(2008/03) March 2008

<font color="0000ff">Voting for Buffet</font>

Elsie Kitchen
1) Twinklestars

PS: Foodwise, I am okay with any halal caterer

what a pity..the cake became like that..so sad....

Uniform attire
hehe..personally, I am not a fan of this. Not even on hari raya ;p But I like the idea of a general theme and we get our own versions.
transferred done. Tnx for the co-ordination.

To Account POSB Savings 096-22481-8 Ashley
Amount S$30.00
Transaction Reference 1961592804
Number 1 cake
Kate(get a micky+minnie cake so no need agar agar)


Mickey Agar

Minnie Agar

Both Mickey AND Minnie Agar
thank's mummies, i am now better. hehehehe will still bf as long as i can, i will be more carefull next time when pumping try not to let my nipple sore again.

adeline L

same, i also wipe off the icing..hehheehe


agar agar is my favourite but i think minnie n mikey cake is more meaningfull and photo taking. bengawan solo cake vr nice, we can choose mango fruit filling. agar agar vr easy to make, most of us can just DIY ourself at home and yet they still charge abt same price as cake...not worth getting it. if no agar agar, i think minnie cum mickey 2kg cake is just nice for 40 pp. 1kg is not enough i think
wow liao! Jus read your posting? Wat you mean by be careful when you pumping? Wat kinda pump you using ah? How come cause you to landed on this kinda situation ah? tsk tsk tsk!

Good to hear you are better now.

oh dear...do take care...understand it's v painful cos a fren had it recently...

Number 1 cake
Kate(get a micky+minnie cake so no need agar agar)


Mickey Agar

Minnie Agar

Both Mickey AND Minnie Agar

will put my vote for agar agar when i see pics of the mickey and minnie agar agar..
pm ya already
mummies, my boy has started on porridge for lunch n dinner for 2 days, but he's still waking up twice a nite for feed. any mummy in the same situation? how to train him to sleep thru?
Clover mine aso takes porridge 2 times per day. Takg formula. Aso wake up for his nite feedg. I thk now they r stil young. Get hungry v easily. Must b patience. Perhaps when older. 1yr old wil b better.
LeeHong, I tried the last feed. No use. I give him milk at 7pm, 9pm &amp; 11.45pm. he stil wakes up at 3.45am for milk... Give him pacify he sucks for a while then cont cryg for milk.
$40 a cake and $5 delivery i think hahahaa.. alamak we all memory fail.. but seems to be like $45 also..

now i never pump at work liao. i only pump once in the morning and once at night.. dun bear to wean leh.. haiz.. i still enjoy latching her.. alot alot tiems say want to give up bf but in the end leh!! still cont..
leehong, i am still tbf him. my goal is till a yr at least.

jeangal, i was hoping tt he will wake up less. very tiring these days for me. haiz.

my feeding schedule for my boy is like this:
7am- latch
10am- latch
12pm- porridge
2pm- latch
4pm- latch
6pm- porridge
8:30pm- latch
1:30am- latch
4:30am- latch

he eat so many times, but seem to have lost weight. haiz.
Clover, I suspect its growth spurts isit? Mine aso eat &amp; drink a lot these days. The cereal or porridge no diff to them. Stil take his milk as per normal.

Yesterdy he took his porridge at 6.15pm. 7.30pm cries until v cham. Managed to finish 120ml. Then 8.30am another 90ml. Horrible...
glad u r feeling better...dat day at gathering it did look v. painful

sleeping thru
last time Chelsea's PD said waking up at night at this stage is just out of habit if the baby is healthy...like if we are used to eating supper, we'll feel hungry if didn't get supper so i used CIO on Chelsea and she stopped waking up at night after 2 nights of CIO (max less than an hour)....bb tommy also still wakes up twice at night to feed but since he's so skinny and gaining weight poorly, i just let him be and it doesn't really bother me too much to have to wake up too
jeangal/blue skies, he just started on 2 days on porridge and can take quite a lot. my mil steamed the porridge with pork bone stock and some v fine meat. tot its shld be filling.
Clover, mine started on 3 days. I aso noticed he has taken a lot. Tts y we r scare wil overfeed him. Dare nt give him too much milk. But he wil stil cry for his milk.
mine sometimes when woke up, i gave her water. she will sleep after taking water. sometimes they are just thirsty.
I don't feed my boy porridge but instead I give him food puree. E.g. I boil small pieces of potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn kernel &amp; tomatoes toegether with brown rice till it's soft, then I put everything in a blender and blend it into a puree. You can also consider carrots, xiao bai cai, spinach, pumpkin.

I use homemade chicken soup to cook the food so that there is flavour too. I use a handful of wolfberries, one small clove of garlic and two slices of ginger to cook with one chicken drumstick (kampung chicken) and put it in a small slow cooker. I allow it to cook overnight. Next day I take some chicken meat to blend with his food. I cook &amp; blend his food in the morning before I go to work and this is for two portions (lunch and dinner).

He eats oatmeal for his daily breakfast. I used to give him HealthyTimes oatmeal then one day I couldn't find it on any of the shelves in the supermarket!! I was so desperate I bought a tin of Quaker Oats (the pink coloured one) which is instant oats - you just need to add hot water/milk. Tried it on my boy once and he didn't reject it so now he's eating that. It soft enough for him to eat and I mix the Quaker oats with one tablespoon of the instant Nestle oatmeal &amp; prune to it so that there's some flavour.
Oh forgot to add, because of all that food he takes, he tends to constipate more easily so we give him lots of fruits.

In the late morning, he eats one plum with some guava (all blended into puree). And in the late afternoon, he drinks some orange juice (not the sour sunkist but the sweet mandarin oranges). Hand squeezed, half an orange.

He still takes his milk 3-4x a day. Total daily milk intake about 700-800ml. This includes his milk once at night, usually ard 3am.
Adeline L

ya, vr pain..i still tahan till over a week..hehehehe. now less swollen and pain. thank's for the concern.

Brendon also lost weight, now only 8.4 kg but he is much taller now. i dun bother so much abt his weight, i think his built is just nice for 8th mth old baby...not too short or skinny or too fat. his 6th teeth shown lio so i think he has less appetite too.
nestle prune

i bought one for Brendon n tried, i found it too sweet cause i tasted it myself so i think happybellies still better. not so sweet. i gave him porrige as well, bought organic multigrain to cook as porridge, added purees and fish meat.
Re: Tristan's feed schedule
830am: Oatmeal/Multigrain Cereal with mashed/pureed fruits +100ml milk feed
12pm: 180ml Milk feed
3pm: 180ml Milk feed
6pm: Brown Rice Cereal or Porridge with mashed root or green vegetables
830pm: 180ml Milk feed
5am: 180ml Milk feed

My mum is discouraging me from feeding porridge for the time being (and also time consuming to cook!) because she says it's just empty carbo, better to feed organic cereal because of the added vitamins and supplements. But so strange to add meat in cereal - i haven't started Tris on meat yet btw!!

Also, i dunno if anyone has heard this, she told me not to use pork bones for stock also (that day i cooked and kena scolded!)...apparently there has been reports for the past few years that preparing stock with pork bones is not good? Dunno where she got this info from because i can't seem to find anything on the net regarding this. But i believe her cos she reads alot of medical books, is into TCM and is a health nut!
I just bought Bellamy's pasta stars (very cute mini stars!) too and will try giving Tristan that this weekend!

Anyone tried that before?
i have a recipe for a tomato-based pasta sauce for young babies from one of the food books i bought....it has cheese as one of the ingredients though. some friends have told me that it's ok to start the baby on a bit of cheese after 8 months old. any mummies have offered cheese or yogurt to your young ones?

i also dun like the idea of pig bone stock,pig has some disease as i know when i was in HK. frog legs also contain many bacterial. when i was preggy, my hubby dun allowed me to eat frogs legs, tat's my favourite. i think fish is the best meat for baby. my mum sent me those fishes she bought straight from fishermans so no preservative added. i heard from my dad, those fishes which export out of my country has added preservative.
Aidan's feeding schedule

7am - 240ml
8am - oatmeal cereal
12pm - pasta with puree
2.30pm - 240ml
5pm - porridge and fruit
6.30pm - 240ml
my boy is also on 2 hr schedule. similiar to yrs. But when i am away he is drinking 210ml. However he is still waking up at night to latch. Scedule as follows:
5.30am: latch
8am: cereal (5 cube puree each 1 oz and 2 tablespoon cereal)
10am: milk 210ml or 7oz
12noon: porridge
2pm: milk 180ml or 6oz
4pm: milk 180ml or 6oz/5 cube of puree
6pm: porridge
7.30pm: milk latch
9pm: milk latch
12.30am: milk latch
3am: milk latch

Havent taken his weight though so not sure how much he put on this mth. But after gving porridge find tat he can poo more easily.

Soup stock
I dun use pork bone. I use frog leg and pork lean meat. I would choose the lean meat with the least fats and ask the person to blend it twice for me.
pork bone stock
my mil uses spare ribs or soft bones from the shoudler part to make the soup. she's quite proud of it in fact coz she said her stock has became gelatin. all the goodness from the bone and meat has gone into the soup. she also said there's natural sodium found in meat so must give baby more water and to pass out the sodium. I am not worried about her cooking method or the ingredients coz she took time and effort to cook lunch and dinner separately and she buys the best ingredients daily from the market. plus she's also quite a health nut n read up a lot.

since my baby just started his first porridge, we still abide the three day rule to introduce new food to him.

I personally won't be using slow cooker as I think the nutrient is reduced due to prolong cooking and slow cooker consumes more electricity. so will look for thermal cooker. anyone has lobang???
have been reading on what u gals have been cooking for your bbs.. think i most bochup.. i left the food to my mil.. the only 1 i still in charge is BM.. even then supply dropping like mad coz work is a nightmare.. latching alot at nite though coz Felicia been waking up to drink.. i think at least 3times per nite. she is refusing the bottles today while i work.. n starve until i come back to latch her on.. dunno y.. dun wanna sleep too.. very poor thing coz she is so tired n kept waiting for me.. n Bad mama have to OT.. haiz.. i dunno is she undergoing "seperation anxiety". she dun really allow me to leave her sight after she sees me.. any working mummy facing same problem? i dunno how to help her coz i really gotta work slightly later these few days..

<font color="ff0000">dinobaby:</font>can juz private msg me??? i dun noe wat u wanna ask me but then i really dun recall using yahoo mail for a long long time! so oso dunno y u say u got my yahoo email.. i only uses 2 emails account now. 1 for work n 1 personal.. so can u juz private msg me coz that will go to my personal email.. thks..
<font color="ff0000">dinobaby</font>: have replied your pm. in case u din receive it.. juz to let u noe i m not the mummy u wanna find. never sell any mosquito patches.. as mention in email can try to use the "search" function (right at the top of the page) to trace back your old exchanges. hope this can help u..
Mummies : Mi missed so many posts. Hmm. Just realised that half-boiled eggs are not supposed to feed bb ?? I got feed my gal lei.
glad u r better
btw, Brendon dun look 8.4kg leh..look more at the gathering, tall dark handsome chap

do u mind sharing the pasta recipe here
would love to try it out..for myself 1st :p

u see the pics already fr abc ?
nice ornot ?

clover, abc
mine also drinking every 2 hrs at 150ml, except at nite..on most good days, he sleeps fr 11pm to 7am, on some bad days, he wakes up at 5am and 7am

<font color="0000ff">Foodwise</font>
so far he has tried heniz rice cereals at 6 months, we wasted a lot, cos he could not finish even after 1.5 months..i think we are supposed to dispose after 4 weeks?

Since late oct at 7 months plus, we started him on heinz banana multigrain cereals..

sometimes, we steamed apple and make apple puree, pumkin puree and sweet potato...

<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>
on some days when i come back late, i cook this very simple and nutritious dish for kelicia..tot of sharing with u..she love it and it takes 20min only..steamed salmon with small apple pieces

<font color="0000ff">PS: will compile all the votes end of the week..see how, lately doing some "loanshark" job ..organising an oversea retreat and still chasing for payment</font>
