(2008/04) April 2008

Haha, When i read porkylim's post... I can't help but smile
Last year this time... This thread is filled with this type of post about birth announcements... LOL... This year its filled will all the discussion about birthday parties...

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Well Done mummies!!! And Happy Birthday babies!!!</font></font>
Last year this timing... I was hoping I can deliver early in april wor... End up my boy too comfortable... End up got to induce... Haha... Next year this timing .. Maybe we got #2 lor...
wow saw all the birthday posting. all so nicely done. if don have the threads will thou there is a competition going on.

i just confirm my caterer for friday party today and cake yesterday.

run through all the pic, really have to work on the decor. realise is a very expensive party.. decor with balloons will cost another $100. not include the banners and small other stuff to buy.

u mummies really have no budget when spent for the little ones.

thumbs up..... errrrr u mummies really stress me out tonight.
Yes well done Apr mummies!!! Ahhh.. last year was still having a bump thinking what is waterbag breaking like... at this time then I was also online hahaha... oh man time flies!
if u looking for pooh cake topper can call her, i bought mine from her. 90309902.

if need to can borrow from me.. my party over on friday. but must return..
Any hokkien mummies?

Have you heard of chng tao bao (pillow bun) and ta ka gu (step leg turtle - looks like huge ang ku kueh).

My grandma is abit old already. she keep telling me differnt things and say i'm not listening. Can anyone advise if i need to buy these for 1st birthday?
Hi Serene

Oh facebk is ultimately slow, so i din go in to add frenz. Sorry. Will get it done.

Anyway, to all mummies who are planning to do up a pooh theme:

You can get them from me since Jayden's party is over. If you need just PM me. Eh but only open to Apr thread mummies.

1) Door banner
don't have pic. its on Facebook.

2) Happy birthday banner

3) Table Cover (reserved by Yvonne)

4) Some generic birthday banner - 2 sets.
Don't have pics too..

Yvonne, do let me know if you can pick it up from my house at La Casa (woodlands drive 16). Understand that Tiffany's party is this weekends.

Cheers and all the best to all who are holding party this weekends..
ya koori. last yr - still at my mum's place, no air con, hot and trying to pump more milk... so hot and have to wear long pyjamas, now in my comfortable little house, can turn on air con, can wear my comfy shorts. wow.. how time flies

do you miss ur baby's baby age? I think i am gonna miss his little yawn and how small he looked. how he can't sleep facing up and have to be turned over. Now he is longer and bigger and kicked his blanket all around.
Hi Mummies

This Friday is Javier's Birthday and party, after reading so much from you all, I really Stressssss...haha ...cos all are so wonderful..hope I am there too after see all the photos..mine is mickey mouse theme , try my best to get all MM items except those super expensive items will subsitute by similar heehee.
so many themes party for april babies but so far no mickey mouse theme for me to "copy ideas" .

for those who is having party this weekend , Jia You....hope all our parties turn out positive, no screw up ....guests have fun....
Hoon, dont be stress. You must enjoy this. At first i also very stress. Worried food, worried pple dont turn up. Worried montage failed. Worse, my venue is actually the clubhouse at my condo, which is not supposed to be reserved for private event. So worried other residents upset and make noise.

but you know what, this is all gonna be fun. Other babies, friends will come especially for Javier's party. Things will just go on well.

I was so touched when my friends come up to me and tell me how touched they were when they see teh montage. Emails and sms came in after the event mentioning how they are happy to see Jayden at one yr.

It is gonna be a busy day but you know it is all worth it. And, take more pictures. Make sure that u and ur hubby rest well the night before. Wow sound like wedding.

both my hubby and i agreed that this is so tiring, after the event, but we both smiled and how Jayden has grown and at the efforts that we have put in together. I believe you will feel the same too.
hi Cath
thanks for the engergy you pump into me........
I also stress that my house too small to take all my guess if all turn up at same time...omg..
so far I asm only one busy cos my hubby working, no time do marketing with me......and he actually want just a simple celebration but its me who insist a party....so bo bian.....
today I just drive javier myself to 3 shopping malls to find my party items....so tiring, luckily I am on leave this week...so more time to think and plan.
wow 3 malls. Javier can be a super shopper with you this week. haha... i have not tried driving Jayden out so far. My driving skills sucks, dont wanna put him in danger... :D

Have fun, but must take care of yourself too... dont tired yourself out. Jia You.
hi cath/serene123,
thanks for the offer for the pooh bear items ... since i have already engaged michael for his service, mostly will be provided by him, except for the cake topper. If really cannot get it, then i will borrow from you gals ... so nice of you.

can i know for the contact for the pooh topper, how do i address or ask the person ?

Re : Balloonist - Michael
i nearly got a shock of my life when i received his email earlier, he said that he didnt receive any response from me, and so, he has given up my slot to someone else. But hor, just last week, we corresponded via messages on mobile (luckily i did keep the message as well), and he confirmed my slot before i proceed and make the deposit transfer. And now, he is telling my that i never reply back to him ... so can you imagine ??? Although it is 12am, i still called him on his mobile and asked him for explanation. Then he told me that maybe he has made a mistake (which i can confirm he made the mistake), and luckily since i have changed the timing from 7pm to 5pm, he has got available slot to come at 3pm. After hearing this, then at least i feel so much better and assured, but i really hope that he can come on time, and dun gv me any last min attack..... Just wondering if business is really too good for him, that such incident will happen
hi mummies, so touching reading the posts. Ya last year this time we all were all popping one after another and complaining about confinement etc. But we were all really happy that our darlings have finally arrived. I feel I will miss Byron at this stage most too, but its exciting watching his growing years too.

Cake: Those ordering from pine garden should not have to provide their own decorations. i saw mickey theme cakes by them too. Alternatively I saw toppers by kidzpartystore and BP organizer terrormum that some of you can try
Cath - sure i miss! i was doing her slideshow for her party and i flashed back her bb photos, amazing how much she has grown and time flies.
Dolly23, luckily u called him to reconfirm if nt u will get last min heart attack...better call AGAIN to make sure he come on time, tell him to come 3hrs earlier cos he always late for 2hrs one.

Your cake is so nice. is the doggie on the cake make of foundant sugar too? its so cute.


u have done a good job wo the help of your hb.


Can i get my hb to collect it from you tomolo? i will pm you my number. Thank you.


me too. stress tat there might have enough food, guest fly kite, weather no good, cake got problem...... the list go on n on. ha ha. worried too much liao


Think is better that he cm at 3pm as tat time 'not peak hr'. he can take time to do up the place.

Happy birthday to all April babies and wish all coming party goes well.
This time of last year, i am worrying whether to c-section or opt for induction(if induce n nv give birth then need to do emergecy c-sec). As my gal is not growing well in my tummy. so stress to be preg. Song le yi kou qi after give birth.
Höon, mine also MM theme but be after yours!! Haha... I got most of my items from bp leh coz cheaper.... Alot of ideas oso copy here n there.... So bound to have similarities ESP balloons coz engaging michael too...
Just hope that everything smooth smooth n take more pict ya! Yeah
Morning mummies,

Happy birthday to all APRIL babies! ! !

Time flies fast, our babies are ONE now

I remember last year I was doing confinement under this HOT weather, this year I can relax and enjoy my cold root beer

Just to share my girl pic from birth till now

hahaha, Choc, looking for prospective gf for ur boy?

Charismama, ur girl changes a lot leh, from day 1 to 1 yr old. And she looks different in real person, prettier than photo. (Choc drool somemore? :p)
winter... in May side i chope till they throw rotten egg at me liao..wahahahaaa

so come over here to chope... throw chocolates at me ok...

but hor...realli pretty wor...wat blog... bo share... kekee =D
ah choc,

hahaa.....u hor...yan yan u chope, now charis also want to chope :p

if ah phael chope liao, A can stand one side drool nia lor....*how to compete with our "yan dao" boy....wooo hoooo
I also want to share my boy pics, see got any taker bo hahaa......

**ah choc u dnt spoilt market post ah phael pics horrrr hahahaaa

ON la....I CHOPE hahahaaa **put tissue paper on R's seat :p

**RAPHAELA gal gal...interested in round boy like A? hahaa
Koori/ Yvonne,
yeah man, i cannot imagine if he tell me last min that there is no more slot for me, i will go crazy man !

Ah Choc,
you chopped so many girls in May side, and now you are chopping April's bb girls as well .... very KS leh ... must share share leh !
see see... i told u all...pple blacklist me liao..hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

dolly... i didnt hor... quick post some si wen look of rayden
**********Advertisemnt Time******************

Yippe 22 mummies now. And I have paid the deposit to secure thebooking on Sat(21 Feb). And if we can hit 25 mummies to up to dexule package,jus need to let them know 2.5 weeks b4 2 May

Re: April Babies' 1 Year Old Workout Day!

Date: 2 May 09 (Sat)

Time: 4.30pm to 6.30pm
4.30pn - 5.30pm : games and activities
5.30pm to 6pm : Makan Time
6pm to 6.30pm : More workouts
6.30pm : Bye Bye Time

Venue: JWT (46 East Coast Road)

Cost : S$35 per family (2 parents and 1 baby)

Please transfer $35 tomy POSB Savings account, 102-18206-5, indicating your nick in SMH

Venue Rental: Veronica

Photography - Angel &amp; Hubby

Cake - Maro (Personalised Birthday Cuppies)

Party Favors or Door gifts for bbs - Maddy's Mum - Only if we havefunds left.

Yes, We'll like to have a April Babies' 1 Year Old Workout Day!

Confirmed and paid
1. Angel, Hubby &amp; Dana
2. strawberries, hubby &amp; gideon
3. Yvonne, hubby, maid(maybe) &amp; Tiffany
4. Winter &amp; Ernest (Hubby can't confirm)
5. na_na, hubby &amp; Alaric + maid
6. Serene123 &amp; roy zak
7.mushloom, hubby n ivan
8. Jaspire &amp; Kayla + maid (maybe)
9. maomi, hubby &amp; sean
10. mifi,hubby n issac
11. vonn, hubby and kaleb
12. lovemum, baby (kang kang) n either maid or hubby.
13. Xiaozhu, Hubby and Kayden
14. maro, hubby &amp; davien + maid (maybe)
15. Rainyheart, hubby, Reina and Caden
16. Maddy's mum, Maddy's pop, Maddy
17. Jenny + Hubby + Javier
18. Joellez + Hubby + Dominic + helper
19. Stretch aka cia, hubby &amp; Claire
20. Cath + Hubby Keng Seng + Baby Jayden
21. Geryl, Hubby, Ryan &amp; Clairese
22. jasminechenx, hubby and elijah

Any more mummies who are welcome to join. Jus add on to the list and transfer the $$
Hi, winter are there any $ left for cake? If want to order cake, must inform Maro early...Read that personalised invitation cards are included in the package right? Thanks for coordinating.
Dana so pretty
and the precious moments cake so beautiful. Happy birthday to lil Dana!
She must hv enjoyed herself during the party.

ur gal really look different from birth, she is a pretty lil lady nw.

is that ur boy?? he looks so cute in that sun hat..... really look like a gal lei :p

no worries lah, ur boy so cute &amp; handsome sure hv alot of gfs wan lah. Next time u will b buz ans calls cos 2 many gfs calling 2 look 4 him, hahhaha......
angel, winter
the cup cake complimentary, i can contribute cos not a lot of $$, no worries..

so many pretty babes at our april thread.. must fight and chop chop first.

chop all the way from may thread hor :p

slight different on A's but he stil have that big grin.. hoho..
btw, dont know your msn photo (with white beanie) is A, has been wanting to ask u.. that really look so different.. hehe..

your gal looked so cutie , like an angel ...

btw ... does any mummy know where can i find sticker printing ? i am looking for those label size stick printing ?
