(2008/04) April 2008


after finish feeding baby, heat up the EBM in the milk bottle (with the cover on) on the warmer. The EBM will be heated up nicely by the next feed. This way, the milk will be ready by the time bb cries for milk.

I didn't use the baby warmer. Got a free warmer from a pack of Essence of Chicken.

Hi Jgal,

Would like to resume order since sherin is cancelling:

1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!
1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!

Let me know when is the payment. Thanks! =)

Sherin, since u r cancelling, then i order from jgal again. Thanks!
Lynn - i passed by Isetan on Sun and saw FP pdts on 20% discount, maybe u wan call up and ask them if they carry the model u looking for.

Would like to resume order since sherin is cancelling:

1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!
2) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!

Sherin - since no news from merchant and u cancellin i placing order with Jgal. Tx.

I use the breastfeeding pillow to help me to put bb to sleep. After he falls asleep on the pillow, I will transfer him onto the bed where he continues sleeping.

He seems to sleep better on the breastfeeding pillow and on our bed, rather than the cot in the daytime.

Here's how he looks like, sleeping on pillow, with additional pillows...
Lynn, hangon abit babe. I was going nuts too then. One strange thg happened was my son was cranky coz he wanted to drink FRESH milk. We didn't realise tt cld happen as it was already in 6-7wks. He's been on btl w EBM since wk 2. After 2 days, he's bk to btl. Guess bb finds more comfort in mum's boobs.. heehee

RE: food warmer
I hv the Avent food warmer, it doesn't work well for me. Either still not warm for the EBM fr fridge or too warm for the EBM fr freezer. Using a mug with hot water is more effective for me.
swirl - i m interested to join u... but need to work out the babysitting with my mom first...

Handsanitiser - i also have a bottle of hand sanitizer at baby's cot... will use it after i change baby's diaper...or whoever who comes to our house and wants to carry baby, we will ask them to use the hand sanitizer first before they carry baby...
Xiang - pillow seems to work for my ger also, i put her on my pillow and she sleep slanted a bit and sleep better during the day. I don put her in her cot during day time so as to differentiate day & night for her. Day time is bouncer or my bed, night time is her cot.
Chewy - yes but luckily i not working so i also sleep late and wake up late, follow her timing. But my poor DH was late for work few times cos he couldnt wake up.

sama sama.. day time is also on our bed.. night is cot. but i am not trying to differentiate between day and night.. just want to make him sleep better.
The organiser just email me to inform that the workshop cannot start due to insufficient participants. I replied saying you might be interested. Still waiting for them to reply.
swirl - i m interested to join u... but need to work out the babysitting with my mom first...

Handsanitiser - i also have a bottle of hand sanitizer at baby's cot... will use it after i change baby's diaper...or whoever who comes to our house and wants to carry baby, we will ask them to use the hand sanitizer first before they carry baby...
koori/xiang...my ger also the same day time is on our bed where she sleeps so much better n nite time is in her cot....

thk day time in cot is too warm...my ger will always scream after a while n got to trf her to our bed.....
stefylim : i saw frm the factorytoystore, there is comments that Dora speak with a strong spanish accent so it quite unpopular. You still want the Dora book ?

Ordering today. Please make payment.USD9.99 =SGD$14.50 each (Excluding shipping. Shipping cost will be confirmed later)

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You! </font>
2.Burpy Babe
7.Cherish (PAID-14.50)
8.Esther Zhang
10. Koori

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!</font>
1. Strawberries
2. Strawberries
3. Jgal
4. Esther Zhang
5. Kea (PAID-14.50)
6. Chewy
7. Puffish
8. Koori

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Dora the Explorer A Gift from Big Sister Dora</font>
Hi Jgal

I would like to add on to my previous order: LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!

I've just transferred and emailed you the payment details.

Hi Sherin

Noted that u've cancelled the orders.
mushloom,simp,sputnik: The postage for Baby Art Kit is $2.55. Please make the tt to me at my DBS ac 032-3-017080. Simp &amp; Sputnik, please PM me your address

Just wanna confirm the outing..... its still going on right?

April Mummies Outing:

When: 12 Jun 2008 (April)
What Time: 2pm
Where: Botanic Gdn Food Court

1) Sherin &amp; Summer
2) Koori &amp; Kaylen
3) Chewy &amp; Elliot
4) Xiang &amp; Ethan
5) Jamie &amp; Bryan
6) Stefy &amp; Luann
7) Amy &amp; Zhiyan
8) prawnie &amp; Xavier
9) scubababe &amp; Byron
10) steph &amp; justin
11) Yo &amp; Bernice #1 &amp; Nicodemus #2
12) jaspire &amp; Kayla
13) Geryl &amp; Clairese

How to get there in cse u r not sure....
With Compliment fr Luann:
food court at Botanic Garden is near the main entrance beside glenE...

instead of going into the main entrance of botanic gardens, walk along cluny road abt 1min and you will see a driveway like taxi drop off point...there is a staircase that leads down to the foodcourt there...
Transfer done and pm done :

Funds Transfer to Other DBS/POSB A/C
10 Jun 2008 02:12 PM Singapore
To Account DBS Savings Plus
032-3-017080 Scubababe
Amount S$2.55
Transaction Reference 1748290968
I would like Winnie the Pooh and Rainbow Fish only if that's the case.

Kindly confirm my order and I shall transfer the $ to you.

Thanks for organising!
Hi jgal, i've transferred $29 to you, and also email you the details, pls check. Thanks!

Can't join you all for the outing, i'm going to the PC show with my hubby at suntec on thurs. =(
hi jgal

i would like to order :

1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!
2) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!

total : $29.00
swirl, i contacted the centre liao. left a voicemail and is currently waiting for their call.

I have just been contacted by the hospital. I failed the pap smear which they did for me. Gotta go back to do another test. Wonder what happened. sigh...
Ordering today. Please make payment.USD9.99 =SGD$14.50 each (Excluding shipping. Shipping cost will be confirmed later) Please dun cancel after payment! <font color="ff0000"><blink>No more new orders !!!</blink></font>

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!</font>
2.Burpy Babe
7.Cherish (PAID-14.50)
8.Esther Zhang
9.Puffish (PAID-14.50)
10. Koori
11. swirl
12. Christine

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!</font>
1. Strawberries
2. Strawberries
3. Jgal
4. Esther Zhang
5. Kea (PAID-14.50)
6. Chewy
7. Puffish (PAID-14.50)
8. Koori
9. swirl
10. cutiebb
11. Christine

<font color="119911">LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Dora the Explorer A Gift from Big Sister Dora</font>
hi jgal

i would like to order :

1) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Pooh Loves You!
2) LittleTouch™ LeapPad® Book: Rainbow Fish!

total : $29.00


Hi Sherin,
Will cancel the books order thru you. Thanks.
The person-in-charge has replied my email. She will check with the speaker first and revert to let us know if the class will go ahead.
Hi scubababe,

Would like to have mine sent with normal postage too

Funds transfer done:
To Account DBS Savings Plus
032-3-017080 Scubababe
Amount S$23.55
Transaction Reference 1748360801

As you notice, I've typed in a wrong amount! Could you please refund me $21? Sorry for the boo-boo

My account details:
POSB savings 030225864

Many thanks!
Hi Lynn

I bought the FP-rainforest mobile for my boy, $99/- from Kiddy palace, he loves it. At least I can keep him occupied for least 30 minutes or while changing him. Since he loves the mobile, I bought another pre-loved mobile by Vtech which I found it to be even better. Comes with a projecting light of stars and moon. But the music for the FP seems better-bach, mozart, while the vtech has nursery rhymes.
Here's the payment i have received.
My acct is DBS saving plus 001-1-053838

<table border=1><tr><td>Time </TD><TD>Method </TD><TD>Name </TD><TD>Amt </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK SMH-jo </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK Swirl</TD><TD> S$29.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK LP-Puffish </TD><TD> S$29.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK cutiebb </TD><TD> S$59.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK Kearea </TD><TD> S$14.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>10 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK Swirl </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>08 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK joellez smh </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>07 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK cherish </TD><TD> S$44.50 </TD></TR><TR><TD>07 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK LP_cyl_16 </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK LP-sputnik </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK Kearea </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ATR </TD><TD></TD><TD>S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK Serena </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK LP - Koori </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>06 Jun 2008 </TD><TD>ITR </TD><TD>I-BANK LP-Puffish </TD><TD> S$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Ooh just wanted to say thanks for the recs for FP $99 infant-to-toddler rocker. got one from toys r us and baby loves it hehe. now temporarily out of commission cos seat is being cleaned; somehow baby's poop managed to leak onto the seat -__-""
Re: Sleeping pattern
My baby does not sleep well in the day. But thank God, she can self-entertain with 2 of her activity gyms, or I put her in her FP bouncer. At night, automatically she will fall asleep at 11+ when she sees daddy and mummy on her left and right. She sleeps with us on our bed now. So far she only wake up once for her feed.

Re : Outing
Anyone bringing camera on that day? Cos my camera died on me &amp; my sis need to use hers. Tot someone can capture nice photos of all the cute bbs.
