(2008/03) March 2008

hi ladies

wow all your kiddos eating quite a lot ya! This is lele eating schedule:

830am 200ml
12pm cereal with puree 2 tablespoon of cereal
2pm 100ml
5pm cereal with puree 2 tablespoon of cereal
9pm 200ml
Nite nite

have not intro porridge yet cos not sure if lele knows how to properly swallow.

you mean this tiger jar can use to cook? i have it but only use it to store porridge when i bring the kid out.how to use it to cook?


ya seen already...the agar agar looks very nice but i find that too much colouring... to take pictures will be very nice but then again, abit pricey just for photo taking...just my opinion....
my boy only have 2 teeth.. But he eat almost everything.. My mil told me that he knows how to eat rice last night, and I was like 'are u sure??'. Just nice I'm having my dinner, so i feed him a little, and true enough he knows how to chew.... Haha~ This little fellow so funny...
Reena, its ok. Must b patience w her. I rem mum tellg me when I was young, I dun like solid food too. But now Im aso grown up...
This morning, I think Mikael is muttering " Mamama..mamama..! He's calling me when i passed thru him...

I hope it's his first words --not only just mumbling..hiii..so happy he can call me first instead of "dadadada"

Because my first son : calling his Daddy first instead of me.

dont worry too much. lele only begining to like cereal recently. when i first started her on cereal, most of it ended up on her bib so we stop for one week and try again. when she is ready, she will want to eat.
feeding bb tommy is also like "tu xue" i.e. cough blood :p he also not so interested in cereal or the avocado i gave him so just now i literally have to gently pinch his mouth open to shove in the spoon :p i make it a point to play with him after feeding on his high chair so he doesn't hate meal times too much

i noticed that for the past 2 mornings, when bb tommy wakes up ard 6 plus, he will call mama mama....he usually calls mama when he is distressed like hungry or if we try to put him to sleep hehe...other times, he likes to call dada more but it's not really calling for daddy cos we don't use that term at home
I very bo liao.... so I do up this one... Hope you all can haf a good laugh! Hahahhaha!


Hey! Dun leave me alone dun take me! I m trying to do something here!


Poet in creation.... "Sky high high, why I here here cannot go out play play!"
thank's again mummies for the concern...i am getting better thought still not fully recovered.

aiyo all the babies so smart, can call mama lio..mine hor only call "GIGI" my dog, can call till so clear somemore...haizzzzz. these few days dun know why..he keep shouting. aiyo...
hahaha.... this picture is so cute. He quiets down when the machine is spinning is it? so cute...

yu tong,
Your unit can see my block. kekeke... but dun think I can see you.
I dun think I would like him to walk fast leh. Now he use the furniture to support him to walk I already like so busy wif him. If he walks then I m go round making sure he dun take things n put into his mouth! Aiyo! Headache!

Wanna ask you wat is your block n unit no.? Then we can wave to each other next time. Also, you can come my pool to swim n I go yours to swim la. Gimme your address leh... I need it to pass thro your condo to the market. Hahahahha!
Hahahahah! Tats a good entertaiment system!
Is it confirm that we going to the Isetan Sale? My hubby will need to take off on that day so that I can go shopping. Heeee.....
Your boy will be the first to walk..he's already stand very firmly...good!!!

Haahaaa it's really cheap entertainment.

Obviously, Gigi is more popular than you. hiiii..hiii
hum.... I'm interested in the Termal Magic Cooker.... Is it good? so chiam.... WHY am I getting more & more busy instead?! Not even a chance to log into forum~~ *tears*
Isetan Sale

Thermal Magic Cooker
1. Liyun
2. Clover

500ml Endo Food Jar $12
1. Clover

Endo Thermal Flask
1. CLover

Ps do me a favour for those who wants me to get things for you for the Isetan Sale. Indicate clearly wat size n price you wan so that I will not buy wrongly. If really bought wrongly, you have to change it on your own hor.

Ps transfer the amount into my POSB saving account 130-54757-5 to confirm your purchase.

Another thing, ps collect your items from me within a week or as soon as possible. Failing to do so will consider contribution to YT's Foundation. Heeee....

Thanks for your co-operation.

dunno wat is call stable or not but I know my boy can stand n walk with the aid furniture around la.

the one I enquire is d mickey n minnie @ the first two design. u all may think it's jus normal agar agar but no. I dun think it's easy to make. it is in layers n u gt to wait till one layer harden b4 u add another layer. anyway u ladies decide bah.

fyi I gt d jumbo Mickey for andrae's bb shower...
Clover n YT,
hahah so cute and funny. Seems like many r already learning to crawl n stand

Yes, my ger too. She onli seems to call mama when she' distressed and prefer to call bababa. More like scolding me when she is distressed, that' waat i told hb hahaha

Shevon' feeding schedule
Morning - Latch
Lunch - 2tbs cereal + 1-2oz fruit puree
Tea - 1-2oz fruit puree + latch
Dinner - Latch/Veg puree/porridge (just started yesterday,too watery, she dun like)
B4 slp - Latch
Midnite - Latch (once/twice)

Im trying to slowly intro fm to shevon but she dun seem to like nestle nan fm/ i din persist a few days in a row to get her to be used to fm feed at nite like 1 to 2 oz. Any milk recommendation that is nicer/sweeter n helps in poo. How is enfapro/lac fm? Mummies care to share?
hey my gal oso only call "mama" at nite when she woke up distressed leh!! mayb all our kiddos really noe the meaning of "mama"?? haha. like this at least more encouraging when we sacrifice our "beauty sleep" hor :p
The agar2 are so cute..I like all...
But if i got to choose, I prefer baby pan 1 or baby pan 2. Very adorable!

Tristan looking very happy with himself for being able to stand!! This one is we help him up one but he's been trying very very hard to stand up on his own by holding on to the bed rails....we had to lower the cot in case he climbs out!
I have intro one night feed of FM to lele, i give her similac, she is ok and poo also ok. My boy used to take enfapro also not bad. But i think really depends on baby, u may have to trial and error cos i heard nan is the closet to breastmilk.

I agree that the agar agar needs a lot of work and personally i like it a lot, not very sweet, i ordered everytime for birthday celebration. They failed me once during zac first birthday, the cake arrived after most of guests have left. so ever since, i will call to remind and confirm the order a week before and a day before.

that is a good shot! he must be super happy with his new acquired skill!
Wow~ So many babies can stand with support liao~ My boy just learn how to crawl only... Last night he saw something under my coffee table and try to crawl in to take... In the end he hit his head against the egde of the table... I see le so heart pain...
shirley -
yah i think he's very pleased with himself...last night he kept trying to stand and balance with one hand...the other hand scratch tummy....me and hb so scared he fall....both stand by going to catch him if he "buay balance"! haha!
Gave Zayed a heinz rusk today and realised he eats it better and less messier than the Nestle Rusk.I think the narrow shape helps.

Last week may baby got his first tooth and he was also able to stand with support. He does try to stand without support though. Keep on hitting his head. And when I scold the floor for hitting him, he stops crying and 'scolds' with me. hehe..violent boy. Mummy also teaching wrong values. lol!
yasmin, i same as u la.. everytime he fall n knock against any furniture, i'll beat the furniture. then he'll also beat the furniture wif me + some scoldings.
if mummies have decided to order agar agar cake, must make sure there is someone responsible to call n remind them lor if not later no cake to celebrate. heheheheh
hit n scold furniture
My in law used to do that and i get very paranoid with tat behaviour. I dun wan my kids to end up everytme things goes wrong will end up hitting.. thus i do the opposite. When he/she hit the furniture i would ask him/her to sayang the furniture.. If he/she hit the floor i would tell him/her tat in order to feel better, must sayang the floor... weird mummy right? hahaha
My mum also does the same as your in law. I totally disagreed with that too. For me the furniture doesn't do anything, they can't be blamed for anything. I always explained to Francis - it's not table or things to be blamed when he knocked his head. He's the one whom need to becareful next time.
must change the habit for blaming other things when the children get hurt.
or else, when things go wrong in the future,
the child will always think that it is someone's else's fault and become very defensive, even though sometime it is really his fault. I have seen many of such kids in school. Please change the old school of thoughts. It is really inculcating the wrong values in our children, even though many of us were taught so by our parents, including my mum.
Hitting furniture
Same thoughts!! I will tell kim since she knock herself it's her fault. Stand up and dun cry. So whenever she fall or knock, she just stand up.
Both of them still not feeling well.. My pocket hole getting bigger liao.. Headache ah..

Agar agar
Yes the agar agar is alot work n the layers are tightly together. Frankly speaking my in laws n family likes it but seeing the review, standard seems to drop already leh.. Last mth I eaten
At my ex col daughte birthday. It doest taste as good n her family doesn't like.
sorry to interupt:

Hi mummies,

i got the following for sale:

400gm Nan Pro 1 (expiry 2010)
400gm Nan Pro 2 (expiry 2010)
400gm Nan HA 1 (expiry 2009)
400gm Nan HA2 (expiry 2009)
400gm Enfalac (expiry 2009)
900gm Enfalac (expiry 2010)

please pm me for detail..

Hitting furniture
I think this is a way to divert their attention, but I agree that it's a bad value to pass to your child... The child may think that hitting is fun and will do that other ppl next time.. I will normally laugh it off if it's not too serious... If it is, then the whole family will be busy attending to the baby, that makes it no time to hit the furniture also.. Kekex~

I think laughing it off should be quite ok bahx, cos baby saw u laughing so they wont cry.. Then u just need to go hug them and 'sayang' them then everything alright liao...

But my sis thinks that I'm crazy.. Still can laugh when my boy hit against the furniture...
