(2008/04) April 2008

but hor my edd is next mth liao...
if combine order, u coming to collect from me?
i live in the east leh...
u live @ cck rite(from the old list)?

hmmm, i will be using the herbs too...but wonder if this is better lor...
let me consider first ok...

u got feel those "warming effects" as per claim from their web?

no warming effect coz i'm already HOT haha... esp after bath coz cant bathe in cold water mah & during confinement i always feel hot in our humid weather.
cloudme... same as jamie.. i secretly bath with hot water..oredi sweating away..so i also not sure issit my water hot or the bath hot.. .LOL

but the only one i like is that afterbirth treatment cream lor... u can try that
Hi Esther,

I want to order too, but I live in Paya Lebar....I think if I travel down to Marsling, the petrol price about the same. heeehee.. $8.00 delivery charge.
hmm..seems like not many keen to do the canvas..maybe u all can collate among urself to get the 2 for XXX price lor...

unless got ard 20-30 pc..easier to bargain ba
i wanna order at least 5 pcs

anyone bring tier kids for swim class? leo went today & i'm wondering if we should sign up for a semester wif marsden swim school. the turf city one is very good
i'm interested to get the 2ft by 2ft artist canvas (price $70). if anyone keen to get another one (same price) let me know then we can consolidate for the "2 for xxx" price..
leo mum : my friends did with sean lau n they like it. I did 1 session with alvin from dphotofolio 3 weeks ago. I like it. my son was fidgeting and couldn't stay still for more than 3 sec but the shots were quite nice.

jaime : did you call kindermusik? I'm changing to wed class. Hehe.

ju's got a new eating pattern. he only wants to be fed with chopsticks. Hehe.
jules' mum

i hv not call kindermusik yet coz i'm going to change preschool for my elder girl, so would probably need to wait for her to settle in before starting my boy at kindermusik.
Any mums still interested in the BP for the canvas?

jule's mum: Babe, I may not hv time for the kindermusik. Shall let u know soon. ;D When does ur term class finish?
jaime & chewy : it's ok. don't worry.
I'm just informing tat ju's changing class. can join us when u r available. e new term just started 2 weeks ago. got about 6 weeks more. I'll still continue with kindermusik till he's about 2.
morning mummies,

anyone here given gingko nuts to baby before? just wondering can they start taking it now. thanks for sharing!
sure, will definitely join u if our timing is the same. i can only take their 3.30pm session after my boy's nap. btw do u still need to buy additional materials for the next stage at 18mths?
Piggy_mummy - wat happen? Isit some bacteria? Can take soy milk? Must rember to replenish water to baby scared dehydration.
i oso don know y like tat

doc said can take soy milk, but he say stop milk for a day oso ok..

i am working, cant c my boi, but have ask my mil to observe his diaper change..

he can take dilute porridge..

i feel very stress,every time my son sick or vomitting, my mil will complaint abt the food (porridge) i gave to him. she said too much of ingredient inside the porridge.

But i only use the ingresient to make stork for the soup, then throw away those ingredient, n use the soup to cook porridge. she said my son muscle very soft, small build. (now 9 kg plus, long time never weigh)(14month plus)

i only gove fish ans vege, sometime brocolli, spinash, or pumkin. i tot bb porrige is like tat.

so i hope mummy here can share with me, am i wrong? or the porridge really too much of ingredient inside?
piggy mummy : the ingredient u add into e porridge is wat I add too. nothing wrong ah. why ur mil say too much ingredient? wat she put in e porridge?

hope your boy get well soon. give him some porridge water or make some soup for him if he doesn't wanna eat. my son also 9kg ah. Hehe. he's small build but muscle not soft leh. beat people very painful. haha. some kids are thin because they are active but actually their meat very kiat one. haha.

jaime : after 18 m is 'our time'. also need to buy home materials if u sign up for e term.
your porridge ingredients not too much lah. i also only put either meat/ fish + veg. i guess old folks are like tat, my mum also said the same thing, dont hv to add too many ingredients, just use 1 main ingredient to cook can liao.

my boy will be 17mths if i sign him up next mth. maybe i shd wait till he 18mths, then dont hv to buy double material??
my mil very "si ban", everyday same porridge (she oso taking care of my sil daughter).she has been cooking potato and carrort, corn porridge for sil daughter for almost 2 year plus, everyday same.. i cant stand it!!!how can a bb eating the same porridge everyday?

tat y i don want her to cook my boi porridge everyday. but afternoon porridge she will cook for my boi.

i oso feeling my ingredient ok leh, i read from those recipe book for bb oso cook like that.haiz...sian become a "zui ren"
wahhh my mom is the opposite. she loves to put many ingredients in the porridge. i prefer to put maybe 1 meat n 1 veg. anyway now my son on food strike. everyday oni survive on milk. hope this food strike will pass soon.

ya piggymummy, i heard soy milk will not irritate the stomach so much. so better give this for the time being ba. hope he gets well soon
piggy mummy : I find good to intro more food if not baby will be fussy eater. I try to give my son as much variety as possible. I know he needs long time to accept new taste.

muslroom : my son just ended his food strike. haha. every 2 3 months he'll puasa for few days. maybe teething la.

jaime : if u join few lessons u can tell them u dun want e materials.
Piggymummy, tik urs not too much, i tiking mine too little. hahaa. Good to give a variety so they are not picky on food next time. Do remind ur MIL not to give too much carrots cos bb can turn 'orange'. My nanny told me got once one of the babies mother kept putting carrots in her porridge and bring bb to doc, doc say its the orange pigment that cause the bb to turn 'orange' so just be bit careful.
piggymummy...mil problematic one lar...problems always accuse u...good one she say her son or her...

i tink ur ingredient very good leh... so far me stuck with carrot n potato... coz my boy very picky...finally i found the "perfect" mixture for him...

koori...thanks for ur reminder!! noted...will try to put something else to try again
Piggy mummy, if u put too much ingredients in your porridge, I think mine even worst :p I prepare stocks (either pork rib or fish bone stock) then I will put mince meat, fish and vege (sometimes 2 types of vege) hehehehhee

Anyway my boy is on strike now
He prefer mee sua and pasta. Don't like porridge.
tks, noted!

carrots: as wat koori said, dont give too much. my boy was really "yellow" for a while till i realised i may hv given him too much carrots. now i only give once a mth.
DO NOT blame yourself, your ingredients is like wat we hv been putting on our baby's porridge. soemtimes vomitting maybe just bacteria infection and may not be necessary from food. hope yr boy will recover soon, dont worry!

re: food strike
my boy same, on milk strike but porrridge/ rice, he can take a lot.. the worst thing is he wakes up at night for milk instead and can really drink a lot
Piggymummy, don blame yourself la. your boy vomitted cos he is not well and not becos of the ingredients. My mum and mil put a lot of stuff into the porridge too. Like red dates, wolfberry, ginger slices, fish and scallops, so yours is really little liao.

Everyone has their way of managing / bringing up their children. Sometimes, do you find that mil/ mum will like to show that they are more experienced in bringing the children by little gestures. They like to do things differently as compared. So just one ear in one ear out for the ingredients part. As long as she is not stressing you to put a lot of seasoning, still not so bad. You know, some seniors like to put a lot of seasonings, like salt, soy and msg to make the porridge taste good so that the child will eat. I have to emphasize again and again to my mum not to put so much salt into the food.
i want at least 6pcs

piggymummy- my boy is 15months & only 8.3kg!! did dr give your boy probiotics? it'll help wif the diarrhoea & replace back the good bacteria like in vitagen.
piggy_mummy: Hope your boy gets well soon.

Not to worry about ur ingredients in the porridge. Perfectly fine. Normally, I will add in one meat, one or two veg and wolf brries. Sometimes I even cook with apple, to give a change of taste.

Agree with Koori that not too much of carrots. My pd also reminded me not too much of carrots for the kid.

Just to share what my pd said when I asked him about Xav's hard stools. He said max milk intake per day is 500ml. Anything more than that will cause contispation. He told me to give only in the morning and night. Lunch and dinner can omit ad even told me best to wean Xav off bottles by 18 months.
piggy_mummy, i too think the porridge ingredients you use are common with what we use too. E.g. for this week, my girl's having spinach, threadfin fish and sweet potato porridge cooked with pork bone stock (which has sweetcorn, carrot, tomato, wolfberry etc). Sometimes bbs fall ill, it's inevitable. Don't be too hard on yourself ya? Hope bb will recover soon!
Xav's mummy, your PD advised to wean off bottles meaning give FM in cups or what?

My PD is conservative type heehee, even now Adel only drinks twice (nap and night sleep) and while sleeping also continue to feed.. want to wean her off bottles since she's obviously not keen in bottles, but not sure how to get her to drink like 200ml from cup.. cos now she only drinks water from cup, and no way is she gonna drink 200ml at one go leh..
lynn : i know wat u mean. my son won't take fm from cup. but he can take tat much fresh milk or full cream milk in cup or tetrapac. maybe it is cold? weird ah.
jules mom my boy puasaing for more than a mth oredi. donno when is he gonna start eating. such a chore to feed him now cos he will juz take 2 spoonful and tat's it. no more. the rest will be milk. hmmm... have tried other style of cooking but he don ever finish. the most...5 mouth. sigh. hope this will pass soon enough.
Hi Hi Piggy Mummy,

I think the ingredients you used are just fine!
My porridge for my boy must have a minimum of 3. Meat/Fish plus 2 vegetables. I like to make it look colorful. The more color you add, the more nutrients it has!
mushloom : ju also like tat. every time e maid feed him i will hide. i will get angry n start to beat him. maybe they r teething la. he will drink soup so even he dun eat we will feed him soup lo. last week we gave him mash potato n he ate. we guess he misses e food he started with. this week he wants us to feed him using chopsticks. he will open his mouth if we use chopsticks. if spoon he shuts his mouth tight. usually my maid won't force him to eat. after few days of hunger he'll resume his appetite. i'm quite tempted to give him appetite stimulant but worry he'll be obese in future and will hate me in teenage yrs. slimming is not easy too.
gd morning mummy,

thanks for all the encouragement.my boi feeling better now. yest gave him some soy milk and he drink it. so today will continue to give him soy milk.

May i know is soy milk nutrient same as normal formula milk?

Piggy mummy : Good to know ur boy's feeling better.
soy milk is as good. My son was on soy milk for the 1st 1 yr. Only thing I felt my son's poo abit hard and he pee alot so I changed to friso after he turned 1. PD told me some vegetarian kids are on soy milk and they turned out well too.
