone has the same prob too?

aiyoh, why like that? u're not earning anything, just sharing some good buy ma? i think must be some kaypoh ppl report u cos i dont think the moderators so free to check on every thread..
Lynn &amp; Jamie: He turning 16 months od tomorrow.

They need the toddlers to be of 18 months. But from my observation all these while X prefers to interact more with older kids but not younger ones. so I asked them what their requirement is in order to be able to put into toddlers group. They said if x can walk, then not much problem. I be with him for three weeks to observe him in the school.

Jamie: I access my in laws to be not so agile in their movement to run after this active boy. They can't speak english nor much mandarin. There's a limit to what they can teach him too with their eve so protective mind. I think childcare I can put my mind at ease.
mamy poko value pants (pull ups) are pretty cheap, i like them but find that PUP are like 'tight' around waistband (of cos right? if not how to hold up the diaper) and will have marks on Adel's waist after removing, so I conclude not so comfy. Plus sweaty at wiastband if it's a hot day.. still prefer tape diapers, unless she mood ah, die die dun wan to lie down for diaper change then i use the PUP..

Xav's mummy, Adel also going CC early (at 17 months). Me also hope for teh best and will stay with her for 2-3 weeks although I think the cc i enrolled at no mummy has stayed for soooo long.. hahah think the principal think i very kiasu and overprotective lol..
ya, i find the mamypoko value pants also leaves red marks on Matty's waist. The other range of Mamypoko PUP is definetly better, but not cheap though. Now there's a 'slim" version, less bulky but pampers still the thinest. About 65cents during sales. Think will probably use PUP only on outings.
haha.. my boy does not like to change diaper when outside, he refuse to lie on the changing station, always struggle..
can only change when he is standing. guess the PUP is a better option when outside.
Hi mummies,would like to check what the are brands &amp; types of vitamins or supplements you have been giving to your babies? Am traveling so would like to prepare my boy.
Leo's mum: Hi babe, I remembered you gave leo Sambucol already rite? Juz wondering which one did u buy? Coz the ones I found are for 2 yrs &amp; above.
Choc/Jules - yea, think he is teething, but most of the time,he likes to bully me.

My boy now wear L for huggies. Huggies got few type. I prefer Huggies Dry Comfort. If pull up pants, can try Drypers. Not bad. NTUC brand is ok, i only use at home. But it's tape kind. Not cloth tape like huggies.

Calamari - Enjoy ur holidays ya..

Angle/ Prawnie - Hug, hug..hopefully ur account can restore back.:)
Re: Supplements
Chewy, Maddy's Mum and I give our babies Sambucol which is suitable for 1 yr and up. Can get from those BP. I also started giving Dana Childlife Cod Liver Oil, so far she likes it! In addition, I've also bought this USANA Kids Chewable Multi-Vitamins but yet to let Dana try. If you want to stock up to bring on your trip, let me know. I can get discount.

Re: Childcare
Dana has been in infantcare (Little SkoolHouse)since she was 4 months. Initially we were very apprehensive about the whole CC thing, but amazingly young children are very adaptable and she's learnt to be very sociable and independent from being in CC. Her psychomotor skills and language skills are also advanced as she interacts with the teachers and other toddlers on a daily basis (rather than face just 1 maid/grandparent alone at home) so we're very thankful for that! Dana looks forward to going to 'school'. Hope Xav, Adel and other tods will enjoy their CC like Dana too

Re: Account Suspension
Xav_mummy, ur a/c also suspended ah? Very
rite? I hope Bee Lee can restore mine soon, otherwise cannot post in WTB/WTS, very inconvenient
