(2008/04) April 2008

earth_mummy! I have the same book
Justin also KOs arounds 7pm.. But still have to pat pat to bed leh. Didn't have the heart to enforce the cry method, so he is on the soothe to sleep method. Thankfully, his nap times during the day is also getting more established! I stay in the east too!

ya when i click the link u attached, ya i saw my boy pic lei but when i go into the mum centre, is nt my boy's pic lei......... hmmm y lei that?
every wk there is 3 winner for each category: highest votes pic, editor's pic & lucky pic.
Highest vote pic: Pic with highest votes
Editor's Pic: Editor will choose the pic
Lucky Pic: Computer will choose the pic
simp: i got it from a spreeist who had leftovers from her previous spree leh. Bought it at a steal at 3 for $10. Now cannot find oredi
I also want to buy some more. Your other alternative is the Jazzy Toes socks lor, but they are short socks, not long socks.
gosh..thread moving fast...

veronica: yes,still keen on squirt spoon

prawnie: still wanna buy the pumpkin patch shoes...1 pair of sea spray, M size can.

raynsky: sorry can't meet up at ur plc as Elliot is still unwell. Juz went to c PD today. He's still having diarrhea with poo count 6-8 times daily.... Every feed he poos & almost every 2 hrs he drinks. Poor fella also lost weight already.
Take care and Eilliot gets well soon.

U mean e mary jane long socks from combi. I like long socks, so nice and can keep warm. If it is form combi, i wan to order as there is another combi spree going on. Let me know. The price u got is realli a steal. I am not so keen on jazzy socks as i got like 6 pairs of carters socks and other range, now crazy over long socks for my ger.
<font color="0077aa">koori

have voted fer ur kaylen liaoz :D

yo &amp; junior_rain

congrats!! :D


welcome to the thread :D, wow ur bb can sleep such long hours... how i wish mine too..


Jasmine will be collecting the brightlings station and the discovery ball on my behalf, thanx fer ur great efforts on organising :D


is baby elliot getting betteR?? hope he recover soonz *hugz*</font>
<font color="0077aa">Re:baby feed

well my boy will definitely wakes up to drink in the nite time.. if not his cries will tear down the whole house.. m FTWM, somemore working shift work and is really gettting tiring fer me liaoz resulted in lethargy &amp; fatigue. N even taking chicken essence wun help.. now seriously m thinking whether wanna switch to office hour timing or request to do permanant morning shift..

Re:baby milestones

baby now can grasp both his hands and will try to graps the hanging objects when playing wif his musical gym.
So far he still cant flip on his own successfully although he attempted lots of time, so we usually will help him. He cant hold his head up till 90degrees but so far can hold up fer 10 to 15 seconds

Re:Baby weight

he last weigh was 2 weeks ago and is 6.8kg, nurse sae slightly over the percentile but is ok.. </font>
<font color="0077aa">jasmine

O u have collected it hehehee thanx ya.. !! hmm.. ehz i tot u went to collect it yesterdae?? hmm is ok :D, once u collate liaoz, then we will arrange fer meet up.. think that will be easier fer u
wahhh ... can keep track liao.

Veronica: u let me knw when to collect the baby cubes k?

ABCmum, yo: can collect the baby cubes fr me during our meet-ups

Chewy: Poor elliot, hope he gets well soon! Hope to see u n him next week (if some one is volunteering their hse).
Earth_bb - Are you using the book "COntented little baby" by Gina Ford. I am currently using this book and I find it good too. My girl can sleep through the night when she is 1.5 month.

RE: Baby feed
My girl coming 4 months only drink an avg of 650ml per day. What about you mummies?
hi jgal,

how much u pay for the FP Rainforest Jumperoo inclusive of shipping?are there music for the jumperoo?other models to choose from?

hi calamari,

i pm u
<font color="0077aa">stretch

My boy drinks 6 Oz of FM or EBM evry 2 n half hours to 3 hours but not standard timing one.. sometimes he can last 4 hours later.. n when im not working, will latch him till he dun wan.. </font>
Koori: VOTED for Kaylen! Good luck !!

Yo &amp; JuniorRain: Congrates!!

Veronica: Can I know how do you make your bb sleep for 2 hours ? So far I only managed to catch bb's sleepy timings which is one hour after feeding.

Chewy: I saw sea spray at pumpkin patch today. Selling at $16 !!!

Earth_baby: Welcome !! I am staying at Bedok !! Can meet up when free ya !!

Hi, I am also a Apr mum, but I read more than I contribute ;)

My boy also sleeps from 6pm to 6am. (thank goodness, I thought too he was the only strange one around) My gal sleep from 7.30am to 8.30am, I used the Ferber method on both of them.

I am also stay in the East.
<font color="0000ff">Updates on Squirt Spoons</font>
For mummies who haven't paid (don't have ##), please make the transfer of $10 to my POSB savings, 102182065.

1 Veronica
2 Prawnie ##
3 Esther ##
4 Calamari ##
5 Koori ##
6 mushloom ##
7 bebe11 ##
8 Kea ##
9 sherin
10 tratties ##
11 Jgal
12 Puffish ##
13 cutie188 (2pcs) ##
14 babybliss ##
15 hua er~ ##
16 littleprincesses ##
17 Maddysmum (to PM) ##
18 gervynne (to PM) ##
19 Chewy (2 pcs) ##
20 stefylim ##
21 lovemum
22 jenny (June08 mummies) ##
23 Jo
24 scubababe ##
25 Mrswrx (June08 Mummies) ##
26 Rizty (June08 Mummies) ##
Hi Veronica

Thanks for collating. I have transferred the money for the baby cubes. Here are the details.

From Matcha
To Veronica
Amount S$60.00
Transaction Reference 1829156465

I will collect the baby cubes at Hougang Mall on 10 Aug. Thanks!
Hi Jgal,

One ball is $29.30, right? For the balls, I have paid, $20 (on 17/7) and $58.60 (27 Jul), so my 3rd ball, outstanding amt should be $9.30 right?

Thank you.
Leapfrog Discovery Ball@$29.30 (Singapore retail price is $60)

Collection Redhill ( Date will advise later once i get the items frm DHL)
1. Stefylim x2
2. joellez
3. koori ( with calamari)
4. Jeangal
5. Happymummy
6. uberrimae- topup $9.30

Collection at calamari playgym
1.Simp (with calamari)
3.JuniorRain x2
4.Poshies- topup $9.30(pls confirm)
6.Cass- topup $9.30(pls confirm)

Outstanding : 11 balls.

Discovery Ball 2nd batch order
Please proceed to deposit $20 to secure the slot.
Probably will order and receive come in end Aug.
1. (Paid) Linda chan (Mar)
2. Kai (Mar)
3. choc,
4. JuniorRain
5. Veronica
6. Chronos
7. Stetch
8. Divine
9. (paid)boon (Mar)
10. (paid 53.55)burpy_babe
11. (paid)cyl_16
12. (paid) cutie188

Item send but not collected money- Outstanding
1. puffish - $44.25
2. jaspire - $44.25 ( cannot find the ib transaction, did you transfer using atm)

Please check if the above record is correct.
Simp, strawberries, raynsky: thks babes, Elliot seems better. Hopefully he be well soon. I need 2 order more diapers man!

raynsky: if Elliot recovers soon, shall hope to arrange a gathering @ my hse next wk.. heehee. So paiseh, been missing the actions in our "southwest district" so far :p Enjoy urselves babes. oh yes, still owe u all the pic..
Chewy: photos taken at Great World or at Marina Sq. Do send me pls. hee... thanks ya !!

Stephbunny: Do send me the pics too in ur cam.. haha.. going around chasing for fotos.. wahaha...
Brightlings™ Exploration Station BP($74.25)
(DBS Saving plus 001-1-53838 )
Collection : Redhill

Items not collected

1) uberrimae - top $44.25
2) Cass - top $44.25
3) babybliss - top $44.25
4) Pinky Poh- top $44.25
5) jaspire - top $44.25
6) cheesycake - top $74.25
7) burpy_babe
8) joellez - top $44.25
9) superbunny
10) mushloom
11) (paid)Koori - top $44.25
12) Puffish - top $44.25
13) blur_mum - top $44.25
14) jasmine
15) ABC mum - top $74.25
16) gail - top $74.25
17) cutiee188 - top $44.25
---------------- not ordered
(21) (paid $30)choc
earth bb &amp; steph

we all hv the same book keke... but my boy will still wake up once at nite lor. hopefully he will sleep thru out soon coz he's stretching his time liao. but i wont put him to sleep at 6 or 7pm coz its abit too early &amp; hubby not home yet. he also wants to bond with him mah so every nite, he will do the last feed &amp; tuck him to bed, which is between 8.30 to 9pm.
calamari...yups i got ur order...

RE: BB playgym...

calamari...i'll be there with HB...n CD Player

Jgal...I can hlp u transport the discovery balls..let me know wat time to meet at ur plc...can also bring my 2 balls...i'll pass u ur milkbags as well...

pls email me coz tis thread is moving veli fast n i got no chance to chk nw that i started my new job....
no MSN also....sob sob sob...

Koori...voted for Kaylen liow...so cute...
