(2008/04) April 2008

Kayla has such nice double eyelids

Re baby sleeping at night/ breast as pacifier
Everynight my baby will suck mt breast to sleep... haiz... from 9pm she will suckle and have her night feed and fall asleep at 10pm plus... the bad side is she sleeps on my bed and it kinda became a prob during the day coz she can't really fall into deep sleep if i dun let her latch on... The good side is she can sleep well and usually she will only wake up at 2plus or 3 plus for her feed...

Koori, did ur bb sleep again after 2pm?
Try to drag her day nap..

Mine sleep less than 2hr in the day, she will sleep around 8plus throughout the night, only wake up at 4 or 5am for milk..Total she still sleep 14-15hr.
how do u gals clean behind yr baby's ears? hv been cleaning it with damp cotton wool everyday but it still seems sticky and there is some yellow residue...
re swimming
I just bought my son to swim and he enjoys it!
He's over 2mths now. Actually they say newborn can also go. They will put a float around bb's neck and put him into the tub. He'll just kick around like treading water. I have seen a bigger bb kicking so vigorously that the water splashed everywhere.

re motherhood fair
Just went today and stocked up Pampers. The sales person tried attracting us to buy over $80 for the instant 'spin' prize. We went to spin and I got a Braun thermometer. However, they told me it's out of stock, and I spinned again. And got the cheapo Downy detergent.. So angry!
Koori, try not to let your bb slep immediately after his feed in the day...to play/sing/talk with your baby after feed in the day...let bb nap around 1hr in betw feed in the day..and contd the same process till 9-10pm. We bought him a toy that spin and tie the toy with red ribbon and hong bao and he amuse himself when we spin.

Mine was corrected in this way with 2 feeds at 1.30am and 5am...now he wakes up at 4am only ..hope it helps...
Sputnik - i use damp cotton wool to clean first then follow by dry ones..if still cannot remove i wet a gauze to slowly clean it off..
I use damp cotton wool to wipe the top part of the back of the ear. Then when bathing bb, I'll use finger to gently rub the bottom part. Sometimes when bb regurgitate milk, the milk will be 'stuck' at the back of the ear. I think that's how the residue come about. Have to clean everyday cos new 'dirt' will form everyday.

any ideal where can i buy Lasinol milk bag(don know the spelling) tru BP or anyone organise it?coz currrently no storage bottle to store my milk
Still got no response frm e supplier. Guess it would be due to the weekends. Pls dont make any payments first. I want to confirm on the stocks first.
strawberries, i think she was just less than 5 weeks old. She loves it and we bought e package.

calamari, i also got e hairband. She dont quite like it. she could pull it off herself. The hat is good. She can wear it for very long. I want to get more of the hats. Perhaps i'll get it from Mothercare (harbourfront) since they are having 15% off regular priced items.

My girl dont sleep in the day at all now! Really drain me through n through. She wakes up at 7+am and will stay awake until 10pm! More energetic than me. But she will sleep after her 10pm feed. She sleeps until 7am the next morning. Wonder if she feels hungry ...

I've got one small (think it's 4oz) dr brown bottle to give away. anyone interested? Self collect. My girl drinks e full 8oz one now.
Oh btw mummies, i heard frm the usual provision shop that i frequent that FRISO GOLD 1 is gonna increase price again!
when Baby Summer was 1 mth old, i bought $28 per tin frm supermarkets. Two weeks ago, the price increased to $30. I heard that newspapers actually reported that there's gonna be an increase of another $3.50! This provision shop is already OSS. The man says that FRISO told them they got no more stock also. The supermarket near my place also no more stocks. So i suggest, those who are on FRISO 1 to stock up first. My KS Hubby already bought 13 tins at $27 each to stock up. My girl finishes 1 tin a week. haha.
Those interested can PM me on the address (WEST) for the milk powder. I think all brands there are cheaper by quite a few dollars.
Cherish - my bb on off not everytime will sleep after 2pm when she awake but she seem more sleepy during day than night, now trying our best to adjust her timing.
Sherin - i seen giant selling friso at $28 like 2weeks ago. Now the advertisment on tv keep showing thats why prices will increase, I haven stock up yet....better act fast. NTUC already selling $30 liao.
jo - I took him to punggol plaza. there's a branch at harbourfront too.

koori - I agree. I asked them to let me spin again but they refused. Kenna bluffed by the salesguy cos he told me the thermometer was one of the prizes. After we paid, then realised it had been fully redeemed. Should have demanded them to give me the next best item which is the SK2 travel pack! What a big scam.
now i am taking care of my boy alone, he likes to carry all the time, so i don have time to express my milk out, worry ms will down.any suggestion? some ppl adv me giving him to slp yaolan, hw?
morning mummies...

last nite my ger sleep from 12mn to 7am tis morning...so happy finally i've got a good nite sleep hee hee hee...but wake up liow my breast super engorged...managed to pump 310ml of milk :p first time...

koori...when your ger took the vaccinations did she have a lot of poo...my ger poo so much abt 8x on sat n sun after the vaccination...
Hi mummies,

have been MIA for a long time!

i'm looking after my gal after the confinement lady left...i am doing fine...bb latching on well and wants to be carried most of her time. she wants to sleep near her parents (in between my hubby and I)...there she will sleep longer!

Hope all of you mummies are doing fine!

not much luck trying to schedule my baby's night time sleep
he is coming to 8 wks on tbm, at night he gets ebm in bottle.

baby has his "dinner" around 7.30pm then goes down. i wake him 4 hrs later around 11.30pm for a big feed (5oz), then hope he will last through the night - but has never happened. last night he woke at 3.30am (4oz) for a feed, then 5.30am (3oz), then 7.30am "breakfast" (5oz).

am trying to cut down on the past-midnight/before breakfast feedings, either down to 1 or best 0. anyone has ideas why he's feeding so frequently and how to cut the feedings down?

one feed that i'm particularly unhappy about is the 5.30am feed. since he's had his usual portion of 4oz at 3.30am, it should last him 3 hrs from there, but dunno why he keeps waking at 5.30 for :S cld it be force of habit? what can i do abt it?
any ideas where i can get on-the-go hand cleanser in Singapore? so that when bring bb out, can wash hands w/o water....

if drink BM, bb will hungry v easily..my boy drink FM, ard 160ML now, hungry ard 3hrs....if poo, ard 2.5hrs.... only at nite, went he slp soundly, he drink aft 5-6hrs......don wake bb up to feed .. let him wake up on his own....
Agree with Kea, my gal is fully on BM. she wakes up every 2 hours to drink.

Kea, i bought my hand cleanser from a small facial shop in ang mo kio!
Hi, for those of you using the lansinosh milkbags, do you know how long it takes for the milk to be frozen? Cos a bit funny, i put 1 bag in the freezer last nite at 10pm, now i check, it is still not frozen yet! So weird, the previous bag i used did not seem to take so long, but not sure cos i did not check on it after i put it in the freezer...
Hi mushloom, Sputnik, Simp: I will drop by the post office and let you know on the postage charges

Kea: you can get hand sanitizers from the pharmacies or even NTUC. I use Dettol ones

My baby also sleeps better on our bed, between me and hubby. Need to train him to sleep alone coz want to move him to his own room eventually.

Baby swimming: i brought baby Byron to swim yesterday too at a condo pool. He loves it! We were so excited by the grandparents were so worried the water was too cold for him. Will try to post some pics later
scubababe... Byron so so cute! Feels like eating his toufu! LOL! BTW, where did u buy the neck float? How much does it cost?
hi scubababe
Byron looks so cute swimming! can see he really enjoys himself. how old is he? i want to bring my boy swimming too but i thought he's too young for the swimming pool. i thought they cld only swim in those 'tanks'. where did u get the neck float? btw, dumb question here - does he wear diapers when swimming?
wow your boy sure seems to enjoy himself, look so cute in the float.

talking abt botak, my boy lagi botak hor, have nt even shave his hair yet. take a look at this ...
Stefy - nope my bb din poo. Tik Luann is tired after the jab tats why sleep so long. Kaylen also slept from 10pm to 6am the day she took the jab then after tat back to normal again....so i only had good sleep for 1 night. heee.

Btw any changes in Luann's appetite after the jab?
Kea: yeah Dettol ones do not have to use water. Just squirt abit and rub over your hands.

Thanks for the compliments! I bot the float from the BP here, the organiser is mambo baby i think. Its $25.90. I think its the same float used by the shops in Harbourfront and Punggol plaza. I wanted to bring Byron to the shop to try, coz i had a voucher for 1 free session. But when i called they tell me i must sign up a package then i can use the free voucher. I was like, can't i try first then if i like it i will take the package? But they said can't. So decided to take the risk and bring him to the condo pool instead, since chlorine is suppose to kill germs.

Byron is 9 weeks old. I bot the swim trucks from bumwear for him. Dun have to wear diapers inside coz it can keep the poo inside.
Since we r on the topic of baby's hairstyle... This hao lian mummy here want to share: My miss poccupine after her bath
To Mummies Staying near Hougang!!

There is a Back to Work workshop organised by the Breastfeeding Support Group held on this Wed, 11th Jun from 2-3.30pm.

Any mummies interested?!! I registered for the course but found out that I am the only one registering. So the workshop may not go through. Hence I am asking if any of you would be interested. Min. 2 to start. It is held in the Speaker's house.

Website: http://www.breastfeeding.org.sg/back-to-work-workshop.html
can i ask for jabs, don have to be taken right on the exact date right? for example, Eden's 3rd mth jab is on 26th, i can tk a few days later rite?

all the babies here are so cute...
sharing mine here
Baby Chevelle...
my girl is still wearing long sleeves top and pant thru out whole day. how abt u all? mil said 3rd mth then let her wear short sleeves.


