(2008/04) April 2008


PlayGym Playdate - sorry, i can't join you gals on the 9th of Aug. Got a friend's housewarming to attend that day. Should be able to join in the next one.. It sounds like great fun!
Mummy holding Mothercare VVIP card 15%???
If there is mummy who has this card, can i tap-on to buy stuff from motherhcare in future as there is 15% off to it. I think just need to quote either nric # or the membership # to get stuff.

Thinking of getting the bb mirror to be put in hb car for him to see bb and other stuff.
Simp, you can use this - Janice Tan WeiLing
Mothercare Card #44841

Got it when she posted on a thread. Each time we make a purchase using her card #, she gets to earn points so it's Win-Win for all.
I've used it to buy quite a lot of items already.
share ur card # here. Let u earn pts and get smething for urself or bb in future. Prefer to use our frends' card here if we have, better mah!

Haiz, stupid me, i just bgt a few semi-solids cutlery from there and no discount faintz. Haiz must save more $$$ now if not no $$$ for my ger's future liao.
Hi ladies! I am finally back from bali over the weekend. First time away from baby...... really miss him but apparently he didn't miss me much, ha. Its so funny I think i conducted a pumping lesson in bali for my unmarried female colleagues as they are all so fascinated with my breast pump.

I am keen in the outing! Let me check with my hubby first then confirm!

Simp: Great idea to compile the list! WIll email you soon!
<font size="+2">Update of Mummies' biodata</font>

Mummies, now that our bb have arrived, i think it would be good to update our biodata as what Geryl has been faithfully doing for us on excel sheet. I realised i still cannt register the mummies' faces w their smh nicks, bb names etc. If we need to contact one another it is also easier.

Could u email to [email protected] or pm me on ur details. <font color="ff0000">Details would be sent one time to everybody by end of August 08 only or earlier once the list is 80% updated.</font>So those who still want to be in the loop with one another for gathering, spree etc/newcomers wanting to be in the Apr mummy' loop, pls update me in the following format like last time.

<font color="0000ff">Zone/street addy: North / South / East / West ----Eg West / Jurong West St 71--for easy collation of spree/ mini-gathering</font>
Real Name
Baby Full Name
Actual Birth Date
Sex of bb
Child #
<font color="0000ff">Wt at birth
Ht at birth</font>
Delivery Method
Baby Blog

<font color="0000ff">Highlights in blue are new addition/pre-existing info forgotten to add on</font>

Mummies can pm / email me
U can check w mothercare how to upgrade to VVIP status 15% off, i think it is a premium status bah kekeke

SuperMum...can't take that title...

i got my lousy day too...my son's <font color="ff0000">"MUMMY LOVE ME"</font> still in my mind everyday...he will say it every night b4 he sleeps...i will hug and kiss him to sleep. sometimes v diff to put my 2 kids to sleep...sometimes both will cry together...*stress*...
Simp...I've PM u my Zone liaos.

the height and weight are in the list! most of the mummies have given me the ht and wt...only a hand full have not! thanks thanks
Mini PlayGym Playdate

Date: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th Aug
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Calamari's Condo Function Room (The Mayfair)- near Chinese Garden MRT

1. Sherin
2. Simp-TBC if i am still in spore
3. calamari
4. Angel
5. Stefylim
7. joteohl
8. Geryl (might not be attending all session)
9. Jaspire
10. Koori
11. Jgal

Food on Jgal!
- 10 Curry Puff
- 10 mini chick pie
- 10 chewy puff
- 10 fruit yogurt (50ml) each
- Drinks
- Cups
- Kitchen Towels

Thanks Jgal for volunteering to bring the food!

OK, Have booked the rooms for 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th Aug from 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Will start booking for Sep in mid-Aug.

Bring your hubbies along ok!!!
So exciting!
Will be placing $100 deposit for the room for all the sats in Aug...so mummies, you all must come hor, or else they 'chiong gong' my money hahaha!
calamari...i have portable CD player...i'll bring but the room got electrical point hor..

by the way can't make it for the 16th Aug slot...my ger going for her 2nd jab...
Mummies Biodata,
Hahaha I also realised that most have wt and ht only a handful so i scared the newcomers later i must 1 by 1 ask, may as well add in the zone &amp; addy thingy so easier for us to contact one another if we ever need nearby help like bbsitting or release stress kekeke
Not easy to take care of 2 kids together and i think u r affected by ur boi's comments.No worry as long as u r doing ur best. I can understand how u feel as i wd too if my eldest tell me that when i have my 2nd bb coming along. I wonder when will that be haiz!
Calamari, thanks for placing the deposit. Shoudl we each contribute $10 to it so if 'chiong gong' also not so 'siong' for you. We must try to commit to it though sometimes really got valid reasons to miss the sessions. So Sherin conducting all playgym sessions ah? How can we thank you Sherin?
I think we must set up a club like dat, have a chairperson etc etc, do up a fund then we can plan easier kekeke. All can be discuss on the 1st date or subsequent dates. Then we can really have a committed gp of passionate hot mamas for our precious bb!
Hi Mummies-help needed
My son is now 3 mths 2 weeks old, he is drinking 90ml(FM) for past 2 mths and interval about 2-3hr.recently he is rejecting his milk and willing to empty bottle only after about 4-6 hrs. So usually I will give him 120ml if the interval too long.but he is 6.4kg now and the nurse said that abit heavy but still at safe measure. I was wondering is he normal? why he never drink much yet weight increasing? How can i control his weight?
you and your club.

But seriously, all those Kindermusik or Gymboree, once you sign on, you don't get any replacement if you miss any sessions. Since Calamari and Sherin doing all mummies a favor, we must be committed lah, otherwise, what if gradually, the attendance dwindle and come 1 Sat, all mummies never turn up? How can we prevent this leh? Should we collect some sort of 'membership' fee, maybe use it to buy children instruments used in those Gym/Kindermusik classes? Just a thot...
Gd idea! Collect some form of funds for our bb kekeke! I may be the MIA mummy u knw, coz most of the time in KL mah kekeke
If Javier is gaining wt happily then i think no concern abt the qty of milk he drinks. If u really worried then ask pd his opinion. ANyway i think bf bb are heavier side as they can better absorb all the goodies into their system. To assure u, my ger born 2.7kg, 1 mth later gain 2.2kg to 4.9kg by 1st mth, come 3rd mth she is already 7.1kg hahaha so i think now she is maybe 8kg coming 4m bah.
Why don't we try 1 month first see how? Then we decide whether we want to continue and collect funds or not hehe. But these 4 sats of Aug die die must have at least 3 mummies go lah...The most we go there and yak yak yak hahaha...
i think next year Apr 2009 will be damn busy for us!! We will be attending one another's baby's 1 year old birthday! hahahaha
